How to import JSON to MySQL or MariaDB

Importing data from various sources is a crucial aspect of working with databases, especially when it's required to keep and analyze information retrieved from NoSQL systems like MongoDB or other analytical tools in JSON. Many storage systems employ this text format for its flexibility and ease of use.

Transferring JSON data into MySQL is an essential operation as it enables the utilization of the relational database capabilities. There are different tools and methods for it, including GUI interfaces, scripts, and specialized software solutions that help quickly import this information.

Advantages of using a GUI tool for JSON to MySQL data import

Importing data from JSON into MySQL with the help of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) offers the following benefits:

  • User-friendly experience: GUIs are designed with intuitive interfaces and clear graphical elements to navigate them quickly.
  • Mapping and configuration: It's possible to match JSON fields to corresponding database columns in GUIs visually. Thus, you can manage data transformations and verify accurate imports.
  • Reduced complexity: In GUIs, you do not need to write SQL queries or scripts for data import manually. This simplification streamlines the process and reduces errors.
  • Validation: GUI tools include built-in checks and error-handling mechanisms that detect inconsistencies or format issues in JSON data before importing.
  • Monitoring and reporting: GUIs typically offer to track the import process in real-time. Additionally, they can generate reports or logs where you can check the status information.
  • Accessibility across platforms: GUIs often run on various operating systems. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users import JSON data into MySQL regardless of their OS preferences.
  • Integration with other tools: Some GUIs are compatible with other data management instruments, facilitating a more unified workflow.

JSON to MySQL made easy: A detailed how-to guide

We'll demonstrate to you how to import the film_text table into the sakila database.

1. Connect to the server you want to import data and navigate to Database > Tasks > Import Data.

Import data

2. On the Source file page, select JSON, specify the location of the file with data, and click Next.

Select a file

3. If you want data to be imported to a new table, select New table and provide a name for it. To import data to an existing table, select Existing table and choose the desired one. After that, click Next.

Create a new table

4. On the Options page, specify the encoding system and click Next.

Encoding system

5. On the Data formats page, specify data formats for the Source data and click Next.

Data formats page

6. On the Mapping page, map the Source columns to the Target ones. If you are importing the data into a new table, dbForge Studio will automatically create and map all the columns. If you are importing into an existing table, only columns with the same names will be mapped, the rest should be mapped manually. (If no columns with the same name are found, they are mapped in succession - the 1st column in Source with the 1st column in Target, etc.)

See the Target columns at the top and the Source columns at the bottom of the wizard page. Click Source column fields and select the required columns from the drop-down list.

To cancel mapping of all the columns, click Clear Mappings on the toolbar. To restore it, click Fill Mapping.

7. On the Modes page, set an import mode to define how dbForge Studio should import the data and clickNext.

Set a mode

8. On the Output page, choose the desired output option to manage the data import script and click Next.

Output page

9. On the Errors handling page, specify how dbForge Studio should handle errors during import and whether you want to get a log file with details about the import session. Click Import and see the import progress. dbForge Studio will notify you whether the import was completed successfully or failed.

Click Import

10. To finish the import process and close the wizard, click Finish.

Click Finish

You can save the import settings as a template for future use. Click Save Template on any wizard page to save the selected settings. Next time, you should choose only a template and specify a location of the Source data - all the settings will be already set.

11. Check the imported table in the Database Explorer.

Check the imported table

Resolve JSON to MySQL import errors: Tips and tricks

You may face different issues while importing JSON into a MySQL database. Let's review the most common ones.

JSON format errors

Incorrect syntax or improper structuring of a JSON file can cause troubles during import. For example, misplaced commas, quotes, or non-compliance with JSON standards may result in unsuccessful import attempts.

Mismatch of data types

Differences in data types between JSON and MySQL can lead to issues. For instance, when the data type in JSON does not match the data type in the corresponding column of a MySQL database.

Problems with character encoding

Incompatibility of character encoding between a JSON file and MySQL can lead to data loss or incorrect display of characters.

Large file handling

Importing large JSON files may cause memory overload or strain on system resources, and, as a result, there will be performance issues or even import failure.

Key constraints and duplicates

When imported data contains key replicas, the import process will be complicated because of key constraints within a MySQL database.

Missing or extra information

If a JSON file lacks the required fields for import or contains additional records, it can cause issues with data accuracy after import.

Authorization problems

Insufficient file or database access rights can affect successful import. For example, limited permissions for writing in tables of a database.

To resolve these issues, you should analyze data analysis before importing and prepare JSON files with specialized tools for data conversion and validation.

Import other formats into MySQL

CSV Format
XLS Format
TXT Format
XML Format
SQL Format
TXT Format

dbForge Studio for MySQL

Your ultimate IDE for MySQL development and administration