Mastering SQL WHERE statement with dbForge Studio for SQL Server

When it comes to searching specific data in databases, a SQL WHERE clause is a simple and quick tool to use. For example, whether you need to retrieve the list of employees from one department or select the products with the highest total sales within the specified period, a SQL WHERE clause allows users to sift through large data sets with precision and efficiency.

In the article, we'll review the basics of a SQL WHERE clause and examine how to filter data using the clause and dbForge Query Builder. In addition, we'll share some helpful tips to make your queries work faster using WHERE clauses.

Understand the basics of the WHERE clause

In SQL, a WHERE clause filters a result set returned by DML statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE. It works by setting conditions to specify which records to include in the results. The syntax of the clause can be as follows:

SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name WHERE condition;

where column1 and column2 are columns you want to retrieve; table_name is the name of the table from which you want to fetch the records.

As a rule, the condition includes:

  • Columns whose values you want to retrieve
  • Comparison or logical operator
  • Value to filter by

The table provides a list of operators that can be used in the WHERE clause:

Comparison or logical operator Description
= Returns values that are equal to the specified condition
> Returns values that are greater than the specified condition
< Returns values that are less than the specified condition
>= Returns values that are greater than or equal to the specified condition
<= Returns values that are less than or equal to the specified condition
IN Returns values that match values in a list
BETWEEN Returns values that match values within the range
LIKE Searches for a specified pattern in a column. It is often used with wildcard characters to match patterns:
  • A percent sign % that represents zero, one, or multiple characters
  • An underscore sign _ that represents a single character
AND Combines multiple conditions and returns rows from a table where all specified conditions are true
OR Combines multiple conditions and retrieves rows that meet at least one of the specified conditions
NOT (<>) Returns values that do not meet the specified condition

Let us see how we can filter data using the WHERE clause in the SELECT statement.

Practical examples

Assume we need to get a list of products whose name starts with 'chain'. To do this, we execute the SELECT query with the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause:

FROM Production.Product
WHERE Name LIKE 'Chain%';

In the output, we see only the products that match the specified condition:

Query a SELECT statement

Or, for example, we want to see who was hired within the specified date range. To do this, execute a SELECT query using the comparison operators in the WHERE clause.

FROM persons p
WHERE p.HireDate >= '2012-01-01'
AND p.HireDate <= '2013-12-31'
ORDER BY p.HireDate ASC;

The employees that match the filtering criteria are displayed in the grid.

Query a SELECT statement

Why use dbForge Studio

As you've noticed, we used dbForge Studio for SQL Server to create queries. But what makes it stand out as the go-to tool for database work? Well, it depends on your specific requirements and preferences. When comparing dbForge Studio and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), both tools provide unique features and benefits. However, let's talk about why dbForge Studio might be your preferred choice over SSMS:

  • Support for IntelliSense-style code completion features to accelerate and improve SQL code writing
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface that improves user experience
  • Comprehensive range of database development, management, and administration features in a single integrated environment, which can be advantageous for users who prefer an all-in-one solution for database tasks
  • Advanced capabilities for database schema and data comparison and synchronization. Users who frequently work with database comparisons may find dbForge Studio's features more robust or easier to use
  • Support for multiple database management systems (DBMS), allowing users to work with different databases from a single interface. This can be beneficial for users who work with diverse database environments
  • Management and version controlling of changes in popular source control systems
  • Easy-to-use GUI for implementing automated unit testing
  • Quick and easy data generation with realistic and random testing data
  • Visual design of queries without a need for coding
  • Support for popular data formats to automate export and import operations for recurring scenarios

You can download and install the Studio to evaluate its cutting-edge features and built-in tools within a free trial period of 30 days.

Use dbForge Query Builder to create queries

If you are new to SQL and want to create queries of any complexity without requiring extensive knowledge, consider using the perfect solution would be a standalone dbForge Query Builder tool, which can be integrated with SSMS. By the way, the Query Builder tool is also available in dbForge Studio for SQL Server.

dbForge Query Builder is an advanced tool designed to simplify the process of building SQL queries and generating code in an intuitive UI. It allows you to create and edit SELECT queries visually. Instead of manually writing SQL code, you can drag tables onto the design area and define the relationships between them using JOINS. You can also easily add WHERE conditions by specifying filters directly.

Let's now see how to set up a filtering condition to fetch only those records that match the specified condition.

To begin, open the tool. On the toolbar, click New Query and drag the required tables from Database Explorer to the diagram that opens. Alternatively, in Database Explorer, right-click the table and select Send to > Query Builder.

Drag tables to the diagram in dbForge Query Builder

Then, navigate to the Where tab and set a condition:

  • Click Add a new condition.
  • From the enter a value field, select the column based on which data will be filtered.
  • Click the operator to select the comparison or logical operator.
  • In the enter a value field, set the condition to be used in the WHERE clause.
Set a filtering condition

At the bottom of the Query Builder document, go to Text to preview the generated SELECT statement with the JOINS and WHERE clauses. That's it! Now, you can see how easy it is to design a WHERE clause using dbForge Query Builder.

Switch to the Text view

Beyond basics

We have already discussed the basics of the WHERE clause and how to create it. Now, it is time to explore some tips on optimizing queries using the WHERE clause.

Tips and tricks

  • Use indexes, such as the CREATE INDEX statement, on columns in the WHERE clause conditions. Indexes help the database find the relevant rows faster, thus improving query performance.
  • Minimize the use of wildcard searches, such as %text in LIKE conditions, as they may lead to slower query performance.
  • Try to use compatible data types when comparing columns in the WHERE clause because type conversion can impact query performance.
  • Use simple comparisons, such as =, <, or >, instead of complex functions or calculations whenever possible.
  • Consider using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS clauses instead of IN or NOT IN when checking for the existence of rows in a subquery.
  • Limit the number of rows returned by the query using the TOP clause.
  • Regularly update statistics using database maintenance tasks to ensure accurate query optimization.
  • Avoid using functions on columns in the WHERE clause, as they can prevent the use of indexes.

Common mistakes to avoid

For beginners, here are some important tips to remember:

  • Do not use SELECT ALL, as this may increase the execution time of the query. Instead, specify the relevant columns you want to retrieve.
  • Use the WHERE clause to retrieve the required columns instead of getting all columns.
  • Avoid using HAVING instead of WHERE because the HAVING clause is used to to filter aggregated columns generated using the GROUP BY operation.
  • Use JOINs instead of WHERE to join clauses.
  • Try to optimize subqueries using appropriate join techniques or temporary tables where applicable.
  • Use Query Execution Plan to understand how the database executes queries and identify areas for optimization.
  • Always back up data before running queries that modify or delete data.

Further learning

The following guides can be helpful when working with SQL queries:


To sum up, whether you're a beginner eager to learn or an experienced developer, dbForge Studio provides the tools to work with queries and other database-related tasks. So, roll up your sleeves, fire up dbForge Studio, and embark on the world of SQL. Who knows what insights and solutions you'll uncover along the way?