Verified Compatibility With Third-Party Data Tools

Devart ODBC Drivers are reliable and high-performance tools for connecting to popular databases and cloud services from ODBC compatible tools: database management, analytics and reporting, programming languages, and IDEs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Data Connectors

Using ODBC Drivers in Adobe ColdFusion
Adobe ColdFusion
Using ODBC Drivers in Alteryx
Using ODBC Drivers in Aqua Data Studio
Aqua Data Studio
Using ODBC Drivers in C++Builder
Using ODBC Drivers in SAP Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports
Using ODBC Drivers in DBArtisan
Using ODBC Drivers in DBeaver
Using ODBC Drivers in DBxtra
Using ODBC Drivers in for Delphi
Using ODBC Drivers in Denodo
Using ODBC Drivers in Domo
Using ODBC Drivers in Dundas BI
Dundas BI
Using ODBC Drivers in EMS SQL Manager
EMS SQL Manager
Using ODBC Drivers in FICO Xpress Mosel
FICO Xpress Mosel
Using ODBC Drivers in FileMaker
Using ODBC Drivers in IBM SPSS Statistics
IBM SPSS Statistics
Using ODBC Drivers in Informatica Cloud
Informatica Cloud
Using ODBC Drivers in JMP
Using ODBC Drivers in Lazarus
Using ODBC Drivers in MATLAB
Using ODBC Drivers in MicroStrategy
Using ODBC Drivers in Node.js
Using ODBC Drivers in Omnis Studio
Omnis Studio
Using ODBC Drivers in Oracle Business Intelligence
Oracle Business Intelligence
Using ODBC Drivers in PowerBASIC
Using ODBC Drivers in PowerBuilder
Using ODBC Drivers in Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense
Using ODBC Drivers in RazorSQL
Using ODBC Drivers in RAD Studio
RAD Studio
Using ODBC Drivers in RStudio
Using ODBC Drivers in Sisense
Using ODBC Drivers in StarOffice
Using ODBC Drivers in TARGIT
 Using ODBC Drivers in TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire
Using ODBC Drivers in Adobe ColdFusion
Adobe ColdFusion
Using ODBC Drivers in C++Builder
Using ODBC Drivers in for Delphi
Using ODBC Drivers in FileMaker
Using ODBC Drivers in Lazarus
Using ODBC Drivers in Node.js
Using ODBC Drivers in Omnis Studio
Omnis Studio
Using ODBC Drivers in PowerBASIC
Using ODBC Drivers in PowerBuilder
Using ODBC Drivers in RAD Studio
RAD Studio
Using ODBC Drivers in Alteryx
Using ODBC Drivers in SAP Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports
Using ODBC Drivers in DBxtra
Using ODBC Drivers in Denodo
Using ODBC Drivers in Domo
Using ODBC Drivers in Dundas BI
Dundas BI
Using ODBC Drivers in FICO Xpress Mosel
FICO Xpress Mosel
Using ODBC Drivers in IBM SPSS Statistics
IBM SPSS Statistics
Using ODBC Drivers in JMP
Using ODBC Drivers in MATLAB
Using ODBC Drivers in MicroStrategy
Using ODBC Drivers in Oracle Business Intelligence
Oracle Business Intelligence
Using ODBC Drivers in Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense
Using ODBC Drivers in RStudio
Using ODBC Drivers in Sisense
Using ODBC Drivers in TARGIT
Using ODBC Drivers in TIBCO Spotfire
TIBCO Spotfire

Key Features

ANSI SQL-92 standard support for cloud services

Devart ODBC drivers address one of the major challenges of retrieving data from email marketing, CRM, accounting, and other cloud applications - their lack of adequate API support for standard SQL commands. Our drivers solve that problem.

Secure connection

Devart ODBC drivers support TLS/SSL, SSH, and HTTPS tunneling to protect data as it flows between a remote server and a third-party tool over the internet. With tunneling, you can rest assured that your communication is secure.

SQL data type mapping

Full support and mapping of data source specific SQL data types to the standard ODBC data types. Access various data sources from third-party tools through a unified interface with exceptional speed. You can create custom mappings between data source fields and ODBC data types.

Direct mode

Native, direct connection to traditional databases, such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more. No need to use client libraries with the ODBC driver to retrieve your data from these databases. A direct connection significantly increases the speed of data transmission.

Why choose Devart ODBC drivers?

Easy deployment and Нigh performance

High Performance

Devart drivers provide efficient, high-performance access to SQL and NoSQL databases. They use fewer CPU cycles and less RAM to process the same amount of data in a given time period, compared to other drivers. To access cloud data, our drivers leverage real-time data caching and execute queries using the embedded SQL engine.

Cost-effective Deployment

Cost-Effective Deployment

Our ODBC driver is a standalone installation file that doesn't require the user to deploy and configure any additional software such as a database client or a vendor library. Deployment costs are reduced drastically, especially when using the silent install method with an OEM license in large organizations that have hundreds of machines.

Regular feature update rollouts and timely bug fixes

Secure Connection

When establishing an ODBC connection to the server, it is important to securely exchange data. Our ODBC drivers support encrypted connections using SSL and SSH data encryption, as well as HTTPS tunneling.

Strict compliance with Microsoft ODBC 3.51 Specification

Platforms Variety

Our ODBC drivers can be installed and used on the most popular development platforms: Windows, macOS and Linux. You can access databases using any 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC applications on any supported platform without additional configurations.

Fully Unicode Driver

Fully Unicode-Compliant Drivers

With our fully Unicode-compliant drivers, you can properly retrieve and modify any data in multilingual databases, regardless of their character set: Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Chinese, etc., and in any language environment.

All major versions of data stores are supported

Full Data Types Support

Our ODBC drivers support all the data types, which may be mapped to ODBC data types. Besides, our drivers have additional options to control data type mapping, which allows customizing the correspondence between database and ODBC data types.

Trusted by the World's Largest Organizations

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