Universal ADO.NET Data Provider

dotConnect Universal provides complete access to major database servers, including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, InterBase, and Firebird. Connections to other servers can be established via their ADO.NET, OLE DB, and ODBC providers.

The tool supports high-performance data operations and easy integration with various development environments. It utilizes efficient algorithms and optimized connection pooling to handle large-scale operations without compromising on speed. dotConnect Universal boosts your productivity and helps make sure that your applications interact with databases in the most effective and scalable way.

  • One codebase for all your database connection needs
  • Full compliance with ADO.NET
  • UniSQL for writing server-independent queries
  • Compatibility with various .NET platforms, including ASP.NET
  • Integration with Visual Studio features, such as Server Explorer
  • Design-time extensions and wizards
  • Native data types classes and structures

dotConnect Universal Architecture

Core ADO.NET classes

dotConnect Universal uses a number of standard ADO.NET classes. Here is the list of those classes and brief descriptions of what they do:

  • UniConnection
    Establishes a connection to a database server and initiates a transaction.
  • UniCommand
    Executes SQL statements and stored procedures in a database and exposes parameters.
  • UniDataReader
    Provides access to and reads a forward-only stream of data from a database.
  • UniDataAdapter
    Populates a DataSet and synchronizes updates with a database.
  • UniParameter
    Defines input, output, and return value parameters for commands and stored procedures.
  • UniException
    Returned when a database error occurs.
  • UniTransaction
    Manages database transactions.

Extra ADO.NET classes

In addition to the core classes, we have implemented a few extra ones that extend the functionality of dotConnect Universal. They are as follows:

  • UniConnectionStringBuilder
    Constructs a connection string by assigning values to appropriate properties.
  • UniMonitor
    Tracks dynamic SQL execution in applications that use dotConnect Universal.
  • UniProvider
    Represents a custom ADO.NET data provider that can be used with dotConnect Universal.
  • UniScript
    Executes a series of SQL statements separated by special symbols.
  • UniCommandBuilder
    Automatically generates command properties for UniDataAdapter and populates the UniParameter collection of UniCommand objects.

Access to Multiple Databases With the Same Code

Since dotConnect Universal provides access to multiple database servers with the same code, it eliminates the need for writing conditional code for different providers or using ADO.NET interfaces directly.

  • Easy connection without additional сlients*
  • Support for native ADO.NET providers
  • Robust security with advanced encryption and authentication features
  • Flexible connectivity options for diverse operational environments
  • Cost-effective deployment

* Please note that to get started, you will need third-party clients/drivers for SQL Server, DB2, Microsoft Access, InterBase, and Firebird.

Leading companies choose dotConnect

Wells fargo
Thermo fisher
Northrop grumman
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
XPO Logistics, Inc.

Supported database

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