.NET Oracle Connection String
This guide will help you construct the perfect connection string using dotConnect for Oracle. We'll decipher the essential elements and explore advanced options, ensuring a clear path to successful database interactions.
Direct mode connection strings
dotConnect for Oracle, like most applications that work with Oracle, uses Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to the Oracle database server. This is the usual way to develop Oracle applications with a third-generation language. However, it requires Oracle Client software installed on the workstation, which is the cause of additional expenses for installation and administration. Moreover, .NET security settings may restrict the usage of unmanaged libraries, which makes it impossible to use the client software, for example, on ASP.NET servers.
In the Direct mode, dotConnect for Oracle connects to an Oracle server directly, without calling any third-party libraries. It allows your application to work with Oracle directly through the TCP/IP protocol without involving the Oracle Client software. To run your application built with dotConnect for Oracle you only need to have an operating system with the TCP/IP protocol support.
using Devart.Data.Oracle; ... OracleConnectionStringBuilder oraCSB = new OracleConnectionStringBuilder(); oraCSB.Direct = true; oraCSB.Server = ""; oraCSB.Port = 1521; oraCSB.ServiceName = "orcl"; oraCSB.UserId = "demo"; oraCSB.Password = "test"; OracleConnection myConnection = new OracleConnection(oraCSB.ConnectionString); myConnection.Open();
Direct mode options properties
Property | Meaning |
Direct | Specifies whether to use direct mode. |
Server | States the IP address or hostname of the Oracle server. |
Port | Indicates the port number for the Oracle server. |
ServiceName | Determines the service name for the database instance. |
Sid | Specifies the Oracle System Identifier (SID) for the database instance. |
UserId | States the Oracle database username. |
Password | Defines the password is associated with the Oracle database username. |
License Key | Specify your license key in this parameter. This is required only when using .NET Standard compatible assemblies. |
Privileged connection strings
The Connect mode connection string parameter allows opening a session with specified database privileges.
Oracle Connect mode enum values
Member | Description |
Default | Opens an unprivileged session. It's a default value. |
SysAsm | Opens a session with the SYSASM privilege. |
SysBackup | Opens a session with the SYSBACKUP privilege. |
SysDba | Opens a session with the SYSDBA privilege. |
SysDg | Opens a session with the SYSDG privilege. |
SysKm | Opens a session with the SYSKM privilege. |
SysOper | Opens a session with the SYSOPER privilege. |
SysRac | Opens a session with the SYSRAC privilege. |
SSL/TLS connection strings
dotConnect for Oracle supports connections using SSL in the Direct mode (as well as in the OCI mode). It offers four ways to provide SSL certificates to the server (four kinds of certificate sources).
To specify a TNS descriptor
connection.ConnectionString = "Direct=True;Server=(DESCRIPTION=" + "(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=" + "(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=orcl))(SECURITY=(SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN=\"C=UA,O=Devart,OU=DevartSSL,CN=TestSSL\")));" + "UserID=demo;Password=test;" + "SSL Cert=MIIB+zCCAWQCAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwRjESMBAGA1UEAxMJQ2xpZW50U1NMMRIwEAYDVQQLEwlEZXZhcnRTU0wxDzANB" + "gNVBAoTBkRldmFydDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVUEwHhcNMTkxMjI0MTM1MTAwWhcNMjkxMjIxMTM1MTAwWjBGMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlDbGllbnRTU0wx" + "EjAQBgNVBAsTCURldmFydFNTTDEPMA0GA1UEChMGRGV2YXJ0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVQTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5DQ" + "PPPYPVEsnuzhBfzdy0Y1rpNR5Ev6bK+YpajfdEKr42dno3x/dvQpRuno9ZUHfHTwQsLV+hXxsa/L1jfV45sqQW18DmXevllvgfik6DbeOMd" + "0xsHsxDPM3rNv2fJ8aSJKQd4kLE8oSkvjBViwtHaOx0bJbShrm5G5lndoHqc8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQAEvH+cBRDM7n7MA" + "mQlkbtA1WxkV3aBTdwXXf0FecJRRTXHJOlhJsBmmejtvfy1YpugssHDXY+aQM8bH4HD/6NHORV+CX4tUmxRwPaCljxHNvlVZnwUoScZoWLy" + "U/75txaWocHgzj6XQ3WlA/Kge/o1cpv9RxomXAoeIP+TcnUlfg==;" + "SSL Key=MIICXAIBAAKBgQDkNA889g9USye7OEF/N3LRjWuk1HkS/psr5ilqN90QqvjZ2ejfH929ClG6ej1lQd8dPBCwtX6FfGxr8vWN9Xj" + "mypBbXwOZd6+WW+B+KToNt44x3TGwezEM8zes2/Z8nxpIkpB3iQsTyhKS+MFWLC0do7HRsltKGubkbmWd2gepzwIDAQABAoGAQOYFR2L67R" + "AKlpXjGpjcUHgVmuTKIfrCinOEZ67HccwNxXbRYVMgrnhW0d+dwkQ/fYLthDO5baD6/KA18U9UOFTPVN5yKE2Hsf5mwN07U5d2/ZbslK42o" + "iLaFHAKx2lJkb7HbdtnmlQMTXM8vwzl12ydIVX0rMFYGVRCqT0a1yECQQD+WhHZ5IS04+TRUSzMVGahHY3rgFVrCk6Qv0AMlzBaXeIEewGt" + "QrjXFAuvV80Ztb+fed2cVOfbwsUb6so/CD1pAkEA5a6dD8eamk3GK6NapfBv+G8Wanq4yEwZX/e08lNpHKSDq1L1a9jCTIpOe8p5zaPIdZw" + "48LgxNglbSTHfAlBudwJAJ7EAhiMd/mhtxahIOF6XYV8OTYjKS5jhJ79gjFZvijqKUa6sVVBLLe0H4cXu0KtHCujmh0XMpMOhJLkf9HQhuQ" + "JAeBQlKvXI/zkADRp3LuAYOgMh7gNBDf6zGXgwkqxG/OGJsQ1LH9oQIuIADDocGgWxrMNDBZ7Wo5CauBapp9UTGwJBAJxdxA1JjFPIjqTfc" + "i5kgG2lg0kdgACobQbBICuHx+mIgxvw48vPYDUjUetVGKgeYg+sD6O3uyL0XYK/uDP+lz4=";
To set a shortened form
connection.ConnectionString = "Direct=True;Server=tcps://OracleSSL:2484/orcl;UserID=demo;Password=test;" + "SSL ServerCertDN=\"C=UA,O=Devart,OU=DevartSSL,CN=TestSSL\;" + "SSL Cert=MIIB+zCCAWQCAQAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwRjESMBAGA1UEAxMJQ2xpZW50U1NMMRIwEAYDVQQLEwlEZXZhcnRTU0wxDzANB" + "gNVBAoTBkRldmFydDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVUEwHhcNMTkxMjI0MTM1MTAwWhcNMjkxMjIxMTM1MTAwWjBGMRIwEAYDVQQDEwlDbGllbnRTU0wx" + "EjAQBgNVBAsTCURldmFydFNTTDEPMA0GA1UEChMGRGV2YXJ0MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVQTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEA5DQ" + "PPPYPVEsnuzhBfzdy0Y1rpNR5Ev6bK+YpajfdEKr42dno3x/dvQpRuno9ZUHfHTwQsLV+hXxsa/L1jfV45sqQW18DmXevllvgfik6DbeOMd" + "0xsHsxDPM3rNv2fJ8aSJKQd4kLE8oSkvjBViwtHaOx0bJbShrm5G5lndoHqc8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAAOBgQAEvH+cBRDM7n7MA" + "mQlkbtA1WxkV3aBTdwXXf0FecJRRTXHJOlhJsBmmejtvfy1YpugssHDXY+aQM8bH4HD/6NHORV+CX4tUmxRwPaCljxHNvlVZnwUoScZoWLy" + "U/75txaWocHgzj6XQ3WlA/Kge/o1cpv9RxomXAoeIP+TcnUlfg==;" + "SSL Key=MIICXAIBAAKBgQDkNA889g9USye7OEF/N3LRjWuk1HkS/psr5ilqN90QqvjZ2ejfH929ClG6ej1lQd8dPBCwtX6FfGxr8vWN9Xj" + "mypBbXwOZd6+WW+B+KToNt44x3TGwezEM8zes2/Z8nxpIkpB3iQsTyhKS+MFWLC0do7HRsltKGubkbmWd2gepzwIDAQABAoGAQOYFR2L67R" + "AKlpXjGpjcUHgVmuTKIfrCinOEZ67HccwNxXbRYVMgrnhW0d+dwkQ/fYLthDO5baD6/KA18U9UOFTPVN5yKE2Hsf5mwN07U5d2/ZbslK42o" + "iLaFHAKx2lJkb7HbdtnmlQMTXM8vwzl12ydIVX0rMFYGVRCqT0a1yECQQD+WhHZ5IS04+TRUSzMVGahHY3rgFVrCk6Qv0AMlzBaXeIEewGt" + "QrjXFAuvV80Ztb+fed2cVOfbwsUb6so/CD1pAkEA5a6dD8eamk3GK6NapfBv+G8Wanq4yEwZX/e08lNpHKSDq1L1a9jCTIpOe8p5zaPIdZw" + "48LgxNglbSTHfAlBudwJAJ7EAhiMd/mhtxahIOF6XYV8OTYjKS5jhJ79gjFZvijqKUa6sVVBLLe0H4cXu0KtHCujmh0XMpMOhJLkf9HQhuQ" + "JAeBQlKvXI/zkADRp3LuAYOgMh7gNBDf6zGXgwkqxG/OGJsQ1LH9oQIuIADDocGgWxrMNDBZ7Wo5CauBapp9UTGwJBAJxdxA1JjFPIjqTfc" + "i5kgG2lg0kdgACobQbBICuHx+mIgxvw48vPYDUjUetVGKgeYg+sD6O3uyL0XYK/uDP+lz4=";
SSL/TLS options properties
Properties | Meaning |
Cert | Gets or sets the location of the client certificate. |
Key | Obtains or specifies the location of the user's private key. |
ServerCertDN | Fetches or sets parameters for the Oracle server certificate check. |
WalletPath | Determines the location of the Oracle Wallet to get a certificate for connecting to Oracle in the Direct mode. |
SSH connection strings
dotConnect for Oracle supports both connecting to Oracle Cloud and on-premises Oracle servers using SSH in the Direct mode.
To enable SSH, you need to add the ssh:// prefix
to the Host connection string parameter. Note also that the Host parameter must be set as if you are connecting from the computer with the SSH Server installed. Thus, if they are installed on the same computer, you need to set the Host parameter to ssh://localhost
and specify the host domain name or address in the SSH Host connection string parameter.
The OracleConnection.SshOptions property points to an object that holds all information necessary to connect to the SSH server. Alternatively, you may specify the corresponding parameters in the connection string.
To set up an SSH connection, configure the corresponding SSH options as described below:
Password authentication
OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection("Direct=True;Host=ssh://;Port=1521;Sid=orcl;UserID=demo;Password=test;"); connection.SshOptions.AuthenticationType = SshAuthenticationType.Password; connection.SshOptions.User = "sshUser"; connection.SshOptions.Host = "OracleSSH"; connection.SshOptions.Password = "sshPassword"; OracleCommand myCommand = new OracleCommand("select count(*) from dept", connection); connection.Open(); Int64 count = Convert.ToInt64(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine(count); connection.Close();
Public key authentication
OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection("Direct=True;Host=ssh://;Port=1521;Sid=orcl;UserID=demo;Password=test;"); connection.SshOptions.AuthenticationType = SshAuthenticationType.PublicKey; connection.SshOptions.User = "sshUser"; connection.SshOptions.Host = "sshServer"; connection.SshOptions.PrivateKey = "E:\\WORK\\client.key"; OracleCommand myCommand = new OracleCommand("select count(*) from dept", connection); connection.Open(); Int64 count = Convert.ToInt64(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine(count); connection.Close();
SSH options properties
Property | Connection string parameter | Meaning |
SshOptions.AuthenticationType | SSH Authentication Type | Client authentication methods. |
SshOptions.CipherList | SSH Cipher List | List of ciphers that the client agrees to use, by colons. |
SshOptions.Host | SSH Host | Name or IP address of the SSH server. |
SshOptions.Passphrase | SSH Passphrase | Passphrase for the client key. |
SshOptions.Password | SSH Password | User password for SSH server. |
SshOptions.Port | SSH Port | Number of the port to connect to the SSH server. |
SshOptions.PrivateKey | SSH Private Key | Location of the private key. |
SshOptions.User | SSH User | User ID for the SSH server. |
Locations of the private key can be specified in three ways:
As a file in the system:
As an item of the certificate store:
(examples RSA.Client.key or DSA.Client.key) -
As a compiled resource:
Loaded into memory, using the MemCryptStorage class:
dotConnect for Oracle supports two modes of block ciphering: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) and Counter (CTR). The following ciphers are available for SSH connections in the CBC mode:
- 3DES or 3DES(168) is the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm. The key size is 168 bits.
- Blowfish is the symmetric-key block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier. The key size is 128 bits.
- AES(128) is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 128 bits.
- AES(192) is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 192 bits.
- AES or AES(256) is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 256 bits.
In the CTR mode, the AES ciphers are used.
- AES(128)-CTR is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 128 bits.
- AES(192)-CTR is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 192 bits.
- AES-CTR or AES(256)-CTR is the Advanced Encryption Standard. The key size is 256 bits.
Proxy connection strings
Proxy authentication allows middle-tier applications to control the security by preserving database user identities and privileges. Oracle lets create a proxy database user, connecting and authenticating against the database on behalf of database users. Proxy authentication is not supported in the Direct mode.
With dotConnect for Oracle, you can connect to Oracle using proxy authentication in two ways:
- Using two connection instances and the Open method overload, accepting an OracleConnection
- With the help of a single OracleConnection instance with the Proxy User ID and Proxy Password connection string parameters
Here's an example that uses two connections:
using (OracleConnection proxyConnection = new OracleConnection("DataSource=;UserId=my_proxy_user;Password=my_proxy_user_password;")) { proxyConnection.Open(); OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection("UserID=demo;Pooling=false;"); connection.Open(proxyConnection); OracleCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'PROXY_USER'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual"; using (OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { reader.Read(); Console.WriteLine("PROXY_USER '{0}'", reader.GetString(0)); // 'MY_PROXY_USER' Console.WriteLine("SESSION_USER '{0}'", reader.GetString(1)); // 'demo' } }
The next example uses the Proxy User ID and Proxy Password connection string parameters:
using (OracleConnection proxyConnection = new OracleConnection("DataSource=;ProxyUserId=my_proxy_user;ProxyPassword=my_proxy_user_password;UserId=demo;")) { proxyConnection.Open(); OracleCommand connection = proxyConnection.CreateCommand(); connection.CommandText = "SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'PROXY_USER'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SESSION_USER') FROM dual"; using (OracleDataReader reader = connection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.SingleRow)) { reader.Read(); Console.WriteLine("PROXY_USER '{0}'", reader.GetString(0)); // 'MY_PROXY_USER' Console.WriteLine("SESSION_USER '{0}'", reader.GetString(1)); // 'demo' } }
Proxy options properties
Property | Connection String Parameter | Meaning |
DataSource | Proxy Host | Specifies the proxy server hostname or IP address. |
ProxyUserId | Proxy User | Sets the proxy user name for authentication. |
ProxyPassword | Proxy Password | Defines the proxy password for authentication. |
OracleCredential connection strings
The OracleCredential class lets provide a password for connecting to Oracle in a more secure way than just specifying it in plain text in a connection string or assigning the System.String instance to the OracleConnection.Password property.
OracleCredential class uses the SecureString class for storing and specifying the password. Passing credentials via the OracleCredential class is not supported in
the Direct mode.
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security; using Devart.Data.Oracle; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { { Console.Write("Enter user name: "); String userName = Console.ReadLine(); // Instantiate the secure string. SecureString securePwd = new SecureString(); ConsoleKeyInfo key; Console.Write("Enter password: "); do { key = Console.ReadKey(true); // Ignore any key out of range. if (((int) key.Key) >= 65 && ((int) key.Key <= 90)) { // Append the character to the password. securePwd.AppendChar(key.KeyChar); Console.Write("*"); } // Exit if Enter key is pressed. } while (key.Key != ConsoleKey.Enter); Console.WriteLine(); try { OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection("Server = Ora;"); connection.Credential = new OracleCredential(userName,securePwd); connection.Open(); // use connection... } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { securePwd.Dispose(); } } }
Unicode property connection strings
Unicode connection strings ensure that the data retrieved from and sent to an Oracle database is in the Unicode format, which supports a wide range of characters. The following two functions demonstrate how to use the Unicode property to implement charset-safe
string transfer.
public void UploadString(OracleConnection connection) { connection.Unicode = true; OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand("INSERT INTO Test.TextBlocks (BlockID, BlockName, BlockContent) VALUES(1,'First',:BlockText)", connection); command.Parameters.Add("BlockText",OracleDbType.VarChar,50).Value = "Place here some text that requires Unicode support."; connection.Open(); try { Console.WriteLine(command.ExecuteNonQuery()+" rows affected."); } finally { connection.Close(); } } public void DownloadString(OracleConnection connection) { connection.Unicode = true; OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand("SELECT * FROM Test.TextBlocks", connection); connection.Open(); OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default); try { while (reader.Read()) { string myString = (string)reader["BlockContent"]; Console.WriteLine(myString); } } finally { reader.Close(); connection.Close(); } }
Pooling connection string options
Parameter | Meaning |
Max Pool Size | The maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. Setting the Max Pool Size value of the ConnectionString can affect performance. The default value is 100. In the case of forgotten open transactions, the number of connections can exceed the Max Pool Size. |
Min Pool Size | The minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. The default value is 0. |
OciPooling connection string options
Parameter | Meaning |
OciSessionPoolAllowWaiting | Enables or disables waiting for a connection to close when there is no free connection. |
OciSessionPoolConnectionLifetime | Gets or sets the connection lifetime in the OCI pool. |
OciSessionPoolIncrement | Specifies the number of sessions that are added at once. |
OciSessionPooling | Enables or disables the OCI Session Pooling feature. |
OciSessionPoolMaxSize | Sets the maximum number of sessions that can be opened in the session pool. |
OciSessionPoolMinSize | Defines the minimum number of sessions in the session pool. |
OciSessionPoolPassword | Gets or sets the password for proxy connections. |
OciSessionPoolUserId | Obtains or determines the User ID for proxy connections. |
Advanced connection string options
Parameter | Meaning |
DescribeStoredProcedure | Enables or disables additional check queries, performed when executing an OracleCommand with CommandType equal to CommandType.StoredProcedure. |
HAEvents | Allows dotConnect for Oracle to proactively remove connections to the corresponding Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database service, service member, instance, or node from the pool when this service, service member, instance, or node goes down. |
Home | Gets or sets which Oracle Home to use. |
LobBlockSize | Specifies the size of a block (in megabytes) to read/write CLOB or NCLOB data from/to a database. This option is supported in the OCI mode only. Applicable only for Unicode Oracle servers. |
NumberMappings | Fetches or sets the collection of number mappings used for this connection. |
OraMts | Determines whether to use Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server (OraMTS) for distributed transactions. |
TrimFixedChar | Specifies whether to trim trailing spaces when reading data from fixed-length string data types (CHAR, NCHAR). |
UsePerformanceMonitor | Enables dotConnect for Oracle performance counters that allow you to conveniently measure the frequency of connecting/disconnecting to the data source, the number of active connections, pooled connections, etc. via Windows Performance Monitor or programmatically. |