dotConnect for Oracle History
This page lists the functionality added in each version of dotConnect for Oracle. To view the full changelog including bug fixes, consult the dotConnect for Oracle revision history.
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 10.4
The current build is 10.4.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- .NET 9.0 compatibility
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.13 Preview
- Supported Entity Framework Core 9.0
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 10.3
The current build is 10.4.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12 Preview
- Fixed an issue with integration in Visual Studio 2015 and earlier versions
- Fixed the DataSet Wizard crash in Visual Studio 2022
- Fixed an issue with the Oracle Object Wizard in Visual Studio 2022
- Resolved an issue with connecting to Oracle 19 and higher in Direct mode when using Oracle Encryption or Oracle Data Integrity
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.6
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 7 to version 7.0.20
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.31
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 Preview
- Added the GetAuditActionBanner() and GetUnauthorizedAccessBanner() methods to the OracleConnection class
- Fixed an issue with passing a negative year number in OracleTimeStamp
- Fixed an issue where an incorrect comma was added before LEFT OUTER JOIN with OracleSelectStatement
- Fixed an issue with OracleSelectStatement that caused an exception after adding a WHERE condition and converting to ToString()
- .NET 8 compatibility
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9 Preview is supported
- Added support for connect to servers with enabled Security Banners in the Direct mode
- The error in the string representation of the OracleSelectStatement containing a JOIN has been fixed
- The functionality of the OracleConnection.ChangePassword() method in the Direct mode has been corrected to enable the modification of expired passwords
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.10
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.35
- Fixed an issue with incorrect conversion of single-element enum arrays in EF Core LINQ queries
- Resolved an issue causing an ORA-00920 error when generated SQL included duplicate WHEN CASE clauses in EF Core 8
- Resolved an issue with type mappings that occurred when config.CodeFirstOptions.UseNonLobStrings=true in EF Core 2.1 and later versions
- Resolved search query issues with geometry objects containing points in EF Core
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.6
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 7 to version 7.0.20
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.31
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 8 to version 8.0.5
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 7 to version 7.0.19
- Updated support for Entity Framework Core 6 to version 6.0.30
- Entity Framework Core 8.0.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 7.0.14 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.25 is supported
- Fixed an issue where the Update From Database Wizard reset navigation property names in EF Core models
- Resolved an issue with saving 'Version=Original' in the Stored Procedure Mapping menu for LinqConnect model
- EF Core 8 is added to the list of available Entity Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF Core Model
- .NET 8 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF, EF Core, and LinqConnect models
- The new extended property Do Not Generate OnConfiguring Method is added for the model in EF Core Model
- .NET 8 compatibility
Entity Framework:
Entity Developer:
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 10.2
The current build is 10.4.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Oracle 23c is supported
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8 Preview is supported
- The error during installation on the 32-bit version of Windows has been fixed
- Entity Framework Core 7.0.10 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.21 is supported
- The behavior is changed: no additional connection is opened to the database before the first query in EF Core when config.Workarounds.ProviderManifestToken is set explicitly
Entity Framework:
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 10.1
The current build is 10.4.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Preview is supported
- .NET 7 compatibility
- Entity Framework Core 7.0.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.13 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.32 is supported
Entity Framework:
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 10.0
- .NET 6 compatibility.
- macOS 11 Arm64 (or "Apple Silicon" or "Apple M1") support.
- Windows 11 is supported.
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 is supported.
- Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3 Preview is supported.
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.5 is supported.
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.17 is supported.
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.25 is supported.
- 64-bit version of standalone Entity Developer application is added.
- 64-bit version of console Entity Developer application is added.
Entity Framework:
Entity Developer:
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.16
The current build is 10.4.193 from 11-Feb-2025
- The behavior is changed: turning off the "Save connection to" option in Model Settings of EF Core Model wipes out connection string literal from the generated code
- The SQL translation of the following class members used in LINQ query is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6
- static method IsNullOrWhiteSpace() of the String class
- static property Today and instance property DayOfWeek of the DateTime class
- static methods Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2(), Sinh(), Cosh(), Tanh() of the Math class
- The SQL translation of the following class members used in LINQ query is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6:
- static methods Abs(), Round(), Truncate(), Floor(), Ceiling(), Pow(), Sqrt(), Max(), Min(), Log(), Log10(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Asin(), Acos(), Atan(), Atan2(), Sinh(), Cosh(), Tanh() of the MathF class
- The SQL translation of the following class members used in LINQ query is supported in EF Core 6:
- static method Log2() of the Math and MathF classes
- Mapping of internet/intranet data type System.Uri to Oracle string data types is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6
- Mapping of network data types System.Net.IPAddress and System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress to Oracle string data types is supported in EF Core 5 and EF Core 6
- Mapping of Oracle object types like MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY or Oracle user-defined object datatypes in a database to the OracleObject class in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, EF Core 6 is supported
- The config.SpatialOptions.PreferSpatialOperators configuration option is added (default value is False) to provide the possibility of using spatial operators instead of functions from the SDO_GEOM package
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.15
- The type converter of the OracleTimeStamp structure is improved for converting to/from DateTime and DateTimeOffset
- The model validation is improved: the errors are generated for all entities with QueryType=True in EF Core Model when EF Core version=EF Core 1 in Model Settings
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.13 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.22 is supported
- The config.SpatialOptions settings are supported in EF Core
- NetTopologySuite 2.4.0 is supported in EF Core 3, EF Core 5, and EF Core 6
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.14
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 Preview 2.0 is supported
- The new command line option /disablegac that disables adding assemblies to GAC is added
- Additional mode of parameter substitution in the query in the SSIS Data Flow Source component: substitution as is, without escaping
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The new property Local is added to the Table and Table<T> classes to return a collection of the entities attached to the context
- The new method GetEntityState(object entity) is added to Table class and ITable interface to return one of the EntityState values
- The new methods IsNotDistinctFrom() and IsDistinctFrom() are added to the Devart.Data.Linq.SqlMethods class
- The new features are supported in Entity Framework 5.0:
- TPT inheritance
- Many-to-many associations
- The new types of properties IPAddress and PhysicalAddress
- The Model Refactoring functionality is supported for classes in EF Core Model
- The new attribute DisplayName is implemented for model objects' extended properties which are available via template properties
- The new options --ContextNamespace and --DefaultNamespace are added to the Create-Model command of Console Entity Developer
- The new extended model property Base Context Type is added for specifying a parent class for the generated context in EF Core Model
- The new extended properties Base Type for complex types and Base Complex Type for model are implemented in EF Core Model
- The %type name% keyword is supported in the Base Type extended property of entities and complex types, and in Base Complex Type, Base Entity Type, Base Context Type extended model properties for setting generic base type in EF Core Model
- The new hotkey Alt+E is implemented in Property Editor for opening Column Editor in EF Core Model
- .NET 6.0 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF Core, EF6, LinqConnect models
- The new extended property Record Type is added for classes in the case of C# EF Core template to generate records instead of classes in C# 9.0 or higher and .NET 5 or higher
- The new options "Private setter for store generated properties" and "Constructor parameter" are added to Model Settings in EF Core for controlling visibility of setter for store generated properties
- The new options "Don't show this message again" in the prompt window and "Prompt before generating code when there are model validation warnings" in the menu Options are implemented in a standalone Entity Developer to provide the ability not to stop code generation by warnings
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Default Constructor is added to EF Core Model for model, classes, and complex types
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Mapping is added to EF Core Model for class properties
- The new property Validation Framework is implemented in the Data Transfer Object template for generating DataAnnotations attributes
- The new option "Save connection to" is implemented in Model Settings of EF Core Model to provide the ability to store the connection string in "Model file", "Entity Developer storage", "Environment variable"
- The new option "Enum Output" is added to the EF Core template to specify output for the generated enums
- The new property Generate UnitOfWork Repository Properties (by default, True) is implemented in the Repository and Unit Of Work template of EF Core Model for accessing the collections of entities
- The representation of one-to-one association with non-nullable properties on both ends is changed from 1 -> 1 to 0..1 -> 1 on a diagram in EF Core Model
- The JSON (Newtonsoft.Json, Microsoft.Text.Json) and YAML (YamlDotNet) serializations are supported in EF Core (via EF Core template) and EF6 (via DbContext template):
- The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying the library used for serialization
- The new template property Serialize Original Column Names is added for controlling the appearance of original column names in serialization
- The new template property Serialize Navigation Properties is added for controlling the appearance of navigation properties in serialization
- The new template property Serialize Null Value is added for managing the behavior of nullable properties
- The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
- The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
- The Data Transfer Object template is improved:
- The new template property Serialization Library is added for specifying library used for serialization, possible values are Data Contract, JSON (Newtonsoft.Json), JSON (Microsoft.Text.Json), YamlDotNet
- The new extended property Do Not Serialize is added for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
- The new extended property Serialization Name is added for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
- The behavior is changed: WCF Data Contract Attributes is set to False by default now
- The following properties are marked as obsolete:
- the Generate Data Contracts property of the EF Core template
- the Do Not Generate Data Contract Attribute extended property of navigation properties in EF Core Model
- the WCF Data Contract Attributes property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
- the WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties property of the DbContext and Data Transfer Object templates
- Code generation is improved: RelationalIndexBuilderExtensions.HasDatabaseName is generated now instead of RelationalIndexBuilderExtensions.HasName in EF Core 5
- Display names of extended properties in EF Core Model are updated: Entity Base is renamed to Base Type in class properties, Entity Base is renamed to Base Entity Type in model properties, Context Base is renamed to Base Context Type in model properties
- The behavior is changed in a standalone Entity Developer: by default the Target Framework model property in EF Core Model is set to .NET 5 instead of .NET Framework
- The behavior is changed in Entity Developer embedded into Visual Studio: lower versions in the EF Core version property of Model Settings are not hidden any more
- The behavior is changed in EF Core Model: QueryType=True is set now for all classes without PK
- The behavior of the Regenerate Storage and Mapping functionality in EF Core Model is changed: the NOT NULL attribute of the column is reset to undefined now; after that, the behavior depends on the Nullable attribute of the class property only
- C# code generation is improved: the using directives are generated instead of full namespaces in the names of attributes for DataAnnotations, NHibernate Validator, and Enterprise Library validation frameworks
- Code generation is improved: OnModelCreating(modelBuilder) of the base class is invoked now if the Base Context Type property of EF Core Model is initialized
- The new extended property Use Generic DbContextOptions Constructor Argument is added to model properties of EF Core Model
- The new extended property Do Not Generate Constructor With DbContextOptions Argument is added to model properties of EF Core Model
- Entity Framework Core 5.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.6 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.7 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.8 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.10 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.11 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 5.0.12 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.10 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.11 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.12 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.13 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.15 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.16 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.17 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.19 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.20 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.21 is supported
- Mapping of System.Decimal to Oracle NUMBER with specified precision and scale in EF Core 5 is supported
- The definition of System.ICloneable is removed from .NET Framework assembly \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.dll
- The EF6 provider registration used with .NET Framework compliant assemblies is improved: the [DbConfigurationType(typeof(OracleEntityProviderServicesConfiguration))] attribute set for DbContext descendant allows now calling the DbContext constructor, that accepts a connection string, with no need to register a custom IDbConnectionFactory implementation
- The new metadata to describe autoincremental columns via annotations in EF Core Code-First Migrations are implemented
- The new config.DatabaseScript.Index.UseCurrentSchema option (default value is false) is added for ability to ignore schema set for indexes via EF Core Code-First Migrations
- The implementation of config.CodeFirstOptions.TruncateLongDefaultNames in EF6 .NET Standard compliant assemblies is improved: the generated names are constant, independent on a current domain and workstation
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.DropConstraintsByColumns configuration option is added (default value is False) to provide the possibility of dropping the existing foreign keys and indexes basing on the column names instead of constraint names
- The behavior is changed: config.DatabaseScript.Index.UseCurrentSchema is set to false by default; as a result, the schema argument in CreateIndex(), DropIndex(), AddUniqueConstraint(), DropUniqueConstraint() operations is now applied not only to the table name, but also to the index name, i.e. previously, the index was always created in the current schema, and now it is created in the schema of the table to which the index belongs
- The behavior is changed: EF Core 3 assemblies available via NuGet package are compiled for .NET Standard 2.0 instead of .NET Standard 2.1
- The behavior is changed: EF Core 2 assemblies are no longer available via NuGet package but created in the provider installation folder
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.13
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview is supported
- The new DescribeStoredProcedure property is added to the OracleConnection class
- The SendCallStack property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to turn off resource-demanding logging of CallStack
- The Filter property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to choose events being logged
- The Devart.Common.DbMonitor class is improved: now values of the DateTime parameters sent to the dbMonitor tool are supplemented with milliseconds
- EF Core 3 spatial data types support is improved: in addition to Geometry and Geography, specific .NET NetTopologySuite types like GeographyPoint, GeographyLine are now available property types
- The error message in console Entity Developer is improved: now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of template was incorrect
- Support for spatial data types in EF Core 3 is implemented
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.8 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.9 is supported
- The new NuGet package Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, that is compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
- The new \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
- The OracleFunctions class, which allows using Oracle-specific functions in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core
- The OracleTextFunctions class, which allows using Oracle full-text search functionality in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.12
- SSH is supported in the Direct mode
- The performance of fetching data in the Direct mode is improved
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.11
- SQL Server Integration Services 2019 (SSIS 2019) is supported
- SSL/TLS is supported in the Direct mode
- The new connection string parameters SSL Cert and SSL Server CertDN are added
- The new connection string parameter SSL Key is added
- The new properties WalletMethod and WalletLocation are added to the DirectUtils class
- The new class OracleCredential is implemented to provide a more secure way to specify the password while opening connection in the OCI mode on Windows
- The new overload OracleConnection(string connectionString, OracleCredential credential) is added
- The new overload ChangePassword(SecureString newPassword) is added
- The new property DefaultExpressionCacheSize (by default, 100) is added to the OracleLoader class to specify the number of default expressions that are evaluated at a time
- The new property DefaultExpressionBehavior is added to the OracleLoader class to specify how the direct path API handles default expressions for columns that are not explicitly being loaded
- OCI Multiple Homes is supported in .NET Standard 2.1
- The OracleDataTable and OracleDataSet classes are supported in .NET Standard 2.0/2.1
- Connection pool performance counters are supported in .NET Standard 2.0/2.1
- .NET Standard 2.1 compatible assembly is added to the Devart.Data.Oracle NuGet package
- The new class OracleShardingKey is implemented to store one or more key values for sharding in the OCI Session Pooling mode with Oracle Client 12g Release 2 and higher
- The new methods SetShardingKey(OracleShardingKey shardingKey) and SetShardingKey(OracleShardingKey shardingKey, OracleShardingKey superShardingKey) are added to the OracleConnection class
- Query Result Change Notification (QRCN) is supported
- The new column QueryId is added to DataTable stored in OracleNotificationEventArgs.Details
- The new properties GroupingNotificationEnabled, GroupingType, GroupingInterval are added to the OracleNotificationRequest class
- The new properties RegisteredQueryIds, RegisteredResources, RegId are added to the OracleDependency class
- The new connection mode OracleConnectMode.SysRac is supported for managing Real Application Clusters in Oracle Server 12c Release 2 and higher
- The new property OracleUtils.ParameterValueTrimming (by default, false) is added to trim value that exceeds OracleParameter.Size
- The behavior is changed: OCIStmtPrepare2() is used now instead of OCIStmtPrepare() in the OCI mode to support the use of Application Continuity in an HA infrastructure
- The behavior is changed: pool is automatically cleared when AppDomain is being closed
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The insert of the object, the type of which is an unmapped class inherited from a mapped class, is supported
- Command-line interface is implemented in a standalone Entity Developer
- The new property Context Name is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The new property Target Framework is added to Model Properties in EF Core Model
- The new option "Execute procedures for result set detection" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to control obtaining metadata of a procedure or function result set
- The new option "Use NULL parameter values" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to specify whether NULL parameter values are used for stored procedure execution
- The new option "Add complex types to diagram" is added to Model Settings of EF Core Model to control behavior of Create Model Wizard and Update Model From Database Wizard
- The new option "Add new complex types to the current diagram" is added to Update Model From Database Wizard of EF Core Model
- The new Primitive Default Value Generation property is added to EF, EF Core templates to determine whether to generate initialization for a primitive property based on database DEFAULT column value
- The new property Collection Property Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used as a property type for the Many end of associations
- The new property Collection Initialization Type is added to EF template "DbContext" and EF Core template "EF Core" to determine .NET type used for initialization of the Many end of association; if it is set to None, then no initialization is generated
- The new property "Nullable Reference Types" is added to C# templates of EF, EF Core models to specify whether C# 8 nullable reference types and non-nullable reference types must be generated
- The new partial method is added to the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder) method generated by DbContext template of EF model
- .NET 5 is added to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in EF6, EF Core, LinqConnect models
- Console Entity Developer improvements:
- Import of stored procedures and functions via Create-Model command is supported
- The new options --Procedures and --Functions are added to Create-Model command for filtering stored procedures and functions; by default all procedures/functions are imported
- The new option --Execute is added to Create-Model command for executing procedures/functions to get metadata from result set
- The asterisk symbol (*) is supported in --Tables and --Views parameters of Create-Model to include all objects
- The list of keywords and reserved words of Oracle being quoted by Entity Developer is updated
- The DbProviderFactories registration is implemented in Create Model Wizard for EF6 models and .NET Framework provider assemblies
- The new property Target Framework is added to Create Model Wizard and Model Settings of EF6 models
- The behavior is changed: the definition of auto-implemented property is put now on the single line with
- C# DbContext template of Devart Entity Model when ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging=False and ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- C# EF Core template of Devart EF Core Model when PropertyChangeNotifiers=False and PropertyChangePartialMethods=False
- The EF Core model deserialization is improved: Entity Developer shows the full list of detected errors and tries to load the model with invalid elements or ignores such elements if their deserialization is not possible
- The behavior for the new EF, EF Core models is changed: Primitive Default Value Generation is set to Literal now instead of LiteralOrExpression
- The behavior is changed: the names of system types are generated without "System." prefix now in EF Core models; for example, it is DateTime instead of System.DateTime
- The behavior is changed: only one confirmation for executing a stored procedure is requested by Entity Developer when dragging the stored procedure from Database Explorer to Model Explorer or diagram surface
- The behavior is changed: now the EF Core template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True
- The provider registration is improved: requirement to put provider registration entry in the config file is not obligatory anymore
- Create Model Wizard is improved: now it allows installing multiple NuGet packages on the final step
- Model file tree in .NET Core / .NET Standard projects is improved: all generated code files and model files are nested under the same node in Solution Explorer
- Entity Framework 6.4.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1.3 is supported
- The .ToString() call for numbers, DateTime/DateTimeOffset properties and values in LINQ queries in EF Core is supported
- The call of Convert.ToString(value) in LINQ queries in EF Core is supported
- The translation of the DateTime.AddMinutes() method in LINQ query into SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- The EF6 provider registration used with .NET Standard compliant assemblies is improved: the [DbConfigurationType(typeof(OracleEntityProviderServicesConfiguration))] attribute set for DbContext descendant allows now calling the DbContext constructor, that accepts a connection string, with no need to register a custom IDbConnectionFactory implementation
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.10
- The 12cR2 option is added to the list of available Oracle versions in Model Synchronization Settings
- Entity Framework 6.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 3.1 is supported
- Views are supported via Scaffold-DbContext in EF Core 3
- The new \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
- The new config.CodeFirstOptions.TruncateAllLongNames option (default value is False) is added to use EF Core 2/EF Core 3 implementation for truncating long names of columns and PK/FK/IX/UX
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexCreation configuration option is supported in EF Core 1/EF Core 2/EF Core 3
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexTablespace configuration option is supported in EF Core 1/EF Core 2/EF Core 3
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.9
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported by Devart DataSet Manager
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported by Devart DataSet Editor
- Long object names support in Oracle 12.2 and higher is added
- The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- The DbContext template is improved for using Entity Framework 6.3:
- The "Configuration Type Name" property, which specifies the descendant of DbConfiguration class that should be used for code-based configuration, is added
- The "Use DbConfigurationType Attribute" property, which determines whether to register the configuration type specified in the ConfigurationTypeName property of the DbConfigurationType attribute, is added
- The DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory method is generated when UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=true and ConfigurationTypeName='%Default%'
- With UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=false, the static constructor for registering factory and the new partial method OnStaticConfigured are generated
- The Self-Contained Entity Configuration property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The Entities Configuration Output property is added to VB.NET version of EF Core template
- The code generation for the class properties with Alternate Key=True by VB.NET version of EF Core template is supported in EF Core model
- The DbContext template is improved: precision and scale for database types are generated now in EF4/EF5/EF6 models when Fluent Mapping=True and Mapping Generation Strategy=UseAttributes
- Entity Framework Core 3.0 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.6 is supported
- The lock for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore dependency is added to the NuGet package Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore
- The config.DatabaseScript.PrimaryKey.IndexTablespace configuration option is added to specify the tablespace for implicit PK indices created via the Code-First approach
- The SQL generation in case of config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior=true in EF1/EF4/EF5/EF6 is improved
- Support for changing NULL/NOT NULL constraint for LOB columns in the AlterColumn operation of EF Core Code-First Migrations is added
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.8
- The integration with Visual Studio 2019 is improved: now the installation detects both 2019 Release and 2019 Preview versions
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported for projects with target framework .NET Core 3 or .NET Standard 2.1
- The behaviour is changed: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
- Entity Framework 6.3 Preview 9 is supported
- A new NuGet package Devart.Data.Oracle.EF6 with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.7
- Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- OS authentication is supported in the Direct mode
- Deprecated design-time Synchronous API calls are no longer used with Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017
- The behaviour is changed: when loading data in the Direct mode, OracleLoader now adds the /* APPEND_VALUES */ hint to the generated SQL for Oracle 11g Release 2 and higher
- The ability to disable generation of the byte order mark (BOM) in the beginning of code files in a standalone Entity Developer is implemented
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.4 is supported
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.6
- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- The IDbColumnSchemaGenerator interface and the OracleDataReader.GetColumnSchema() method are implemented in .NET Standard provider assemblies
- The returning of the actual number of records, processed by the ExecuteArray and ExecuteNonQuery methods is supported in the Direct mode for a MERGE query
- The more detailed error text about unsupported data type when working with parameters and when loading data via the OracleLoader class is supported
- Implicit statement results are supported for Oracle 12c in the Direct mode
- Returning of affected row count for each array element when using array binding in the Direct mode for Oracle 12c is supported
- The ChangePassword functionality is supported for Oracle 12c in the Direct mode
- The GetOracleTimeStamp, GetDateTimeOffset, and GetTimeSpan methods are added to OracleArrayDataReader
- The implementation of OracleCommand.CommandTimeout in the Direct mode is improved: now the provider sends Break to Oracle Server instead of closing TCP/IP socket
- The list of supported cryptographic algorithms, that are available in the Direct mode, is extended in .NET Standard 2 compliant assemblies
- Establishing a connection in the Direct mode when the Server connection parameter contains DESCRIPTION_LIST is improved
- The behaviour is improved: now the ORA-01013 error is generated instead of ORA-03113 after command timeout is reached in the Direct mode
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The new overload DataContext.Refresh(bool ignoreErrors, RefreshMode mode, object entity) is added for ignoring errors during refresh
- The existing overload DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) is improved: its check avoids the try to refresh the entity that is added to the context but not submitted to the database
- Entity Framework Core 2.1 is supported
- Query type support is added: classes now have the Query Type property, and if it is set to true, this class is generated as a query type
- Lazy loading for Entity Framework Core 2.1 is supported:
- Model now has the Use Lazy-Loading Proxies property, which enables lazy loading on the model level
- Navigation properties now have the Lazy property, which enables lazy loading for a specific navigation property
- Properties now have the Constructor Parameter property, for configuring a parameterized constructor of the class
- An additional constructor that accepts DbContextOptions as an argument is added to the DbContext class descendant in the VB.NET version of the DbContext template for EF Core.
- The "Include Environment Variables" property, determining whether context configuration will be extended with environment variables when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used, is added to the EF Core template
- The "Json File Base Path" property, specifying the base path for file-based providers when a connection string from the appsettings.json file is used, is added to the EF Core template
- Using an extended property of type OutputInfo is supported
- Code generated for nullable properties is simplified: now T? is generated instead of System.Nullable<T>
- The new Generate GeneratedCode Attributes option (by default, False) is added to the DbContext template in EF4/EF5/EF6 and the EF Core template
- The new Generate Dummy Comments option (by default, False) is added to the DbContext template in EF4/EF5/EF6
- The code generation of a default value for the String property mapped to the column with a default value, that contains a unicode literal with N-prefix, is supported in EF and EF Core
- The code generation of DateTime.UtcNow for the DateTime property mapped to the column with the default value SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) or SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) is supported in EF and EF Core
- The code generation of DateTimeOffset.UtcNow for the DateTimeOffset property mapped to the column with the default value SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) or SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) is supported in EF and EF Core
- The multiple select functionality in EF Core Model is improved: now it allows setting PrimaryKey, ValueGenerated, Concurrency for several properties simultaneously
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.1.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.2.3 is supported
- The new static method SetDefault is added to the EntitySpatialServices class in EF5/EF6
- The bit-wise functions OR, AND in EF Core are supported
- The new extension method Database.IsOracle() in EF Core 2 is implemented
- The .HasComputedColumnSql functionality for the CreateTable operation in EF Core Code-First Migrations is supported
- The translation of single-char literal into SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- The .HasComputedColumnSql functionality for the AddColumn and AlterColumn operations in EF Core Code-First Migrations is supported
- The SQL translation of the following method overloads, that accept the StringComparison argument and return bool, in the System.String class is supported in EF Core 2: Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, Equals
- The behavior is changed: the default value of config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior is true now in EF Core
- The misleading "The current provider does not support ambient transactions." warning, generated by TransactionScope in EF Core 2.1, is disabled
- The performance in case of the CROSS APPLY/OUTER APPLY operations is improved: only one database query is sent to the server now instead of many SELECTs with executing part of operations locally
- The performance of Entity Data Model Wizard is improved
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.5
- .NET Standard 2.0 is supported
- .NET Standard 2.0 compatible assemblies are added to the Devart.Data and Devart.Data.Oracle NuGet packages
- Distributed transactions are supported
- The OracleDataAdapter and OracleCommandBuilder are implemented
- The OracleConnection.GetSchema() and OracleDataReader.GetSchemaTable() methods for metadata retrieving are implemented
- The OracleDataSourceEnumerator class is implemented
- The Details property is added to the OracleNotificationEventArgs class
- Component classes in .NET Standard 2.0 compatible assemblies are inherited from the Component class, and some of them implement the ICloneable and ISupportInitialize interfaces
- Some of the classes, representing data types, now implement the INullable and ISerializable interfaces
- .NET Core 2.0 is supported
- Sending AUTH_TERMINAL, AUTH_PROGRAM_NM, AUTH_MACHINE, and AUTH_SID information in the Direct mode for .NET Core 2.0 applications is supported
- The CancelEditRowIfUpdateFailed property, determining whether to call CancelEdit for the row after update of the row is failed when data binding is used, is added to OracleDataTable
- The returning of the actual number of records, processed by the ExecuteArray and ExecuteNonQuery methods is supported in the OCI mode for a MERGE query
- SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 2017 is supported - SSIS projects only
- RAC connection in the Direct mode is improved
- The performance of reading data in the Direct mode is improved
- The type of the Offset and Length properties of the ScriptProgressEventArgs class is changed from Int32 to Int64
- The behaviour is changed: the License Key connection string parameter value is not sent to the dbMonitor instance when "Persist Security Info=false;"
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- .NET Standard 2.0 is supported
- .NET Core 2.0 is supported
- The performance of generating complex queries is improved
- The XmlMappingSource.FromResource method is supported in .NET Standard provider assemblies
- A destructor for DataContext is added
- The behavior is changed: all existing overloads of the method DataContext.Query() are replaced with DataContext.Query<TResult>(String,params Object[])
- The behavior is changed: the License Key connection string parameter value is not sent to the LinqMonitor instance when "Persist Security Info=false;"
- .NET Standard 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- .NET Core 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0 is supported
- The Retrieve Data functionality via Model Explorer for EF Core 2 is implemented
- The new "Detect function-based column default value" option is implemented in Model Settings of EF Core model
- The code generation for async method calls is added to the EF Core template
- The usage of long identifiers (up to 140 symbols) for naming model objects is supported
- The ModelNameAsFilesPrefix property is implemented in the RepositoryAndUnitOfWork template
- The behaviour is changed: a base class in TPT Inheritance is allowed to be abstract now (LinqConnect models)
- Support for ASP.NET Core MVC is added to the MVC Controller template (Entity Framework models)
- Support for ASP.NET Core MVC is added to the Data Annotations Metadata template (Entity Framework models)
- The new SQL Type, Size, Precision, Scale options are added to the Parameters tab in Method Editor of EF Core Model (Entity Framework models)
- The new Controller Area extended class property is added to EF Core Model (Entity Framework models)
- The check of conditions for setting optionsBuilder.Use... in the generated OnConfiguring method by the EF Core template is improved (Entity Framework models)
- The process of synchronizing methods and parameters with database stored procedures in EF Core Model is improved (Entity Framework models)
- The code generation for async method calls in the EF Core template is improved (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.3 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.4 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.5 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.1 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.2 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.3 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.2 is supported
- The SQL generation for subselects, when using Distinct(), in EF1/EF4/EF5/EF6 is optimized
- The Code-First Migrations functionality in EF Core is improved:
- the operations InsertData / UpdateData / DeleteData (introduced in EF Core 2), AlterSequence are supported
- The new methods OracleJsonFunctions.ValueAs... are added for getting nonstring values returned by the JSON_VALUE Oracle function
- The new overload of the OracleJsonFunctions.ValueAs... methods is added for turning off generation of the RETURNING clause
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.UseDateTimeAsDate option is supported in EF Core
- The generation of the idempotent script in EF Core 2 Code-First Migrations is supported
- The behavior is changed: now the EF Core Code-First Migrations script checks the existence of the MigrationHistory table not to try to create it if not necessary
- The behavior is changed: by default System.String is mapped to NVARCHAR2(2000) in EF Code-First when config.CodeFirstOptions.UseNonLobStrings=true
- The behavior is changed: the MoveTable operation is ignored now if either config.Workarounds.IgnoreSchemaName=true or config.Workarounds.IgnoreDboSchemaName=true and MoveTable is generated for Migration History table to move it into / from a schema dbo
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.4
- .NET Core is supported
- The NuGet packages with .NET Standard 1.3 (.NET Core) compliant assemblies are uploaded to
- The Default Fetch Size connection string parameter, which specifies the number of rows that will be transferred across the network at a time, is added
- The possibility to assign a value of the DateTimeOffset type to OracleParameter.Value is added
- The compatibility with Visual Studio 2017 Updates is improved
- .NET Core projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- The new Raw SQL Query class property and SQL method property with the corresponding editors are implemented in Entity Framework Core
- The Snake case in both Model and Database naming rules is supported via the new "Add underscore" option
- The behaviour is changed: IsRequired(false / true) for navigation properties is always generated in EF Core fluent mapping now
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.2 is supported
- The possibility to use command interception for EF6 commands executed within batch updates is implemented
- The CreateSequence and DropSequence operations in EF Core Code-First Migrations are supported
- The support of EF Core models with string columns, which are defined without length limit and participate in PKs, FKs, indices, is improved
- The compatibility with ASP.NET Core Identity is improved
- The possibility to set DEFAULT for a table column via the DefaultValue annotation in EF6 Code-First Migrations fluent mapping is implemented
- The possibility to create database objects with names up to 128 characters long in Oracle 12c Release 2 is supported
- The behavior is changed: now a DBMS_LOB.COMPARE call is generated for comparing CLOB/NCLOB columns
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.3
- Visual Studio 2017 is supported
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.1 is supported
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.2
- Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- The 'Do not install assemblies in the GAC' check box that allows disabling placing the provider assemblies to the GAC is added to the Install Wizard
- Oracle ANYDATA type is supported in the Direct mode
- The InitialLobFetchSize property of OracleCommand is supported in the Direct mode
- Oracle 12c authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- The resource usage by connections when working with failover functionality in the OCI mode is optimized
- The behaviour is changed: the OracleArray constructor now verifies that OracleArray is not created for a UDT that is not VARRAY
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The exception message for invoking CreateDatabase() for the model which includes an association with missing end is improved
- The possibility to choose whether to add new entities to a diagram or not in Update From Database Wizard is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: now the DbContext template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework Core 1.1.0 is supported
- The Scaffold-DbContext NuGet command of Package Manager Console for generating a model basing on the existing database schema is supported in EF Core
- Batch Updates support in EF Core is added
- The OracleJsonFunctions class is implemented in EF4/EF5/EF6 to use JSON functions and operators in LINQ to Entities queries
- Signed versions of NetTopologySuite GIS library are supported in EF5/EF6
- NetTopologySuite 1.14 is supported in EF5/EF6
- GeoAPI 1.7.4 is supported in EF5/EF6
- The NetTopologySuiteSigned and NetTopologySuiteUnsigned members are added to the SpatialServiceType enum in EF5/EF6
- The config.DatabaseScript.Schema.DeleteDatabaseBehaviour option is supported in EF Core
- The config.Workarounds.ProviderManifestToken option is added for setting provider manifest token for all contexts within application domain
- The AddUniqueConstraintOperation and DropUniqueConstraintOperation operations are supported in EF Core Code-First Migrations
- The translation of collection's Contains method in LINQ query to SQL statement in EF Core is supported
- The SQL generation for subselects, when using paging and aggregate functions, in EF Core is optimized
- The behaviour is changed: the functionality of SpatialServiceType.NetTopologySuiteSigned is moved to Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EF5.dll / Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EF6.dll
- The behaviour is changed: the errors thrown by executing SQL statement CREATE/DROP USER are ignored now
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.1
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence (SSDT-BI) project templates for Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Integration Services (mapping wizards) in Visual Studio 2015 are supported
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is supported in SSIS DataFlow components
- The IEnumerable<OracleSqlStatement>, ICollection<OracleSqlStatement>, and IList<OracleSqlStatement> interfaces are implemented in the OracleSqlStatementCollection class
- New CharLength and CharUsed columns have been added to the Columns collection of the OracleConnection.GetSchema method
- The execution of OracleScript with the PL/SQL declaration sections in the WITH clause in Oracle 12c is supported
- The alternative quoting mechanism for string literals (string literals with the Q prefix) of Oracle 10g and higher is supported in the OracleScript class
- The binary serialization is added to OracleString, OracleBinary, OracleNumber, OracleDate, OracleIntervalDS, and OracleIntervalYM structures
- The output of the domain to the "machine" column and output of the "process" column values in the Direct mode are supported
- The Data Encryption and Data Integrity feature in the Direct mode is supported
- The EZCONNECT format is supported in the Direct mode
- The performance using a default value (changed to 8192) of DirectUtils.PacketSize in the Direct mode via VPN connection is improved
- The performance of inserting CLOB data is improved
- The performance of retrieving metadata for stored procedures in the Direct mode is improved
- The performance of retrieving data in the Direct mode is improved
- Entity Framework Core 1.0 RTM is supported
- The possibility to set values of stored procedure parameters for getting metadata to generate automatically the corresponding complex type is implemented
- The generation of static methods by the EntityObject template is supported via the new property Direct Call of EntityMethod (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: the ObservableCollection navigation properties are initialized now in a default class constructor (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework Core 1.0.1 is supported
- The OracleConventionSetBuilder class is implemented in the Entity Framework Core support
- The SqlFunctions.DatePart method is supported in LINQ to Entities for the following modifiers: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, tzoffset
- OracleCSharpMigrationCodeGenerator and OracleVisualBasicMigrationCodeGenerator for code-based migrations are implemented for EF4, EF5, EF6
- The CheckConstraintColumnRestriction property of the OracleAddColumnConfiguration class for customization of the AddColumn operation in EF4, EF5, EF6 Code-First Migrations is implemented
- The OracleColumnAnnotations class for customization of creating columns in the CreateTable operation in EF6 Code-First Migrations is implemented
- The DatabaseFacade.GetOracleConnection() extension method, which returns OracleConnection, is implemented in EF Core
- The config.SpatialOptions.ReadAs2D configuration option (default value is False) is implemented for EF5 / EF6 to treat 3D SDO_GEOMETRY objects as 2D
- The new optional parameter Action<OracleDbContextOptionsBuilder> is added to UseOracle() extension method of DbContextOptionsBuilder in EF Core
- The behaviour is changed: FK constraints within CREATE TABLE are named now in Code-First Migrations
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 9.0
- HA Events from Oracle RAC are supported
- Connection pool performance counters are implemented
- The PartitionName property, specifying the name of the partitioned table partition to load data into, is added to the OracleLoader class
- The new LoadTable overloads for loading data from a IDataReader, array of rows, or only rows with a specific RowState from a DataTable are added to the OracleLoader class
- The Options property of the new OracleLoaderOptions type that allows configuring OracleLoader behavior is added to the OracleLoader class
- The RowsCopied event that allows tracking data loading progress and correctly break the data loading operation is added to the OracleLoader class
- When loading data in the OCI mode using array binding, OracleLoader now adds the /* APPEND_VALUES */ hint to the generated SQL for Oracle 11g Release 2 and higher
- The OracleLogicalTransaction property is added to the OracleConnection class and the new OracleLogicalTransaction class is created for better support of Oracle Transaction Guard
- All DbTypes are supported
- Truncate member that represents the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is added to the SqlStatementType enum
- The GetMappedType method that returns the result .NET type for the specified precision and scale and allows testing specified number mapping configuration is added to the OracleNumberMappingCollection class
- Oracle objects in array binding in the Direct mode are supported
- The OracleLob class is improved
- The OracleXml class is improved
- The OracleNumber structure is improved
- The OracleDate structure is improved
- The OracleTimeStamp structure is improved
- The OracleBoolean structure is improved
- The OracleCursor class is improved
- The OracleString class is improved
- The OracleRef class is improved
- The OracleHomeCollection class is improved
- Support for binary representation of Oracle data types is improved in OracleDate and OracleString structures
- The Run Once Command connection string parameter, which specifies a command or several commands to execute when the connection is opened the first time and not executed when the connection is taken from the pool, is added
- The Initialization Command connection string parameter is improved: now it can contain several commands
- The implementation of DML arrays in output parameters in the Direct mode is improved
- The exception message when the source value is out of range for a .NET Framework type is improved: now it also contains the name of column that caused the issue
- The behavior is changed: the CreateColumns method of the OracleLoader class now does not add GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns to the collection in the OCI mode
- The behavior is changed: now the ORA-01805 error is ignored when Oracle Client and server have timezone files of different versions and a value of a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE with time zone explicitly specified by name is read
- The behavior is changed: number mappings in the connection string now influence the code generated by Oracle Package Wizard
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- Bitwise And, Or, and Xor operators are supported in LINQ queries for integer operands
- Entity Framework Core support is added
- The DbProviderFactory provider registration in application's *.config is supported by the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio
- Entity Framework Core RC2 is supported
- Entity Framework-related assemblies are renamed
- The config.QueryOptions.OrderByNullBehavior option is added to specify whether to add NULLS FIRST or NULLS LAST to the ORDER BY clause
- Upgrade Wizard is improved for upgrading projects with the Entity Framework functionality
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.5
- Visual Studio 2015 is supported
- The type of the "details" and "sessionitems" columns of the "aspnet_webevent_events" and "aspnet_sessions" tables respectively is changed from LONG to CLOB in the InstallWebTables.sql file
- The largest possible value of DirectUtils.PacketSize is increased to 32768
- The possibility to create an unsafe pointer to an OracleIntervalDS structure is added
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The possibility to use .IsRowVersion() method for properties with non-binary data types when using the fluent mapping approach is added
- The Parent property is added to the IInheritanceConfiguration interface
- The support for materialized views is implemented
- The Use ObservableCollection property of the DbContext template is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: now the 1:1 and 1:0..1 associations are displayed differently on the diagram (LinqConnect models)
- The overloads for Contains and Matches methods are added to the OracleTextFunctions class for using full-text search with the binary columns
- The config.QueryOptions.TrueValueNumber configuration option is added to specify SQL generation for True values (either equal to 1 or not equal to 0)
- The spatial constant functionality is implemented
New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.4
- Visual Studio 2015 Release Candidate is supported
- Oracle TimesTen 11g Release 1 and Oracle TimesTen 11g Release 2 are supported in the OCI mode on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
- The ServerType property of the OracleServerType type is added to the OracleConnection class
- A enum OracleServerType is added; it contains the following elements: Oracle, TimesTen, Undefined
- The Oracle TimesTen-specific data types are supported: TT_TINYINT, TT_SMALLINT, TT_INTEGER, TT_BIGINT, TT_DATE, TT_TIMESTAMP, TIME, BINARY and VARBINARY
- New elements are added to the OracleDbType enum for better support of the Oracle TimesTen-specific TT_TINYINT, TT_SMALLINT, and TT_BIGINT data types: Byte, Int16, and Int64
- Getting metadata with the GetSchema() method of OracleConnection, connecting to an Oracle database using Windows Authentication, is supported
- Server Explorer integration for Windows Authentication connections to Oracle database is supported
- Server Explorer integration for Oracle TimesTen is supported
- The Managed ODP.NET support is added to Migration Wizard
- ADO.NET implementation of ASP.NET Identity 2.0 support is improved
- The new IUserStore<T>, IUserClaimStore<T>, IUserLoginStore<T>, IUserPasswordStore<T>, IUserRoleStore<T>, IUserEmailStore<T>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<T> interfaces are implemented in the OracleUserStore and OracleUserStore<TIdentityUser, TIdentityRole> classes
- The new IRoleStore<T> interface is supported in the OracleRoleStore and OracleRoleStore<TIdentityUser, TIdentityRole> classes
- The new IQueryableUserStore interface is implemented in the UserStore class
- The new IQueryableRoleStore interface is implemented in the RoleStore class
- The Enterprise Library 6 support is added; all previous versions of Enterprise Library are no longer maintained
- The new \Web\ASP.NET 45\Devart.Data.Oracle.Web.dll assembly (its revision number is 5) is added to the provider installation folder to support SimpleMembership in MVC5
- The enableExpiredSessionAutoDeletion and expiredSessionAutoDeletionInterval options for deleting expired sessions are added to the session-state store provider definition in the web.config file
- The InitialLobFetchSize property, that specifies the amount of data OracleDataReader initially fetches for LOB columns, is added to the OracleCommand
- Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence (SSDT-BI) project templates for Analysis Services and Integration Services in Visual Studio 2013 are supported
- SSIS DataFlow Source and Destination components are supported in SSDT-BI for Visual Studio 2013
- The IPv6 protocol is supported in the Direct mode
- dotConnect for Oracle is now FIPS compliant on .NET Framework 3.5 in the Direct mode
- The performance of the Update method of the OracleDataAdapter and OracleDataTable classes when using the UpdateBatchSize property is improved
- The behaviour is changed: the OracleMonitor now hides information about the password connection string parameter
- The behaviour is changed: SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(SYSTIMESTAMP) is used now in WF Services scripts for the date columns
- The behaviour is changed: OracleDataReader now returns ReadOnly=True in the schema table for the GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns (for Oracle 12c)
- The behaviour is changed: the data are inserted in the config_data column of the scopeconfig table via the CLOB parameter (instead of dynamic SQL) in Sync Framework
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The OpenConnection() method is added to the DataContext class
- The dependency on the System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly is removed
- The View Generation option of the model with Entity Framework version = Entity Framework 6 is supported for the DbContext (only with XML mapping), EntityObject, POCO, and Self-Tracking Entities templates (Entity Framework models)
- The possibility to use relative paths to assemblies in code generation templates is implemented
- The Implement Equals property is added to the DbContext, ObjectContext, and POCO Entity templates (Entity Framework models)
- The Remove Invalid Characters option (by default, True) is added to the Model Naming rules; if it is set to False, all invalid characters will be replaced with underscores
- The Enable WinForms Data Binding property of the DbContext template is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The Property Change Partial Methods property of the DbContext template is implemented for generating partial methods On%PropertyName%Changing and On%PropertyName%Changed for each primitive property of entity classes (Entity Framework models)
- The support of ID generators for primary keys in the Fluent Mapping template is added (LinqConnect models)
- The possibility of setting default values for enum properties is implemented (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: now partial configuration classes are generated when DbContext template is used with Fluent Mapping=True and Mapping Generation Strategy=UseConfigurationClasses options (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: now the default value for the 'File Per Class' option of the DbContext template is True (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: Generate Database Script From Model saves the output in ASCII format if there are no unicode symbols in the script; UTF-8 is used otherwise
- The behaviour is changed: now the default values are not set for string properties, that correspond to fields with the default values like expressions (Entity Framework models)
- Oracle TimesTen 11g Release 1 and Oracle TimesTen 11g Release 2 are supported in the run-time of Entity Framework provider versions for EF1, EF4, EF5, and EF6
- Oracle TimesTen is supported in EDM Wizard/EDM Designer of VS 2008 SP1/VS 2010/VS 2012 and EF Tools for VS 2012/VS 2013 in the Database-First approach for creating Entity Framework models
- Code-First CreateDatabase()/DatabaseExists()/DeleteDatabase() functionality is supported for Oracle TimesTen
- Code-First Migrations feature is supported for Oracle TimesTen
- Oracle TimesTen-specific data types are supported in Code-First / Code-First Migrations
- The support of boolean properties, when the corresponding column is NUMBER(1, 0),is improved
- The config.SpatialOptions.PrecisionModel configuration option is added to specify the NetTopologySuite precision model scale factors
- The Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.INDEX_HINT function for specifying Oracle INDEX hint without the explicitly specified table's alias in EntitySQL is added
- The OracleFunctions.IndexHint method for specifying Oracle INDEX hint without the explicitly specified table's alias in LINQ to Entities is added
- The config.DatabaseScript.Table.Tablespace configuration option is added to specify the tablespace for tables created via the Code-First approach
- The config.DatabaseScript.Index.Tablespace configuration option is added to specify the tablespace for indexes created via the Code-First approach
- The compatibility with SQL*Plus is improved: binary literals are now divided into fractions with 2000 symbols each when inserting data into MigrationHistory table
- The SQL generation for LINQ queries with comparison based on the RAW(16) column is improved: explicit cast to RAW(16) is used now to make Oracle Server employ an existing index created for the RAW(16) column in Oracle execution plan
- The performance of generating SQL for Enumerable.Contains in LINQ queries is improved by supporting a new expression type, DbInExpression, in Entity Framework 6
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First/Code-First Migrations generate BINARY_FLOAT / BINARY_DOUBLE columns for the Single / Double class properties correspondingly for Oracle 10g and higher
06-March-14 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.3
The ADO.NET implementation of ASP.NET Identity support is added
- The ICloneable interface is implemented in the IdentityUser and IdentityRole classes
- The User_Id column in the AspNetUserClaims table is renamed to UserId
The ADO.NET implementation of ASP.NET Identity 2.0 support is added
- The new \Web\ASP.NET Identity 2\Devart.Data.Oracle.Web.Identity.dll assembly (its revision number is 2) is added to the provider installation folder
- The new \Web\ASP.NET Identity 2\Install_identity_tables.sql and \Web\ASP.NET Identity 2\Uninstall_identity_tables.sql files are added to the provider installation folder
- The new \Web\ASP.NET Identity 2\Upgrade_identity_tables_from_v1_to_v2.sql file is added to the provider installation folder
- The new IUserEmailStore<TIdentityUser, TKey>, IUserPhoneNumberStore<TIdentityUser, TKey>, IUserTwoFactorStore<TIdentityUser, TKey>, IUserLockoutStore<TIdentityUser, TKey> interfaces are implemented in the UserStore class
- The IDataReader interface is implemented in the OracleCursor class
- The implementation of the OracleCommand.CommandTimeout property in the Direct mode is improved
- The \Web\ASP.NET Identity 1\Install_identity_tables.sql file is updated: now user-friendly foreign key names are used
- The possibility of assigning System.Guid to OracleParameter.Value without explicitly specified OracleParameter.OracleDbType is implemented
- The script for updating Workflow Instance Store schema from .NET Framework 4.0 to .NET Framework 4.5 is added to the provider installation folder
- The OracleConnection.ClearAllPools(bool force) method is added
- The implementation of the ConnectionTimeout parameter of connection string in the OCI mode is improved
- The OracleScript.Cancel() method is added to stop query execution
- The behaviour is changed: the Errors property of the OracleException class is never null now and always has at least one element
- The behaviour is changed: the Message property of the OracleException class now contains all distinct error messages returned by Oracle when using OracleLoader in the array binding mode and when calling ExecuteArray
- The behaviour is changed: when using OracleLoader in the array binding mode, the table constraints are disabled for the time of data loading and is enabled again only when closing the OracleLoader object
- The behaviour is changed: the instance_id field of the wf_activity_info table in Workflow Tracking implementation is of varchar(1000) type now
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The CommandTimeout property is added to the DataProvider class
- The behaviour is changed: the new "OUTER APPLY is not supported by Oracle Database 11g and lower. Oracle 12c or higher is required to run this LINQ statement correctly. If you need to run this statement with Oracle Database 11g or lower, rewrite it so that it can be converted to SQL, supported by the version of Oracle you use." exception is added
- The information message about availability of NuGet Package Manager on the workstation is added in the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio (Entity Framework models)
- The override modifier for DbSet class properties generated by DbContext templates is added (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: now paths to assemblies with attributes (Model Settings -> Model -> Attributes) are saved and used as relative paths
- The behaviour is changed: now a property in the generated code is initialized basing on the default value in CSDL only (instead of default values in any of SSDL and CSDL; Entity Framework models)
- SharpMap 1.1 is supported
- NTS Topology Suite 1.13.2 is supported
- Entity Framework 6.1.0 RTM is supported
- Entity Framework 6.1.0 Tools for Visual Studio 2012 & 2013 are supported
- The UpdateDatabaseOperation operation in Code-First Migrations for Entity Framework 6.x is supported
- The RenameIndexOperation operation in Code-First Migrations for Entity Framework 6.1 is supported
- Multiple EntityContainers in the Code-First CreateDatabase()/CreateDatabaseScript()/DeleteDatabase() functionality are supported
- The Database.Delete(DbConnection) functionality is supported: all objects in the current schema (specified in User Id or set with Initialization Command connection string parameter) are removed if DatabaseScript.Schema.DeleteDatabaseBehaviour = AllSchemaObjects
- The Database.Exists(DbConnection) functionality is supported: the method returns true if DatabaseScript.Schema.DeleteDatabaseBehaviour = AllSchemaObjects and at least one table or sequence exists in the current schema (specified in User Id or set with Initialization Command connection string parameter)
- Determining correct datatypes of data retrieved by EntitySQL queries with UNION ALL and similar constructions is improved
- The compatibility with Hibernating Rhinos EntityFramework Profiler is improved
- The database server version is added to the generated Code-First Migrations script
- The releasing of memory, which was allocated for commands and readers of ObjectContext / DbContext, is improved
- The functionality of setting the CodeFirstOptions.ColumnTypeCasingConventionCompatibility option via provider manifest token for a particular Entity Framework model is implemented for possibility of using both Database-First/Model-First model with XML mapping and Code-First model with fluent/attribute mapping in the same AppDomain
- The config.DatabaseScript.Column.MaxStringSize configuration option (default value is OracleMaxStringSize.Standard) is added to provide the possibility of determining a default size of the VARCHAR2 and NVARCHAR2 columns for Oracle 12c if it was not set explicitly in the Code-First CreateDatabase()/Code-First Migrations functionality
- The NumericIdentityBehavior.ImplicitSequence enumeration value of config.DatabaseScript.Column.NumericIdentityBehavior for Oracle 12c is now deprecated and not recommended to use; use the new NumericIdentityBehavior.GeneratedAlwaysAsIdentity, NumericIdentityBehavior.GeneratedByDefaultAsIdentity, NumericIdentityBehavior.GeneratedByDefaultOnNullAsIdentity values instead
- The behaviour is changed: now Database.Delete(DbConnection), when config.DatabaseScript.Schema.DeleteDatabaseBehaviour = AllSchemaObjects, removes sequences in the current schema of Oracle 12c only if config.DatabaseScript.Column.NumericIdentityBehavior = ExplicitTriggerAndSequence
- The behaviour is changed: now Database.Exists(DbConnection), when config.DatabaseScript.Schema.DeleteDatabaseBehaviour = AllSchemaObjects, checks an existence of sequences in the current schema of Oracle 12c only if config.DatabaseScript.Column.NumericIdentityBehavior = ExplicitTriggerAndSequence
- The behaviour is changed: now by default the Code-First CreateDatabase()/CreateDatabaseScript()/Code-First Migrations functionality generates the VARCHAR2(4000) and NVARCHAR2(2000) columns for Oracle 12c if the size of the corresponding columns is not set explicitly
- The behaviour is changed: now the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column is mapped to DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime by EDM Wizard / Lightswitch / Entity Framework 6 Tools
- The behaviour is changed: now SQL is generated without additional sorting in a subquery when working with Oracle 11g/10g/9i and during the work with paging operations with .OrderBy().Skip().Take()
- The behaviour is changed: now a slash after the very last statement is generated in the Code-First CreateDatabaseScript() functionality
- The behaviour is changed: now the Code-First CreateDatabase()/CreateDatabaseScript()/Code-First Migrations functionality for Oracle 12c generates 'GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY' instead of 'GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY' for autoincrement identity columns when config.DatabaseScript.Column.NumericIdentityBehavior = Default
16-January-14 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.2
- The functionality of starting and stopping an Oracle database instance is implemented in the OracleDatabase class (only in the OCI mode)
- Working with XMLTYPE in the OCI mode when Unicode = True is fully supported
- Specifying proxy connection via the connection string with the new connection string parameters "Proxy User Id" and "Proxy Password" is supported (only in the OCI mode)
- DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package features are supported via the new properties of the OracleConnection class: ModuleName, ActionName, ClientInfo, and the SetDbmsApplicationInfo method
- OCI Statement Caching support is improved: caching is now also supported in case when Unicode = True or "Oci Connection Pool"= True
- OCI Statement Cache cleaning when returning a connection to a pool is implemented via the new "Statement Cache Purge" connection string parameter (Default value is False)
- OCI Statement Cache cleaning on user request is implemented via the new PurgeStatementCache() method of the OracleConnection class
- The possibility to speed up the stored procedure execution with the ExecuteReader()/ExecuteScalar() methods of OracleCommand, when using CommandType.StoredProcedure, is implemented via the new connection string parameter "Describe Stored Procedure" (Default value is True) and the new ImplicitRefCursors and IsTableValuedFunction properties of the OracleCommand class
- Execution of non-pipelined table function with CommandType.StoredProcedure is supported when the IsTableValuedFunction property of OracleCommand equals to True
- The TableValuedResultType property of OracleCommand is now deprecated and not recommended to use. Use the IsTableValuedFunction property instead
- Additional overloads of the OracleCommand constructor and CreateCommand method of OracleConnection class are added to decrease the code for creating an OracleCommand instance
- Additional overloads of the GetValues(), GetOracleValues(), and GetProviderSpecificValues() methods that don't require the user to create an array of the required size beforehand are added to the OracleDataReader class to ease data retrieving, for example only a single record is read
- The return type of the Clone() method of OracleConnection, OracleCommand, and OracleParameter classes is now the same as the type of the object, for which the method is implemented, instead of System.Object
- DbType.Xml now can be assigned to the DbType property of OracleParameter (it means the same as oracleParameter.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Xml) in order to ease working with XMLTYPE when using base ADO.NET without using provider-specific features
- Retrieving version of the Oracle database, a connection is made to, is improved: the new ShortServerVersion property of the Version type is implemented in the OracleConnection class
- The performance of the Update method of OracleDataAdapter and OracleDataTable classes is improved
- The performance when working with parameters is improved
- The performance of reading and writing OracleObject attributes in the OCI mode is significantly improved
- The behaviour is changed: IndexOutOfRangeException is generated now instead of InvalidOperationException when OracleDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name) finds nothing in the result set
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The behaviour is changed: now the script is generated with "ON DELETE NO ACTION" when using the CreateDatabase() method and the "Delete Rule" for the association is set to "NO ACTION"
- The behaviour is changed: now the CreateDatabase() method uses the same algorithm for naming foreign keys as in Entity Developer
- The "WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties" property is added to the Data Transfer Object template for pointing the end (-s) where the attribute should be generated (Entity Framework models)
- More information messages, when validating EF6 models basing on the EntityFramework.dll functionality, are added (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: the validation of EF6 models depends on the EntityFramework.dll functionality only (.NET Framework 4.5 is not required any more) (Entity Framework models)
- The Acos, Asin, Ascii, Atan, Atan2, Char, Cos, CurrentUser, DataLength, Exp, Rand, Sign, Sin, SoundCode, SquareRoot, StringConvert, Tan methods of the SqlFunctions class in LINQ to Entities are supported to be converted to Oracle-specific SQL statements in runtime
- The generation of SQL literals for DateTimeOffset and TimeSpan values is improved: shortened form is used now if possible
31-October-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.1
- Visual Studio 2013 is supported
- Oracle Object Wizard is supported in Direct mode
- Reduced memory usage for some operations with CLOB/NCLOB/BLOB values
- Reduced memory usage for CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess
- Performance of the operation of assigning TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL values to In parameters is improved, and memory leak in this operation is fixed
- The behaviour is changed: installation with the /VERYSILENT install parameter will uninstall the other version of the provider without any dialog box if it is installed
- The behaviour is changed: there is no more max count for parameters for stored procedure in the Direct mode
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The possibility to inherit from the data provider classes is added
- Entity Framework 6 is supported
- The new "Provider Manifest Token" model property is implemented to identify the target server (Entity Framework models)
- The predefined templates (POCO Entity and LinqConnect) are improved: new template setting, "Generate Dummy Comments", is added (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: the values of "Target Server" and "Server Version" can be reset via the Model Settings > Synchronization > Mapping dialog despite the fact whether connection is specified in Database Explorer or not
- The 6.0.0 and 6.0.1 versions of Entity Framework are supported
- The compatibility of Entity Framework provider for EF v1, v4, v5 with medium trust level environment is improved
- The behaviour is changed: Entity Data Model Wizard shows a more detailed error message in case of connecting to unsupported database or using incorrect provider manifest tokens
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First Migrations generates DEFAULT values for new NOT NULL columns of Boolean, Guid, DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan types when adding them in the existing table
17-October-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 8.0
- Oracle 12c is supported
- Auto increment identity columns are supported (only in the OCI-mode, and only for Oracle 12c)
- Returning of affected row count for each array element when using array binding is supported (only in the OCI-mode, and only for Oracle 12c)
- Implicit result sets are supported (only in the OCI-mode, and only for Oracle 12c)
- Transaction Guard is supported (only in the OCI-mode, and only for Oracle 12c)
- New connection modes are supported: SYSBACKUP, SYSDG and SYSKM
- Microsoft Sync Framework support is implemented
- The OracleDate.IsValidDateTime property is implemented for checking if a valid DateTime will be returned for the Value property
- The overload for constructor of OracleNumber class with System.Single type parameter is added
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The Collate method of the SqlMethods class is implemented
- VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2/RAW types with length increased to 32KB are supported for Oracle 12c
- Oracle 12c specific SQL generation for paging is supported
- The behaviour is changed: CreateDatabase functionality generates columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for primary key properties with 'IsDbGenerated=True' (only for Oracle 12c)
- The predefined templates are improved: new template setting, "Use Compiled Query Cache", is added (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: "Generate Database Script"/"Update Database From Model" wizards generate columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for properties with 'Store Generated Pattern=Identity' (only for Oracle 12c, Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: "Generate Database Script"/"Update Database From Model" wizards generate columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for properties with 'Auto Generated Value=True' (only for Oracle 12c, LinqConnect models)
- Generation of OUTER APPLY statement in Entity Framework is supported for Oracle 12c
- Oracle 12c specific SQL generation for paging is supported
- VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2/RAW types with length increased to 32KB are supported for Oracle 12c
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First/Code-First Migrations generate columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for entity key properties with 'Store Generated Pattern=Identity' (only for Oracle 12c)
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First Migrations generates DEFAULT 0 for new NOT NULL columns of numeric types when adding them in the existing table
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First Migrations generates DEFAULT EMPTY_CLOB() for new NOT NULL columns of CLOB/NCLOB types when adding them in the existing table
- The behaviour is changed: Code-First Migrations generates DEFAULT '' for new NOT NULL columns of CHAR/NCHAR/VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2 types when adding them in the existing table
05-September-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.9
- Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate is supported
- SSIS DataFlow Source and Destination components for Oracle are implemented
- OracleLoader is supported in the direct mode
- The behaviour is changed: OracleLoader now uses direct path load if columns of supported types are used and if the connection uses OCI mode; otherwise, array binding is used
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The possibility to use the extension method AsQueryable() in LINQ queries is added
- The support for correct retrieving of the TimeSpan and DateTimeOffset values while materializing is added
- The implementation for the DatabaseExists method, which checks the existance of the tables in the database, is added
- The possibility of creating Oracle schemas (users) for mapped model classes via the CreateDatabase(false,true)/CreateDatabase(true, true) method of the DataContext class is implemented
- The possibility of deleting Oracle schemas (users) for mapped model classes via the DeleteDatabase(false,true)/DeleteDatabase(true, true) method of the DataContext class is implemented
- The "Close the window when the generation completes successfully" option in the Generation Process window is implemented in the standalone Entity Developer
- The "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" option (default value is True) of model settings is added to provide the possibility to turn off modifying connection string in *.config after model is saved first time (Entity Framework models)
- The design time support for model-defined functions is added (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: now connection string is configured with the name of the assembly, where the model is located, in case when the context class is located in another assembly (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework 6 Release Candidate 1 is supported
- The config.DmlOptions.UseReturningClause configuration option (default value is True) is added to provide the possibility to turn off generation of RETURNING clause when obtaining database-generated values with INSERT/UPDATE commands
- SharpMap 1.0 RTM is supported
- NetTopologySuite 1.13.1 is supported
- Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.SharpMap.dll assembly is renamed to Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.Spatials.dll
18-July-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.8
- SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services is supported
- The "Model Name As Files Prefix" property is implemented for the templates which generate classes for model entities
- The possibility of adding custom attributes to enum members is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: a default value for the "Detect Table Per Type inheritances" option in Model settings is set to False
- The behaviour is changed: the possibility to exclude the generation of keys (primary, foreign) in "Update Database From Model" and "Generate Database Script From Model " wizards is added
- The behaviour is changed: the possibility to add one-to-one associations with nullable foreign key properties is added (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: now by default MVC Controller template generates files in the model folder, MVC View Advanced template creates files in the Views model subfolder
- NetTopologySuite GIS library support in Entity Framework 5 and 6 is added
- The OracleSpatialFunctions class for working with Oracle Spatials functions in LINQ to Entities is added
- The config.SpatialOptions.AlwaysUseGeometryDefaultSrid configuration option (default value is False) is added to provide the possibility to use the config.SpatialOptions.GeometryDefaultSrid value instead of reading the actual SRID for the DbGeometry spatial from the database
- The config.SpatialOptions.AlwaysUseGeographyDefaultSrid configuration option (default value is False) is added to provide the possibility to use the config.SpatialOptions.GeographyDefaultSrid value instead of reading the actual SRID for the DbGeometry spatial from the database
- The config.Workarounds.UseInvariantProviderManifestToken configuration option (default value is False) is added to provide the possibility of returning the invariant string literal as the provider manifest token
- The config.SqlFormatting.Identation option is renamed to config.SqlFormatting.Indenting
04-April-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.7
- Workflow Foundation 4.5 is supported
- The behaviour is changed: provider's build action is installed on the target workstation, on which .NET Framework is available, without Visual Studio integration
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- LINQPad integration is supported
- The possibility to disable query cache via the DataContext's 'EntityCachingMode' property is added
- Creation of auto-incrementing sequences and triggers for Oracle models is supported
- The performance when working with the TPT-inheritance and retrieving descendants via OfType<> is improved
- A new MVC Controller template, generating a ASP.NET MVC controller with data access code, is added
- A new MVC View Advanced template, generating an ASP.NET MVC view based in Twitter Bootstrap, is added
- A new Data Transfer Object template for DTO classes generation is implemented
- A new Data Annotation Metadata template, generating Data Annotation metadata classes and decorating classes and properties with data annotation attributes for validation, presentation and defining metadata, is added
- A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart Entity Framework model is added
- A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart LinqConnect model is added
- Add Template dialog box is improved
- The Namespace property of class, complex type, enum is implemented
- The Entity Container Namespace properties of the model is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The support for enums declared in external assemblies is implemented
- The capability for setting special rules for generating default names of database objects when using the Model First approach is implemented (a new Advanced page is added to the Synchronization->Database Naming section of the Model Settings dialog box)
- The capability to customize properties that are automatically added when creating a new entity, and options that are automatically set when creating a new property is added (a new Initialization page is added to the Model->General section of the Model Settings dialog box)
- The Refresh option in the Attributes tab of the Model Settings window is implemented; it updates the list of available attributes types in the referenced assemblies
- The capability to modify custom attributes for several selected entities or properties at the same time is implemented
- Automatic adding of references to Entity Framework specific assemblies when adding a new Devart Entity model to a project is implemented
- The capability to cancel metadata reading in wizards and Database Explorer is added
- The "Recreate Database Tables" check box, which allows to drop and recreate database tables, is added to the "Update To Database" wizard
- New setting "Detect Table Per Type inheritances", which enables automatic detection of TPT inheritances, is added for Create Model Wizard and model
- The "Include Drop" check box for including DROP commands for database objects to the generated script is added to Generate Database Script Wizard
- A new shortcut menu command "Include Related", which allows making a copy of the related objects in the specified diagram, is added
- A new shortcut menu command "Add To Model with Related", which allows adding tables, related to the selected one, to the model, is added to the shortcut menu of tables in Database Explorer
- A new shortcut menu command "Add On Diagram With Related", which allows creating an object and all the objects related to it on a diagram, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, complex types, and enums in Model Explorer
- New "Simple" diagram skin is added for displaying a diagram in metro style
- The "Default Width" diagram property for specifying the default width for newly created diagram shapes (entities, complex types and enums) is added
- The Save and Refresh buttons for persisting and reloading changes to / from a database is added to the Retrieve Data grid
- The "WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties" property is added to the DbContext and POCO templates for pointing the end (-s) where the attribute should be generated
- Devart.Data.Linq.Binary type is added to the "Type Mapping Rule Editor" (LinqConnect models)
- The "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" check box of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether to overwrite the connection string in the project config file with the one, currently set in Entity Developer for the model, each time when regenerating code for the model (LinqConnect models)
- The "Regenerate Storage and Mapping" option for regenerating model parts, specific to the database server, is added to the diagram shortcut menu
- DbContext template is improved: a "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generation of DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added (Entity Framework models)
- DbContext template is improved: "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged" template settings are added (Entity Framework models)
- DbContext template is improved: a new "Mapping Generation Strategy" property that determines the method of mapping generation is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- POCO template is improved: a new "WCF Data Contract Attributes" setting for generating DataContract, KnownType, and DataMember attributes for classes and properties is added (Entity Framework models)
- POCO template is improved: "Proxy Creation Enabled" setting is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- POCO template is improved: new template settings, "Implement INotifyPropertyChanging" and "Implement INotifyPropertyChanged", are added (Entity Framework models)
- POCO Entity template is improved: new template setting, "Property Change Notifiers", is added (LinqConnect models)
- Create Model Wizard is improved: it is now able to download and install the required 'EnityFramework' Nuget package for Entity Framework 6 models, and for models for Entity Framework 4 and 5 in case they use the DbContext template
- The Storage Column Editor dialog box is improved: the possibility to specify different settings that were previously available only in the Properties docking window are implemented (Entity Framework models)
- Class Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- Type Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- Storage Entity Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended columns settings, such as facets, is added (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: "Save connection string in App.Config as" check box in Model Settings dialog box is renamed to "Use connection string from App.Config as" (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: now, when creating a new TPH discriminator column in Inheritance Editor, it has the string type by default
- The behaviour is changed: the error is generated if the Abstract inheritance modifier is set for the class which is involved in the Table Per Type inheritance
- The behaviour is changed: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of class property without assigned value
- The behaviour is changed: a string default value for the property can be set without quotes in the Properties window
- The behaviour is changed: the validation error is not generated when an abstract class is used in Table Per Type inheritance (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: auto-implemented properties are generated when DbContext template is used with ImplementINotifyPropertyChanged=False and ImplementINotifyPropertyChanging=False (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: DatabaseGeneratedOption is always generated for EntityKey properties when using fluent mapping (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework 6 Beta 1 is supported
- The complex type generation for a return result set of a stored procedure is supported in EDM Wizard / Designer
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.Enabled option (default value is True) is added to turn on/off generation of foreign key constraints
- The error messages about long identifiers when using CreateDatabase/DropDatabase are improved
- The behaviour is changed: CreateDatabase()/Code-First with DeleteDatabaseBehaviour.Schema does not try to create a schema (user) if it exists
28-February-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.6
- ExtendedMembership (SimpleMembership) provider support is added
- The behaviour is changed: array with the length over 2000 bytes now is not automatically trimmed when sending a parameter value of the OracleDbType.Raw type
- The possibility of setting enum values via predefined dropdown list in the Retrieve Data window is implemented
- Entity Framework 6 Alpha 3 is supported
17-January-13 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.5
- The behaviour is changed: ORA-01403 is treated as an information message only for select statements
- The behaviour is changed: the serializing property and corresponding methods are not generated when using 'Fluent Mapping'/'POCO Entity' templates and Unidirectional mode (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: warnings about tables/views without primary keys are written to Error List window when generating a model (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: the EntityKey attribute is not assigned to each property of the class if there is no primary key in the corresponding table/view (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of Storage Column without assigned value (Entity Framework models)
- Entity Framework 6 Alpha 2 is supported
- Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.dll assembly compiled with EntityFramework.dll 6.0 and NET Framework 4.0 is added
- Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.SharpMap.dll assembly compiled with EntityFramework.dll 6.0 and NET Framework 4.0 is added
- Support for mapping CHAR(1) to System.Boolean is added
- Support of custom filters when using the System.Data.Entity.Design functionality in the config.QueryOptions.AdvancedMetadataQuery mode is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the constraint name is ignored when a table primary key is deleted when running Code-First Migrations, that allows successful deletion of automatically named primary key
20-December-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.4
- Support for spatial data types in Entity Framework 5 models is added
- Model Refactoring feature is implemented; it speeds up creating complex types and Table Per Type and Table Per Concrete Type inheritances from several model entities
- Create Storage and Mapping command, that allows automatically creating of the corresponding storage part object and defining mapping, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, properties, and associations (Entity Framework models)
- Select Storage Object command, that allows quick navigation to the corresponding storage part object, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, properties, associations, and methods (Entity Framework models)
- The possibility to delete the corresponding storage part objects automatically when deleting conceptual model objects is added (Entity Framework models)
- The functionality of ignoring columns in the database in the "Update To/From Database" wizards if they were omitted once before is implemented
- The Property Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object and the possibility to specify different settings that were previously available only in the Properties docking window are implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The Inheritance Editor dialog is improved: specifying Discriminator column for Table Per Hierarchy inheritance in the editor is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The Class Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The Method Editor dialog is improved: fast access to the editor of the corresponding storage object is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The naming algorithm for the newly-created columns, which correspond to complex type's properties, when using the Model First approach is improved (Entity Framework models)
- Warnings about objects that are not mapped are added
- A SHIFT+DELETE keyboard shortcut for deleting entity, complex type, or enum from diagram only is added
- An INSERT keyboard shortcut for creating a new entity, adding property to the selected entity/complex type or new member to enum is added
- The possibility to view notes, added through the "Documentation" property, for all the diagram objects via hints is implemented
- Hints for diagram objects are improved
- The behaviour is changed: Configure Behaviour dialog is renamed to Stored Procedure Mapping; options for hiding inappropriate and mapped stored procedures are added (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: Table Editor dialog is renamed to Storage Entity Editor (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: Stored Procedure Editor dialog is renamed to Storage Procedure Editor (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: Configure Behaviour dialog is renamed to Stored Procedure Mapping (LinqConnect models)
29-November-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.3
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- The fluent mapping is improved: support of the ID generators for primary keys is added
- The possibility to set different namespaces for the context and its entities when using the DbContext template is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- Support for spatial data types in Entity Framework 5 is added
- Oracle Spatial MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY support in Entity Framework 5 is added
- SharpMap GIS library support in Entity Framework 5 is added (new Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.SharpMap.dll assembly is added)
- Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.Migrations.dll assembly built with the 5.0 version of EntityFramework.dll is added
- Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.dll assembly built with the 4.5 version of .NET Framework is added
- The config.QueryOptions.AdvancedMetadataQuery option (default value is False) is added to turn on the advanced metadata query mode like the one which is used by Visual Studio Entity Data Model Wizard
06-September-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.2
- Visual Studio 2012 is supported
- The possibility to send/retrieve XMLTYPE in Oracle Advanced Queue is implemented: the OracleQueueMessage.XmlPayload property is added
- Array binding memory usage with VarChar/NVarChar parameters is reduced
- The Lob Block Size connection string parameter is implemented to determine the size of a block (in megabytes) to read/write CLOB or NCLOB data in the OCI mode when working with Unicode server
- The behaviour is changed: the quote symbols will be ignored in the password value in the Direct mode
- Support for ADO.NET Entity Framework 5 is added
- Predefined template for generating Repositories and Unit of Work classes is added
- Integration with Visual Studio refactoring for renaming model objects is implemented
- The "Use Database Comments" option of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether comments for database objects, if supported by DBMS, will be used for model objects Documentation initialization and taken into account when executing model or database update operations
- The "Implement IClonable" option for the generated classes based on the model entities is added to all templates
- The 'Entity Base' class property, which allows specifying the ancestor class/interface for a particular entity type, is implemented (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: the "Save connection string in App.Config as" option is available for LinqConnect models in the standalone version Entity Developer (the entry in App.Config must be added manually afterwards)
- The behaviour is changed: when preserving schema name is disabled, schema name is no more saved for Oracle package functions/procedures (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: only particular (not all) property characteristics are regenerated when using Update Model From Database wizard after the metadata of the corresponding column have been changed (LinqConnect models)
- ADO.NET Entity Framework 5 is supported
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.UseNonLobStrings option (default value is False) is added in order to treat string properties without an explicitly specified server data type as non-LOB
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.UseDateTimeAsDate option (default value is False) is added to treat DateTime properties without an explicitly specified server data type as DATE
- The SQL generation for the .Substring(startIndex) method is optimized
- The behaviour is changed: Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.Migrations.dll is built with the 4.4 version of EntityFramework.dll now
17-July-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.1
- The possibility to unload assemblies from the main application domain by using separate application domain is implemented
- The possibility to disable such Database First Settings as type mapping rules is implemented
- The design time copy/cut/paste functionality for enum members is added
- The overloaded stored procedures and functions are supported
- The behaviour is changed: the warning, related to the missing property setter, is disabled (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: for the association, in which the many-side entity hasn't the primary key, the code and the mapping are not generated (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: the properties, that correspond autoincrement fields, are generated with a ReadOnly keyword in VB.NET (LinqConnect models)
- The support of the Oracle Text full-text search functionality is implemented
- The OracleTextFunctions class for working with Oracle Text functions in LINQ to Entities is added
- The OracleCtxDdlPackage class for working with Oracle Text stored procedures of the CTX_DDL package is added
- The OracleCreateIndexConfiguration class for customizing the CreateIndex operation in Code-First Migrations is improved
- The OracleDropIndexConfiguration class is added for customizing the DropIndex operation (deleting Oracle Text indexes) in Code-First Migrations
- The existing configuration classes for customizing the Code-First Migrations operations are renamed - the "Oracle" prefix is added (for example, the CreateTableConfiguration class was renamed to OracleCreateTableConfiguration); derived classes with the old names are added for backward compatibility
- Creating indexes for FK columns in Code-First CreateDatabase functionality is implemented
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexCreation configuration option is added (default value is True)
- The config.DatabaseScript.ForeignKey.IndexTablespace configuration option is added to provide the possibility of setting the TABLESPACE, in which the index, created for the columns being parts of the foreign key, should be placed
- The option of setting ConcurrencyCheck for CLOB/NCLOB columns (for better support of LightSwitch) is implemented
- Overloads for the ToChar/ToNchar methods of the OracleFunctions class are added
- The possibility of setting configuration options via the application config file is implemented
- The Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.xsd file is added to the installation in order to simplify setting and validating the application config file settings when using the XML Editor
- Code-First Migrations now supports specifying the schema (database) the table belongs to
- The config.Workarounds.IgnoreDboSchemaName configuration option is added. The option is automatically set to True, if Code-First (Migrations) EF v4.x/5.x is used
- The ColumnTypeCasingConventionCompatibility configuration option is moved from Workarounds to CodeFirstOptions (now it is config.CodeFirstOptions.ColumnTypeCasingConventionCompatibility). For the backward compatibility a wrapper property remains in Workarounds
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.UseNonUnicodeStrings configuration option (default value is False) is added in order to treat string properties without an explicitly specified server data type, as non-unicode
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.TruncateLongDefaultNames configuration option is added (default value is False) to provide the possibility of truncating long default names of indexes, primary keys, foreign keys, triggers, and sequences generated by Code-First Migrations
- The config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior configuration option for checking for NULL when comparing a nullable property (column) or an expression with a variable (parameter) in LINQ to Entities is implemented (by default, false)
- The config.QueryOptions.CaseInsensitiveComparison option is implemented to manage the compare behaviour when using Linq to Entities comparison expression such as "a == b" (by default, false)
- The overloaded stored procedures and functions are supported in Entity Framework runtime
- CASE generation is improved
- The behaviour is changed: Substring() in LINQ queries is now translated to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR for LOBs
- The behaviour is changed: the ColumnTypeCasingConventionCompatibility configuration option is automatically set to True for EF v4.3.x & 5.x. If you use DbContext with XML mapping (in EF v4.1 & v4.2), from now on you should explicitly set ColumnTypeCasingConventionCompatibility=False
- The behaviour is changed: in case of using Code-First (Migrations) EF v4.x/5.x the schema name 'dbo' will be ignored by default
22-May-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 7.0
- Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate is supported
- The support for executing PL/SQL blocks using the OracleCommand.ExecuteArray method in the Direct mode is added
- The support for the Batch Errors mode in the OracleCommand.ExecuteArray method in the Direct mode is added
- The Initialization Command connection string parameter is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the 'sender' parameter in MonitorEventHandler is a connection and the MonitorEventArgs.ExtraInfo property is filled with the connection string
- The behaviour is changed: now the general exception is not added to the OracleException.Errors collection when executing a DML array
- The behaviour is changed: an existing internal connection is used now if connections with the same connection string are opened and closed several times in scope of a distributed transaction for the case when there are several connections with different connection strings in the transaction
- The behaviour is changed: the access modifier of the connectionString field of web provider classes is changed from private to protected
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- References to System.Data.Linq are removed; now LinqConnect uses only its own classes
- Upgrade wizard for upgrading projects to the new version of LinqConnect automatically is added
- The possibility to choose cache mode (classic mode for cases when DataContext is used as a unit of work, and self-cleaning mode for cases when DataContext is a long-lived object) is added
- The possibility to map stored procedure out parameters of the CURSOR type to IEnumerable parameters of the corresponding methods is added
- Tracking of complex object graphs with chains of parent-child objects is optimized
- Number of database calls required for managing objects with a many-to-many association is reduced
- Delete rule performance is improved
- Compilation performance is improved
- Materialization performance is improved
- Compiled query cache is improved
- The precision facet for DateTime and DateTimeOffset properties is supported
- The sticker notes for adding comments to diagrams are implemented
- The possibility to add a stamp, specifying diagram author, company, version, copyrights, project name, and date, to a diagram is implemented
- New Collapse All and Expand All menu commands for collapsing and expanding diagram shapes are added
- The "Pluralize collection navigation properties" option for the possibility to turn off the pluralization of the many-end names of associations is implemented
- The "sealed override" inheritance modifier for methods based on stored procedures and functions is added (LinqConnect models)
- The behaviour is changed: System.Int64 is mapped to Number(19) now when using Model First approach
- The behaviour is changed: context menu commands for working with diagram are grouped to the Diagram submenu of the context menu
- The behaviour is changed: the possibility to change diagram shape color via the corresponding Shape -> Color context menu command is added
- The behaviour is changed: when pasting a copied entity to a new diagram, a new entity is not created, the existing entity is added to this diagram
- The behaviour is changed: when cutting an entity from the diagram, the entity is not cut from the model, only from the diagram
- The behaviour is changed: "Update Model From Database" wizard places newly added properties to the base abstract class now instead of putting them into child classes where the mapping is (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: System.Double is mapped to Number now when using Model First approach (Entity Framework models)
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.RemoveSchemaFromDefaultConstraintName option for removing schema name from the default constraint name is implemented in Code-First Migrations (by default, true)
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.AddTableNameInDefaultIndexName option for adding a table name to the default index name is implemented in Code-First Migrations (by default, true)
- The config.CodeFirstOptions.DisableIndexQuoting option is implemented for a backward compatibility with migrations which use indexes, generated and applied in the 6.xx versions
- The support of fractional seconds for TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE in Entity Data Model Wizard/Generate Database Wizard and Code-First CreateDatabase functionality is added
- The behaviour is changed: by default in Model-First and Code-First approaches the DateTime property is not TIMESTAMP anymore, but TIMESTAMP(7), and the DateTimeOffset property is TIMESTAMP(7) WITH TIME ZONE
- The behaviour is changed: the comparison of a column and an empty string literal in LINQ to Entities (column == "") is translated into the check if the column is equal to NULL in SQL (column IS NULL) now
15-Mar-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.80
- Visual Studio 11 Beta is supported
- The OracleNotificationRequest.QueryBasedNotificationMode property for selecting the best-effort or guaranteed query result notification mode is added
- The OracleNotificationRequest.Operations property for the selection of operations, for which notifications should come, has been added
- The DirectUtils.OldAuthMode property for using the old password encryption algorithm during authentication in the Direct mode is added
- Usage of any symbols in the OracleParameter.ParameterName property for the stored procedure is supported
- The behaviour is changed: the best-effort query result notification mode is used by default in OracleDependency
- The handling of empty options in the connection string is improved
- The performance of OracleDataAdapter when using MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey is improved
- The copy/cut/paste functionality is added for objects of the conceptual part of a model
- The OracleFunctions.SysExtractUtc(DateTimeOffset?) overload is added
- The possibility to drag&drop properties between classes in Model Explorer is implemented
- The "HeaderTimestampVersionControlTag" generation template option is added for improving integration with version-control systems
- The multiline popup editor for the Documentation.Summary property is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the Migrate option is added to the context menu of property in Model Explorer
- The behaviour is changed: entities and enums on the designer surface are more resizable now
- Entity Framework 5.0 Beta 2 is supported
- SQL generation for .Any method in LINQ to Entities is improved
- The possibility to specify the sequence and trigger names via CreateTableConfiguration and DropTableConfiguration classes in Code-First Migrations is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.Migrations.dll is built with the 4.3.1 version of EntityFramework.dll now
27-Jan-12 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.70
- The support for OBJECT, TABLE, VARRAY, REF, XMLTYPE data types in Direct mode is added
- The support for Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, and Oracle 11g authentication in the Direct mode is added
- The support for username/password containing national characters in the Direct mode is added
- The OracleTrackingBehavior and OracleTrackingElement classes for enabling Oracle Workflow Tracking using a configuration file are added
- The promoted properties feature of Oracle Workflow Instance Store is implemented
- The support for BINARY_DOUBLE and BINARY_FLOAT data types in Direct mode is added
- The behaviour is changed: one internal connection is used now if connections with the same connection string are opened and closed several times in scope of a distributed transaction
- The behaviour is changed: The Value property of PL/SQL array output parameters now returns an array with the length equal to the length of the value, returned by Oracle
- The validation of method parameters in LinqConnect models is added
- The context menu options for unchecking changed/added/dropped tables are implemented for the root nodes in the "Update To/From Database" wizards
- The possibility to rename the storage part of the model in Model Explorer is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The diagram design is changed: an arrow (instead of a triangle) is used on the tip of an association now
- Materialized view support is added
- The documentation generation for navigation properties is implemented
- The "Recreate Model" option, allowing to rebuild the model from a scratch, is added to the "Update Model From Database" wizard
- The "GeneratePartialClass" template property to generate a partial class, which will not be overwritten by the designer, for each class in the model is added
- The stored procedures support in DbContext template in case of XML mapping is implemented (Entity Framework models)
- The behaviour is changed: database column comments are transfered to the Summary attribute of the Documentation property now
- Entity Framework 4.3 (Code First Migrations) is supported
- Oracle-specific Code First Migration customizations are implemented
- The validation of identifier name length in Code-First Migrations is implemented
- The conversion of .StartsWith, .Contains, .EndsWith to LIKE clause in the generated SQL for the case of expression-based condition is supported
- The Code-First Migrations behaviour is changed: if the nullable value of the property in migration is not set explicitly, the corresponding column will be created nullable
09-Dec-11 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.60
- Workflow Tracking support is implemented
- Enabling Persistence for WAS-Hosted Workflow Services that use the WorkflowServiceHost using a Configuration File is supported
- Capability for customizing the default Type Mapping Rules is implemented
- Capability for setting diagram options either globally for all diagram documents or separately for a particular one is implemented: the Diagram Appearance and Printing options can now be set through the Options dialog box
- Capability for setting such options as Environment, Diagram and Servers' to adjust the Entity Developer behavior, Model diagram behavior and Type Mapping Rules to your needs is implemented
- Capability for setting and defining the class property validation rules based on different engines (Data Annotation, Enterprise Library, NHibernate Validator) is added
- The 'Numeric Primary Key As Identity' Oracle option is added: if this option is checked, the "StoreGeneratedPattern" will be set to Identity by default for Number primary keys
- The HasStream attribute of entity types, used retrieve binary data as a stream via Open Data Protocol, is supported (Entity Framework models)
- The documentation generation for Enum members is implemented
- The "Detect function-based column default value" option for automatic setting StoreGeneratedPattern to Identity for corresponding columns is implemented for Entity Framework models (by default, false)
- The algorithm for forming the Navigation Properties names, when there are several FOREIGN KEY constraints between the same tables, is changed
- The behaviour is changed: the Navigation Property will not be displayed on the diagram and in Model Explorer if "Generate" is set to false for the appropriate association end
- The behaviour is changed: the Validate Max Length attribute is synchronized with the Max Length attribute of Property by default now
- The behaviour is changed: the Validate Required attribute is synchronized with the Nullable attribute of Property by default now
- The behaviour is changed: when selecting a property in the Model Explorer, the corresponding entity on the diagram does not expand if it is collapsed
- The PL/SQL BOOLEAN parameters of stored procedures are supported in Entity Data Model Wizard
- The behavior of the Database.Delete code-first method is changed: the constraints are now disabled when database objects are deleted
- The config.QueryOptions.NoEscapeLike and CaseInsensitiveLike options are implemented to manage LIKE behaviour when using Linq to Entities extention methods .Contains() .EndsWith() .StartsWith()
- The possibility of using Oracle optimizer hints in LINQ to Entities queries is implemented
- The behaviour is changed: the BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types are mapped to Single and Double correspondingly in Entity Data Model Wizard
- The behaviour is changed: if an output cursor parameter of a stored procedure is not specified in the "Result Set Parameter" property, it will now be processed automatically
06-Sep-11 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.50
- The 'OraMts' connection string parameter for distributed transactions support through OraMTS is added
- Devart.Data.Oracle.DurableInstancing assembly and namespace were renamed to Devart.Data.Oracle.WorkflowFoundation
- The possibility of choosing connections that are created with Oracle Object Wizard and Oracle Package Wizard is implemented for different project types
- Behaviour is changed: pending operations on a connection are rolled back before returning the connection to pool
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- Fluent Mapping support is added
- Fluent Mapping template for LinqConnect models is added
- Support for enumerated types ("enums") in LinqConnect and Entity Framework June 2011 CTP models is implemented
- Import for selected stored procedures into the context model for Entity Framework models is implemented
- New skins to improve the apllication appearance are implemented
- Selection driven highlighting is implemented
- Capability for changing the shape color for entities, complex types and enums is implemented
- Capability for selecting the diagram skin type is implemented
- Disabling facets that are not applicable to the current field type is implemented (LinqConnect models)
- The possibility of specifying the name of the connection string to be saved in the application configuration file is implemented
- Default behaviour changed: now the Update To Database Wizard does not drop foreign keys of a table if the 'master' one is not represented in the LinqConnect model
- The default attribute mapping source for LinqConnect models is made static
- Behaviour is changed: table is not marked as "Changed" in Update Wizard if DefaultValue is set for its expression column
- The generation of DATE/TIMESTAMP parameters in LINQ queries is improved
- The possibility to turn off generation of fake updates for parent entities is implemented
- The REGEXP Oracle functions for working with regular expressions are supported
- The code generation is improved to distinguish DATE from TIMESTAMP when using database independent fluent mapping
- Changed behaviour: the CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns are created with the CHAR semantics for EF Code-First CreateDatabase()
17-May-11 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.30
- Oracle Workflow Instance Store is implemented
- Support for the Oracle TimesTen database is implemented
- DbTransactionBase class is added
- TransactionStateChanging and TransactionStateChanged events are added to the DbConnectionBase class
- The OracleConnectMode.SYSASM privilege is supported
- Policy file for the Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity assembly is added
- The License Information Wizard is improved: it now generates licenses for projects that have Entity Framework models or refer to Devart.Data.Oracle.Web, but have no direct references to Devart.Data.Oracle.dll
- The support of events which occur when connections are taken and returned to pool for processing OracleMonitor.TraceEvent is added
- The "Use schema name" check box is added to DataSet Wizard
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- Eager loading is implemented in case the related entities collection is referenced in the select clause of the query
- IFetch mode customization for eager loading of related entities is implemented
- Performance of ordered queries with the Skip() and Take() methods is improved: the 'rownum' pseudo-column is now used instead of the 'row_number' function
- The 'IsReference' mode of entity serialization is supported
New Templates are added:
- LinqConnect: POCO template with XML mapping generation
- Entity Framework: POCO template, Self-Tracking template, DbContext template with fluent mapping generation
- Templates usability is improved
- Template Editor is significantly improved
- Ability to declare additional properties for model objects is added
- Ability to specify .NET attributes for model objects is added
- The possibility to export the diagram into an image file was added
- The possibility to restrict adding the connection string information to the application configuration file is added
- The changes in the Entity name are now preserved by Update From Database Wizard (Entity Framework models)
- The Entity Key handling for Views in Update From Database Wizard in Entity Framework models is improved
- The pluralization algorithm is improved when Naming rules are defined
- Runtime support for literals specified in the 'Default Value' entity field property for LinqConnect models is implemented
- The "Preserve schema name in storage" option is added
- Behaviour is changed: string entity fields are now mapped to varchar2(4000) by default
- Entity Framework 4.2 June 2011 CTP is supported
- Batch Updates support is added
- Adjustable SQL Formatting for DML commands is added
- Ability to configure the NULL values inserting behaviour is added
- The "raw guid as string" SSDL type is implemented for text presentation of binary Guids
- The processing of LINQ expressions which work with literals is improved
- IgnoreSchemaName workaround (mainly for Code First) is added
- DisableQuoting workaround is added
- OracleFunctions.Like support (including LINQ to Entities) is added
- Configurable schema deletion and creation support is added
- Number Mappings support in Entity Data Model Wizard and Update From Database Wizard is added
- Multiple Include support is improved
- The handling of the StoreGeneratedPattern in Update From Database Wizard is improved
- Processing of Edm.StartsWith, Edm.Contains, and Edm.EndsWith is improved
- Redundant casts for the DATE and TIMESTAMP columns are excluded from the generated query
27-Jan-11 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.10
- Supported Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1
- Added DDEX support in Express Edition
- Supported SQL Server Reporting Services x64
- Supported Oracle Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)
- Added 'Connection Class' connection string parameter and OracleConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionClass property for DRCP support
- Improved public interface of OracleNumberMappingCollection class
- Implemented support for the TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL, CLOB, and BLOB Oracle data types in the OracleLoader component
- Implemented support for the OracleCommand.CommandTimeout and OracleConnection.ConnectionTimeout properties in the OCI connection mode
- Added possibility to use overloaded stored procedures which do not return result set with ExecuteScalar()/ExecuteNonQuery() without setting a number of overload when parameters are added manually
- Improved Oracle Objects Wizard: now it generates a constructor receiving non-typed OracleObject
- Implemented generation of UDT method wrappers in the Oracle Object wizard
- Added BeginTransaction value to the MonitorEventType enum
- Implemented the DbMonitor.EventQueueLimit property which allows to set the maximal allowed number of messages waiting for being processed by the dbMonitor application
- Changed behaviour in OracleClient compatibility mode: stored procedures are called with named parameters now
- Changed behaviour: OracleDbType.VarChar parameter's max size is increased from 4000 to 32767 symbols
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- Implemented the Attach(object entity, object original) method of the Devart.Data.Linq.ITable interface
- Implemented implicit sorting by the entity key in queries with defined LoadWith rules
- Added possibility to split model into several diagrams for better handling of large models
- Supported automatic generation of sequences and triggers for Autoincrement properties
- Implemented possibility to disable automatic recognition of many-to-many associations
- Added ConstraintSet property for Constraints in the Store part of the Entity Framework model
- Added mapping for Function Import result types (Entity Framework v4 only)
- Changed behaviour: when adding two related entities with the corresponding properties having different types, an invalid association is created now
- Entity Framework 4.1 RTW supported
- Improved TPT inheritance support in case of updating the inherited entities
- Added new column generation based on Unicode and non-Unicode columns union in queries
- Improved performance for Visual Studio LightSwitch Beta 1 integration
- Microsoft Generate Database from Model Wizard: Changed Date type to Timestamp type for DateTime properties
- Improved Skip/Take performance
- Improved performance by removing the unnecessary CAST statements
29-Nov-10 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 6.00
- Supported Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 Beta
- Supported OracleConnection.ChangePassword() in Direct mode
- Added "Transaction Scope Local" connection string option that enables the support for non-distributed transactions in the TransactionScope implementation
- Improved interface in DbLoader class - added string and integer indexers
- Added overloads for methods of DbDataReaderBase class with column name parameter
- Implemented returning the error code of SocketExceptions thrown on network errors occurring when opening Direct connections
- The NumberMapping and NumberMappingCollection classes renamed to OracleNumberMapping and OracleNumberMappingCollection
- Implemented the OracleCommand.PassParametersByName property and the 'Pass Parameters By Name' connection string parameter
- Added the 'Number Mappings' connection string parameter that allows to change default mappings of Oracle Number and Float types to .NET number types
- Added the 'Validate Connection' connection string parameter to validate connection on its retrieving from pool
- Changed behaviour: when clearing the pool, the number of connections specified in 'Min Pool Size' is never removed
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- Ability to execute DML statements in batches on SubmitChanges added
- Table Per Type inheritance supported
- Supported ASP.NET Dynamic Data with ASP.NET Dynamic Data project templates
- PLINQ support added (connection manager redesigned for thread safety)
- Supported Visual Studio Debugger Visualizer with SQL syntax highlighting for the DataQuery objects
- Implemented support for custom type arguments in LinqConnect compiled queries
- Update To Database with Storage Synchronization functionality added
- Added possibility for changing the UpdateCheck property for several fields at once
- Added Update Model From Database functionality
- Added multiselect support for properties
- Improved large models handling
- Entity Data Model Wizard and Update Model from Database Wizard in Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 Beta supported
- Improved SQL generation for IN (Entity SQL) and Contains (LINQ to Entities) clauses
- Improved performance for DateTime literals
20-May-10 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.70
- Supported password salt in ASP.NET membership provider
- Implemented capability of extending base functionality of ASP.NET providers
- Added ClientId connection parameter
- Improved Upgrade wizard
- Added support for Enterprise Library 5
- Implemented integration with Visual Web Developer 2008 and 2010 Express editions
- Added support for user-defined types with sys.xmltype fields
- Added Trim Fixed Char connection string parameter
- Added additional overloads of OracleParameterCollection.Add() method
- Implemented additional constructors for OracleParameter class
- Implemented explicit disposing of OracleCommands used in the Enqueue/Dequeue methods of the OracleQueue components
- Added possibility for handling the ORA-01403 informational message
- Implemented host option for current process in dbMonitor
- Added possibility for tracing the distributed transactions in DBMonitor
- Changed behaviour: OracleParameter.OracleDbType will be set by default to OracleDbType.Clob for the values which are longer than 4000 symbols
- Changed the primary key of the aspnet_sessions table for ASP.NET Web providers (the ApplicationName column added)
- Added functionality for setting size of packets sent on command execution
- Changed generation of overloaded procedures names in Oracle Package Wizard
- Changed default behaviour of OracleTransaction without explicit Commit/Rollback call (RollBack now)
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to Oracle)
- LINQ to Oracle support is renamed to LinqConnect
- Added support for Complex type
- Added support for different configurable algorithms for primary key generation
- Automatic configurable compiled query caching supported
- Performance improved
- DateTimeFormat is set in accordance with session parameters
- Changed DataContext.Log output format for Microsoft compatibility reasons
- Improved transaction behaviour in case when exception is thrown
- DataContext class is now CLS-Compilant
- Changed behaviour: Substring() in LINQ queries is now translated to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR for LOBs
- Added the client NLS settings support in the TO_NUMBER function
- Added implementation of the ITable interface for the Table class
- Added possibility of renaming associations in the model
- Improved code generation for procedures returning several cursors
- Added default bindings to entity fields in Insert(Update/Delete) MethodMappings
Model First support improved
- Added more settings in Devart file
- DROP statements generation added
- Schema name is not generated before each object
- Generated scripts are now SQLPlus-compatible
- Added implementation for the DatabaseExists method
- Improved select performance in case of specific double values
15-Apr-10 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.60
- Supported Visual Studio 2010
- Install Wizard improved (ability to automatically uninstall previous version added)
- ADO.NET Data Services v1.5 CTP2 supported
- Added possibility to avoid connecting to dbMonitor.exe when using DbMonitor ancestors
- Transaction rollback timeout changed from ConnectionTimeout to DefaultCommandTimeout
- Added support for specific dynamic expressions
Supported ADO.NET Entity Framework 4
- Support for new Canonical aggregate and scalar functions added
- Ability to use standard DBMS functions in LINQ queries added
- Support for Model First (templates for DB generation) added
- Full support for Entity Data Model Wizard/Update Wizard added
- Added support for methods creating and deleting the database (EF v1 and EF v4)
- Support for ADO.NET Entity Framework 4 added
- Support for multi-result set methods added
- Improved dialogs for editing model objects
- Full integration with Visual Studio implemented
- Added full support for ModificationFunctionMapping
- Strongly typed reference cursors supported
- Improved Find in Model functionality
- Strongly typed reference cursors supported
- Improved One-To-One associations handling
20-Nov-09 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.35
- Integration with improved dbMonitor added
- Implemented DefaultCommandTimeout parameter in connection string (by default, set to 0)
- Added orderid column for Site Map provider for custom map node ordering
- Added some DataSet Wizard design-time improvements
- Devart DbLinqDataSource added
- Linq performance improved
- Supported navigation using properties (not only keys)
- New T4 like template engine with powerful editor added
Updated code generation
- Ability to generate separate files for classes added
- Entity Framework Pregenerated Views support added
- Improved null handling code generation
- Ability to execute LINQ and Entity SQL queries with data and native sql preview added
- Ability to preview and edit data displayed in Database Explorer added
- Table splitting added (emulation of deferred loading for "large" datatypes in EF)
- OnDelete support for associations added
14-Jul-09 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.25
- Visual Studio 2010 Beta supported
- ASP.NET Web Providers: Added requiresUniqueEmail functionality
- Performance improvements in Direct mode when executing DML commands
- Added support of the String.IsNullOrEmpty() method
Entity Developer 2.20
- Advanced mapping with Entity Framework QueryView supported
- Oracle packages supported
- Displaying of Navigation properties on diagram and project explorer implemented
- Ability to change properties order added
- Ability to edit Referential constraints added
- Ability to set OnDelete action added
- Ability to set Rows Affected parameter added
- Added dialogs for suitable storage model editing
- Added advanced search on the model
- Added support for storing connections in the configuration files
- Added Entity Set Pluralization Naming Rule
28-Apr-09 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.20
- Supported extended errors processing
- Supported DataLoadOptions class and Include method for tuning data loading
- Supported DeferredLoadingEnable functionality
- Supported function import
- Supported stored procedures as insert/update/delete behavior
- Supported user-defined functions in selection part of a query
- Supported CreateDatabase() and DeleteDatabase() methods
- Supported SqlMethods class
- Supported returning new Dictionary from query
- Removed redundant TRIM() function calls
Entity Developer 2.00
- Supported Entity Framework
- Supported stored procedures and functions for LINQ to SQL
- Added naming rules for database objects
- Added Visual Studio integration
- Validation schema improved
- Entity Framework Complex Type supported
- Entity Framework Storage Model editing supported
- Many-to-Many associations retrieving added
- Usability improvements
- Stability and performance improvements
13-Nov-08 New features in dotConnect for Oracle 5.00
- OraDirect .NET renamed to dotConnect for Oracle
- Supported LINQ to Oracle
- Added Entity Developer for LINQ to Oracle
- Added free Express Edition with basic connectivity features
- Added Developer Edition, which is equivalent to the Professional Edition plus OraDeveloper Tools
- TransactionScope supported
- Support for .NET Framework 1.x is discontinued
- Renamed assemblies, namespaces, and classes (for information on upgrading your projects please refer to FAQ, section Subscriptions and Upgrades)
- Improved performance of EDM Wizard
- EDM Wizard now supports system privileges SELECT ANY TABLE and EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE
- EDM Wizard now supports grants and privileges of the user's role
20-Aug-08 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.75
- Supported .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1
- Supported Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
29-May-08 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.70
- Supported .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta
- Supported Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 Beta
- Improved support for ADO.NET Entity Framework
23-Apr-08 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.60
- Supported Visual Studio designers for Entity Framework
- Improved Entity Framework run time support
26-Feb-08 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.50
- Oracle ANYDATA type supported
- Added DB server-based data paging for web applications
- OracleDataSource design time improvements
- ASP.NET demo pack added
- OracleSelectStatement.TryParse method added
- OracleXml class changed
- DataLink.DataSource property can refer to another DataLink component
20-Dec-07 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.35
- Visual Studio 2008 supported
- Entity Framework Beta 3 supported
- Added Licensing Information dialog
19-Nov-07 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.30
- Oracle version 11g supported
25-Oct-07 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.25
- .NET Entity Framework Beta 2 supported
- Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 supported
- Added Visual Basic versions to CRM, WinForms, and Web samples
30-Aug-07 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.20
- Supported Visual Studio codename Orcas Beta 1
- Supported .NET Entity Framework
- Supported Proxy Authentication
- Supported OCI Pooling
- Enhanced command builder with generation of row refresh statements
- Added detailed warning information to OracleInfoMessageEventArgs class
- Added DbCommand.GetRecordCount() method to determine rows count of a request
- Added INullable interface for provider specific types
- Improved LOBs performance in Direct mode
- Added capability to store connection strings in application settings
- Improved integration with OraDeveloper Tools
- Extended drag'n'drop capabilities in DataSet Manager
- Add-in menu moved to Visual Studio package
- Demo projects reorganized
- Added CRM (Customer Relationship Management) demo project
- Added Ping demo project for Mobile Edition
03-May-07 New features in OraDirect .NET 4.00
Application development enhancement
- Added DataSet Manager to control dataset instances in the project
- Added DataSet Editor for convenient datasets manipulation
- New OracleDataSet class to use with OracleDataTable
- New component DataLink added for flexible data binding
- New capabilities added to OracleDataTable class
- Added capability for cross-form components cooperation
- Design time visualization extended
- Supported addin, DataSet Wizard, and OraDeveloper Tools integration with Borland Developer Studio
.NET 2 features
- Added OracleDependency class to support Database Change Notification
- Added OracleDataSourceEnumerator class to support Server Enumeration feature
- Added support for Batch Update in OracleDataAdapter
- Added support for returning provider-specific types in OracleDataReader and OracleDataAdapter
Advanced Oracle features
- LOBs and Oracle Objects now entirely support the disconnected model
- Supported Oracle Advanced Queue technology
- New OracleAlerter component added
- New OraclePipe component added
- New OracleTrace component added
- Oracle Client Software x64 supported
- Added support for custom UDT classes
- Added support for IN and IN/OUT REF CURSORs
- OracleDataAdapter now supports sequential fetch
- Added new class OracleGlobalization for managing culture settings
Other features
- SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Solutions supported
- Added OracleSelectStatement class for building SELECT statements
- Added list of servers in connection form and connection properties
- Added OracleLoader.LoadTable method
- Added DbLoader class that serves to load external data into database
- Added OraDirect .NET information to Visual Studio 2005 splash screen and About box
- Base level classes moved to the new assembly CoreLab.Data.dll
- New demo projects added
- Bug with handling broken connections in connection pool fixed
- Bug with InputOutput VARCHAR parameters fixed
OraDeveloper Tools 2.00 improvements
- Added PL/SQL and SQL script debuggers
- Added a project management framework for bookmarking related scripts and organizing database developments
- Enhanced SQL Editor with context-sensitive code completion, code navigation, incremental search, and more
- Enhanced working with data, including possibility to print data directly from data editor
- Added search in object data and source code
- Added an extensive collection of SQL and PL/SQL code templates
- Completely redesigned Security Manager for controlling user accounts
- Added a Session Manager for controlling and analyzing user sessions
- Added an Event Monitor for exchanging signals between database connections
- Extended Oracle schema object support, including support for XML Schemas, Materialized Views, and Materialized View Logs
12-Dec-06 New features in OraDirect .NET 3.55
- Windows Vista support added
17-Apr-06 New features in OraDirect .NET 3.50
- Implemented advanced integration with Visual Studio 2005, including Server Explorer, Data Source wizard, TableAdapter configuration, Query Builder and configuring web component SqlDataSource
- Mono support added
- ASP.NET 2.0 providers added: Membership Provider, Profile Provider, Role Provider, Session State Provider
- Capability to call OraDirect .NET runtime assemblies by partially trusted code added
- DataSet Wizard added
- Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block support added
- Added streaming support for OracleScript
- OraDeveloper Tools installation separated from OraDirect .NET installation
- Four digits of OracleConnection.Client version is returning
- Licensing for applications that call OraDirect .NET through DbProviderFactory added.
- This allows to use OraDirect .NET in SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Solutions
28-Dec-05 New features in OraDirect .NET 3.20
- Supported .NET Framework 2.0 release version
- Supported Visual Studio 2005 release version
- Compact .NET Framework 2.0 supported
- Performance improved in working with Oracle Object types
- Sample projects for OraDirect .NET Mobile added
OraDeveloper Tools improvements (Professional edition only):
- Database export/import
- Script support
- Stop execution feature
- Execution of the selected SQL fragment feature
- Data Export feature
- Dynamic data viewing of the tables and views in DbExplorer
- Paginal data access mode
- LOB viewer/editor
- Database object search
- Duplicate object feature
- DDL generation wizard
- Data grid colors customizing
11-Jul-05 New features in OraDirect .NET 3.01
- OracleCommandBuilder.UpdatingFields property added
- OracleLoader now inherits from DbLoader class
03-Jun-05 New features in OraDirect .NET 3.00
- Access to Oracle server without Oracle client software with Direct mode
- Support for .NET Compact Framework added with Mobile edition
- OracleDataTable component greatly enhanced with OracleObject and Arrays advanced data binding and update capabilities
- New functionality added to OracleScript component
- Oracle warning support added to OracleConnection.InfoMessage event
- Interface enhanced for OraclePackage component
- Publisher policy file added for versions compatibility
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 added
Design-time tools are completely revised, extended and called OraDeveloper Tools (Professional edition only):
- Visual editors for Oracle schema objects added
- Query Builder tool rewritten and improved
- SQL editor tool improved
- Execution plan visualization tool added
- Ability to drag connections, tables and stored procedures from DbExplorer to Form Designer added
- Component designers more tightly integrated with OraDeveloper Tools
06-Jan-05 New features in OraDirect .NET 2.50
- Support for .NET Framework 2.0 added
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 Beta 1
- Support ADO.NET 2 features including:
- Support for metadata schemas added
- The Base-Class-Based provider model used
- Connection pooling enhancements functionality added, that allows you to programmatically "drain" the connection pool
- New OracleConnectionStringBuilder component to build connection strings to represent data sources
- Support for Borland Delphi 2005
- Documentation enriched
21-Jul-04 New features in OraDirect .NET 2.40
- Performance increased
- New component OracleDataTable added
- New methods for asynchronous working added
- Support for paginal access to query result added
- Support for multiple ExecuteReader added
- Retrieve ROWID to dataset 'ROWID' column added
- Parameter editor extended for Array and Tables datatypes
- Datatype conversions ability extended for OracleParameter.Value
30-Apr-04 New features in OraDirect .NET 2.30
- Oracle 10g support
- Multiple home environment
- XMLType support
- Oracle 10g Instant Client support
- Dynamic fetch size feature added
- Statement caching (Oracle 10g only)
- Transparent Application Failover (TAF) support
- Overloaded stored procedures
- RECORD data type as parameters type
- Schema table for REF cursor's and nested tables
- Working with VARRAY and TABLE data types as native .NET array types
- OracleDataReader.HasRows property added
- OracleCommand.GetRowId method for native Oracle ROWID
- OracleCommand.Cancel method supported
- OracleError and OracleErrorCollection for Array Binding errors
- OraclePermission class and attribute added
11-Feb-04 New features in OraDirect .NET 2.01
- Support for Borland Delphi 8 and Borland C#Builder 1.0 added
02-Oct-03 New features in OraDirect .NET 2.00
- Fully rewritten 100% managed code
- Available Standard and Professional editions
- Support for Oracle 9i types such as TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL
- Support for Oracle object types: OBJECT, VARRAY, TABLE, and REF
- Native classes and structures to represent Oracle types
- Connection pooling support
- Unicode support added
- Array binding feature support
- PL/SQL tables support
- Fill DataSet with several REF CURSOR
- OS authentication enabled
- DBA privileges to open a session with
- Controlling automatic commit data for the connection
- Enables changing expired password
- Transaction savepoints support added
- Optimization fetching data with OracleCommand.FetchSize property
- Getting offset of the error in SQL statement
- OraDirect .NET help integrated into Visual Studio .NET
- XML documentation for code completion added
- Migration wizard from MS OracleClient and ODP.NET
- Typed Oracle package wizard
- New sample applications added
24-Jun-03 New features in OraDirect .NET 1.55
- Visual Studio .NET 2003 support added
- Property editors for OracleCommandBuilder.KeyFields and OracleCommandBuilder.UpdatingTable added.
11-Feb-03 New features in OraDirect .NET 1.50
- New component OracleScript added. Servers to execute series of SQL statements separated by special symbols, like SQL*Plus scripts.
- New component OracleLoader added. Serves to load external data into the Oracle database. Uses direct path load interface to speed up loading.
- New component OracleMonitor added. Allows to monitor dynamic SQL execution in applications that use OraDirect .NET. Extended monitoring capabilities are provided with DBMonitor application.
- New component OraclePackage added. Provides access to packages stored in Oracle database.
- OracleConnection.Home property added to support Oracle Homes
- OracleConnection.Error event added
- OracleConnection.GetServerList() static method added
- Performance greatly increased
- Designer form for OracleDataAdapter component setup added
- OracleCommand component designer functionality extended
- Typed dataset generation mechanism enabled for OracleDataAdapter
- Automatic component registration (in toolbox) mechanism added
- OraDesigner, OraExplorer, OraBuilder and OraDebugger are now embedded into OraDirect .NET
- BlobPictures, Loader, Pictures, StoredProc samples added
- Visual Basic .NET samples added
17-Jul-02 New features in OraDirect .NET 1.20
- ASP.NET sample project
- MasterDetail sample project
- UnloadedAppDomain bug fixed
- Special characters in connect string bug fixed
- Statement handle not executed bug fixed (1212)
13-Jun-02 New features in OraDirect .NET 1.12
- SchemaInfo bug fixed (1230)
- OracleConnection [@name.globalname] connection string bug fixed (1322)
- OracleCommand.CommandText property editor added
- Design-time bug with sp describe fixed (1134)
- References to extensibility and envdte removed from OracleDesign (1152)
- Design-time execution bug with not caught exception fixed (1123)
- WaitCursor for design-time describe added (1208)
- OraTools version added to About form (1231)
15-May-02 New features in OraDirect .NET 1.10
- DataSet sample project
- DataReader sample project
- Table sample project
- "Designer..." verb added to OracleConnection ComponentDesigner
- Add-in bug with help menu fixed
09-Apr-02 First release of OraDirect .NET 1.00