Using NetSuite data access provider with UniDAC in Delphi

This article provides a brief overview of the NetSuite cloud provider for UniDAC used to access NetSuite from Delphi and Lazarus. You will find the description of some useful features and how to get started quickly.


Main features of NetSuite cloud provider are:

The full list of Cloud provider features can be found on the UniDAC features page.

Both Professional and Standard Editions of UniDAC include the NetSuite cloud provider.


NetSuite cloud provider supports NetSuite data types and API.


Applications that use the NetSuite cloud provider require Devart ODBC Driver for NetSuite to be installed on the client computer. The driver is sold and distributed separately from UniDAC.


When an application was built without runtime packages (Link with runtime packages set to False in Project Options), you do not need to deploy any BPL files with it. For more information, see Deployment.
Note that UniDAC Trial requires deployment of additional BPL files regardless of Link with runtime packages.

Connecting to NetSuite

To connect to NetSuite using Devart ODBC Driver, you should configure the driver and set up a DSN. In the TUniConnection component, specify the following parameters:

For more information on how to obtain an AccountID and ApplicationID, see the article.

If using token-based authentication, you need to specify the following parameters in the TUniConnection component:

For more information on how to set up the token-based authentication, see the article.

NetSuite-specific options

Though UniDAC is components that provide a unified interface to work with various cloud services, it also lets you tune behaviour for each cloud individually. For thin setup of a certain cloud, UniDAC provides specific options. These options can be applied to such components as TUniConnection, TUniQuery, TUniTable, TUniStoredProc, TUniSQL, TUniScript via their SpecificOptions property. SpecificOptions is a sting list.

Below you will find the description of allowed options grouped by components.


Option name Description
AccountID Used together with User ID and Password fields to authenticate to NetSuite.
ApplicationID Used for authentication as well as User ID, Password and Acccount ID.
AuthenticationType The authentication type to use when connecting to NetSuite.
The token-based authentication.
Regular authentication.
The OAuth 2.0 authentication.
The default value is atTokenBased.
CacheMetadata Allows caching and storing metadata in a temporary database. The option settings specify the frequency of resetting cached metadata ranging from 1 hour to 1 month.
The metadata caching is disabled.
Cached metadata is reset once per hour.
Cached metadata is reset once a day (i.e. every 24 hours).
Cached metadata is reset once per month.
Metadata caching won't reset until the driver is unloaded.
ConnectionTimeout The time to wait for a connection to open before raising an exception.
ConsumerKey Consumer Key and Consumer Secret keys are private keys generated when you create an app in your NetSuite account in the Setup > Integration > Integration Management > Manage Integrations > New tab. Check the Token-based Authentication box to get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
CustomFields Allows accessing custom table fields.
CustomTables Allows accessing a custom table.
RoleID Use the option to specify your NetSuite Role ID.
Sandbox Allows connecting to Sandbox instead of Production data.
TokenId Use the option to specify your NetSuite Token ID.
TokenSecret Use the option to specify your NetSuite Token Secret.
UseUnicode Enables or disables Unicode support. Affects character data fetched from the server. When set to True, all character data is stored as WideStrings, and TStringField is replaced by TWideStringFiled.
UTCDates Use the UTCDates option to return the datetime values from the data source as UTC values.

Proxy connection options

Option name Description
ProxyPassword If Proxy User authorization is used, specify Proxy user password in this option.
ProxyPort Specify the Proxy port here. You can learn Proxy Port in the same way as described above for the host.

If you are using Proxy for connection to your network, specify the Proxy server address in this option.

To learn your Proxy server address, open Control Panel->Internet Options->Connections->LAN settings.

ProxyUser If Proxy User authorization is used, specify Proxy user name (ID) in this option.


Option name Description
CommandTimeout The time to wait for a statement to be executed.

TUniQuery, TUniTable, TUniStoredProc

Option name Description
CommandTimeout The time to wait for a statement to be executed.
ExtendedFieldsInfo If True, an additional query is performed to get information about the returned fields and tables they belong to. The default value is False.

If True, all records of a query are requested from database server when the dataset is being opened.

If False, records are retrieved when a data-aware component or a program requests it. The default value is False.

FieldsAsString If set to True, all non-BLOB fields are handled as strings. The default value is False.
UnknownAsString If set to True, all NetSuite data types that are fetched as text and don't have the size limit, are mapped to TStringField with the default size 8192 bytes. If False (default value), such types are mapped to TMemoField. The TEXT data type is always mapped to TMemoField regardless of the value of this option.


The TUniScript component has no NetSuite-specific options.


The TUniLoader component has no NetSuite-specific options.


The TUniDump component has no NetSuite-specific options.

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