Complete SQL Subqueries Tutorial

SQL subqueries are a common element in SQL queries. They allow for performing complex queries and dynamic filtering and calculations based on the results of other queries, enabling more efficient and targeted data retrieval from the database. Nonetheless, like any technique, it is critical to know how to apply it correctly. This material will explore SQL subqueries — their classifications, scope, and the most effective SQL strategies.

Understand SQL subqueries

In SQL, a subquery refers to a query nested within another query, such as a SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statement. This subquery functions as a condition in the primary query, supplying it with a selected data subset based on specific criteria. In essence, subqueries break down a sophisticated, sizeable query into distinct logical components executed sequentially. This approach is beneficial as it enhances the readability and maintainability of the code.

Typically, subqueries are not confined to a single strict syntax scheme — they encompass diverse parameters. For the SELECT statement, which is the most common usage scenario, the syntax typically appears as follows:

FROM table_name
WHERE column_name
(SELECT column_name [, column_name]
FROM table1 [, table2]

Note that the subquery needs to be enclosed in parentheses. Additionally, ensure that you specify only one column in the SELECT clause. If you wish to apply optional parameters to sort the results, be mindful not to use ORDER BY within the subquery, as it is only permissible in the main query. Instead, the subquery can employ GROUP BY for achieving the same sorting objective as ORDER BY.

Consider the following example that examines all products available in stock with a quantity exceeding 145 items (the test database AdventureWorks2022 is used).

FROM Production.Product
WHERE productid IN (SELECT
  FROM Production.Product
  WHERE SafetyStockLevel > 145);
Products available in stock

Subqueries are frequently utilized in conjunction with the IN (or NOT IN) operators within the WHERE clauses. The WHERE clause enables SQL specialists to accurately filter the results and obtain more precise output from the main query. By applying the WHERE condition, the system can compare the column in the main table with the results of the subquery.

The IN operator enables us to specify multiple values in the WHERE clause and determine how the expression matches the output value(s). The use of IN/NOT IN operators eliminates the necessity for multiple OR conditions in the query.

FROM Production.Product
WHERE ProductSubcategoryID IN (SELECT
  FROM Production.ProductSubcategory
  WHERE [Name] = 'Gloves');
List of all gloves items

In the above example, the subquery outputs the ID of the subcategory matching the name 'Gloves' and then passes it to the main query that finds the product names matching the subcategory's ID. The output is the list of all 'gloves' items available in the database.

Types of SQL subqueries

Subqueries are categorized into three groups based on their syntax specificity and query purpose:

  • Scalar subqueries
  • Multi-row subqueries
  • Correlated subqueries

Let us explore them all.

Scalar subqueries

A scalar subquery is a type of subquery that returns a single value, either one column or one row. It is the simplest subquery format used in the SELECT statement, typically combined with the WHERE, HAVING, or FROM clause, along with a comparison operator. The most common use case for a scalar subquery is to reference an aggregate value such as average, maximum, minimum, sum, or count. The subquery retrieves the value, which is then used by the main query. If the subquery returns zero rows, it implies that the value returned by the subquery expression is NULL.

Let's consider an example where we want to identify products with prices higher than the average product price. We use the below query with a subquery:

FROM Production.Product
  FROM Production.Product);

The subquery in parenthesis — (SELECT AVG(ListPrice) FROM Production.Product) — is the scalar subquery. It calculates the average price across all products and returns that average value. The main query uses his value to compare the list prices of all products. The result of the entire query is the list of products with prices greater than average.

Scalar subquery

Multi-row subqueries

A multiple-row subquery is a form of subquery that can return one or several rows for the main SQL query to utilize in its operations. Much like scalar subqueries, these can be incorporated within the SELECT statement, and used in conjunction with the HAVING, WHERE, and FROM clauses. However, they are applied together with logical operators such as ALL, IN, NOT IN, and ANY.

The example provided below is a more nuanced version of a previous example. Once again, we are aiming to list the products priced higher than average. However, this time the average is not calculated across all products in the database. Instead, it specifically pertains to products within a designated category.

FROM Production.Product
  FROM Production.Product
  WHERE Color = 'Silver');
Add a new column to the SQL Server table

This query retrieves the data specifically associated with unique products, applies a filter to focus only on products with the color "silver," and calculates the average price for that category. The main query displays the list of products that have a price higher than the average price of products in the "silver" color category.

Correlated subqueries

A correlated subquery is a specific type of subquery that produces multiple columns, but the output depends on the requirements defined by the main query. In this type of query, the main query and the subquery rely on each other. As a result, the query cannot be executed in separate, sequential steps. Instead, a correlated subquery operates repeatedly for each row in the output. For this reason, correlated subqueries are also known as repeated subqueries.

The below query selects the information above the employees who have more vacation hours than average in their respective departments.

FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e1
JOIN HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment AS d1
  ON e1.BusinessEntityID = d1.BusinessEntityID
WHERE e1.VacationHours > (SELECT
  FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e2
  JOIN HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartment AS d2
    ON e2.BusinessEntityID = d2.BusinessEntityID
  WHERE d1.Department = d2.Department);
Code Analysis Rules

Because of that repeated performance, correlated queries are quite resource consuming.

How to use SQL subqueries with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

In the previous section of this article, we discussed the common usage of SQL subqueries in SELECT statements, which is frequently seen in SQL Server. However, subqueries can be efficiently utilized in various statements, including important commands like UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE. Let's now examine these specific cases.

Use subqueries in INSERT statements

In the INSERT statement, SQL subqueries allow us to insert the result set obtained from the subquery into a target table. To ensure correct execution, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • Explicitly specify the names of the columns in the target table where the records will be inserted.
  • Arrange the columns in the SELECT list in the same order as they appear in the source table.

Consider the below example where the SQL query inserts the data into the SalesOrderDetail table. It selects the data from the Production.Product and Sales.SalesOrderHeader tables and uses that data portion for the INSERT operation.

INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetail (SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, CarrierTrackingNumber, OrderQty, ProductID, SpecialOfferID, UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount, rowguid, ModifiedDate)
   ,CONVERT(DATETIME, '2023-06-30 00:00:00.000', 121)
  FROM Production.Product
  CROSS JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH
  WHERE SOH.SalesOrderID = 75128
  AND Product.Name LIKE 'Mountain-200%';
Subqueries in INSERT statements

Use subqueries in UPDATE statements

Subqueries are commonly used in UPDATE statements, particularly in conjunction with the SET operator. However, subqueries can be utilized in the WHERE clause too. The SET operator enables us to assign a new value to the column being modified by the UPDATE statement. A subquery can be used to derive this new value.

The following example illustrates updating the SalesPersonID in the SalesOrderHeader table.

UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderHeader
SET SalesPersonID = (SELECT
  FROM Sales.vSalesPerson sp
  WHERE sp.FirstName = 'Jillian'
  AND sp.LastName = 'Carson')
WHERE SalesOrderID = 75123;
Add a column in the middle of a SQL Server table

Use subqueries in DELETE statements

Subqueries can only be used in DELETE statements with the WHERE clause. Our objective is to eliminate unpopular products from stock, specifically those that have had no sales in the past 6 months.

Our objective is to delete some data from the SalesOrderHeader table. In our scenario, we are removing those orders that don't have correlated items in the SalesOrderDetail table.

DELETE FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
    WHERE SalesOrderHeader.SalesOrderID = SalesOrderDetail.SalesOrderID);
Add a column in the middle of a SQL Server table

When using the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands, it is important to be cautious as these actions permanently modify the table contents. Before executing the command, it is crucial to review the records that will be affected using the SELECT statement. Additionally, it is highly recommended to create a backup of the database before making any changes to the tables.

Nesting subqueries

In addition to being included within a clause of a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, a subquery can also be nested within another subquery. This allows a more systematic execution of intricate queries by breaking them down into manageable steps. Moreover, the use of nested subqueries can enhance the readability of the code, as a well-constructed nested subquery is often easier to comprehend.

It is important to note that a query with subqueries can potentially have up to 32 levels of nesting. However, the actual number of levels supported depends on the available machine resources and the complexity of other expressions involved. In practice, certain queries may not support such a high level of nesting due to memory limitations.

Have a look at the below example with several nesting levels:

FROM Person.Person
  FROM HumanResources.Employee
  WHERE BusinessEntityID IN (SELECT
    FROM Sales.SalesPerson));

The lowest-level subquery retrieves the salesperson's ID. The higher-level subquery utilizes that value to obtain the contact ID of the employee associated with that salesperson. The main query then retrieves the names of the employees that match those contact IDs.

Nesting subquery

Nested subqueries can be advantageous and powerful, but they often involve increased complexity and resource consumption, particularly when dealing with large databases and data sets. The choice between using a nested multi-level subquery or exploring alternative options will depend on the specific use case, taking into consideration requirements, restrictions, and available resources.

Use subqueries with the EXISTS keyword

The EXISTS operator is a logical tool used in SQL to verify whether any rows are returned from a subquery. Rather than producing data, it simply provides the TRUE response if the subquery returns a minimum of one row, or a FALSE response if the subquery returns no rows.

The syntax of the subquery with EXISTS is as follows:

WHERE [NOT] EXISTS (subquery)

Note that the syntax does not include any column names or other expressions before the EXISTS keyword. Additionally, the subquery that follows the EXISTS keyword always uses an asterisk (*) instead of a column list because it only checks for the existence of rows that meet the specified requirements.

The below example query finds all customers who placed at least one order:

FROM Sales.Customer sc
  FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader soh
  WHERE sc.CustomerId = soh.CustomerID);
Nesting subquery

While using the EXISTS keyword can be helpful, it is important to note that SQL queries with this condition are often inefficient because the sub-query is repeated for every row involved in the main query.

Performance considerations: subqueries vs JOINs

In SQL Server, there are two options available for retrieving and combining data from multiple tables: subqueries and JOINs. In previous sections, we extensively covered subqueries and demonstrated their functionality in different scenarios. Now, let's revisit SQL JOINs.

An SQL JOIN is a specific query type that fetches and combines data portions from multiple tables based on a common condition, which is usually a common column. The output is a new table containing the combined and processed data from several database tables.

When deciding between subqueries and JOINs, the following aspects should be considered:


In general, JOINs tend to be faster than subqueries because they can leverage table indexes and other techniques to improve performance. However, it's essential to note that subqueries are not always inferior to JOINs. The performance depends on the specific conditions of the scenario, such as data size and complexity.


Subqueries have an advantage in readability. Well-constructed and properly formatted subqueries are often much easier to read and understand than JOINs, making it simpler to trace the logical steps of query execution. In contrast, JOINs can appear more complicated, especially when they involve numerous conditions.


Subqueries are more flexible and adaptable to different requirements compared to JOINs. Additionally, they can be utilized in scenarios where JOINs are not allowed. JOINs, on the other hand, may impose limitations based on specific circumstances.

Ultimately, the choice between using a subquery or a JOIN in your SQL query will always depend on the specific situation at hand and all the conditions and requirements for each particular scenario.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

When composing complex queries with subqueries, it's easy to make mistakes that can cause the query to malfunction. To address typical mistakes in subqueries, we can categorize them into general mistakes and specific mistakes related to the specificity of subqueries.

Incorrect column name in a subquery

One of the most frequent errors when writing queries is defining the wrong column in a subquery, mistakenly substituting it with a similarly named column from the main query. The main issue here is that such a query might not throw an error immediately, making it difficult to detect. However, the solution to this problem is relatively simple. Using table aliases in subqueries is the best approach. The system would promptly throw an error about the invalid column name and point you to the core of the problem.

Ambiguous columns

Another common cause of errors is when a column name appears in several tables involved in a subquery. This ambiguity may lead to incorrect results or failures as the database engine might refer to the wrong table. To overcome this, the solution is similar to the one mentioned above — use unique names for all columns in all tables or qualify column names with aliases. By doing this, you ensure that your query will always reference the right target table and column.

Syntax errors

Missing parentheses, spelling errors in column names, incorrect operators, and other issues can lead to incorrect query performance and errors. To avoid syntax errors, a deep understanding of SQL rules is essential, along with the use of specialized tools. These tools help you write code faster, validate syntax on-the-fly, debug code, format it for better readability, and provide other options to ensure high-quality code production.

In conclusion, a unified recommendation to avoid errors or at least minimize their impact on your work is to always test your queries before running them against the actual database and make regular database backups.

Tools for simplifying the construction of SQL subqueries

Constructing complex SQL queries, including those with nested subqueries, can be a challenging task for SQL experts. While coding assistance tools can be helpful, there's an alternative approach of using a visual format that has proven to be more beneficial in many cases.

The dbForge product line for SQL Server and its flagship product, dbForge Studio for SQL Server, provides the functionality for both scenarios. It has a powerful SQL Coding Assistance module offering plenty of features to accelerate code writing and improve the quality of the output, and it also offers the possibility to construct SQL queries visually with the Query Builder tool.

The Query Builder in dbForge Studio for SQL Server simplifies the creation of SQL queries, no matter how sophisticated they may be, by transferring the process into a user-friendly visual UI with drag-and-drop functionality for ready-made blocks. As a result, manual coding is no longer necessary.

When it comes to constructing SQL queries with subqueries, the Query Builder offers the following essential functionality:

  • Graphical SQL query building with undo and redo options for easy revisions
  • Query outlining in a Document Outline window for better organization
  • Visual addition of subqueries to any part of the main query for seamless integration
  • Visual editing of subqueries, enabling quick modifications and adjustments
  • Converting the visually designed query into SQL code

If you want to explore how to design the SELECT query with Query Builder for SQL Server, feel free to watch this video.

By utilizing the dbForge Query Builder for SQL Server, SQL experts can significantly streamline their query construction process, enhance productivity, and reduce the complexity associated with nested subqueries.


SQL subqueries are fundamental concepts and a powerful and essential tool in the database developer's toolkit. Their importance lies in their ability to enhance query readability, simplify code maintenance, and optimize database performance. Mastering this feature will undoubtedly lead to more streamlined and effective database operations and the overall success of data-driven applications and systems.