dotConnect for Salesforce History
This page lists the functionality added in each version of dotConnect for Salesforce. To view the full changelog including bug fixes, consult the dotConnect for Salesforce revision history.
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 5.3
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- .NET 9.0 compatibility
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.13 Preview
- Supported Entity Framework Core 9.0
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 5.2
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12 Preview
- Fixed an issue with integration in Visual Studio 2015 and earlier versions
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 Preview
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.10
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.35
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.6
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 7 to version 7.0.20
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.31
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.5
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 7 to version 7.0.19
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.30
- Fixed an issue where the Update From Database Wizard reset navigation property names in EF Core models/li>
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 5.1
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- .NET 8 compatibility
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9 Preview is supported
- The error message in runtime is improved: the SQL statement is included now into error text when SQL parsing fails during command execution
- EF Core 5, EF Core 6, and EF Core 7 are supported
- The NuGet package 'Devart.Data.Salesforce.EFCore' with .NET Core compliant assemblies is uploaded to
- Entity Framework Core 8.0.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 7.0.14 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.25 is supported
- EF Core 8 is added to the list of available Entity Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF Core Model
- .NET 8 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF and EF Core models
- The new extended property Do Not Generate OnConfiguring Method is added for the model in EF Core Model
- The hang of Visual Studio 2022 when saving the model is fixed
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 5.0
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- .NET Core is supported
- .NET 5, .NET 6, and .NET 7 compatibility
- The NuGet package 'Devart.Data.Salesforce' with .NET Core compliant assemblies is uploaded to
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8 Preview is supported
- The issue that prevented a new document from uploading via ContentVersion object is fixed
- EF Core 5, EF Core 6, and EF Core 7 are supported
- The NuGet package 'Devart.Data.Salesforce.EFCore' with .NET Core compliant assemblies is uploaded to
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 4.1
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Preview is supported
- Salesforce Web Services API version 56.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.25 is supported.
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 4.0
The current build is 5.3.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Windows 11 is supported.
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 is supported.
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3 Preview is supported.
- 64-bit version of standalone Entity Developer application is added.
- 64-bit version of console Entity Developer application is added.
Entity Developer:
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.5
- The behavior is changed: turning off the "Save connection to" option in Model Settings of EF Core Model wipes out connection string literal from the generated code
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 Preview 2.0 is supported
- The SendCallStack property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to turn off resource-demanding logging of CallStack
- The Filter property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to choose events being logged
- The Devart.Common.DbMonitor class is improved: now values of the DateTime parameters sent to the dbMonitor tool are supplemented with milliseconds
- The error processing when SalesforceLoader fails is improved: the inner exception of SalesforceLoaderException is supplemented with additional information
- The new command line option/disablegac that disables adding assemblies to GAC is added
- Salesforce Web Services API version 51 is supported
- The new "Preserve Names" connection parameter is added, which allows keeping the original names of custom objects and fields and not cutting off the suffix '__c' from these names
- Command-line interface is implemented in a standalone Entity Developer
- The new property Context Name is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The new property Target Framework is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The new property Collection Property Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used as a property type for the Many end of associations
- The new property Collection Initialization Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used for initialization of the Many end of association; if it is set to None, then no initialization is generated
- The new property "Nullable Reference Types" is added to C# templates of EF, EF Core models to specify whether C# 8 nullable reference types and non-nullable reference types must be generated
- The new partial method is added to the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method generated by DbContext template of EF model
- The DbProviderFactories registration is implemented in Create Model Wizard for EF6 models and .NET Framework provider assemblies
- The new property Target Framework is added to Create Model Wizard and Model Settings of EF6 models
- The new options "Private setter for store generated properties" and "Constructor parameter" are added to Model Settings in EF Core for controlling visibility of setter for store generated properties
- The new options "Don't show this message again" in the prompt window and "Prompt before generating code when there are model validation warnings" in the menu Options are implemented in a standalone Entity Developer to provide the ability not to stop code generation by warnings
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Default Constructor is added to EF Core Model for model, classes, and complex types
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Mapping is added to EF Core Model for class properties
- The new property Validation Framework is implemented in the Data Transfer Object template for generating DataAnnotations attributes
- The new option "Save connection to" is implemented in Model Settings of EF Core Model to provide the ability to store the connection string in "Model file", "Entity Developer storage", "Environment variable"
- The new option "Enum Output" is added to the EF Core template to specify output for the generated enums
- The new property Generate UnitOfWork Repository Properties (by default, True) is implemented in the Repository and Unit Of Work template of EF Core Model for accessing the collections of entities
- The representation of one-to-one association with non-nullable properties on both ends is changed from 1 -> 1 to 0..1 -> 1 on a diagram in EF Core Model
- The JSON (Newtonsoft.Json, Microsoft.Text.Json) and YAML (YamlDotNet) serializations are supported in EF Core (via EF Core template) and EF6 (via DbContext template)
- The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying the library used for serialization
- The new template property Serialize Original Column Names is added for controlling the appearance of original column names in serialization
- The new template property Serialize Navigation Properties is added for controlling the appearance of navigation properties in serialization
- The new template property Serialize Null Value is added for managing the behavior of nullable properties
- The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
- The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
- The Data Transfer Object template is improved:
- The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying library used for serialization, possible values are Data Contract, JSON (Newtonsoft.Json), JSON (Microsoft.Text.Json), YamlDotNet
- The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
- The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
- The behavior is changed: WCF Data Contract Attributes is set to False by default now
- The following properties are marked as obsolete:
- the Generate Data Contracts property of the EF Core template
- the Do Not Generate Data Contract Attribute extended property of navigation properties in EF Core Model
- the WCF Data Contract Attributes property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
- the WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
- The behavior is changed: the definition of auto-implemented property is put now on the single line with:
- C# DbContext template of Devart Entity Model when ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging=False and ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- C# EF Core template of Devart EF Core Model when PropertyChangeNotifiers=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- The EF Core model deserialization is improved: Entity Developer shows the full list of detected errors and tries to load the model with invalid elements or ignores such elements if their deserialization is not possible
- The behavior is changed: the names of system types are generated without "System." prefix now in EF Core models; for example, it is DateTime instead of System.DateTime
- The behavior is changed: now the EF Core template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True
- The provider registration is improved: requirement to put provider registration entry in the config file is not obligatory anymore
- Create Model Wizard is improved: now it allows installing multiple NuGet packages on the final step
- Model file tree in .NET Core / .NET Standard projects is improved: all generated code files and model files are nested under the same node in Solution Explorer
- The behavior is changed: read-only mapping is generated for all columns with UPDATE and without INSERT permissions in data source
- The error message in console Entity Developer is improved: now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of template was incorrect
- The Model Refactoring functionality is supported for classes in EF Core Model
- The new attribute DisplayName is implemented for model objects' extended properties which are available via template properties
- The new options --ContextNamespace and --DefaultNamespace are added to the Create-Model command of Console Entity Developer
- The new extended model property Base Context Type is added for specifying a parent class for the generated context in EF Core Model
- The new extended properties Base Type for complex types and Base Complex Type for model are implemented in EF Core Model
- The %type name% keyword is supported in the Base Type extended property of entities and complex types, and in Base Complex Type, Base Entity Type, Base Context Type extended model properties for setting generic base type in EF Core Model
- The new hotkey Alt+E is implemented in Property Editor for opening Column Editor in EF Core Model
- Display names of extended properties in EF Core Model are updated: Entity Base is renamed to Base Type in class properties, Entity Base is renamed to Base Entity Type in model properties, Context Base is renamed to Base Context Type in model properties
- The behavior is changed in a standalone Entity Developer: by default the Target Framework model property in EF Core Model is set to .NET 5 instead of .NET Framework
- The behavior is changed in Entity Developer embedded into Visual Studio: lower versions in the EF Core version property of Model Settings are not hidden any more
- C# code generation is improved: the using directives are generated instead of full namespaces in the names of attributes for DataAnnotations, NHibernate Validator, and Enterprise Library validation frameworks
- Code generation is improved: OnModelCreating(modelBuilder) of the base class is invoked now if the Base Context Type property of EF Core Model is initialized
- The new extended property Use Generic DbContextOptions Constructor Argument is added to model properties of EF Core Model
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Constructor With DbContextOptions Argument is added to model properties of EF Core Model
- The model validation is improved: the errors are generated for all entities with QueryType=True in EF Core Model when EF Core version=EF Core 1 in Model Settings
- Entity Framework 6.4 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.4.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.8 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.9 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.10 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.11 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.12 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.13 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.15 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.16 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.17 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.19 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.20 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.21 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.22 is supported
- The EF6 provider registration used with .NET Framework compliant assemblies is improved: the [DbConfigurationType(typeof(SalesforceEntityProviderServicesConfiguration))] attribute set for DbContext descendant allows now calling the DbContext constructor, that accepts a connection string, with no need to register a custom IDbConnectionFactory implementation
- The new \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.EFCore.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
- The config.DmlOptions.InsertNullBehaviour feature with the InsertNull (default) and Omit options is supported in EF Core
- The translation of the DateTime.AddMinutes() method in LINQ query into SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- Deprecated design-time Synchronous API calls are no longer used with Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017
- Salesforce Web Services API version 46 is supported
- The integration with Visual Studio 2019 is improved: now the installation detects both 2019 Release and 2019 Preview versions
- The ability to disable generation of the byte order mark (BOM) in the beginning of code files in a standalone Entity Developer is implemented
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- The Self-Contained Entity Configuration property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The Entities Configuration Output property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The code generation for the class properties with Alternate Key=True by VB.NET version of EF Core template is supported in EF Core model
- The behaviour is changed: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.6 is supported
- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- Salesforce Web Services API version 44 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1 is supported
- Query type support is added: classes now have the Query Type property, and if it is set to true, this class is generated as a query type
- Lazy loading for Entity Framework Core 2.1 is supported:
- Model now has the Use Lazy-Loading Proxies property, which enables lazy loading on the model level
- Navigation properties now have the Lazy property, which enables lazy loading for a specific navigation property
- Properties now have the Constructor Parameter property, for configuring a parameterized constructor of the class
- An additional constructor that accepts DbContextOptions as an argument is added to the DbContext class descendant in the VB.NET version of the DbContext template for EF Core.
- The "Include Environment Variables" property, determining whether context configuration will be extended with environment variables when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used, is added to the EF Core template
- The "Json File Base Path" property, specifying the base path for file-based providers when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used, is added to the EF Core template
- Using an extended property of type OutputInfo is supported
- Code generated for nullable properties is simplified: now T? is generated instead of System.Nullable<T>
- The new Generate GeneratedCode Attributes option (by default, False) is added to the DbContext template in EF4/EF5/EF6 and the EF Core template
- The new Generate Dummy Comments option (by default, False) is added to the DbContext template in EF4/EF5/EF6
- The multiple select functionality in EF Core Model is improved: now it allows setting PrimaryKey, ValueGenerated, Concurrency for several properties simultaneously
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.3 is supported
- The behavior is changed: the default value of config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior is true now in EF Core
- Visual Studio 2017 is supported
- The Readonly connection string parameter is added to allow only reading source data (only SELECT statements)
- Salesforce Web Services API version 40 is supported
- The new "Text Type" property displaying the text type of a column is added to column properties in the Devart Salesforce Source editor
- The new Length property, displaying the string length of a column is added to column properties in the Devart Salesforce Source editor
- The Include Deleted connection string parameter is added to select data from the Recycle Bin as well
- The GetCustomReport procedure call via SalesforceCommand is supported
- The 'UTC Dates' parameter is added to the connection for converting data to UTC format
- The new AssignmentRuleId property is implemented in the SalesforceLoader class and the Devart Salesforce Destination SSIS component
- The ParallelBatchProcessing option is added to the Devart Salesforce Destination component for specifying the mode used for upload: Parallel or Serial
- SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 2017 is supported - SSIS projects only
- The behaviour is changed: empty Client Secret is not sent to the server if not set
- Entity Framework Core 2.0 is supported
- The new Raw SQL Query class property and SQL method property with the corresponding editors are implemented in Entity Framework Core
- The Snake case in both Model and Database naming rules is supported via the new "Add underscore" option
- The Retrieve Data functionality via Model Explorer for EF Core 2 is implemented
- The new "Detect function-based column default value" option is implemented in Model Settings of EF Core model
- The code generation for async method calls is added to the EF Core template
- The usage of long identifiers (up to 140 symbols) for naming model objects is supported
- The ModelNameAsFilesPrefix property is implemented in the RepositoryAndUnitOfWork template
- The code generation for async method calls in the EF Core template is improved
- Support for ASP.NET Core MVC is added to the MVC Controller template
- Support for ASP.NET Core MVC is added to the Data Annotations Metadata template
- The new SQL Type, Size, Precision, Scale options are added to the Parameters tab in Method Editor of EF Core Model
- The new Controller Area extended class property is added to EF Core Model
- The check of conditions for setting optionsBuilder.Use... in the generated OnConfiguring method by the EF Core template is improved
- The process of synchronizing methods and parameters with database stored procedures in EF Core Model is improved
- The behaviour is changed: IsRequired(false / true) for navigation properties is always generated in EF Core fluent mapping now
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.5 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.3 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.2 is supported
- Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is supported in SSIS DataFlow components
- Salesforce Web Services API version 37 is supported
- The 'Do not install assemblies in the GAC' check box that allows disabling placing the provider assemblies to the GAC is added to the Install Wizard
- The update functionality via Retrieve Data window of Server Explorer is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.0 RTM is supported
- The possibility to set values of stored procedure parameters for getting metadata to generate automatically the corresponding complex type is implemented
- The generation of static methods by the EntityObject template is supported via the new property Direct Call of EntityMethod
- The possibility to choose whether to add new entities to a diagram or not in Update From Database Wizard is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: now the DbContext template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True
- The behaviour is changed: the ObservableCollection navigation properties are initialized now in a default class constructor
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.0 is supported
- The Scaffold-DbContext NuGet command of Package Manager Console for generating a model basing on the existing database schema is supported in EF Core
- The SalesforceConventionSetBuilder class is implemented in the Entity Framework Core support
- The DatabaseFacade.GetSalesforceConnection() extension method, which returns SalesforceConnection, is implemented in EF Core
- The new optional parameter Action<SalesforceDbContextOptionsBuilder> is added to UseSalesforce() extension method of DbContextOptionsBuilder in EF Core
- The Run Once Command connection string parameter, which specifies a command to execute when the connection is opened the first time and not executed when the connection is taken from the pool, is added
- The new LoadTable overloads for loading data from a IDataReader, array of rows, or only rows with a specific RowState from a DataTable are added to the SalesforceLoader class
- Entity Framework Core support is added
- The DbProviderFactory provider registration in application's *.config is supported by the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio
- Entity Framework Core RC2 is supported
- Entity Framework-related assemblies are renamed
- Upgrade Wizard is improved for upgrading projects with the Entity Framework functionality
- Visual Studio 2015 is supported
- The performance of Devart components validation in SSIS package is improved
- The behaviour is changed: now refreshing on "Input and Output Properties" tab of the Devart Salesforce Destination component editor sets Input Columns mapping according to External Columns
- The Use ObservableCollection property of the DbContext template is implemented
- Visual Studio 2015 Release Candidate is supported
- Visual Studio 2013 is supported
- The support of OAuth 2.0 is implemented to allow authentication with the Refresh Token, Client ID, and Client Secret parameters
- The SalesforceConnection.GetPicklistColumns(string table_name) method is implemented for getting valid values for the "picklist" field types within specified table
- The SessionId authentication type is implemented to allow authorization with the Session Id (Access Token), Organization Id, and Host connection string parameters
- The possibility to talk to the SYS_PICKLIST_COLUMNS table in the SQL query is implemented
- Salesforce Web Services API version 32 is supported
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence (SSDT-BI) project templates for Analysis Services and Integration Services in Visual Studio 2013 are supported
- SSIS DataFlow Source and Destination components are supported in SSDT-BI for Visual Studio 2013
- The usage of DateTime SOQL functions (except FISCAL_MONTH, FISCAL_QUARTER, FISCAL_YEAR) in SQL-92 statements is supported
- The behaviour is changed: installation with the /VERYSILENT install parameter will uninstall the other version of the provider without any dialog box if it is installed
- The behaviour is changed: IndexOutOfRangeException is generated now instead of InvalidOperationException when SalesforceDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) finds nothing in the result set
- The behaviour is changed: now two consequent single quotes in command text are treated as one single quote character (not as a beginning or an end of a string value)
- The behaviour is changed: the TLS encryption is set to default instead of SSLv3
- The behaviour is changed: the SalesforceMonitor now hides information about the password connection string parameter
- Entity Framework 6 is supported
- The new "Provider Manifest Token" model property is implemented to identify the target server
- The "WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties" property is added to the Data Transfer Object template for pointing the end (-s) where the attribute should be generated
- More information messages, when validating EF6 models basing on the EntityFramework.dll functionality, are added
- The information message about availability of NuGet Package Manager on the workstation is added in the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio
- The override modifier for DbSet class properties generated by DbContext templates is added
- The View Generation option of the model with Entity Framework version = Entity Framework 6 is supported for the DbContext (only with XML mapping), EntityObject, POCO, and Self-Tracking Entities templates
- The possibility to use relative paths to assemblies in code generation templates is implemented
- The Implement Equals property is added to the DbContext, ObjectContext, and POCO Entity templates
- The Remove Invalid Characters option (by default, True) is added to the Model Naming rules; if it is set to False, all invalid characters will be replaced with underscores
- The Enable WinForms Data Binding property of the DbContext template is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The Property Change Partial Methods property of the DbContext template is implemented for generating partial methods On%PropertyName%Changing and On%PropertyName%Changed for each primitive property of entity classes (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: now partial configuration classes are generated when DbContext template is used with Fluent Mapping=True and Mapping Generation Strategy=UseConfigurationClasses options (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: the validation of EF6 models depends on the EntityFramework.dll functionality only (.NET Framework 4.5 is not required any more)
- The behaviour is changed: now paths to assemblies with attributes (Model Settings -> Model -> Attributes) are saved and used as relative paths
- The behaviour is changed: now a property in the generated code is initialized basing on the default value in CSDL only (instead of default values in any of SSDL and CSDL)
- The behaviour is changed: now the default value for the 'File Per Class' option of the DbContext template is True
- The behaviour is changed: Generate Database Script From Model saves the output in ASCII format if there are no unicode symbols in the script; UTF-8 is used otherwise
- The behaviour is changed: now the default values are not set for string properties, that correspond to fields with the default values like expressions
- The 6.0.0 and 6.0.1 versions of Entity Framework are supported
- Entity Framework 6.1.0 RTM is supported
- Entity Framework 6.1.0 Tools for Visual Studio 2012 & 2013 are supported
- The releasing of memory, which was allocated for commands and readers of ObjectContext / DbContext, is improved
- The compatibility of Entity Framework provider for EF v1, v4, v5 with medium trust level environment is improved
- Determining correct datatypes of data retrieved by EntitySQL queries with UNION ALL and similar constructions is improved
- The compatibility with Hibernating Rhinos EntityFramework Profiler is improved
- Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate is supported
- Salesforce Web Services API version 28 is supported
- The BETWEEN construction of SQL-92 is supported
- The IN construction in the WHERE part of SQL-92 statement is supported
- The "Use Assignment Rules" connection string parameter is added
- The possibility of setting proxy connection string parameters via interface of Demo Center application is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: provider's build action is installed on the target workstation, on which .NET Framework is available, without Visual Studio integration
- The behaviour is changed: the keywords of SQL-92 are quoted by Devart Salesforce Source component in SSIS projects
- A new MVC Controller template, generating a ASP.NET MVC controller with data access code, is added
- A new MVC View Advanced template, generating an ASP.NET MVC view based in Twitter Bootstrap, is added
- A new Data Transfer Object template for DTO classes generation is implemented
- A new Data Annotation Metadata template, generating Data Annotation metadata classes and decorating classes and properties with data annotation attributes for validation, presentation and defining metadata, is added
- A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart Entity Framework model is added
- The design time support for model-defined functions is added
- Add Template dialog box is improved
- The Namespace property of class, complex type, enum is implemented
- The Entity Container Namespace properties of the model is implemented
- The support for enums declared in external assemblies is implemented
- The capability for setting special rules for generating default names of database objects when using the Model First approach is implemented (a new Advanced page is added to the Synchronization->Database Naming section of the Model Settings dialog box)
- The capability to customize properties that are automatically added when creating a new entity, and options that are automatically set when creating a new property is added (a new Initialization page is added to the Model->General section of the Model Settings dialog box)
- The Refresh option in the Attributes tab of the Model Settings window is implemented; it updates the list of available attributes types in the referenced assemblies
- The capability to modify custom attributes for several selected entities or properties at the same time is implemented
- Automatic adding of references to Entity Framework specific assemblies when adding a new Devart Entity model to a project is implemented
- The capability to cancel metadata reading in wizards and Database Explorer is added
- New setting "Detect Table Per Type inheritances", which enables automatic detection of TPT inheritances, is added for Create Model Wizard and model
- A new shortcut menu command "Include Related", which allows making a copy of the related objects in the specified diagram, is added
- A new shortcut menu command "Add To Model with Related", which allows adding tables, related to the selected one, to the model, is added to the shortcut menu of tables in Database Explorer
- A new shortcut menu command "Add On Diagram With Related", which allows creating an object and all the objects related to it on a diagram, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, complex types, and enums in Model Explorer
- New "Simple" diagram skin is added for displaying a diagram in metro style
- The "Default Width" diagram property for specifying the default width for newly created diagram shapes (entities, complex types and enums) is added
- The Save and Refresh buttons for persisting and reloading changes to / from a database is added to the Retrieve Data grid
- The "WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties" property is added to the DbContext and POCO templates for pointing the end (-s) where the attribute should be generated
- The "Regenerate Storage and Mapping" option for regenerating model parts, specific to the database server, is added to the diagram shortcut menu
- The "Model Name As Files Prefix" property is implemented for the templates which generate classes for model entities
- The possibility of adding custom attributes to enum members is implemented
- DbContext template is improved: a "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generation of DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added
- DbContext template is improved: "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged" template settings are added
- DbContext template is improved: a new "Mapping Generation Strategy" property that determines the method of mapping generation is implemented
- POCO template is improved: a new "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generating DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added
- POCO template is improved: "Proxy Creation Enabled" setting is implemented
- POCO template is improved: new template settings, "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged", are added
- The "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" option (default value is True) of model settings is added to provide the possibility to turn off modifying connection string in *.config after model is saved first time
- Create Model Wizard is improved: it is now able to download and install the required 'EnityFramework' Nuget package for Entity Framework 6 models, and for models for Entity Framework 4 and 5 in case they use the DbContext template
- The Storage Column Editor dialog box is improved: the possibility to specify different settings that were previously available only in the Properties docking window are implemented
- Class Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- Type Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- Storage Entity Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended columns settings, such as facets, is added
- The "Close the window when the generation completes successfully" option in the Generation Process window is implemented in the standalone Entity Developer
- The behaviour is changed: now, when creating a new TPH discriminator column in Inheritance Editor, it has the string type by default
- The behaviour is changed: the error is generated if the Abstract inheritance modifier is set for the class which is involved in the Table Per Type inheritance
- The behaviour is changed: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of class property without assigned value
- The behaviour is changed: a string default value for the property can be set without quotes in the Properties window
- The behaviour is changed: the validation error is not generated when an abstract class is used in Table Per Type inheritance
- The behaviour is changed: auto-implemented properties are generated when DbContext template is used with ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged=False and ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging=False
- The behaviour is changed: DatabaseGeneratedOption is always generated for EntityKey properties when using fluent mapping
- The behaviour is changed: a default value for the "Detect Table Per Type inheritances" option in Model settings is set to False
- The behaviour is changed: the possibility to exclude the generation of keys (primary, foreign) in "Update Database From Model" and "Generate Database Script From Model " wizards is added
- The behaviour is changed: now by default MVC Controller template generates files in the model folder, MVC View Advanced template creates files in the Views model subfolder
- The behaviour is changed: now connection string is configured with the name of the assembly, where the model is located, in case when the context class is located in another assembly
- Entity Framework 6 Release Candidate 1 is supported
- The GetUpdatedIds and GetDeletedIds methods (Data Replicaton API) of the SalesforceConnection class are implemented
- The GetUserInfo method of the SalesforceConnection class is implemented
- The possibility of setting enum values via predefined dropdown list in the Retrieve Data window is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: warnings about tables/views without primary keys are written to Error List window when generating a model
- The behaviour is changed: the EntityKey attribute is not assigned to each property of the class if there is no primary key in the corresponding table/view
- The behaviour is changed: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of Storage Column without assigned value
- Entity Framework 6 Alpha 3 is supported
- Devart.Data.Salesforce.Entity.dll assembly compiled with EntityFramework.dll 6.0 and NET Framework 4.0 is added
- Model Refactoring feature is implemented; it speeds up creating complex types and Table Per Type and Table Per Concrete Type inheritances from several model entities
- Create Storage and Mapping command, that allows automatically creating of the corresponding storage part object and defining mapping, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, properties, and associations
- Select Storage Object command, that allows quick navigation to the corresponding storage part object, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, properties, associations, and methods
- The possibility to delete the corresponding storage part objects automatically when deleting conceptual model objects is added
- The functionality of ignoring columns in the database in the "Update From Database" wizard if they were omitted once before is implemented
- The Property Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object and the possibility to specify different settings that were previously available only in the Properties docking window are implemented
- The Inheritance Editor dialog is improved: specifying Discriminator column for Table Per Hierarchy inheritance in the editor is implemented
- The Class Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object is implemented
- The Method Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object is implemented
- Warnings about objects that are not mapped are added
- A SHIFT+DELETE keyboard shortcut for deleting entity, complex type, or enum from diagram only is added
- An INSERT keyboard shortcut for creating a new entity, adding property to the selected entity/complex type or new member to enum is added
- The possibility to view notes, added through the "Documentation" property, for all the diagram objects via hints is implemented
- Hints for diagram objects are improved
- The behaviour is changed: Configure Behaviour dialog is renamed to Stored Procedure Mapping; options for hiding inappropriate and mapped stored procedures are added
- The behaviour is changed: Table Editor dialog is renamed to Storage Entity Editor
- The behaviour is changed: Stored Procedure Editor dialog is renamed to Storage Procedure Editor
- SSIS DataFlow Source and Destination components for Salesforce are implemented
- The possibility to set different namespaces for the context and its entities when using the DbContext template is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- Visual Studio 2012 is supported
- The Cache All connection string parameter and the SalesforceConnection.Cache.CreateForAll() method for caching data from all tables is added
- The Default Refresh Interval connection string parameter for setting interval of refreshing data in cache is added
- Support for ADO.NET Entity Framework 5 is added
- Predefined template for generating Repositories and Unit of Work classes is added
- Integration with Visual Studio refactoring for renaming model objects is implemented
- The "Use Database Comments" option of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether comments for database objects, if supported by DBMS, will be used for model objects Documentation initialization and taken into account when executing model or database update operations
- The "Implement IClonable" option for the generated classes based on the model entities is added to all templates
- ADO.NET Entity Framework 5 is supported
- Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate is supported
- The Initialization Command connection string parameter is implemented
- SOAP Header Options are supported
- Salesforce Bulk API is supported
- The Upgrade Cache connection string parameter for upgrading cache data in user's AppData\Roaming folder is implemented
- The SalesforceCommand.QueryAll property for retrieving deleted records as well is implemented
- The standard interface (without the 'SYS_' prefix and with specifying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema) when working with metadata tables is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the 'sender' parameter in MonitorEventHandler is a connection and the MonitorEventArgs.ExtraInfo property is filled with the connection string
- The possibility to unload assemblies from the main application domain by using separate application domain is implemented
- The possibility to disable such Database First Settings as type mapping rules is implemented
- The design time copy/cut/paste functionality for enum members is added
- The sticker notes for adding comments to diagrams are implemented
- The possibility to add a stamp, specifying diagram author, company, version, copyrights, project name, and date, to a diagram is implemented
- New Collapse All and Expand All menu commands for collapsing and expanding diagram shapes are added
- The "Pluralize collection navigation properties" option for the possibility to turn off the pluralization of the many-end names of associations is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: context menu commands for working with diagram are grouped to the Diagram submenu of the context menu
- The behaviour is changed: the possibility to change diagram shape color via the corresponding Shape -> Color context menu command is added
- The behaviour is changed: when pasting a copied entity to a new diagram, a new entity is not created, the existing entity is added to this diagram
- The behaviour is changed: when cutting an entity from the diagram, the entity is not cut from the model, only from the diagram
- The behaviour is changed: "Update Model From Database" wizard places newly added properties to the base abstract class now instead of putting them into child classes (where the mapping is)
- The config.DmlOptions.InsertNullBehaviour feature with the InsertNull (default) and Omit options is implemented
- Visual Studio 11 Beta is supported
- Salesforce Web Services API version 24 are supported
- The INSERT statement with RETURNING clause support is added
- The handling of empty options in the connection string is improved
- The copy/cut/paste functionality is added for objects of the conceptual part of a model
- The possibility to drag&drop properties between classes in Model Explorer is implemented
- The "HeaderTimestampVersionControlTag" generation template option is added for improving integration with version-control systems
- The multiline popup editor for the Documentation.Summary property is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the Migrate option is added to the context menu of property in Model Explorer
- The behaviour is changed: entities and enums on the designer surface are more resizable now
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.4
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.3
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.2
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.1
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 3.0
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.5
New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.4
04-April-13 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.3
17-January-13 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.2
20-December-12 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.1
01-November-12 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 2.0
06-September-12 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 1.3
22-May-12 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 1.2
15-Mar-12 New features in dotConnect for Salesforce 1.1
19-Jan-12 First Release of dotConnect for Salesforce 1.0