.NET ORM Solutions and Tools

Devart offers various products to facilitate your ORM development and make it more productive. The list of .NET ORM-related products includes ADO.NET providers for popular databases and cloud applications with advanced ORM support, visual ORM model designer and code generation tool, LINQ debugger and ORM profiler Visual Studio add-in, and Devart's own ORM solution.

Entity Developer

A visual ORM model designer and code generation tool for Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core, NHibernate, LINQ to SQL, and Telerik Data Access.

Key Features
  • Model-First and Database-First support
  • Powerful model refactoring
  • Visual editors for any mapping
  • Mapping CRUD to stored routines
  • Seamless Visual Studio integration
  • Update model from database
  • Update database from model
  • T4 template-based code generation
  • Wide choice of templates
  • Custom templates support


A line of high-performance ADO.NET providers with advanced ORM support, a number of data-source -specific features, and SQL support for cloud apps.

For databases:
  • EF, EF Core, NHibernate, and LinqConnect support
  • Database-specific features support
  • Fast data loading
  • Design-time features and tools
  • DDEX
For cloud apps:
  • EF and EF Core support
  • Advanced SQL support
  • Fast data loading
  • DDEX

LINQ Insight

A powerful Visual Studio add-in for design-time LINQ query execution and profiling of ORM calls and data access events.

LINQ Execution:
  • No need to modify project
  • Run LINQ at design-time
  • View query SQL and data
  • Automatic connection string detection
  • Data filtering, grouping, and editing
ORM Profiling:
  • No need to modify project
  • True LINQ and SaveChanges profiling
  • View call and object hierarchy
  • View info, summarized by queries
  • Different ORMs supported


A fast and easy to use LINQ to SQL-compatible ORM solution, having its own advanced features and supporting more databases and platforms.

Key Features:
  • Support for different .NET platforms
  • High performance
  • Visual ORM designer included
  • Wide mapping support
  • Advanced LINQ support
Supported Databases:
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite

Supported ORM Frameworks for .NET

Entity Frame­work
Entity Framework Core
Telerik Data Access

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