10.4.0 20-Mar-25
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 3
- Added support for the RAD Studio 64-bit IDE
- Added support for Lazarus 3.8
- Added support for the JSON file format in the LoadFromFile method of the VirtualTable component
- Added support for the TurboPack SynEdit package in component editors
- Added support for syntax highlighting in component editors in Lazarus on the Windows platform
- Added support for parameters in the Script component
- Added the IndentFormat argument to the SaveToXML method of the dataset to decrease file size
- Added the SaveToJSON method for serializing a dataset to the JSON format
- Added the ability to use readonly fields in the SQL Generator at design-time
- Improved work with design-time editors in the High DPI mode
- Fixed a bug with ambiguity between the CRJSON.TJSONObject and System.Json.TJSONObject classes
- Fixed a bug with opening VirtualQuery after modifying the source dataset
- Fixed a bug with the TVirtualTable.Assign method when the VirtualTable has persistent fields
Oracle data provider
- Added support for auto-login wallets
- Added support for the BOOLEAN data type in Oracle 23 and higher
- Added support for parameters in the Script component
- Improved query performance for obtaining a primary key
- Improved detection of the MERGE statement type in the Direct mode
- Resolved an issue with the redundant selection of NLS parameters when opening a connection from the connection pool
SQLServer data provider
- Added the Charset-specific connection option for the Direct mode
- Fixed a bug with limitations for the PacketSize connection option in the Direct mode
MySQL data provider
- Added support for MySQL 9
- Added support for password-protected private key for SSL protocol
- Added the EMySqlNetException class for internal errors in the MySQL protocol
- Fixed a bug with unloading OpenSSL libraries when connection pooling is used
PostgreSQL data provider
- Added support for PostgreSQL 17
- Added support for the COPY ... TO STDOUT statement
- Added support for password-protected private key for SSL protocol
- Fixed a bug with parameter value conversion
- Fixed a bug with the bytea data type on a non-Unicode server
- Fixed a bug with using the real type when UnpreparedExecute = False
- Fixed a bug with unloading OpenSSL libraries when connection pooling is used
- Fixed a bug with AV failure at executiog Refresh when connection pooling is used
SQLite data provider
- Fixed a bug with updating a record in the dataset that has key fields of the TEXT type
ASE data provider
- Added support for connection via the SSL protocol
- Added support for password-protected private key for SSL protocol
Access data provider
- Fixed a bug with using indexes on text fields
- Fixed a bug with accessing linked tables
Excel data provider
- Fixed a bug with reading sheet names from a workbook
10.3.2 20-Jan-25
- Added the CloneCursor method to the VirtualTable component
- Moved the CRFunctions.CRTimeZoneInformation global variable to the interface section
- Fixed an issue with the SaveToXML method of the TMemDataSet class and its descendants, which occurred when saving UUID fields
- Fixed a bug that occurred when calling the RefreshRecord method with FullRefresh set to True
- Fixed an issue with processing the Filter property of a dataset that occurred when it included the NOT operation
- Fixed an issue with using subfunctions in a filter
- Fixed a bug with the UniStoredProc component handling parameters when the UniConnection component contains defined macros (Common)
- Fixed an issue with migrating from IBX to UniDAC using the Migration Wizard
- Fixed an issue in the TVirtualQuery component that caused inaccurate results for aggregate functions when applied to floating-point columns
- Fixed an issue with opening TVirtualQuery with a specific FetchRows value
- Fixed a bug in the TVirtualQuery component that occurred when executing a query containing an ORDER BY clause
- Resolved a memory leak issue in the TVirtualDataSet component that occurred when Filtered was set to True
Oracle data provider
- Fixed a bug that caused the last LF to be incorrectly converted to a CRLF line break in CLOB values
- Fixed a bug that occurred during DML batch operations when all parameter values were cleared
- Fixed an issue with supporting self-signed certificates for the SSL protocol in Direct mode
- Fixed an issue with reading UTF-16 surrogate pairs in Lazarus when using Direct mode
SQLServer data provider
- Added the TrustSelfSignedCertificate connection option for the Direct mode
- Added the HostNameInCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider
- Added the ServerCertificate connection option for the prMSOLEDB provider
- Resolved an issue with quoting parameter names
- Fixed a bug with processing string fields that occurred when the UTF-8 code page was used
- Fixed a bug causing string truncation when using TMSLoader
- Fixed a bug with handling special characters in parameter names
- Fixed an issue with binding ftFMTBCD parameters by OLE DB providers
- Fixed an issue where an "Unspecified error" exception occurred upon connection loss in the prMSOLEDB provider
MySQL data provider
- Fixed a bug causing an assertion failure when using the TCRSSHIOHandler component with FetchAll set to False
- Fixed an issue with handling stored procedures when SELECT privileges were not granted
PostgreSQL data provider
- Fixed a bug with parsing parameters in anonymous blocks
- Fixed a bug with parsing dollar-quoted blocks
- Fixed an issue with the '.' time separator
- Fixed an issue with the AutoCommit behavior that occurred when using Execute for batch operations
- Fixed a bug related to the use of multiple schemas
- Fixed an issue with ENUM data types in dumps
- Fixed an issue with the CHAR data type
- Fixed an issue with array data types in dumps
InterBase data provider
- Fixed an issue where changes to BLOB fields were not rolled back after canceling modifications to the dataset
- Fixed a bug causing a "List index(1) out of bounds" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause
- Fixed a bug causing an "Invalid cursor reference. Cursor is not open" error during the processing of SQL queries with the RETURNING clause
- Fixed an issue where Rollback was executed incorrectly when AutoCommit was set to False
MongoDB data provider
- Fixed an issue with inserting documents with duplicate _id values
- Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when the database name contained underscores
Access data provider
- Added support for retrieving the last generated value of an AutoNumber column via the LastInsertId property in Direct mode
- Resolved an Access Violation error that occurred when data type mapping rules were configured for the Connection component
- Fixed a bug causing an Access Violation error when inserting a record into a table with foreign keys
- Fixed a bug that occurred when opening a database containing saved queries
- Fixed a bug that occurred when updating a table with Long Text columns
Excel data provider
- Resolved an issue with reading empty cells formatted with a date style
- Fixed a bug that occurred when reading cells with complex text formatting
10.3.1 24-Oct-24
- Restored support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.6
10.3.0 27-Sep-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 2
- Added support for C++Builder 64-bit Windows (Modern) Application Development
- Added support for Lazarus 3.4
- Added provider for Microsoft Excel
- Added C++Builder demo components for working with SecureBridge
- Fixed bug in VirtualQuery with incorrect results of a query containing the IN operator
- Fixed bug in VirtualTable with the "Invalid pointer operation" exception when closing the application
- Fixed bug with the "Macro redefined" warning in CBuilder projects
Oracle data provider
- Fixed bug with connecting to patched Oracle 19 and higher in the Direct mode
SQLServer data provider
- Added support for Variant OUT parameters in Direct mode
- Added datetime format when using timestamp macros
- Fixed bug with preparing SQL statements that contain varbinary(max) parameters
- Fixed bug with transaction handling when executing a stored procedure in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with fetching data in the NonBlocking mode
- Fixed bug with "The SQL statement is not allowable for a bulk operation" when enabling the context of a change
- Fixed bug with string param value truncation when using the prSQL provider
- Fixed bug with processing datetime fields in SQL Server Compact Edition
- Fixed bug with binding time parameters by OLEDB providers
- Fixed bug with memory leak in Trial Edition
MySQL data provider
- Added the WriteBOM specific option for TUniDump
- Fixed bug with AV on closing the application when Pooling=True in MySQL Embedded
- Fixed bug with executing Stored Procedure for manually created parameters
- Fixed bug with incorrect behavior of TCRSSLIOHandler.IsSecure when FetchAl = False
PostgreSQL data provider
- Improved performance
- Added support for the pgvector extension
- Added the UseGeneratedColumns specific option for TUniTable, TUniQuery, TUniStoredProc
- Added the WriteBOM specific option for TUniDump
- Fixed bug with getting default field values when using a not default public schema
- Fixed bug with parsing composite data type
- Fixed bug with a query when MATERIALIZED is used
- Fixed bug with Access Violation when converting an empty timestamp value
- Fixed bug with a user using tables named pg_class
- Fixed bug with using tables with the same names in different schemas
- Fixed bug with the query "SHOW ALL" when the FetchAll option is set to False
- Fixed bug with parsing numeric data type when using arrays in a query
InterBase data provider
- Fixed bug with using CutOffParams global variable when a string contains international symbols
SQLite data provider
- Added the EnableAutoInc specific option for UniTable and UniQuery components
- Added the WriteBOM specific option for TUniDump
- Fixed bug with incorrect value when updating a float-type column in a 32-bit application on Windows ARM
MongoDB data provider
- Fixed bug with an error when a document has a field with the same name as the collection name
NexusDB data provider
- Added support of NexusDB 4.75.10
- Improved performance of working with stored procedures
Access data provider
- Added support for accessing Select and Union queries as views in the Direct mode
10.2.1 01-May-24
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 12 Athens, Delphi 12 Athens, and C++Builder 12 Athens is required
- Fixed internal bug with TSharedObject
10.2.0 24-Apr-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.2
- Added voResetAutoInc in the VirtualTable component that allows to reset AutoInc values on Clear
- Fixed bug in VirtualQuery with querying source datasets that contain NULL column values
Oracle data provider
- Fixed bug with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE reading for Oracle 21 or higher in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with string value truncation when ConvertEOL=True for Oracle 11 or lower
- Fixed bug with Connection Pooling in the Direct mode
SQLServer data provider
- Microsoft Entra Service Principal authentication (auADServicePrincipal) in the prMSOLEDB provider is supported
- Fixed bug with Microsoft Entra identity authentication (auADInteractive) in the prMSOLEDB provider
- Fixed bug with updating datetime fields by OLEDB providers
- Fixed bug with a zero-valued LastInsertID result
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with incorrect executing of internal Rollback
PostgreSQL data provider
- Improved work with generated fields
- Fixed bug with processing identity field
Redshift data provider
- Fixed bug with reading real fields
InterBase data provider
- Fixed bug with incorrect results when using the RETURNING clause
- Fixed bug with an error message about bad timezone ID
NexusDB data provider
- Improved the Locate and FindKey methods' execution when using ServerCursor
- Fixed bug with Access Violation when using Server Cursor and IndexFieldNames
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on version 3.45.2 of the SQLite engine
- Added support for automatic detection of transaction state when the transaction is controlled by an SQL statement
- Fixed bug with using the SQLCiper library
DBF data provider
- Fixed a bug with adding a blank record to the resultset
- Fixed bug with opening tables whose field names contain characters after the line terminator
Access data provider
- Fixed bug with sequential connection to a database
- Fixed bug with the "Range check error" exception when querying a table
- Fixed bug with incorrect RecordCount property value when FetchAll is set to True
BigCommerce data provider
Dynamics data provider
HubSpot data provider
Magento data provider
NetSuite data provider
NetSuite data provider
Salesforce data provider
Salesforce Salesforce Marcketing Cloud data provider
SugarCRM data provider
ZohoCRM data provider
10.1.0 19-Feb-24
- Added support for Lazarus 3.0
- Fixed bug with empty field values when insert via the VirtualQuery component
Oracle data provider
- Added support for connect to servers with enabled Security Banners in the Direct mode
- Improved error message about a non-existent database object in another schema
- Fixed bug with CLOB reading when UseUnicode=True in OCI mode
- Fixed bug with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE reading for Oracle 21 or higher in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug in TUniScript with parsing the CREATE JAVA SOURCE statmets
- Fixed bug with refresh data after DML statements executing
SQLServer data provider
- Fixed bug with preparing Stored Procedure execution
- Fixed bug with setting parameter values on record posting
- Fixed bug with SQL Generator in the design-time when the database name must be quoted
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with getting warning message of using bmBinary mode
- Fixed bug with assertion failure or AV in batch operation
PostgreSQL data provider
- Improved work with column default values
- Improved work with RefreshRecord queries
- Improved work with arrays in queries
- Fixed bug with "Current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block."
- Fixed bug with "Multiple transactions are not supported by the database."
- Fixed bug with "date/time field value out of range" for IDE12 Win64 target platform
InterBase data provider
- Added support for Firebird 5
- Added support for multiple rows being returned by DML with the RETURNING clause
- Improved compatibility with macOS Sonoma
- Fixed bug with setting ReadOnly properties of fields with the same names in a join SQL query
- Fixed bug with using CutOffParams global variable when UseUnicode set to True
- Fixed bug with using the parameter value size greater than the previous parameter size
- Fixed bug with work Date/Time data types parameters
SQLite data provider
- The RealAsDouble option for the Connection component is added
- Fixed bug with detecting foreign key columns in the MetaData component
DBF data provider
- Added support for the UTF8 encoding
- Added support for tables with duplicate column names
- Improved compatibility with Quantum GIS
- Improved error handling when using the IgnoreDataErrors option
- Fixed bug with adding a column when the field name must be quoted
NexusDB data provider
- Added support of NexusDB 4.75.01
- Fixed bug with AV on closing an application when connection pooling is used
MS Access data provider
- Added support for Direct mode
DB2 data provider
- Added support SSL connection
ODBC data provider
- Fixed bug with the "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" exception in SQL Anywhere
10.0.0 15-Nov-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 12
- Added support for macOS Sonoma
- Added support for iOS 17
- Added support for Android 13
- Added support for nested Macros in SQL queries
- Added support Display Format for Aggregate fields
- Added SHA-2(SHA-256, SHA-512) in hash algorithm for encryption
- Added support for DBMonitor in the VirtualQuery component
- Added support for storing AutoInc fields when saving TVirtualTable to XML
- Fixed bug with moving the cursor when using Aggregate fields
- Fixed bug with deleting a record when using Aggregated fields
- Fixed bug with storing empty Aggregates collection in DFM
- Fixed bug with AV when installing a package in the IDE
- Fixed bug with AV in the CloneCursor method of the dataset
- Fixed bug with using Aggregated and InternalCalc fields together
- Fixed bug with duplicate resource IDs in CBuilder
- Fixed bug with using "NOT Field LIKE" construction in Filter property
- Fixed bug "Assertion failure" when using TVirtualDataSet
- Fixed bug with reading MySQL fields of type "bigint" to TVirtualQuery
- Fixed bug with incorrect results in the TVirtualQuery when COLLATE NOCASE is used
- Fixed bug with a memory leak on closing an application after using TVirtualQuery
- Fixed bug with saving/loading fields with Unicode names in the VirtualTable component
- Fixed bug with assigning a VirtualTable component that has persistent fields
- Fixed bug with editing a source dataset after reopening TVirtualQuery
- Fixed bug with inserting BLOBs using TVirtualQuery
Oracle data provider
- Added support for Oracle 23c
- Improved UnicodeEnvironment support for non-Unicode Delphi versions
- Fixed bug with "Range check error" error on describing FLOAT parameters in Stored Procedure
SQLServer data provider
- Added support for SQL Server 2022
- Added support for LastInsertID
- Added DisableConstraints specific option for the Dump component
- Added AddDateTimeFormat specific option for the Dump component
- Fixed bug with a zero-valued LastInsertID result
- Fixed bug with connecting to default instance
- Fixed bug with "Wrong amount of parameters N in TableName" when the TableName contains spaces
- Fixed bug with detecting parameter names
MySQL data provider
- Added support for MariaDB 11
- Added support for mysql_clear_password authentication mechanism
- Fixed bug with writing BLOB when using the SJIS charset
- Fixed bug with connecting to MySQL 8 by a user with an empty password using mysql_native_password authentication mechanism
PostgreSQL data provider
- Added support for PostgreSQL 16
- Added support for PREPARE/EXECUTE commands
- Added several specific options for the Dump component
- Fixed bug with an "SSL function is not linked" exception
- Fixed bug working with schemas in the connection pool
- Fixed bug with adding a condition to the WHERE clause on calling RefreshRecord
- Fixed bug with SCARM-SHA-256 certificates
InterBase data provider
- Added support for iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit target platform
- Fixed bug with cutting value for VARCHAR columns with length greater than 255 when LongStrings = False and UseUnicode = True
- Fixed bug with the 'GetDatabaseParameters' assertion when connecting to the server
- Fixed bug with loading Unicode strings by TUniLoader when EnableMemos is True
- Fixed bug with memory leaks in TUniLoader when using BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with internal transaction handling when executing the Commit method returns an error
- Fixed bug with insert\update ARRAY fields data
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on version 3.42.0 of the SQLite engine
- Fixed bug with incorrect execution of a SQL statement that contains a comment at the end
- Fixed bug with the ambiguity of "size_t" declaration when compiling in CBuilder
DBF data provider
- Performance of DML operations is significantly improved
- Added support for CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS and DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statements
- Added support for the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement
- Fixed bug with "DBFData seek error" when reading more than 2147483647 bytes
- Fixed bug with incorrect results of a SELECT statement with JOIN of a table to itself
- Fixed bug with incorrect results of a SELECT statement with WHERE on a character field
- Fixed bug with data conversion when using YEAR, MONTH, and DAY functions
NexusDB data provider
- Added support of NexusDB 4.75.01
MongoDB data provider
- Added support for MongoDB 7
- Added support for MongoDB 6
- Added support for empty database name when establishing connection
- Improved compatibility with Linked Server in MSSMS
- Fixed bug with document fields whose name contains quote characters
ODBC data provider
- Information from SQLGetInfo is added to ODBCMetaData
9.4.0 17-Mar-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 3
- Added support for iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit target platform
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.6
- Added support for the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, GETDATE, DATE, TIME, TRIM, TRIMLEFT, TRIMRIGHT statements in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for the mathematical operations in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for Aggregate Fields and InternalCalc Fields
- Added ability to restore from file with TEncoding via the Dump component
- Improved the execution of statement that have either IS NULL or IS NOT NULL in the WHERE clause with TVirtualQuery
- Now the SetRange will function according to the case sensitivity of keywords in IndexFieldNames
- Fixed bug with AV on using master/detail relationship with VirtualTable
- Fixed bug with loading data that already has persistent fields into VirtualTable
Oracle data provider
- Improved detection of home directories in recent versions of Oracle
- Now valid exception will be raised instead of AV when memory can't be allocated for the large row count
- Fixed bug with LOBs reading in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with reading BFLOAT and BDOUBLE values from ANYDATA
- Fixed bug with querying record count if SQL statement contains PIVOT
SQLServer data provider
- Improved compatibility with Linked Server in MSSMS
- Improved the GetOrderBy method behavior
- Fixed bug with Unicode (UTF-8) in the Direct mode for Windows
- Fixed bug with an assertion failure in the CachedUpdate mode
- Fixed bug with connecting to default instance by prSQL(SQLOLEDB.1) provider
- Fixed bug with fetching datetimeoffset fields in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with fetching sql_variant fields in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with preparing a stored procedure in the Direct mode
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with BLOBs for MySQL version below 4.1
- Fixed bug with BIGINT UNSIGNED key fields in version 4.1 or higher
- Fixed bug with BIT field default values
PostgreSQL data provider
- Added support for PostgreSQL 15
- Improved process of getting extended fields info
- Fixed bug with extra connections in GetType methods
- Fixed bug with TIMESTAMPTZ fields
- Fixed bug with reading fields of type REAL using the Auto protocol
- Fixed bug with writing Bytea type in Batch operations
- Fixed bug with using "ON CONFLICT RETURNING" in batch operations
- Fixed problem with handling fields of type REAL
- Fixed bug with the "Range Check Error" exception when reading BLOB data
InterBase data provider
- Improved work with alias
- Fixed bug with "The SQL statement is not allowable for a bulk operation" when using SP in batch operations
- Fixed bug with "Validation error" when using the Loader component
SQLite data provider
- Added support for GUID fields stored in binary format
- Improved reading fields of the BLOB family
DBF data provider
- Improved ROUND() function
- Fixed bug with a field name case when creating a table
NexusDB data provider
- Added support for NexusDB 4.70.01
- Added support for working with tables protected by a password
ODBC data provider
- Added the UuidWithBraces specific option for the Connection component
MS Access data provider
- Fixed bug with "Cannot modify a read-only dataset"
MongoDB data provider
- Added support for MongoDB Atlas
- Added support for DNS Seed List connection format
- Fixed bug with reading international characters when UseUnicode option is set
9.3.0 12-Sep-22
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 2
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.2
- Added support for iOS 15
- Added support for Android 12
- Added the CloneCursor method for Query and Table components that allows sharing data between datasets
- Added support of standard collations in a SQL statement in the VirtualQuery component
- Improved the performance of exporting to XML
- Fixed bug when a connection string parameter value contains a single quote
SQLServer data provider
- Added support for Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server 19
- Added support for Azure AD authentication support for the Microsoft OLE DB provider
- Added support for Always On availability group in the Direct mode
- Added support for connection to the Azure database by using the "Redirect" connection policy in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with restricting the list of procedures using PROCEDURE_TYPE condition in Metadata component
- Fixed bug with committing transaction on SQL Server 2000 in Direct mode
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with "Record changed by another user" error when LockMode <> lmNone and using encryption
- Fixed bug with truncation of milliseconds of DateTime fields in the Dump component
- Fixed bug with posting calculated field
PostgreSQL data provider
- Added support for PostGIS
- Improved TimeZoneOffset support for TPgTimeStamp
- Improved the Truncate method of the TPgLargeObject class is improved
- Fixed bug with executing a SELECT statement via the Execute method of the Query component
- Fixed bug with the Ping method of the Connection component when the MultipleConnections specific option is set to False
- Fixed bug with the "Record was changed by another user" exception when editing a dataset that contains double precision fields
- Fixed bug with "Invalid TimeStamp string" when the date has YYYY-MM-DD format
- Fixed bug with international characters in error messages
InterBase data provider
- Improved support for TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data types
- Added support for EXTENDED TIME/TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data types
- Added support for working with time zone data types when clients don't have the ICU library
- Added support for the isc_dpb_session_time_zone, isc_dpb_set_bind, isc_dpb_decfloat_round, and isc_dpb_decfloat_traps DPB
- Fixed bug with a "Too many Contexts of Relation/Procedures/Views" error when using "UPDATE OR INSERT" batch operations
- Fixed bug with using CAST in the SQL statement when UseUnicode set to True
- Fixed bug with reading GUID data of stored procedure in using the AsGuid property
- Fixed bug with processing GUID data in using in parameter
- Fixed bug with working with the transaction when LockMode <> lmNone
- Fixed bug with using the TUniAlerter component in WebBroker applications
- Fixed bug with "Invalid variant type" error when the DMLRefresh property is set to True
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on version 3.39.2 of the SQLite engine
- Fixed bug with mapping table columns of non-standard types to fields of the ftMemo type
- Fixed bug with mapping table columns of integer types to string fields
DBF data provider
- Added support for VisualFoxPro CANDIDATE indexes
NexusDB data provider
- Added support for NexusDB 4.60.01
- Added option to set Remote Thread Priority
MS Access data provider
- Fixed bug with processing UUID fields
9.2.1 12-Apr-22
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 1 is supported
- Lazarus 2.2.0 is supported
- Windows 11 is supported
- macOS Monterey is supported
- Fixed bug with executing batch operations with the VirtualQuery component
- Fixed bug with resetting param values when changing param values count
- Fixed bug with AV when using the TCRSSLIOHandler from the SecureBridge demo project as an IOHandler for a connection
Oracle data provider
- Fixed bug with HTTPS tunneling in the Direct mode
SQLServer data provider
- Passing the "client_interface_name" parameter to the server in the Direct mode is added
- Fixed bug with adding a condition to the WHERE clause on calling the AddWhere method
- Fixed bug with a "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" on Delete where all fields are read-only
- Fixed bug with executing batch operations when constants in parameter
- Fixed bug with getting IndexColumns metadata in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with removing persistent fields in Android
- Fixed bug with AV when encrypting a field
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with a "Refresh failed" on Post when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert and SQL contains the same PK more than once
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" when adding record containing calculated field when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
- Fixed bug with fkInternalCalc field after calling the Refresh method
PostgreSQL data provider
- The SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS authentication mechanism is supported
- "ON CONFLICT" in batch operations is supported
- Open connection performance is improved
- The AddDelete specific option for the Dump component is added
- Dumping of stores procedures via the Dump component is added
- Fixed bug with FieldDesc.IsAutoIncrement = False for fields created as "GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY"
- Fixed bug with saving JSON fields
InterBase data provider
- Fixed bug with the growing memory consumption
- Fixed bug with loading BLOB columns using the Loader component
- Fixed bug with including international characters in SELECT queries when UseUnicode set to True
- Fixed bug with a "Too many Contexts of Relation/Procedures/Views" error when using update batch operations
- Fixed bug with an "Invalid class typecast" error when editing Blob in Trial Edition is fixed
- Fixed bug with an "Invalid pointer operation" error when using custom constraints
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on version 3.37.2 of the SQLite engine
- Fixed bug with an empty string field value when the database column stores data larger than the field size
- Fixed bug with incorrect DATETIME values handling when DateFormat and TimeFormat connection options are set to non-default values
- Fixed bug with handling DATETIME values that contains the "Z" suffix in milliseconds
MongoDB data provider
- Fixed bug with Access Violation when reading documents that contain a field of type object
ODBC data provider
- Fixed bug with the impossibility of editing a table whose name is specified in the query in a fully-qualified format
9.1.1 09-Dec-21
- The PoolId connection pool option is added
- Fixed bug with freezing multiply connection pools in threads
- Fixed bug with leading spaces getting trimmed in strings loaded from XML in VirtualTable
- Fixed bug with using the AsDate property when working with fields of the ftDate type
- Fixed bug with updating the state of records at applying cached updates
- Fixed bug with resetting the specific params
Oracle data provider
- Fixed bug with LONG parameters in Oracle 11 and earlier
- Fixed bug with UnicodeEnvironment in pooling
SQLServer data provider
- Fixed bug with setting the port number to the Server property in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with Varchar(max) and Text OUT parameters in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with describing string params in the Direct mode
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" error when adding record when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 14 is supported
- OUT parameters in stored procedures for PostgreSQL 14 are supported
- Fixed bug with Access Violation on RefreshRecord after connection switching
- Fixed bug with application name when connection pooling is used
- Fixed bug with using "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" in batch operations
- Fixed bug with processing large OID values
InterBase data provider
- The CutOffParams global variable is added
- The WireCompression option for the Connection component is added
- Now, fields of type dtFloat are created for system types INT128, DECFLOAT, and large NUMERIC by default
- Fixed bug with insertion of a string and binary values when UseUnicode set to True
- Fixed bug with an incorrect encoding of table alias names
- Fixed bug with using the AutoDDL property for TUniScript
- Fixed bug with value exceeds the range for valid timestamps when using AsDateTime property
- Fixed bug with Access Violation when DescribeParams is True and using the AsBytes property
- Fixed bug with setting the value of type UInt64 using the Value parameter property
- Fixed bug with inserting a Byte value using the Value parameter property
- Fixed bug with setting the numeric value of the parameter via AsString for TUniStoredProc
- Fixed bug with setting the Connection String
SQLite data provider
- Fixed bug with memory leak when using the julianday() SQL-function in Direct mode
NexusDB data provider
- Block fetch is supported
- Fetch performance is improved
DBF data provider
- FSIZE SQL function is supported
- Autoinc data type for Visual FoxPro tables is supported
- Fixed bug with reading logical fields which contains "Y"/"N" values
- Fixed bug with "Invalid field data" when setting a value that exceeds the character field size
ODBC data provider
- Fixed bug with "Range check error" when the field size is greater than MaxInt
- Fixed bug with "Invalid precision value" for dtMemo fields
- Fixed bug with processing UUID fields
9.0.1 13-Sep-21
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is supported
- macOS ARM is supported
- Added demo project for FastReport FMX
- Fixed bug with duplicate records when navigating through TVirtualDataSet for which a filter is set
- Fixed bug with persistent fields when saving and then reading data from file to TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with setting a DateTime value before the year 1800 to TTimeField
- Fixed bug with using a BLOB field in the IndexFieldNames property of the DataSet component
- Fixed bug with memory leak on Locate by field with data type mapping
- Fixed bug with escaping wildcards in the Filter property of the DataSet component
Oracle data provider
- Fixed bug with string OUT parameters in Oracle 12.1
SQLServer data provider
- Fixed bug with using the NonBlocking mode from threads
- Fixed bug with Varchar(max), NVarchar(max), Text and NText OUT parameters
- Fixed bug with the AV failure when reading the BLOB fields data in Lazarus
MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" error on Post when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
PostgreSQL data provider
- Fixed bug with processing UUID fields
- Fixed bug with processing large OID values
- Fixed bug with the incorrect encoding of error messages
- Fixed bug with the incorrect RowsAffected result of the WITH ... statement
- Fixed bug with error when setting the "0" value for a currency field
- Fixed bug with automatic conversion of null values from SQL subqueries to default values
- Fixed bug with processing IDENTITY fields in the PgDump component
- Fixed bug with CanModify = False in the Table component when opening a temporary table
- Fixed bug with using the Dump component with PostgreSQL version 8.1 and earlier
- Fixed bug with executing stored procedures in PostgreSQL version 8.1 and earlier
- Fixed bug with using batch inserts in PostgreSQL version 8.2 and earlier
InterBase data provider
- Firebird 4 is supported
- Fixed bug with executing stored procedures when UseUnicode = True
SQLite data provider
- Added the IntegerAsLargeInt connection specific option
- Fixed bug with mapping VARCHAR columns with length greater than 65,535 to fields of type ftString
NexusDB data provider
- NexusDB 4.50.27 is supported
ODBC data provider
- Fixed bug with re-opening a query which has a parameter of type ftWideString
- Fixed bug with updating boolean columns in MS Access
ASE data provider
- Fixed bug with passing the ApplicationName and ClientHostName parameters to the server
BigQuery data provider
- Added the BigQuery provider
HubSpot data provider
- Added the HubSpot provider
8.4.4 14-Jul-21
- Support for TFieldOptions is added
- Bug with applying both Encryption and Data Type Mapping on a BLOB column is fixed
- Bug with AV after adding the Lookup field to a prepared DataSet is fixed
- Bug with the Locate method on ftLongWord fields is fixed
- Bug with AV in the TVirtualTable.Assign method is fixed
- Bug with AV when executing a DELETE FROM statement using TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with corrupted data of a GUID field in TVirtualDataSet is fixed
- Bug with universal quoting of identifiers is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with refreshing a table that contains several key fields is fixed
- Bug with precision when converting Double to NUMBER in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with string parameters for Oracle 12.2 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with CLOB when UnicodeEnvironment=True is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Retrieving Indexes metadata for OLE DB providers is improved
- Bug with processing transactions in TUniLoader is fixed
- Bug with a Range check error when fetching more than 255 columns is fixed
- Bug with 'Unknown datatype (24)' when creating a dump is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with executing a stored procedure when ProtocolVersion = pvAuto is fixed
- Bug with executing a "SELECT FROM ..." statement is fixed
- Bug with a "Range check error" exception when executing a statement with parameters is fixed
- Bug with AV when executing a "SET ROLE ..." statement is fixed
- Bug with updating a table that has a Serial field is fixed
- Bug with handling statement parameters of the ftUnknown data type is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with transaction handling when using a stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with processing VARCHAR fields with a size greater than 255 is fixed
- Bug with setting a TimeStamp field value as a string is fixed
DBF data provider
- The UseFileCodepage specific option in the Connection component is added
Zoho data provider
- The NonApprovedRecords option is added
8.4.3 06-Apr-21
- Demo compatibility with new a version of SecureBridge is fixed
- Bug with assigning a BLOB parameter when the source data is loaded via the TParam.LoadFromStream method is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with an Invalid pointer operation on Fetch is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug a string parameter getting trimmed is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with reading date value "2000-01-01" when the EnablePgTimestamps option is set to True is fixed
- Bug with reading server messages is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with loading BLOB columns as strings using the Loader component is fixed
SQLite data provider
- JournalMode = jmDefault specific option value for the Connection component is added
- Bug with mapping the liteNull database type to the ftBLOB field type is fixed
8.4.2 26-Mar-21
- Lazarus 2.0.12 is supported
- Bug with the ConvertEOL connection option is fixed
- Bug with AV in applications using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with committing a transaction when LockMode = lmPessimistic is fixed
- Bug with getting values of calculated fields is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with parameters that have Unknown data type on Prepare is fixed
- Bug with calling stored procedures when AutoCommit=False is fixed
- Bug with parameters for Oracle 19c in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with NUMBER fields when EnableFMTBCD=True is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the data type mapping of varbinary fields is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with the "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" error in batch operations is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Several bugs with the MultipleConnection option are fixed
- Several bugs with ProtocolVersion = pvAuto are fixed
- Bug with LockMode = lmPessimistic is fixed
InterBase data provider
- The default value of the BooleanDomainFields specific option reverted to True
NexusDB data provider
- NexusDB 4.50.26 is supported
8.4.1 02-Mar-21
- RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney is supported
- macOS 11 Big Sur is supported
- iOS 14 is supported
- Android 11 is supported
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Performance of the FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, and FindPrior methods is improved
- The UseUnicode option in the VirtualQuery component is added
- Bug with setting the ReadOnly field property at runtime is fixed
- Bug with editing a source dataset after opening TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with updting a dataset with fields which contain international characters is fixed
- Bug with editing a dataset which acts as a data source for the VirtualQuery component is fixed
- Bug with processing a WHERE clause is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 21c is supported
- The PrefetchRows option in the Direct mode is supported
- Data fetch performance in the Direct mode is improved
- LOB read/write performance is improved
- Bug with connection to RAC servers in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with calling a stored procedure using dblink is fixed
- Bug with parsing a quoted schema name is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- LOB read/write performance in the Direct mode is improved
- Bug with 'Range check error' in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with getting the list of server names is fixed
- Bug with string data getting truncated in TUniLoader is fixed
- Bug with "Session ID is not found" when starting a transaction in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with "c0000091 FLOAT_OVERFLOW" when fetching records in SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
- Bug with describing date params in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with rounding DATE values is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with the 'TableName cannot be empty' assertion when opening a query is fixed
- Bug with dumping DOUBLE fields in the TUniDump component when UseUnicode set to True is fixed
- Bug with processing data that includes international characters on Linux is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using OpenSSL 1.1 libraries is fixed
- Bug with getting parameters for a procedure or function in MySQL 5.0.45 is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 13 is supported
- Work in a multi-threaded environment through a single connection is supported
- The MultipleConnections option in the Connection component is added
- Bug with AV failure when using OpenSSL 1.1 libraries is fixed
- Bug with an incorrect value of the RowsAffected property when executing an INSERT ... RETURNING statement is fixed
- Bug with the "Unexpected server response" error when executing a "SELECT FROM ..." statement is fixed
- Bug with AV when executing a batch operation via the SQL component is fixed
- Bug with incorrect encoding of error messages is fixed
- Bug with reading BLOBs on mobile platforms using Protocol 2 is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Over-the-Wire (OTW) encryption is supported
- Automatic detection of computed fields when generating update statements is improved
- Memory consumption in batch operations is reduced
- Bug with "Unavailable database" when using Local protocol is fixed
- Bug in TUniDump with backing up boolean fields in Firebird 3
- Bugs with handling computed fields in editable view are fixed
- Bug with TUniAlerter in 64-bit applications is fixed
SQLite data provider
- The LockingMode specific option in the Connection component is added
- The Synchronous specific option in the Connection component is added
- The JournalMode specific option in the Connection component is added
- Performance with default values of the new options is significantly improved
- Bug with an outdated version of the SQLite engine on the Android 64-bit platform is fixed
ASE data provider
- The TextSize specific option is added
- Bug with getting the client's hostname is fixed
DBF data provider
- The IgnoreIndexErrors specific option in the Connection component is added
- Performance of reading and writing MEMO and BLOB values is improved
- Work with dBaseV and dBaseVII tables when the DBFFormat option set to dfAuto is improved
- Bugs with handling fields of type MEMO, BLOB, BINARY and VARBINARY are fixed
- Bug with invalid type of argument for the UPPER function is fixed
- Bug with AV when an index expression is empty is fixed
- Bug with duplicate values in a unique index is fixed
- Bug with processing a WHERE clause is fixed
- Bug with the TRANSFORM function is fixed
- Bug with updating BLOB fields is fixed
- Bug with the TTOC function is fixed
- Bug with native indexes is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- Bug with incorrect query results when using DATETIME fields in a WHERE clause is fixed
- Bug with the DescribeAmount option is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Data fetch performance is improved
- LOB read/write performance is improved
8.3.2 14-Sep-20
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney, Delphi 10.4 Sydney, and C++Builder 10.4 Sydney is required
- Incompatibility of DatasetManager with RAD Studio 10.4 Release 1 is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the "Wrong amount of parameters 4 in TableName" error when retrieving data from a linked server is fixed
- Bug with an assertion failure when manually creating parameters is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with values getting cut off after calling the SHOW CREATE FUNCTION statement for MySQL 5.0.x is fixed
8.3.1 26-Aug-20
- Lazarus 2.0.10 and FPC 3.2.0 are supported
- Performance of Batch Insert, Update, and Delete operations is improved
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 20c is supported
- Connection via SSL protocol is supported
- Connection via SSH protocol is supported
- Connection via HTTP tunnel is supported
SQLServer data provider
- SQL Server 2019 is supported
- Failure to connect in the Direct mode with different credentials after unsu�cessful initial connection attempt is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with Data Type Mapping to the ftLargeint field type is fixed
DBF data provider
- Native dBase functions in a SQL statement are supported
MongoDB data provider
- Bug with using special characters in a username or password is fixed
- Bug with the "Out of memory" error when retrieving data from huge collections is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Error message retrieving from SQL Anywhere ODBC driver is improved
8.2.5 09-Jun-20
Oracle data provider
- Bug with describing sorted procedure parameters is fixed
8.2.4 01-Jun-20
- RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.8 is supported
- macOS 64-bit in Lazarus is supported
- Bug with data loss in the column of type ftLargeint in the VirtualTable component in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with locating a record by a fixed string column in the Chinese locale is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Mapping the FLOAT Oracle data type to the ftNumber field is added
- Bug with SELECT RowId using Database Link in Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with retrieving implicit result sets after calling the Execute method is fixed
- Bug with retrieving unchanged parameter values in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements containing a JAVA clause in TUniScript is fixed
- Bug with Charset when Pooling is enabled is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with setting a value for the TrustServerCertificate option is fixed
- Bug with switching databases in Direct mode is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with an invalid refresh query for calculated fields if the roBeforeEdit option is set is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- The Line geometric type is supported
- Bug with the Dump component in PostgreSQL 12 is fixed
- Bug with reading zero-valued geometric fields as nulls is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with an incorrect value in the DBSQLDialect property is fixed
- Bug with using a case-sensitive Role name is fixed
DBF data provider
- The AllFieldsAsNullable specific option is added
- Bug with indexes containing date fields is fixed
- Bug with VisualFoxPro indexes containing double fields is fixed
- Bug with using tables whose fields match SQL keywords is fixed
- Bug with JOIN on fields that have NULL values is fixed
- Bug with table file locking after executing UPDATE with ConnectMode = cmUnsafe is fixed
- Bug with an application hanging when trying to reopen a table with ConnectMode = cmExclusive is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Support for the Pipe protocol is added
- Support for the Secure Pipe protocol is added
- Support for the Secure TCP protocol is added
- Now an #INMEM alias is created automatically when it is specified in the Database property
MongoDB data provider
- Bug with connecting to a database that contains documents with a huge amount of fields is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with scale when reading a NUMERIC column as the ftFloat field is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Bug with obtaining metadata in Delphi 7 is fixed
BigCommerce data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
Dynamics CRM data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
FreshBooks data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
Magento data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
MailChimp data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
NetSuite data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
QuickBooks data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
Salesforce data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
Salesforce MC data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
SugarCRM data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
Zoho CRM data provider
- Bug with connection is fixed
8.1.3 10-Mar-20
- Bug with installing different editions of two or more DAC's in a single system is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements that contain fields with the same name from different tables is fixed
- Bug with executing SQL statements that contain comments using the Script component is fixed
- Bug with resetting the value of the parameter after adding a new TDACondition is fixed
- Bug with reading a field value using the AsBytes method in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using constraints after calling the Refresh method is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with fetching data in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- The UuidWithBraces specific option is added
- Performance of loading data with TUniLoader in Direct mode is improved
- Bug with reconnecting to the server is fixed
- Bug with connecting after a server connection failure is fixed
- Bug with performing a TLS 1.2 handshake during connection attempt to the server is fixed
- Bug with getting the value of the RETURN_VALUE parameter from SP is fixed
- Bug with the "Function is not linked" error when connecting to the server on iOS is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with TMyDump when the TMyDump.Options.FieldsAsString = True is fixed
- Bug with an empty error message when invoking the TMyQuery.Prepare method is fixed
- Bug with handling comments in a SQL statement is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with an incorrect value of the RowsAffected property when executing an INSERT ... RETURNING statement is fixed
- Bug with AV on closing an application that uses the Alerter component is fixed
- Bug with executing a query which has a param of type date is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with the incorrect default value of the TField.Required property for columns of type DOUBLE PRECISION is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when changing BLOB fields with the CacheBlobs property set to False is fixed
- Bug with using ftFMTBCD datatype params in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with loading Memo fields in TUniLoader is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with opening a query containing aggregate fields with the SmartFetch property set to True is fixed
DBF data provider
- Bug with using the CHRTRAN and DELETED functions in index expressions is fixed
- Bug with executing an ALTER TABLE statement is fixed
- Bug with executing an UPDATE statement is fixed
- Bug with deleting a record is fixed
ASE data provider
- Performance of loading data with TUniLoader in Direct mode is improved
Redshift data provider
- Bug with reading a newly inserted record within the explicitly started transaction is fixed
8.1.2 26-Nov-19
- Android 64-bit is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.6 is supported
- Now Trial edition for macOS and Linux is fully functional
- Bug with mapping a MEMO field to a floating-point field type in the TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with the Loader component when UniDirectional set to True for source dataset is fixed
- Bug with "Record changed by another user" error when LockMode <> lmNone is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when TClientDataSet is used is fixed
- Bug with resetting the range values when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using encryption is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Several bugs that occurred when using DataSet Manager are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 19c is supported
- Long database object names is supported
- Bug with UTF-8 encoding for Oracle 9 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on session connect in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with init session timezone in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with rounding float values in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- TLS 1.2 support in the Direct mode is added
- The connection option MultiSubnetFailover for the MSOLEDB provider is added
- Updating data after invoking the Refresh method is fixed
- Bug with connecting to SQL Server 2000 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Use of the Server property that contains Port in the Direct mode is added
- Bug with the NativeClientVersion connection option being set from ConnectionString is fixed
- Bug with establishing SSL connection is fixed
MySQL data provider
- OpenSSL 1.1 library is supported
- Bug with freezing of the TUniConnection design-time editor for MySQL versions older than 4.1 is fixed
- Bug with international characters in error messages when UseUnocode = True is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 12 is supported
- OpenSSL 1.1 library is supported
InterBase data provider
- Interbase 2020 is supported
- Improved performance when using pooling
- Bug with using the array data type in a table with quoted name is fixed
- Bug with executing the CREATE DATABASE statement when Pooling is enabled is fixed
- Bug with the UniLoader component when BooleanDomainFields set to True is fixed
- Bug with the "segment buffer length shorter than expected" error is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with AV when executing the INSERT operation is fixed
- Bug with a wrong default value of a DATETIME field when inserting a record is fixed
- Bug with mapping a MEMO field to a floating-point field type is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Bug with executing batch operations is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- The LowerCaseObjectId specific option for the Connection component is added
- Bug with reading documents containing array values is fixed
DBF data provider
- The IdentifierCase specific option is added
- The cmUnsafe value for the ConnectMode specific option is added
- Bug with refreshing a dataset after adding records via another connection is fixed
- Bug with inserting records with empty field values is fixed
- Bug with adding a field of type MEMO to a table is fixed
- Bug with updating date fields is fixed
- Bug with using native indexes when executing SQL queries is fixed
- Bug with mapping a MEMO field to a floating-point field type is fixed
- Bug with upditing records in a table, which has a compound index, is fixed
- Bug with detecting dBaseIV file format is fixed
- Bug with using character fields in a WHERE clause is fixed
- Bug with opening tables, which table path contains a dot, is fixed
- Bug with using date fields in a WHERE clause on Linux is fixed
8.0.1 22-Jul-19
- macOS 64-bit is supported
- Release 2 for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.3 Rio, and C++Builder 10.3 Rio is now required
- Bug with using the AsMemo method in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on TUniDump.RestoreFromStream is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with re-executing some prepared SQL statements in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the "StoredProc has too many arguments specified" error when executing SP is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with memory leak when using connection pooling is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with applying aggregate functions on fields with null values is fixed
- Bug with AV when using user-defined functions is fixed
- Bug with using both UniDAC Express and LiteDAC Professional is fixed
- Bug with possible data corruption when encrypting a database which contains open datasets is fixed
DBF data provider
- Bug with opening tables that use SQL keywords as field names
7.5.13 24-Jun-19
- Lazarus 2.0.2 is supported
- The DefaultSortType property for TVirtualTable is added
- Performance of the SaveToFile/LoadFromFile methods of TVirtualTable is significantly increased
- Bug with the AV failure when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Bug with calculating percentage in the OnRestoreProgress event in the TDADump class is fixed
- Bug with the StackOverflow exception when using batch operations in CBuilder is fixed
- Bug with using the SetRange method is fixed
- Bug with handling BLOB fields in TVirtualTable on the Linux platform is fixed
- Bug with attempting to save data to read-only fields when modifying a dataset is fixed
- Bug with AV in applications built with C++ Builder for Windows 64-bit when the server connection fails is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Support for using the ChangePassword method is added
- Bug with the UTF-8 character set for Oracle 9 in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Working with multiple threads sharing a single connection is supported
- Support for using the ChangePassword method is added
- Bug with the 'OnError' event generation is fixed
- Bug with setting the connection options for the MSOLEDB provider is fixed
- Bug with an assertion failure when saving a datetime value is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Performance of TMyDump for data dumping from a query is improved
- Performance of describing stored procedures is improved
- Bug with processing data that include international characters when using the EUC-KR character set is fixed
- Bug with a memory leak when using an SSL connection is fixed
- Bug with updating a dataset containing a composite primary key is fixed
- Bug with using the STATUS literal in a query is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- The pmAuto value for the ProtocolVersion specific option is added
- Now ProtocolVersion is set to pmAuto by default, which significantly improved performance
- The mVerifyCA and smVerifyFull options for the SSLMode specific option of the TUniConnection component are added
- Possibility to use function calls in batch operations is added
- Bug in TPgDump with backing up sequences in PostgreSQL 10 or later is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Local connection is supported
- The URL-style connection string format is supported
- The IPVersion specific option for the InterBase data provider is added
- Improved performance when inserting data into a table with BLOB fields using the Loader component
- Bug with QueryRecCount when using the GROUP BY clause is fixed
- Bug with the "Cannot perform operation on connected connection" error when using pooling is fixed
- Bug with changing BLOB fields when the CacheBlobs property set to False is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the version 3.27.2 of the SQLite engine
- Bug with using the LIKE clause in a query is fixed
ASE data provider
- Working with multiple threads sharing a single connection is supported
- The MultipleConnections connection option is added
- The OpenNext method for opening a next result set is added
DBF data provider
- Compatibility with BDE and ADO is improved
- The IgnoreDataErrors specific option is added
- The IgnoreMetadataErrors specific option is added
- The CodePage specific option is improved
- Bug with inserting records with empty fields is fixed
- Bug with executing a CREATE TABLE statement is fixed
- Bug with executing a CREATE INDEX statement is fixed
- Bug with updating an index when modifying table data is fixed
- Bug with reading floating-point values is fixed
- Bug with reading MEMO field values is fixed
- Bug with updating MEMO fields is fixed
- Bug with using tables whose names match SQL keywords is fixed
- Bug with using an index containing fully qualified field names is fixed
- Bug with a wrong default value of the AUTOINC field is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- The SQLEngine specific option is added
- Bug with querying documents by ObjectId is fixed
ODBC data provider
- The OpenNext method for opening the next result set is added
- Bug with using BLOB parameters in Informix ODBC Driver is fixed
7.4.12 21-Jan-19
- Bug with using the datetime literals in SQL statements in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the Refresh method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo on Linux is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with authentication of old users in Oracle 12c is fixed
- Bug with the DML arrays that contain the TIMESTAMP values is fixed
- Bug with describe of SYNONYM for stored procedures in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with fetch data when the FieldsAsString option is set to True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with open REFCURSOR is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the "Cannot modify a read-only dataset" error in Android is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with setting the data type of the parameter to BOOLEAN for all TINYINT system data types in the functions is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with reading and writing of the floating point values is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with using the AsBytes property is fixed
- Bug with the AV failure when using the BLOB data type in Lazarus is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.26.0
DBF data provider
- Bug with wrong selection of deleted records is fixed
- Bug with storing numeric values is fixed
- Bug with using the CTOD, DTOC, DTOS, TTOC, TTOD and EMPTY functions in index expressions is fixed
- Bug with using a field named RECNO in the index expressions is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- Bug with reading string values in the BSON format is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Bug with missing files for NexusDB for RAD Studio Rio (10.3) is fixed
ODBC data provider
- The UnknownAsSring specific option is added
7.4.11 26-Nov-18
- RAD Studio 10.3 Rio is supported
- Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed
- Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed
- Bug with the Refresh method of TVirualQuery is fixed
- Bug with handling BCD fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with updating fields which have data type mapping in TVirtualQuery is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 18c is supported
- Implicit result sets in Oracle 12 are supported
- Bug with detecting time zone when connecting in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with using an extended string in DML statements in Oracle 12 is fixed
- Bug with using the IFILE option in TNSNAMES.ORA is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- QuoteNames option in TUniLoader to escape field names is added
- Bug with mapping a TEXT field to ftWideMemo in Delphi is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements containing a CONTAINS predicate in the WHERE clause is fixed
- Bug with application freezing when executing a stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with editing the ConnectString property in TUniConnection in design-time editor is fixed
- Bug with XML field types when clearing data is fixed
- Bug with setting "MSOLEDBSQL.1" value for the TUniConnection.ConnectString property is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support for PAM and Windows authentications is added
- Bug in TUniDump with backuping stored procedures in MySQL 8 is fixed
- Bug with describing binary fields is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Possibility to write large blobs by pieces is added
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 11 is supported
SQLite data provider
- Support for the BreakExec method in the Query component is added
- Bug in TUniDump with dumping national characters when UseUnicode is True is fixed
ASE data provider
- Bug with AssignConnect is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- Bug with re-setting a query for the Query component is fixed
DBF data provider
- Detection of the file format when the DBFFormat option is set to dfAuto is improved
- Work with databases which contain a large number of files is improved
- Bug with incorrect query result when using local indexes is fixed
- Bug with mapping DATE fields is fixed
BigCommerce data provider
- OAuth authentication is supported
7.3.10 17-Sep-18
- Automatic detection of the initial value of an AutoInc field in TVirtualTable is supported
- Support for SpecificOptions in FastReport components is added
- Now the SetRange method supports Null values
- The enumerated property FieldOrigins is added
- The Boolean property FieldsOrigin is deprecated
- Bug with AV when using custom constraints is fixed
- Bug with using FilterSQL in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with editing data in TVirtualQuery having TVirtualTable as a source is fixed
- Bug with mapping an error when a query contains functions like SUM is fixed
- Bug with freezing an application when a query contains UNION ALL is fixed
- Bug with updating data in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with editing data in TVirtualQuery when the SELECT statement contains the ROWID column is fixed
- Several bugs with handling BLOBs in TVirtualQuery are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with reading LOB data in Oracle 12 is fixed
- Bug with the RawAsString option in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with the MERGE statement in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak when SQL statement contains trailing ";" is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Support for Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MSOLEDBSQL) is added
- Support for connecting to SQL Server using a server alias in Direct mode is added
- Bug with Runtime error 231 when getting a lot of database errors in one statement under Windows x64 is fixed
- Bug with getting a list of key fields for SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
- Bug with "Windows Authentication is not supported under non Windows environment" when connecting to a database on Android is fixed
- Bug with application freezing when using NonBlocking in the Direct mode is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with filling default values in MariaDB 10.2.7 and higher for Delphi 7 and older is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with assertion failure when using BLOB data type in batch operations is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with reading large double values from NUMERIC fields is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with reading DATETIME field values that have milliseconds is fixed
ASE data provider
- Bug with locking a record is fixed
DBF data provider
- Possibility to explicitly specify a database file format is added
- Bug with reading fields having a space (null) as a value is fixed
- Bug with opening tables having field names equal to SQL keywords is fixed
- Bug with using the DTOC function in index expressions is fixed
- Bug with using fields that have null values in conditional expressions is fixed
7.3.9 13-Jul-18
- Bug with detection of field data types in DBF, SQLite and VirtualQuery is fixed
7.3.8 09-Jul-18
- Lazarus 1.8.4 is supported
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Demo projects for IntraWeb 14 are added
- The LocalUpdate property for TVirtualQuery is added
- The AutoOpenSources option for TVirtualQuery is added
- Memory leak in NEXTGEN is fixed
- Bug with updating a record when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with using encryption and CacheCalcFields option is fixed
- Bug with using a backslash in the Filter property is fixed
- Bug with using First method in the Master-Detail relationship is fixed
- Bug with reading BLOB fields data on mobile platforms in TVirtualTable is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Now non-compiled stored procedures can be described in the Direct mode
- Performance of data fetching in the Direct mode is improved
- Performance of describing stored procedures in the Direct mode is improved
- Support for TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE in the Direct mode is improved
- Bug with AV on destroying Query that executed batch DML with LOB parameters after connection was closed is fixed
- Bug with writing trash in the BLOB fields on executing batch DML operations in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- MARS in TDS is supported
- NonBlocking mode in TDS is supported
- Query notifications in TDS are supported
- Bug with processing parameters with ftUnknown data type is fixed
- Bug with processing transaction descriptors is fixed
MySQL data provider
- MySQL 8 is supported
- Support for sha2_password, caching_sha2_password authentications is added
- Bug with application freezing when using stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with using the LongStrings option is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Now the "Data type is not supported" exception is not raised by the Query component when the DescribeParams property is set to True
- Bug with loading GUID values using the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with loading VARCHAR values using the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with the BreakExec method is fixed
- Bug with the "Stream read error" error is fixed
- Bug with the "Incomplete multibyte char" error for non-Windows platforms is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Support for HTTP/HTTPS tunnel is added
- Bug with retrieving the result recordset when using an INSERT ... RETURNING statement in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with a connection error using SSL on some servers is fixed
SQLite data provider
- WAL in the Direct Mode for non-Windows platforms is supported
- Bug with retrieving data in a Detail dataset having SmartFetch enabled is fixed
- Bug with AV on macOS High Sierra is fixed
ASE data provider
- Retrieving the OUTPUT parameters is improved
MongoDB data provider
- The Decimal128 data type is supported
- Precompiled MongoDB client libraries are included in the Professional Edition
- Performance of fetching large documents is improved
DBF data provider
- Support for Clipper/Harbour is added
- Support for native indexes based on complex expressions is added
- Compatibility with Codebase is improved
- Bug with opening some dBaseIII/dBaseIV tables is fixed
- Bug with creating a table having the hyphen in the name is fixed
ExactTarget data provider
- App center client authentication is supported
FreshBooks data provider
- FreshBooks new version is supported
Magento data provider
- Magento version 2.x is supported
NetSuite data provider
ZohoCRM data provider
7.2.7 10-Apr-18
InterBase data provider
- Bug with the "Attempt to reopen open cursor" error when trying to execute the Refresh method is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with missing libs for static linking in Lazarus is fixed
7.2.6 02-Apr-18
- Lazarus 1.8.2 is supported
- Now Detail dataset is not refreshed when Master dataset editing is started
- Bug with executing batch operations with iteration = 1 and offset = 0 is fixed
- Bug with re-opening a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with data decryption in SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with data truncation while decrypting is fixed
- Bug with using field aliases in the SELECT of a source dataset of TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when ftVariant fields are used in TVirtualDataSet is fixed
- Bug with using OR in the WHERE of a source dataset of TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with a WHERE clause with a boolean field in TVirtualQuery is fixed
Oracle data provider
- ACCEPT SQL*Plus command is supported
- Oracle 12 Extended Data Types in the Direct mode are supported
- BFILEs in the Direct mode are supported
- Bug with LOB prefetch is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with processing parameters with ftUnknown data type is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with creating the list of tables when using TMyServerControl is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when executing the prepared query as the field data type is changed is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with the "SQL information exception" error when trying to execute the COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with assertion failure when using the local filter with GUID field is fixed
- Bug with executing batch operations when a SQL statement contains function calls as values is fixed
- Bug with loading data into uuid fields using the Loader component and Protocol 3 is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- Support for "skip" and "limit" fields in the "find" command is added
- Support for regular expressions in the "find" command is added
DBF data provider
- Bug with opening tables containing field names equal to SQL keywords is fixed
7.2.5 18-Jan-18
- Lazarus 1.8 and FPC 3.0.4 are supported
- Support for custom constraints is added
- The UseBlankValues property for the Loader component is added
- Bug with script parsing in TDAScript is fixed
- Bug with calling RefreshRecord when setting FullRefresh to True and using encryption is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
- Bug with using the AsDateTime property when working with fields of the ftDate or ftTime type is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with AutoInc fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV in TVirtualDataSet when editing Blob is fixed
- Bug with a WHERE clause with a string field in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with using a query with JOIN as a source dataset for TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with multiple LIKE in a WHERE clause for TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with re-execution of DML statements in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with querying MS SQL Server source datasets is fixed
Redshift data provider
- Amazon Redshift provider is added
Oracle data provider
- Bug with TIMESTAMP(0) format is fixed
- Bug with LOB prefetch when UseUnicode=True is fixed
- Bug with fields order in TClientDataSet when using TOraProvider is fixed
- Bug when key fields are not reset in TUniTable is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Windows authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- Bug with memory leak in the Direct mode when UniDirectional is True is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on processing widestring parameter of large size is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support for backup/restore of triggers and stored procedures is added
- Bug with filling default values when TDADataSetOptions.DefaultValues = True for MariaDB 10.2.7 and higher is fixed
- Bug with parsing SQL that contains a table name with spaces after the point is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Loading of the default client library for 64-bit applications is improved
- Bug with memory leak when using BLOB data type in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with resetting a previously set parameter value when using DescribeParams is fixed
- Bug with backup/restore a database containing national characters in a database path in Firebird 3 is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with the FieldDefs.Update method of a dataset when using the protocol version 3.0 is fixed
- Bug with mapping jsonb fields is fixed
- Bug with reading GUID data on mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug with the Locate method work for the TGuidField class is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Direct Mode in Lazarus is supported
- BIT type is supported
- The UnknownAsString dataset specific option that allows mapping fields of unknown type as ftString instead of ftMemo is added
DBF data provider
- Direct Mode in Lazarus is supported
- The IndexOnReading connection specific option that allows using local indexes on reading data is added
- Bug with Access Violation when opening a database from multiple applications is fixed
- Bug with CREATE INDEX statement is fixed
DB2 data provider
- Compatibility with DB2 version 11 is improved
7.1.4 29-Sep-17
InterBase data provider
- Bug with the "Input parameter mismatch" error for procedure is fixed
- Bug with transactions when working with Firebird 2.5 is fixed
7.1.3 19-Sep-17
- The performance of TVirtualQuery is significantly improved
- Application-defined functions in TVirtualQuery are supported
- Application-defined collations in TVirtualQuery are supported
- AutoInc fields in TVirtualTable are supported
- Bug with assertion failure when updating a record in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with compatibility with TkbmMemTable in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with complex WHERE clauses that have several string fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with selecting from a dataset with a single record in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL for batch updates is fixed
- Bug with the Locate method for non-Windows platforms in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, FindPrior methods in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with accessing a product help from the IDE menu is fixed
- Bug with recreating fields when calling Open after Prepare is fixed
- Bug with an incorrect error message when using the Connect dialog component on mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using calculated fields in TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug with a key violation error when executing batch operations is fixed
- Bug with Assert when calling the Locate method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with using DAC components in DataModule for Linux is fixed
Cloud data providers
- BigCommerce provider is added
- Dynamics CRM provider is added
- FreshBooks provider is added
- Magento provider is added
- MailChimp provider is added
- NetSuite provider is added
- QuickBooks provider is added
- Salesforce provider is added
- Salesforce Marketing Cloud provider is added
- SugarCRM provider is added
- Zoho CRM provider is added
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 12c connection modes (SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM) in the Direct mode are supported
- OS authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- NChar literal replacement is supported
- CLOB parameters behavior when UnicodeEnvironment=True is improved
- Bug with lost chars in a parameter value when ConvertEOL=True is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with processing varchar fields when AutoTranslate is True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with processing a field with alias for query with the JOIN statement is fixed
- Bug with date and time fractional seconds precision when DescribeParams = True is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Azure Database for MySQL is supported
- JSON data type is supported
InterBase data provider
- Support for Firebird on Android platform is added
- Support for Firebird 3 packages is added
- Aliases handling in the RETURNING clause is supported
- The WireCompression connection parameter for Firebird 3 is supported
- Bug with using BLOB data type in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with the OnBackupProgress event handler in TUniDADump is fixed
- Bug with using batch parameters of the Bytes type is fixed
- Bug with closing a connection that has an active transaction for Firebird 3 is fixed
- Bug with recreating a connection on Linux and mobile platforms is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- SSPI authentication is supported
- Processing GUID data type for the TGuidField class is improved
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.20.0
- Custom SQL aggregate functions are supported
- Bug with opening an existing database on iOS 64 is fixed
- Bug with detecting field types is fixed
- Bug with international symbols in non-Unicode Delphi versions is fixed
- Bug with low performance of the LoadFromDataSet method of the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with index backup using the Dump component when the TableNames property is set is fixed
DBF data provider
- The CodePage specific options are added
- The ConnectMode specific options are added
- Bug with using CDX indexes is fixed
DB2 data provider
- The DECFLOAT data type is supported
7.0.2 15-May-17
- Bug with using TVirtualQuery with TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with processing NULL values in the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with executing a query after executing a batch command is fixed
- Bug with executing a batch operation inside an explicitly started transaction is fixed
- Bug with using the AsGuid property is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with authentication in the Direct mode is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with processing DATETIME fields is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the "Invalid column name" error when editing a query with the JOIN statement is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with memory leak when using the SQLMonitor component is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with AV failure after executing the Ping method is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with creating a database in the Direct Mode on Android is fixed
7.0.1 05-Apr-17
- RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Linux in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Lazarus 1.6.4 and Free Pascal 3.0.2 is supported
- Bug with AV failure in TUniProvider in multi-threading application is fixed
- Bug when working with the TBytes and TVarBytes fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with detecting parameters by name in ExecSQLEx is fixed
- Bug with reading Memo as WideMemo is fixed
- Bug with field name quoting in a filter expression is fixed
- Bug with handling parameter values of BLOB type in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TVirtualDataSet is fixed
- Bug with processing LEFT JOIN on text fields in TVirtualQuery is fixed
- Bug with updating records with text primary key in TVirtualQuery is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle Encryption in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle Data Integrity in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle Cloud (DBaaS) in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle 12c authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- SECUREFILE in the Direct mode is supported
- Prefetch LOBs for Oracle 11 and higher is supported
- EDITIONABLE and NONEDITIONABLE clause is supported
- The PrefetchLobSize option is added
- Field size detecting for servers with multi-byte charset when UseUnicode=False is improved
- Now NUMBER data type without fixed scale has precision=39 and scale=39 instead of 38
- Bug with special symbols in password in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with write BLOB to SECUREFILE for Oracle XE in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with single quote inside double quotes in SQL is fixed
- Bug with resizing DML parameters array is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with setting IsolationLevel on connection establishing in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with detection of field aliases for query with the JOIN statement is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Possibility to manage batch operations using a transaction is added
- Possibility to obtain active transaction number using DBMonitor is added
- Bug with handling the "Database shutdown" error is fixed
- Bug with handling parameters of the Currency type is fixed
- Bug with AV when the number of values of a batch parameter is too large is fixed
- Bug with using batch parameters of Bytes type is fixed
- Bug with setting parameters of a custom transaction in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with reading BLOBs when the CacheBlobs property is set to False is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with the RefreshRecord method is fixed
- Bug with escaping BLOB data when protocol version 2 is used is fixed
- Bug with executing a stored procedure via the Query component with FetchAll = False is fixed
- Bug with executing a batch operation after changing SQL is fixed
- Bug with international characters in error messages is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.17.0
- Bug with VACUUM command in Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug with query parameters binding is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Support for using ConnectionString is added
- Support for using the TfmtBCD fields is added
- Support for the SmartFetch mode is improved
- Bug with using DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP literals is fixed
MongoDB data provider
- New MongoDB provider is added
DBF data provider
6.4.16 21-Nov-16
- Bug with adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with XML when UnicodeEnvironment=True is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with WITH clause in TUniScript is fixed
- Bug with inserting identity fields through TUniLoader in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with updating a field containing a space in an alias in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with setting FilterSQL to SQL query in Disconnected mode is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with executing batch updates and deletes on old versions of MySQL is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with stored procedure parameters is fixed
- Bug with setting query parameters as a string is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with stored procedure parameters is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with using field names with spaces in the Master-Detail relationship is fixed
6.4.15 01-Nov-16
- Bug with raising 'Argument out of range' error on TCRDBGrid creating in RAD Studio Berlin with Update 1 is fixed
- Bug with QueryRecCount when ORDER clause contains CASE..END is fixed
- Bug with processing parameters on setting of a SQL query is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with using DATEADD function in UnifiedSQL is fixed
- Bug with parameters that contain empty strings in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with processing varchar fields when AutoTranslate is True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with processing parameter name when a name begins from a number is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with processing TIMESTAMP and DATETIME fields is fixed
- Bug with loading data from a pipe is fixed
- SSL support is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Support for international characters in a role name is added
- Bug with international characters in a database path name in Interbase is fixed
- Bug with handling the "Connection shutdown" error is fixed
- Bug with setting query parameters as a string is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.15.0
- Bug with batch operations in the Direct Mode on Android is fixed
- Bug with batch operations in the Direct Mode on Mac OS X is fixed
- Bug with handling comments in a SQL statement is fixed
6.4.14 08-Sep-16
- TVirtualQuery component is added
- TDADataSetOptions.InsertAllSetFields property is added
- Several bugs in SmartFetch Mode are fixed
- Bug with loading the dclvquery60.bpl package in CBuilder 6 is fixed
- Bug with setting the TCustomDADataSet.EOF property after fetch canceled is fixed
- Bug with param values loss after changing TDAParam.ValueCount is fixed
- Bug with PtrOffset function when Overflow Checking option enabled is fixed
- Bug with the "DisposeBuf failed" error when canceling dataset changes is fixed
- Bug with the duplicated MacroChar variable is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with WITH clause in TUniScript for Oracle 12c is fixed
- Bug with the {timestamp} macro is fixed
- Bug with invalid Oracle home is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Support for IPv6 protocol in Direct Mode is added
- Now the value of NULL output parameters is returned as NULL, not as Unassigned
- Bug with RowsAffected calculation after executing the RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug in the RefreshRecord method when database name must be quoted is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on processing float fields for mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug in TUniLoader in Direct Mode when TableName contains SchemaName is fixed
- Bug in TUniLoader in Direct Mode when TableName is quoted is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with RowsAffected calculation after executing the RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug with retrieving result parameter in TUniStoredProc is fixed
- Bug with processing MEDIUMTEXT fields when UseUnicode is True is fixed
- Bug with processing TIMESTAMP(1)..TIMESTAMP(5) fields is fixed
- Bug with processing DATETIME fields is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with the client library loading when the connection pooling is enabled is fixed
- Bug with returning results of the INSERT ... RETURNING statement is fixed
- Bug with executing an INSERT OR UPDATE batch operation is fixed
- Bug with retrieving result parameter in TUniStoredProc is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with international characters in error messages is fixed
- Bug with retrieving result parameter in TUniStoredProc is fixed
- Bug when using default port is fixed
- Bug with querying nested tables is fixed
- Bug with canceling a fetch is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with the Loader component when AutoCommit is True is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Bug with AV when data type mapping is used is fixed
6.3.13 27-Jun-16
- TVirtualDataSet component is added
- Bug with AV on application closing when DLLs are used in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with using parameters and column aliases in Master-Detail relation is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on editing data in SmartFetch mode is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with memory leak on fetching TIMESTAMP fields is fixed
- Bug with AV on writing BLOBs for Win64 target platform is fixed
- Bug with generating INSERT or UPDATE queries when UpdatingTable is specified is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Data type mapping from Varbinary type to Blob field is added
- Bug with data type mapping from MONEY type to TBCDField field is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on project compilation in Delphi 7 is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with memory leaks on application finalization when Pooling is enabled is fixed
- Bug on processing timestamp(6) field is fixed
- Bug with cutting the STATUS field for SHOW ENGINE statement is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with executing an application on iOS Simulator is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with AV on connection lost is fixed
- Bug with the incorrect milliseconds part of timestamp fields is fixed
DBF data provider
- Direct mode is supported Beta
NexusDB data provider
6.3.12 28-Apr-16
- Bug with AV failure when connection is not specified is fixed
- Bug with batch operations is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with AV failure in the TUniConnection component when Options.UseUnicode = True is fixed
6.3.11 25-Apr-16
- RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin is supported
- Lazarus 1.6 and FPC 3.0.0 is supported
- Support for the BETWEEN statement in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Tab order in UniConnectForm is fixed
- Bug with handling international characters in the VirtualTable component is fixed
- Bug with displaying data in grid on error at applying cached updates is fixed
- Bug in the SetOrderBy method in case when SQL contains ';' is fixed
- Bug with using the LIKE clause in a dataset filter is fixed
- Bug in TVirtualTable.Assign method on NULL values in Required fields is fixed
- Bug with HTML entities replacing on XML data loading to TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with setting the SkipUnsupportedFieldTypes option of TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with generating of UpdateSQL on using WITH clause is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Transactions behavior when AutoCommit is disabled now is the same as in ODAC
- Bug with connection to RAC server is fixed
- Bug with Blob and Memo OUT parameters is fixed
- Bug with unsigned integer parameters is fixed
- Bug with binding LONG parameters in Oracle XE 11 is fixed
- Bug with not receiving ORA-00028 error on session kill is fixed
- Bug with trimming CLOBs with trailing #0 in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Direct mode in TUniLoader is supported
- SmartFetch mode in Disconnected mode is supported
- Bug with AV failure on opening dataset inside DLL for MS SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support for utf8mb4 charset is added
- SmartFetch mode in Disconnected mode is supported
- Bug with inserting international characters using batch is fixed
- Bug with inserting international characters via batch is fixed
- Bug with the 'Commands out of sync' error on reopening query is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with BLOB data loss after editing a record when DeferredBlobRead=True is fixed
- Bug with receiving messages in Alerter component after Stop/Start is fixed
- Bug with auto-committing a transaction when LockMode <> lmNone is fixed
- Bug with AV on closing application when Pooling=True is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on query execution is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 9.5 is supported
- A MessageCharset option in connection specific options is added
- Bug with storing international characters using the Dump component is fixed
- Bug with Dump component when using protocol version 2 is fixed
- Bug with retrieving TimeStamp from string is fixed
- Bug with storing timestamp field values is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.12.0
- Support for URI filenames is added
- Bug with memory leaks using C++ Builder 10 Seattle is fixed
- Bug with query parameters is fixed
- Bug with AV using Delphi 7 is fixed
- Bug with AV on iOS 64 is fixed
Adaptive Server Enterprise data provider
- Direct mode is supported
- Mac OS X is supported
- iOS is supported
- Android is supported
- Specific option HostName was renamed to ClientHostName
ODBC data provider
- Bug with AV when pooling is used is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Possibility to select a driver is added
6.2.10 01-Feb-16
- Data Type Mapping performance is improved
Oracle data provider
- The bug with retrieving the path to the tnsnames.ora file is fixed
- Bug with binding LONG parameters in Oracle XE 11 is fixed
- Bug with getting record count in non-blocking mode is fixed
- Bug with retrieving fields from synonyms is fixed
- Bug in UniAlerter when ConnectionTimeOut <> 0 is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with fetching float values is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with AV on setting TUniAlerter.Active to True is fixed
- Bug with executing a SET GENERATOR statement in Firebird 3 is fixed
- Bug with possible application hanging on client library exception is fixed
SQLite data provider
- SQLite engine version is rolled back to for Direct mode due to unstable functioning
- Bug with "File IO error" in Direct Mode on Android platform is fixed
- Bug with using UniDAC Express with LiteDAC Pro is fixed
- Bug with inserting table data in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using parameters in multi-SQL is fixed
ODBC data provider
- An ability to select ODBC Driver Manager is added
Adaptive Server Enterprise data provider
- Direct mode is supported Beta
6.2.9 14-Dec-15
- Performance of TDALoader on loading data from TDataSet is improved
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data in the ApplyUpdates method is fixed
- Bug with RecNo in the Unidirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with storing some numbers with floating point is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on opening dataset when the OnFilterRecord event handler is used is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with storing Blob data for Oracle 12c in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug witn NetError when server has SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter value different from zero is fixed
- Bug with InputOutput string parameters of fixed length is fixed
- Bug with record deleting in the Unidirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on DML array binding is fixed
- Bug with hanging query in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- 'Range check error' on connection to SQL Server 2005 is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with using output parameters in stored procedures is fixed
- Bug with executing batch operation on x64 platform is fixed
- Bug with executing TUniConnection.ExecSQL with string parameters is fixed
- Bug with international characters in a database path in Firebird is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with dumping character data with the Dump component is fixed
- Bug with encoding server error responses is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.9.2
- Bug with the "I/O Error" error in Direct Mode on Mac OS X is fixed
- Bug with AV in Direct Mode in CBuilder x64 is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with executing batch operations is fixed
Access data provider
- Bug with executing batch operations is fixed
DB2 data provider
- Bug with AV on executing statements with OUT CLOB parameters is fixed
6.2.8 18-Sep-15
- Bug with showing values array for batch updates in SQLMonitor is fixed
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Critical Bug with parsing query parameters is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with executing batch update after batch insert is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Bug with source compilation is fixed
6.2.7 09-Sep-15
- RAD Studio 10 Seattle is supported
- INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE batch operations are supported
- Now Trial for Win64 is a fully functional Professional Edition
- Now at automatic refresh of Detail dataset the OnBeforeOpen event is not called
- Generating conditions for filtration when using similar field names and aliases in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with endless reconnection in assigned connection is fixed
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
- SQLMonitor behavior on using similar objects is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Support for Offset is added for DML arrays
- Support for OraNet.PacketSize is added to improve performance in VPN and Wireless networks
- Now NULL and empty strings are different values for ftOraLob and ftOraClob parameters
- Bug with cutting WideStrings in TUniLoader is fixed
- Bug with Charset in pooling is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with setting the IndexFieldNames property when server cursor used is fixed
- Bug with truncation of milliseconds of datetime2 fields is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on executing query with parameters of Word type is fixed
- Bug with getting table names in Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug with execution of stored procedures in Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug in Direct mode with the 'Token 02 below minimal' error when selecting an empty string value for the nvarchar(max) data type is fixed
MySQL data provider
- MariaDB Embedded is supported
- Bug with HTTP tunneling under UNIX is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug when working with databases having charset NONE is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with inserting JSON fields data is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- The EnableSharedCache specific option of the Connection component for non-Windows platforms is added
- Bug with a null CURRENT_TIME value on MacOS, iOS & Android in Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug with handling DATETIME fields with milliseconds is fixed
- Bug with attaching a database containing international characters in the encryption key is fixed
- Bug with database encryption in Direct Mode on MacOS is fixed
- Bug with the "Unable to open database" error when using a temp database on Android is fixed
- Bug with CRBatchMove component when using complex table names is fixed
- Bug when calling SQL for trigger creation is fixed
- Bug with detecting AutoInc fields on mobile platforms is fixed
6.1.6 14-Jul-15
- Critical bug with data encryption is fixed
- Bug in IProviderSupport.PSExecuteStatement with parsing a SQL query is fixed
- Bug with missing IdeVer.inc in Trial version is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- 'Catastrophic failure' on data fetching is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with storing BYTEA fields when UnpreparedExecute=True is fixed
- Bug in TUniLoader.LoadFromDataSet is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with Pooling=True is fixed
- Bug with updating a dataset containing a complex primary key is fixed
6.1.5 30-Jun-15
- Critical bug when parsing SQL query with parameters is fixed
- Bug with the Refresh method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Direct mode compilation for non-Windows platforms in Lazarus is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with getting stored procedure list is fixed
- Bug in TUniScript.Execute with script parsing is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with AutoInc fields on mobile platforms is fixed
6.1.4 17-Jun-15
- Bug with using Unified SQL in TUniConnection.ExecSQL is fixed
- Bug with parsing a SQL query that contains a "macro" symbol by TUniQuery is fixed
- Bug with using macros is fixed
- Bug with using bookmarks in a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with restoring the original order of records after clearing IndexFieldNames is fixed
- Bug with refreshing DbLookupComboBox of the detail dataset when Master-Detail relationship is used is fixed
- Bug with SQL Monitor freezing when using in a DLL is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with DMLs that return an error from Oracle or higher in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with the RETUNING clause in a statement, that contains parameters with the same name, in the Direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with the 'Out of memory' error on opening a big table when ReadOnly = True is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord when the table name contains the database name or the schema name is fixed
- Bug with unnecessary update of all fields when a server cursor is used is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with RefreshRecord when data type mapping is used is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with incorrect RowsUpdated value when executing an EXECUTE BLOCK statement is fixed
- Bug with AV on unloading fbembed.dll is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- Bug "Unit LiteStaticUni was compiled with a different version of LiteCallUni.TSQLite3API" for iOS 32-bit is fixed
6.1.3 14-Apr-15
- RAD Studio XE8 is supported
- AppMethod is supported
- The ParamCheck option behavior is fixed
- Bug on calling Code Editor in the UniStoredProc editor is fixed
- Bug with invalid names of Master-Detail parameters is fixed
- Bug with AV on calling GetVersion() in C++Builder is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with the 'Cannot convert type' error in the TDADataSet.RefreshRecord method when data type mapping is used is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Direct mode in Lazarus is supported
- Now the Direct mode is supplied as source code
- Support for Objects in the Direct mode is added
- Support for EZCONNECT in the Direct mode is added
- Support for fields with Cursor data type in the Direct mode is added
- Now statements with RETURN INTO clauses can return RowsAffected in the Direct mode
- Bug with detecting instant client is fixed
- Bug with detecting default client is fixed
- Bug with memory leak after calling GetFieldNames is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Direct mode in Lazarus is supported
- Now the Direct mode is supplied as source code
- Performance of connection establishing in the Direct mode is improved
- The specific option "OLEDBProvider" is renamed to "Provider"
- Bug with the 'TableName cannot be empty' assertion failure on query opening is fixed
- Bug with processing LongWord parameters is fixed
- Bug with the 'DateTime type 40' error on query opening is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Firebird 3 support is added
- Firebird 3 BOOLEAN column type support is added
- Bug with using Firebird Embedded within a DLL is fixed
- Bug with BLOB field types when using InterBase XE and higher is fixed
- Bug with obtaining a generator value for a newly inserted record is fixed
- Bug with inserting a record when the key field is not the first one in a query is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 9.4 support is added
SQLite data provider
- Direct mode for Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms is supported
- Database encryption for Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms is supported
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.8.9
- The ConnectMode specific option is added
- The TLiteUtils.ReleaseDatabaseMemory method is added
- The TLiteUtils.IsDatabaseReadOnly method is added
- Bug with installing both LiteDAC and UniDAC Express is fixed
- Bug with missing LiteStaticUni.obj is fixed
ODBC data provider
- ODBC provider for Lazarus is added for Unix platforms
6.0.2 14-Jan-15
- Lazarus 1.2.6 is supported
- Bug with linking UniDAC providers in C++ Builder for x64 platform is fixed
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with losing data after VirtualTable closing on SaveToStream is fixed
- Bug with RestoreUpdates in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with double calling the AfterExecute event on query Execute is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with processing a query containing a 'UNION' clause is fixed
- Bug with editing DateTime fields when string-to-datetime data type mapping is used is fixed
- Bug with loading datetime2 fields via TUniLoader by OLEDB Provider is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support for fraction seconds of datatime fields is added
- Getting datetime precision of table columns via TUniMetaData for MySQL server 5.6 and higher is added
- Performance of backup data using TUniDump is improved
- Bug with processing FarEast symbols in WideString fields is fixed
- Bug in TUniLoader with loading Extended fields is fixed
- Bug in TUniDump with backup Unicode text fields is fixed
- Bug on using the AssignConnect method in Dll is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with KeyGenerator behaviour when CachedUpdates = True is fixed
- Bug with mapping SMALLINT database columns to float fields is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- Bug with AV when connecting in the Direct mode on x64 platform is fixed
6.0.1 25-Nov-14
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with 'Thread Error' when connecting on OS X is fixed
- Bug with setting TParam.Value = for a parameter with the ftDate data type is fixed
- Bug with editing DateTime fields when data type mapping from string to DateTime is used is fixed
- Bug with refreshing record if the key field has the TSQLTimeStamp data type is fixed
- Bug when using table aliases in the DetailFields name is fixed
- Bug with using UPPER and LOWER functions in filter is fixed
- Bug with TCustomDADataSet.FindKey is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Direct Mode is supported
- Mac OS X is supported
- iOS is supported
- Android is supported
- Bug with using view in SQL query in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with record editing in the SmartFetch mode when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with connection to Oracle 8.0.x is fixed
- Bug with editing Lob fields in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements containing a WITH clause in TUniScript is fixed
- Bug with AV on opening DataSet in threads is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with setting time values greater than 24:00:00 for Time fields is fixed
InterBase data provider
- The QueryRowsAffected dataset specific option is added for increasing performance of update operations
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- Bug with registering SQLiteUniProvider is fixed
- Bug with retrieving a table index list using the MetaData component on non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with unnecessary preparing of a DML-statement when a dataset is opening is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- Nexus Embedded support is added
ASE data provider
- Ability to set CharSet is added
Advantage data provider
- Assert on fetch data is fixed
DB2 data provider
- Support for 64-bit client is added
5.5.12 29-Sep-14
- ConnectionTimeout is now used on OSX and Mobile platforms
- Bug with RecNo in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with setting SQL query when ParamCheck = False is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on getting metadata by TCustomDADataSet is fixed
- Bug with AV failure under Mobile when DacFMX is used is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with AV on an attempt to access server after connection loss is fixed
- Bug with auto-generated parameter types is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Translation of the DataSource property of the FIBPlus dataset into the MasterSource property in MigrationWizard is added
PostgreSQL data provider
- Backup of huge BLOB-fields with TUniDump is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with fetching WideString fields is fixed
- Bug with detection of auto-incremental field is fixed
5.5.11 15-Sep-14
- RAD Studio XE7 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.4 is supported
- New free Express edition is added
- Providers are added to the Standard edition and now it doesn't require other DAC products installation
- Demo projects for FastReport 5 are added
- SpecificOptions names and values validation are added
- The TCustomDADataSet.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The TCustomDAConnection.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The ConstraintColumns metadata kind for the TDAMetadata component is added
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with quoting names in the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with calling the Refresh method after executing the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with setting calculated field values using the AsExtened property is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the AfterExecute event is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the BeforeExecute event is fixed
Oracle data provider
- RAC server support is improved
- Support for WITH FUNCTION clause for Oracle 12c is added
- The HideRowId option is added
- Bug with Blob in the disconnected mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on raising an Oracle error in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with AV on application closing if connection was established in the OCI7 mode is fixed
InterBase data provider
- The OldTransactionBehaviour global variable is added
- Bug with possible AV after TParam.Clear when the parameter has the type of ftBytes is fixed
- Bug with updating a record when Disconnected = True and DeferredBlobRead = True is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.8.6
- Several bugs with metadata retrieving are fixed
- Bug with mapping TIMESTAMP columns to float fields is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- NexusDB 4.07 is supported
ODBC data provider
- Fetch performance is improved
- Now the VarBytesAsBlob specific option is replaced with the VarBinaryAsBlob and LongVarBinaryAsBlob specific options
- Information about TypeInfo is added to ODBCMetaData
5.3.10 31-Jul-14
- The EmptyTable method is added to TUniTable
- The SQL property is added to TUniConnection
- Support for the Upper and Lower statements in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Support for the ftOraTimeStamp type in TVirtualTable is added
- Bug with reopening TDADataSet after BreakExec is fixed
- Bug with processing calculated and lookup fields in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with getting RecordCount when QueryRecordCount is True is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on opening TCustomDADataSet when Range was set is fixed
- Bug with "Invalid field size" in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on freeing objects on mobile platforms is fixed
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Data type mapping from RAW(16) to ftGuid is added
- Now result parameter detection in UniConnection.ExecSQL is similar to the one in ODAC
- Bug with connection establishing if the client has negative half-hour time zone is fixed
- Bug with transactions in the OCI7 mode is fixed
- Bug with tnsnames.ora parsing is fixed
- Bug with parsing table names a if sub-query contains a WITH keyword is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with opening a query with too long columns is fixed
- Bug with cutting an input-output parameter value is fixed
- Bug with processing identity field is fixed
- Bug with processing tinyint fields is fixed
- Bug with processing tinyint and bigint parameters in SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
- Bug with the Integer Overflow error on query preparation when DescribeParams is True is fixed
- Bug with getting metadata in MS SQL Server 64 bit is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Possibility to retrieve time values greater than 24:00:00 for a Time field is added
- Bug in TMyDump with data backup in the Unicode mode is fixed
InterBase data provider
- The NoDBTriggers connection option is added
- Bug with query execution when AutoPrepare = True is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with incorrect parsing of table names containing a "$" character is fixed
5.3.9 27-May-14
- Bug with compilation in C++Builder is fixed
- Bug with setting boolean parameters in a non-English IDE at design-time is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on fetching records in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with finding master parameters by original name on refreshing record when using master/detail relationship by parameters is fixed
- Bug with missing SmartFetch option is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Named parameters on generating procedure call are supported
- Bug with invalid behavior in multithreaded applications is fixed
- Bug with AV on appending a record with BLOB if DataSet was reopened is fixed
- Bug with SQL query for indexes retrieving is fixed
- Bug with instant client is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with unnecessary update of all fields when using server cursor is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on appending new records when using server cursor and CursorUpdate = False is fixed
- Bug with hanging application on closing dataset with non-fetched records is fixed
- Bug with excess memory allotment on recordset opening is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with transaction handling when executing a stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with incorrect table alias names detection is fixed
- Bug with incorrect DECIMAL fields mapping is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with repeated call of the Execute method on error is fixed.
MSAccess data provider
- The bug with tables, which names start with numbers, is fixed
ASE data provider
- Ability to set HostName is added
5.3.8 29-Apr-14
- RAD Studio XE6 is supported
- Android in C++Builder XE6 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.2 and FPC 2.6.4 is supported
- SmartFetch mode for TDataSet descendants is added
- The TUniDataSetOptions.MasterFieldsNullable property is added
- Now update queries inside TDataSet descendants have correct owner
- The SetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- The GetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- Bug with displaying already installed DAC version in setup messages is fixed
- Bug with the Filter behavior in the Metadata component is fixed
- Bug with AV on modify table with one only Object field is fixed
- Bug with Locate when a NULL value is present in the index field is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in the TDADataSet.Lookup method is fixed
- Bug with error processing on socket data reading under Unix is fixed
Oracle data provider
- DataTypeMapping conversion from XMLType to ftString is added
- DataTypeMapping conversion from Interval to ftString is added
- Bug with detect parameters if a string constant contains ':' in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with connection when UnicodeEnvironment=True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with detecting table names in an SQL statement containing JOIN is fixed
- Bug with Largint columns in UniLoader is fixed
- Bug with result parameters is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- SQL Server 2014 is supported
- Bug with processing widestring parameters is fixed
- Bug with processing tinyint and single parameters in SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with connection establishing when Pooling is enabled is fixed for MySQL provider
- Bug with RefreshRecord when ReadOnly is set to True is fixed for MySQL provider
- Bug with SSL connection on Android is fixed
InterBase data provider
- TUniTransaction.OnCommitRetainig and TUniTransaction.OnRollbackRetainig events are added
- Bug with carriage returned in the beginning of an error message is fixed
- Bug with invalid client library when using connection pooling is fixed
- Bug with refreshing a detail dataset in Master-Detail is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with parsing dollar-quoted strings is fixed
- Bug with "Range check error" in Protocol 2 is fixed
- Bug with executing "WITH ... SELECT" statements is fixed
- Bug with SSL connection on Android is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- The EnableLoadExtension specific option is added for the Connection component
ASE data provider
- The PrepareMethod option is added
5.2.7 25-Feb-14
- Bug with buttons layout on the "SQL Editor" form in design-time is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Now OraNetUni.obj and OraNetUni.o files are supplied for C++Builder
- Bug on connection establishing using Oracle 8, 9, 10.1 clients is fixed
5.2.6 19-Feb-14
- Now .obj and .o files for all providers are supplied for C++Builder
- Possibility to use MAS_ prefix for parameters when using master/detail relationship is added
- Bug with post data when LockMode=lmOptimistic and Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with opening dataset when persistent fields were created in dataset is fixed
- Bug with parameter name quoting on assigning field value to parameter is fixed
- Bug with deleting a record inserted earlier in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug on sorting BLOB fields is fixed
- Bug with percentage count in the OnRestoreProgress event of the TDADump class is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL queries by "SQL Generator" in design-time is fixed
- Bug with detecting parameters with the same name is fixed
- Bug with opening inherited forms in IDE is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug when the Inited property of TOracleHome is not set to True for Oracle Instant Client is fixed
- Bug with connection to Oracle on Unix platforms is fixed
- Bug with AV on prepared Stored Procedure execution is fixed
- Bug with the ORA-24344 error message format in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on reconnection for Mobile platforms is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with changing TParam.ParamType when preparing parameters of stored procedure when DescribeParams is True is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support for Autorefresh mode for Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms is added
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with the 'Unexpected server response' error when using Master-Detail is fixed
- Bug in TUniQuery when FlatBuffers=False and UnknownAsSring=True is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version in the SQLite provider
- Support for Delphi DateTime format is added
5.2.5 25-Dec-13
- iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported
- RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required
- Now .obj and .o files are supplied for C++Builder
- Compatibility of migrating floating-point fields from other components is improved
- Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail when a connection and a query are placed in different units is fixed
- Bug with data display in Detail Dataset when master field is Null is fixed
- Bug with incorrect parameter sizes when re-opening a query is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when using TClientDataSet is fixed
- Bug with mapping single types to float types is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD and FmtBCD types is fixed
- Bug with filtering boolean fields is fixed
- Bug with freeing complex fields after refreshing before editing is fixed
- Bug with Locate by fields where Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with RefreshQuick when IndexFieldNames is set is fixed
- Bug with the TUniLoader.AutoCommit property is fixed
Oracle data provider
- An ability to establish OCI and Direct connections in the same application is supported
- New Oracle 12c connection modes are added (SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM)
- Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed
- Bug with Password which length is exactly 16 characters for Oracle 10 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with DB object names containing the '$' and '#' characters is fixed
- Memory Leak in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with incorrect committing of data by the Loader component on errors is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed
- Bug with returning an incorrect value in the RowsAffected property is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Now RowsAffected returns a correct value without the need to prepare a statement explicitly
- Bug with string truncation when using the Loader component is fixed
- Bug when working with parameters of the ftTimeStamp type is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed
- Bug with handling international characters when using protocol version 2 is fixed
- Bug with backup of ENUM types using the Dump component is fixed
- Bug with Memory leak is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Direct mode for x64 platform is supported
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.8.2
- Bug with executing multi-SQL statements is fixed
5.1.4 23-Sep-13
- Critical bug with parsing unicode SQL queries is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TUniProvider is fixed
5.1.3 18-Sep-13
- RAD Studio XE5 is supported
- Application development for Android is supported
- Lazarus 1.0.12 is supported
- Automatic checking for new versions is added
- Flexible management of conditions in the WHERE clause is added
- Performance is improved
- IPv6 protocol support is added
- Migration from FIBPlus is added
- The possibility to use ranges is added
- The AutoCommit property for the Connection component is added
- The Ping method for the Connection component is added
- The AllowImplicitConnect option for the Connection component is added
- The SQLRecCount property for the Query and StoredProc components is added
- The ScanParams property for the Script component is added
- The RowsAffected property for the Script component is added
- Support of the IN keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property is added
- Like operator behaviour when used in the Filter property is now similar to TClientDataSet
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when disconnecting after connection loss
- Bug when using the Uni.EnableUniSQL global variable is fixed
- Bug with storing the dbMonitor active state to DFM is fixed
- Bug with setting ConnectionTimeout for Unix, Mac OS and iOS platforms is fixed
- Bug with incorrect displaying of long names of parameters and macros in design-time is fixed
- Bug with processing cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with moving data from WideMemo to String fields by TCRBatchMove is fixed
- Bug in TCRBatchMove when destination dataset has no key fields is fixed
- Bug with TCRBatchMove and DataSets in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with showing a connection dialog in design-time when LoginPrompt is set to False is fixed
- Bug with setting the connection string containing inline comments is fixed
- Bug with unnecessary unlock calling after an update error is fixed
Oracle data provider
- The UROWID data type is supported in the Direct mode
- Bug with Memory Leak in the Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug with an empty error message for ORA-24344 in TUniDataSet is fixed
- Bug with retrieving KeyFields when using Data Base Link is fixed
- Bug with getting TimeStamp & Interval fields when FieldsAsString=True is fixed
- Bug with getting a parameter with the Currency data type is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- The CursorType specific option is added
- Bug with using connection macros is fixed
- Bug with using ptResult parameters is fixed
- Bug with calling RefreshRecord when FullRefresh is set to True is fixed
MySQL data provider
- MariaDB is supported
- Bug with AssignConnect from a disconnected source connection is fixed
InterBase data provider
- The AutoCommit specific option for Table, Query, SQL and Loader components is added
- Now Params specific option values for the Transaction component can be separated by a semicolon
- The ForceUsingDefaultPort global variable is added
- The LoadFromDataSet method for the Loader component for cases when a dataset record count is less than the RowsPerBatch value is optimized
- Bug with setting the TBlobField.AsString value when CacheBlobs = False is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 9.3 is supported
- Bug with AssignConnect from a disconnected source connection is fixed
- Bug when the UnpreparedExecute option is set to True is fixed
- Bug with an "Invalid password packet size" message in the PostgreSQL log is fixed
- Bug with a zero-valued LastInsertID result is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- The AutoCommit and AutoCommitRowCount specific options for the Loader component are added
- Bug with AssignConnect from a disconnected source connection is fixed
- Bug with an incorrect datetime (date, 'localtime') function result in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with detecting auto-increment fields is fixed
ODBC data provider
- The DefaultStrParamSize specific option is added
- An option that allows fetching VarBytes as BLOB is added
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when disconnecting after connection loss
- The "SQL statement doesn't return rows" bug when DetectFieldsOnPrepare=False is fixed
MSAccess data provider
- The ForceCreateDatabase option is added
- Bug with updating table in the Optimistic lock mode is fixed
NexusDB data provider
- NexusDB 3.12 is supported
5.0.2 15-Jul-13
- Connection dialog is improved
- Incorrect XE4 behaviour when re-opening a dataset under iOS is fixed
- Bug in the alerter when DisconnectedMode is set to True for a connection is fixed
- Bug with the connection OnLogin event is fixed
- Bug with incorrect counting of connections in pool is fixed
- Bug with time fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with varbinary fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using case-insensitive filter is fixed
- Bug with getting and setting the SQL property of FastReport datasets is fixed
- Bug with positioning of Fields Editor is fixed
- Bug with not using index fields on locating records is fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with processing persistent fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 12c is supported
- Bug with getting error message on object compilation in Oracle client versions lower than 11 is fixed
- Bug with size of NVARCHAR2 columns in the SELECT query in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with TIMESTAMP parameters of stored procedures in the direct mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Now schema name is used when filling default values if DefaultValues = True
- Bug with processing parameters of stored procedures is fixed
- Bug with the QueryRecCount option queries containing the 'GROUP BY' clause is fixed
- Bug with "Multiple-Step OLE DB Operation generated errors" is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with data type mapping of BLOB fields is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with setting the default transaction isolation level after a connection is open is fixed
- Bug with getting metadata when using Firebird 1.5 is fixed
- Bug with cutting strings when getting metadata from system tables in the Unicode mode for InterBase 2007 is fixed
- Bug with a "Dynamic SQL error" when querying record count is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with multiple metadata requests when using domain field types is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.7.17
- Now the UNKNOWN data type is mapped as ftMemo
- Bug with incorrect column type determination when metadata API is unavailable is fixed
- Bug with avg(), count(), max() & last_insert_rowid() functions on Mac OS X is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with getting OUT parameters is fixed
- Bug with numeric parameters for MS SQL Server is fixed
- Bug with string parameters for MS SQL Server is fixed
- Bug with reading Blob fields from a Tibero database is fixed
MSAccess data provider
- Bug with copying data by TCRBatchMove is fixed
- Bug with copying data by TUniLoader is fixed
ASE data provider
Bug with encrypted password when working on client versions lower than 15 is fixed
Bug with detecting NUMERIC parameters of stored procedures is fixed
5.0.1 25-Apr-13
- Rad Studio XE4 is supported
- NEXTGEN compiler is supported
- Application development for iOS is supported
- Connection string support is added
- Possibility to encrypt entire tables and datasets is added
- Possibility to determine if data in a field is encrypted is added
- Support of TimeStamp, Single and Extended fields in VirtualTable is added
- Migration from PgDAC and LiteDAC is added to the Migration Wizard
- Migration from AnyDAC and FireDAC is added to the Migration Wizard
- Bug with Master-Detail for TClientDataSet in Rad Studio XE3 is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with incorrect RecordCount result when a query contains both ORDER BY and LIMIT is fixed
- Bug with calling Cancel in the BeforePost event is fixed
- Bug when setting the TDataSet.Filter property for empty dataset is fixed
- Bug with incorrect TVirtualTable version displaying in the About box is fixed
- Bug with TUniLoader.LoadFromDataSet when UniDirectional = True and FetchRows = 1 is fixed
- Thread handle leak when using pooling is fixed
- Now the TCustomDASQLMonitor.Options.moDBMonitor property is set to False by default
Oracle data provider
- BINARY_DOUBLE & BINARY_FLOAT data types support in the Direct mode is added
- Bug with raising internal "Net Error 1" on reading Lob data types for some encodings in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with incorrect detecting constant values length in SELECT expression for UTF8 databases in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with application hang on get NVarchar column through link to MS SQL Server in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with inserting NVARCHAR data for UTF8 databases and Oracle 10 or below if INSERT statement contains RETURNING section is fixed
- Bug with application hang in non-blocking mode is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug when opening table for SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 for 64-bit Windows is fixed
MySQL data provider
- SSL support in Mac OS is fixed
- Bug with memory leak when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Application development for iOS using InterBase XE3 ToGo Edition is supported
- The DefaultTransaction property in TUniConnection is added
- The Params specific option in TUniTransaction is added
PostgreSQL data provider
- Now ErrorCode indicates a socket error code when a connection error appears
- SSL support in Mac OS is fixed
- Bug with mapping CHARACTER VARYING fields to ftString is fixed
- Bug with automatic transaction restart when FetchAll = False on connection loss is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- Now SQLite string data type without length is mapped as ftMemo instead of ftString
- Converter from Unix and Julian data formats to ftDateTime is added
ASE data provider
- The EncryptPassword option is added
- The DetectFieldsOnPrepare option is added
- Bug with TUniStoredProc is fixed
DB2 data provider
- XML fields support is added
- Bug with connection pool is fixed
4.6.12 14-Feb-13
- Rad Studio XE3 Update 2 is now required
- TUniEncryptor components are supported in Migration Wizard
- Bug with memory leak when working with UniAlerter is fixed
- Bug with AV on adding TFieldDef items to FieldDefs for Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
- Bug with incorrect detection of the numeric parameter type in ExecSQL is fixed
- Bug with assigning data to blob fields when using Data Type Mapping is fixed
- Bug with inserting a new record into TStringGrid in FMX is fixed
- Bug with unlocking a record after constraint violation is fixed
- Bug with quoting index field names in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail link by fields with non-English names is fixed
- Bug with saving Date fields in XML is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with memory leak in Master-Detail datasets that contain OraLob fields is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- Bug with data type mapping of nvarchar(max) field is fixed
- Bug with the 'List index out of bounds' error on refresh of detail table is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on repeated execution of a prepared stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on filling default field values is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with AV failure on filling default field values is fixed
InterBase data provider
- 'Range check error' when using TUniAlerter is fixed
- Bug with using unsigned integer values in parameters is fixed
- Bug with connecting to InterBase 7 and lower is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on filling default field values is fixed
SQLite data provider
Bug in TLiteUtils.EncryptDatabase when using a third-party sqlite3.dll is fixed
MS Access data provider
Bug with retrieving string field values is fixed
DBF data provider
Bug when installing DBFUniProvider from sources using the make.bat file is fixed
4.6.11 12-Dec-12
- Rad Studio XE3 Update 1 is now required
- C++Builder 64-bit for Windows is supported
- Bug with getting default values for fields with aliases is fixed
- Bug with storing Specific options is fixed
- Bug with using quoted field names in the IndexFieldNames property is fixed
- Bug with processing macros named in Cyrillic is fixed
- Bug in TUniStoredProc with closing dataset when the Disconnected property is True is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with loading data into column with TDateTime data type by UniLoader is fixed
- Bug with invalid backup progress in TUniBackup is fixed
- Bug with impossibility to edit query if it contains '(' inside quotes is fixed
- Bug with Filter and CHAR data type when UseUnicode=True is fixed
- Bug with getting data with CHAR type for Oracle 7 is fixed
- Bug with setting Charset property for Oracle client 9 & 10 is fixed
- Bug with AV in ApplyUpdates method in UniDataSet with not defined Session property is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- The Port specific option that allows specifying the port number for connection is added
- Bug with getting default field values when using not the default dbo schema is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with dump BIGINT UNSIGNED fields is fixed
- Bug with resolving hostname on iOS device is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with SETOF REFCURSOR procedure parameters is fixed
- Bug with resolving hostname on iOS device is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with datetime field default values is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with AV on freeing a DLL linked statically is fixed
- Bug with trash symbols instead of empty string value is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Bug with parameters in master-detail relationship when QuoteNames=True is fixed
DB2 data provider
- Bug with connection pool is fixed
4.5.10 07-Nov-12
- Some improvements for NEXTGEN support are added
- Support for ftGraphic and ftFmtMemo parameter data types is added
- Informativity of messages about errors in connection is improved
- Dependency of design-time packages on FMX packages is removed
- Bug with data loss in pessimistic lock mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug with renaming of fields with the same names is fixed
- Bug with dependency parameters count in macros on delimeter is fixed
- Bug with storing the LoginPrompt connection property is fixed
- Bug with dump data from VIEW is fixed
- Bug with creating columns on setting the TableName property in TDALoader is fixed
- Bug with setting specific connection options in the connection editor under Lazarus is fixed
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Limitation on maximum 10 Oracle Homes is removed
- Bug with parameter length for UTF8 databases is fixed
- Bug with parameter length loaded from DFM is fixed
- Bug with LargeInt calculated fields is fixed
- Bug with refresh cursor with AutoClose=True is fixed
- Bug with LOB fields for Oracle 8.0.5 is fixed
SQLServer data provider
- The NativeClientVersion specific option to set the version of SQL Native Client provider is added
- Bug with using the NEWSEQUENTIALID() default expression is fixed
- Bug with inserting float values to real fields is fixed
- 'Range check error' when working with varbinary(max) or varchar(max) is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Support of interactive connections is added
- Support for binary parameters of stored procedures is added
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug when processing domain type procedure parameters is fixed
- Bug with processing composite type fields is fixed
- Bug with executing a stored procedure when multiple default schema names are set in the connection is fixed
- Bug in the TPgQuery.BreakExec method is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version
- FTS3 and FTS4 support in the Direct mode is added
NexusDB data provider
- Support of NexusDB 3.11 is added
- Data Type Mapping support is added
- The HeartbeatInterval, LostConnectionTimeout and WatchdogInterval options for connection is added
- Bug with the filter timed out error is fixed
4.5.9 05-Sep-12
- Rad Studio XE3 is supported
- Windows 8 is supported
- Bug with storing empty MapRules collection in DFM is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at freeing connection, for which AssignConnect was executed, is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with getting Raw as String is fixed
- Bug with describing stored procedure parameters from a package in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV at releasing temporary Lobs is fixed
InterBase & Firebird data provider
- Bug with reading BLOB data when using Firebird x64 in the Interbase data provider is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Now the Direct mode is based on the SQLite engine version 3.7.13
- Extended error codes support is added
- Bug with memory leak when working in Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with the ForceCreateDatabase option when specifying a DB name without full path is fixed
- Bug with the DecryptDatabase method when setting connection for Delphi versions since Delphi 2009 is fixed
- Bug with low performance when executing the UPDATE SQL-statement in DirectMode is fixed
- Bug with changing DB page size (executing the sequence of instructions PRAGMA page_size + VACUUM) in DirectMode is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Bug when mapping a TEXT field to ftString in Delphi versions since Delphi 2009 is fixed
4.3.8 24-Jul-12
- Bug with compilation for iOS is fixed
- Bug with Data Type Mapping and persistent fields is fixed
- Bug with Data Type Mapping to Bytes and VarBytes is fixed
- Bug with decryption of binary fields is fixed
- Bug with editing calculated fields is fixed
- Connection dialog is now open in the screen center instead of the desktop center
- Several bugs with compilation on Delphi XE2 from Source code are fixed
SQLite data provider
- Static linking of SQLite library is added
- SQLite database encryption is added
- The ForceCreateDatabase option is added
- Bug with connection establishing in iOS 5 is fixed
MySQL data provider
Oracle data provider
- Bug with the ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime parameter types is fixed
- Bug with detecting Oracle client version is fixed
- Bug with not resetting a statement index in UniScript after an error is fixed
InterBase & Firebird data provider
- Bug with setting a value with the TUniParam.AsShortInt method is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with application hang at connection loss is fixed
- Bug with infinite loop at UniAlerter stop after connection loss is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Bug with distinction between empty string and null is fixed
ASE data provider
- The SelectMethod option is added
4.2.7 21-Jun-12
- Update 4 Hotfix 1 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Data Type Mapping support is added
- Data Encryption in a client application is added
- The TUniEncryptor component for data encryption is added
- Calling of the TCustomDASQL.BeforeExecute event is added
- Bug with executing a script that ends with a commented line is fixed
- Bug with assigning outsize data to TWideStringField is fixed
- Bug with DATE parameters in design-time is fixed
- Bug with TUniDump using an old connection after assigning a new connection is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at calling the SetRecNo method when using local sorting is fixed
- Bug in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component with master-detail relationship is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with connection to Oracle XE with the UTF8 charset is fixed
- Bug with auto-generated queries for tables with case-sensitive fields in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with Connection Mode set for a connection that is established from UniScript is fixed
- Bug with statements count when a script contains the "Connect" command is fixed
- Bug with loading Unicode strings by TUniLoader is fixed
SQL Server data provider
- SQL Server Native Client 11 (SQL Server 2012) support is added
InterBase & Firebird data provider
- Bug with accessing InterBase 64-bit from a x64 application built in Delphi XE2 is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with getting metadata for PostgreSQL 7.x is fixed
SQLite data provider
- The ForeignKeys option is added to the SQLite specific connection options
- Bug with defining the VARCHAR field type larger than 4095 is fixed
- Bug with initialization of user-defined functions after TSQLiteConnection.AssignConnect is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with result parameters in functions is fixed
4.1.6 02-Apr-12
- Lazarus and FPC 2.6.0 are supported
- Bug with SQL Generator in the design-time is fixed
- Bug with generating Update SQL with fields that have aliases is fixed
- Bug with saving BCD fields from TVirtualTable to a Stream is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with filling fields with Unicode names from Sequences in the Direct mode is fixed
SQL Server data provider
- Bug with pdInputOutput parameters is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with retrieving the list of tables from a case-sensitive schema is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with the query that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with Primary Keys that contain "." in name is fixed
4.1.5 01-Mar-12
- Update 4 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Bug with Null values filtering in CRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with the absent CRControls10p.res file in the installation for Delphi 2006 is fixed
- Bug with Data Editor in the design-time for case-sensetive Master-Detail link is fixed
- Bug with hanging RAD Studio XE2 when opening ConnectDialog is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at executing ApplyUpdates is fixed
- Bug at working with 64-bit pointers is fixed.
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Code improvements for avoiding compilation warnings
- Support of case sensitive objects and their methods is improved
- Bug with DisconnectedMode=True and LocalFailover=True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with representation VarArray data types when ObjectView=True is fixed
- Bug with showing INFINITY in TOraNumber fields is fixed
- Bug with loading Unicode strings by TUniLoader is fixed
SQL Server data provider
- Bug with getting IndexColumns metadata for SQL Server Compact Edition is fixed
- Bug with the query that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with processing a query with quoted column names is fixed
InterBase & Firebird data provider
- Bug with cutting a string when getting metadata from system tables in Unicode mode is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- The Time(x) and the TimeStamp(x) data types support is improved
- Bug with showing error messages with German locale in Delphi 7 is fixed
- Bug with Out of memory in the server inside a transaction is fixed
- Bug with sending parameters as Float value is fixed
- Big with schema names that contain "." is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Bug with using parameters whose names match to reserved words is fixed
ODBC data provider
- Bug with inserting, updating and deleting data in SQLBase is fixed
4.1.4 28-Dec-11
- The UniqueFieldIndexSeparator global variable is added
- Bug with defining specific option with not defined ProviderName is fixed
- Bug with "Multiple transactions are not supported by the database" is fixed
- Bug with parsing the table names separated by comma in TUniDump is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure at proccesing the cached data is fixed
- Bug with Delphi IDE hanging at closing in case of using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in Lazarus is fixed
- Several bugs with 64-bit application development are fixed
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with memory leak and non-existing stored procedure in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with '(' and ')' application name in the Direct mode is fixed
SQL Server data provider
- Bug with generation the SQL query for data refresh, while FullRefresh is True and the macros is used, is fixed
- Bug with the stored procedures executing in SQL Azure is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with query containing 'UNION' clause that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Reading the Bytes data type as Hex is supported
SQLite data provider
- Bug with UPDATE, when a key field is of the TEXT data type, is fixed in the SQLite data provider
4.1.3 23-Nov-11
- Update 2 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Mac OS X and iOS in RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- FireMonkey support is improved
- Lazarus and FPC 2.4.4 are supported
- Mac OS X in Lazarus is supported
- Linux x64 in Lazarus is supported
- FreeBSD in Lazarus is supported
- Bug with memory leak in TDALoader is fixed
- Problem with receiving DateTime parameter for DBMonitor in Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 11g Express Edition is supported
- Support for the NonBlocking option is added
- The QueryResultOnly option is added to TOraChangeNotification
- Conflict with size_t data type in C++Builder is resolved
- Bug with invalid password in the Direct mode for Windows 98 is fixed
- Bug with reading long ORACLE_HOME line from the registry is fixed.
- Bug with updating DatSet when LongStrings=False is fixed
- Bug with posting nested objects of the not final type is fixed
SQL Server data provider
- SQL Azure support is improved
- Bug with backing up BLOB fields is fixed
- Bug with query containing 'WITH' clause that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
- Bug with processing parameters values of which are set to the SqlTimestamp type is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with query containing 'WITH' clause that is generated for the QueryRecCount option is fixed
- Bug with getting database info is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with deleting record in FetchAll = False mode when LockMode is lmPessimistic is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- PostgreSQL 9.1 is supported
- Bug with time zone for time and timestamp data types is fixed
- Bug with PgDump with PostgreSQL 8.2 is fixed
SQLite data provider
- DateFormat and TimedFormat specific options are added in the SQLite data provider
NexusDB data provider
- Support of NexusDB 3.09 is added
MS Access data provider
- Type of the ExtendedAnsiSQL specific option is changed from Integer to Boolean
4.0.2 10-Oct-11
- SpecificOptions definition in the run-time is improved
- Bug with compilation for Linux in Lazarus is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Bug with multi-dimension arrays is fixed
- Bug with getting attributes of inherited object types is fixed
- Bug with Lob parameters in the Direct mode if ParamType=ptUnknown is fixed
MySQL data provider
- Bug with the QueryRecCount option queries containing the 'DISTINT' and 'AS' clauses is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with Unicode password is fixed
- Bug with multiple default schemas definition is fixed
InterBase data provider
- Bug with processing parameters values of which are of the SqlTimestamp type is fixed
- Bug with the QueryRecCount option queries containing ';' delimiter in query is fixed
4.0.1 15-Sep-11
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- Application development for 64-bit Windows is supported
- FireMonkey application development platform is supported
- Support of master/detail relationship for TVirtualTable is added
- OnProgress event in TVirtualTable is added
- TDADataSetOptions.SetEmptyStrToNull property that allows inserting NULL value instead of empty string is added
- Bug with processing transaction when connection is lost is fixed
MS Access data provider
- Exclusive access to databases in MSAccess provider is added
Adaptive Server Enterprise data provider
- Ability to set ApplicationName in the ASE provider is added
- The AnsiNull option in the ASE provider is added
Oracle data provider
- Bug with UniLoader for Number(1,0) data type is fixed
- Bug with Int64 data type for UniLoader in Oracle provider is fixed
- Bug with LOB parameters is fixed
PostgreSQL data provider
- Bug with SQL query following an empty SQL query is fixed
SQLite data provider
- Loading the sqlite3 library for Linux in SQLite provider is fixed
- Bug with Table name that contains "." in SQLite provider is fixed 19-Jul-11
- Bug in TCustomDADataSet.PSGetKeyFields method when persistent fields are created in dataset is fixed
- Bug in TUniTable with creating SQL query when Options.QuoteNames is set to True and provider is changed is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on using master/detail relationship with TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug with several connections and when OCIUnicode=True for the Oracle data provider is fixed
- Bug with getting ServerList for the PostgreSQL data provider is fixed
- Bug with returning "not an error" for the SQLite data provider is fixed. 15-Jun-11
- Possibility to load data in TVirtualTable without recreating persistent fields is added
- Working in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component is improved
- Loading files opened by other applications is improved
- Bug with the "BAD HANDSHAKE" error on connecting to some versions of MySQL server in the MySQL provider is fixed
- Bug with processing key fields on record posting is fixed
- Bug with empty string parameters is fixed for ASE data provider
- Bug with DateTime parameter is fixed for ASE data provider
- Bug with "SQL statement doesn't return rows" is fixed for ASE data provider
- Several bugs with design-time editors for Lazarus are fixed 28-Apr-11
- Lazarus 0.9.30 and FPC 2.4.2 is supported
- New DBF provider is added
- Bug in bookmark validity check is fixed
Oracle data provider
- Oracle 9, Oracle 10, and Oracle 11 authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- Case sensitive login and password in the Direct mode is supported
- Unicode login and password in the Direct mode is supported
- Client Identifier in the Direct mode is supported
- Support of BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB data types in TUniLoader is improved
PostgreSQL data provider
- Application Name connection option is supported
- Payload parameter for PostgreSQL notification is supported
SQL Server data provider
- Support for SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 is added
SQLite data provider
- User-defined function for SQLite provider is supported
- Default UniNoCase collation for SQLite provider is added (the DefaultCollations specific option)
- Interface user-defined collation registration for SQLite provider is improved
- SQLite source version is fixed (missing .inc file is added)
- Bug with "SQLite function is not linked" in the SQLite data provider is fixed
Adaptive Server Enterprise data provider
- Support for the AnsiNull option in the ASE provider is added
- Bug with getting extended fields info in a transaction in the ASE data provider is fixed 10-Mar-11
- Delphi & C++Builder XE Starter Edition supported
- Added ability to get databases list in the NexusDB provider
- Fixed bug with access to several databases in the NexusDB provider
- Fixed bug with getting database info for 64-bit OS in the InterBase provider
- Fixed registration procedure of Borland SQL Monitor when TUniSQLMonitor is created at runtime 26-Jan-11
- Added NexusDB provider
- Added support for connection with using Service Name in the Direct mode in the Oracle provider.
- Added support for ASCII databases in the SQLite provider (the ASCIIDataBase specific option)
- Changed Collation and Encryption function calling in the SQLite provider (this function is moved to the TLiteUtils class in the SQLiteUniProvider unit)
- Improved performance in the PostgreSQL provider
- Improved Encryption function in the SQLite provider (it raised exception if database wasn't encrypted successfully)
- Fixed bug with parameters quoting by SQL Generator in the design-time in the SQLite provider
- Fixed memory leak in the SQLite provider
- Fixed bug with the Currency parameter type support in ODBC provider
- Fixed bug in TUniDump with backup boolean fields in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with processing Unicode in BLOB parameters in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with processing parameters of stored procedures in the InterBase provider 08-Dec-10
- Added encryption support in the SQLite provider
- Added calling the BeforeExecute event for the Open and Refresh dataset operations.
- Fixed the Detail dataset refreshing (for Master-Detail datasets) after connection loss in the LocalFailover mode
- Fixed bug with refreshing record for Master-Detail datasets
- Fixed bug when user's value was overridden by the sequence value in the smPost sequence mode in the Oracle provider
- Improved performance of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT queries that return few records in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed sorting order for columns that contain NULL values if sort is defined by the IndexFieldNames property in the PostgreSQL provider 04-Nov-10
- PostgreSQL 9.0 supported
- Added checking that dataset is open on calling the TDataSet.Locate method
- Improved table names detecting inside SQL queries for the UpdatingTable property in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with table or view names that contain single quotes (for example, 'name') in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with selecting Unique Key instead of Primary Key as a Key field in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with fetching data in the Direct mode in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with updating NVARCHAR fields in the Direct mode with OCIUnicode=true in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with decoding data on loading XML
- Fixed bug in the Migration wizard with migrating parameters in the date format
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with adding unnecessary spaces 13-Sep-10
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE suppored
- Fixed bug with AL32UTF8 and ZHS16GBK encoding for Oracle in OCI and Direct modes. Now field size and strings storing in these encodings is correct.
- Fixed bug with filling default expression for fields in the design mode for inactive dataset
- Fixed bug with the LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property 13-Aug-10
- Changed the LocateEx method behavior: now LocateEx centers records equal to Locate
- Added the OnBeforeExecute event
- Added function ActiveMacroValueByName that returns macros value for the current data provider
- Added UTF sorting for the SQLite database
- Added support for extended SQL for MS Access (set the ExtendedAnsiSQL specific option to 1)
- Fixed bug with saving OleObjects for the Access database
- Fixed bug with processing parameters used in the BeforeUpdateExecute event handler
- Fixed bug with RefreshRecord and numbers with floating point
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with converting units in the UTF8 and UTF16 encoding 24-Jun-10
- Added ability to lock records in the CachedUpdate mode
- Added overloaded declaration of the ApplyUpdates method to choose update kind
- Fixed bug with quote that first character inside quoted string for the Filter property
- Fixed bug in TCRBatchMove with processing RecordCount
- Fixed UniLoader bug with loading data
- Fixed bug with processing added parameters in the BeforeUpdateExecute event handler
- Fixed bug with SSL connection to PostgreSQL
- Fixed bug with setting SpecificOptions for Lazarus 26-May-10
- Fixed bug with ODBC provider and Nexus DB that generates the "Option 5 not supported" message
- Fixed bug with ODBC provider when long strings were read with excess zeros (#0 char) inside.
- Fixed bug with the UNSIGNED BIG INT data type for SQLite database: now the UNSIGNED BIG INT data type is represented by TLargeintField
- Fixed bug with processing UniSQL in the TUniConnection.ExecProc method
- Fixed problem with processing TBCDField for SQL Server 09-Apr-10
- Added the BreakExec method
- Added support of ONLY lexeme in the FROM statement for PostgreSQL
- Fixed bug with comparing Date field values on optimistic locking
- Fixed bug in the AddWhere, DeleteWhere, SetOrderBy, and GetOrderBy methods for Tables
- Fixed bug with calculating RecNo in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with getting Database Info
- Fixed bug with "Insert into Table () values ()" when all fields are empty
- User_name in metadata changed to schema_name for SQL Server 04-Mar-10
- Ability to use Access system database added
- Added DetectFieldsOnPrepare parameter for NexusDB ODBC driver
- Added ability to send call stack information to the dbMonitor component
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when using master/detail relationship
- Fixed bug with LocalUpdate in the CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with displaying nvarchar2 fields when UseUnicode is true
- Fixed bug with getting IndexFieldNames list in design time
- Fixed several bugs with getting information about SQLite database using the TUniMetadata component
- Fixed bug with processing TableInfo for SQLite
- Fixed bug with DBMonitor for C++ Builder 6 26-Jan-10
- Added OnStart, OnCommit, OnRollback events to TDATransaction
- Fixed problem with using TLargeintField in master/detail
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmPessimistic
- Fixed bug with setting labels caption of TUniConnectDialog when LabelSet = lsCustom
- Fixed bug with setting EOF when FetchAll=False in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with processing TIME fields for SQL Server 2008 01-Dec-09
- Added TUniAlerter component
- Added support for dbMonitor 3
- Fixed bug with updating table, that has field name, representing a valid hexadecimal number
- Fixed bug with updating field value with preceding spaces when TrimFixedChar or TrimVarChar = True
- Fixed bug with executing large file in UTF-8 format
- Fixed bug with AssignConnect in the ODBC-based providers 12-Nov-09
- Now Required flag is set for UpdatingTable fields only
- Fixed bug with detecting parameter size for MBCS strings
- Fixed problem with detecting slash with text after it as a delimiter in TDAScript
- Fixed bug with SetOrderBy and SetWhere when there is no space before ORDER or WHERE
- Fixed bug with executing large file in Unicode format
- Added support for XML data type in the SQL Server provider
- Fixed bug with fetching fields that come after BLOB fields in the ODBC-based providers
- Fixed bug with parsing table name in the ASE provider 13-Oct-09
- Now setting the SetFieldsReadOnly option to False makes all fields not readonly
- Now the AssignConnect method copies transaction state
- Fixed bug with locating records using the LocateEx method and the lxNearest option
- Fixed bug with AV failure in MemData
- Fixed bug with SQL Generator in design-time
- Fixed problem with help registration under RAD Studio 2010
- Fixed problem with loading DataSet Manager under RAD Studio 2010
- Fixed problem with providers registration under RAD Studio 2010
- Added support for GUID data type in the ODBC-based providers
- Added support for autoincrement fields in the Access, Advantage, and DB2 providers
- Added the ServerTypes specific option for the Advantage provider
- Added support for *.accdb databases in the Access provider
- Fixed error on connect under Windows Vista / 7 in the Access provider 10-Sep-09
- Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 suppored
- DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider) support added
- Now the subdetail is refreshed before the AfterRefresh event of the detail is called
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when resolving the host name 01-Sep-09
- Added support for Unified SQL in the FilterSQL property of TCustomUniDataSet
- Now the value from the master dataset has priority over the DefaultExpression value
- Fixed bug with not unlocking record in the CachedUpdates mode if no fields were changed
- Fixed bug with parsing TDAScript.Statements
- Fixed bug with RefreshQuick for query with fields that have similar names in several tables
- Fixed bug with parsing literal ':' as parameter in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with converting EOL for LONG RAW fields in the Oracle provider
- Added support for using different client libraries simultaneously in the InterBase provider
- Added DescribeParams specific option for the InterBase provider
- Added support for automatic starting a transaction when FetchAll=False in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with FetchAll=False and inline comment at the end of SQL in the PostgreSQL
- Added the EmbeddedParams connection option for the MySQL provider
- Fixed bug with UseUnicode ignored for TEXT fields in the SQLite provider 24-Jun-09
- Fixed bug with local sorting in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with raising exceptions on locating records when IndexFieldNames is set
- Fixed bug with calculating connection count in Disconnected mode
- Fixed bug with calling the OnError event on connection failure when Pooling is enabled
- Fixed bug with macros in TDAScript
- Fixed bug with database name containing multibyte characters in the InterBase provider
- Fixed problem with default values with leading blanks in the InterBase provider
- Fixed problem with QueryRecCount option and FROM keyword inside a field list in the InterBase provider
- Fixed incorrect authentification and disconnect messages in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with restoring after the error on operations with large object in the PostgreSQL provider 27-May-09
- SQLite support added
- Added the Disconnected property to TCustomDADataSet
- Added distinction between empty string and null value when saving/loading string fields in TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with the GotoCurrent method
- Fixed bug with LocalMasterDetail and Prepare method
- Fixed bug with FullRefresh and macros
- Fixed bug with PSInTransaction returning True when no transaction is explicitly started for the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with TUniStoredProc not alowing data editing for the SQL Server provider
- Fixed bug with Unified SQL and stored procedure call for the SQL Server provider
- Added the UseParamTypes specific option for the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with not closing portal for prepared statements in the PostgreSQL provider
- Added support for TQuery.DataSource property in BDE Migration Wizard 02-Apr-09
- Unified SQL support
Unified SQL allows to write truly database-independent SQL code. Unified SQL includes:
- in Unified SQL macros can evaluate to a different value depending on the provider used by the TUniConnection component.
- for the purpose of extra flexibility Unified SQL supports conditional inclusion of SQL code into resulting statements. This allows to set different SQL for different DBMS.
- introduce standard for calling common SQL functions. In run time function is transformed either to the corresponding native function, or to an equivalent expression.
- provides universal syntax for date, time, and timestamp literals.
- TUniLoader component
serves for fast loading of data to the database. For each type of database server TUniLoader uses its specific interfaces for loading with maximum speed. For example, Oracle Direct Path Load interface is used for Oracle.
- TUniDump component
serves to store data from tables or editable views as a script and to restore data from a received script.
- TUniConnection.AssignConnect method
shares physical connection between several TUniConnection components
- Added support for Free Pascal under Linux
- Added NoPreconnect property to TUniScript for executing CONNECT and CREATE DATABASE commands
- Added DMLRefresh support in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with DetailDelay and refreshing closed dataset
- Fixed bug with detecting DBMonitor on 64-bit Windows
- Fixed bug with not calling UnregisterClient for internal command of dataset
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmImmediate
- Fixed bug with executing ApplyUpdates when LockMode=lmOptimistic in the CachedUpdates mode for the SQL Server and MySQL providers 26-Feb-09
- Fixed bug with not working CachedUpdates in TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with suppressing errors in TVirtualTable.LoadFromFile
- Fixed problem with restoring current row after refresh
- Fixed bug when statements, executed on TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates, were not shown in DBMonitor
- Fixed access violation on the TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates call
- Avoided bug in Delphi 2006 and above with the BcdCompare function
- Added Unicode support for NVARCHAR fields in the Direct mode of the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with character set used for SQL statements in the Direct mode of the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with decoding Unicode surrogate pairs in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with field names starting with RET_ in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with not executing prepared statement for the second time in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed memory leak in the UniDirectional mode in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with detecting read-only fields when ExtendedFieldsInfo=False in the PostgreSQL provider
- Fixed bug with reading large objects with size more than 64 Kb in the PostgreSQL provider 06-Jan-09
- Fixed bug with treating some string elements as equal by CompareString
- Fixed several bugs in the PostgreSQL provider 09-Dec-08
- PostgreSQL support added
- Added UseWideMemos specific option of TUniConnection to the SQL Server provider
- Fixed bug with changing values of ptUnknown parameters on Execute
- Fixed bug for Delphi 2009 with updating varchar fields which contain Unicode symbols
- Fixed bug with ftSmallint fields in the Direct mode of the Oracle provider 19-Nov-08
- Fixed bug with field names containing '.'
- Fixed bug with assertion failure on editing components in design time
- Fixed several bugs in DataSet Manager
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with converting binary forms in Delphi 2009
- Added calling the TfrxReport.OnBeforeConnect event when TfrxDACDatabase is connecting
- Fixed bug with name compatibility with ReportBuilder 23-Oct-08
- Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009 supported
- Extended Unicode support for Delphi 2007 added (special Unicode build)
- Free Pascal 2.2 supported
- Powerful design-time editors implemented in Lazarus
- Completed with more comprehensive structured Help 22-Sep-08
- Improved working with master/detail relationship when LocalMasterDetail=True
- Fixed bug with access violation on getting OldValue for BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with ConvertEOL option for string parameters
- Fixed bug with mapping empty strings to NULL in string fields
- Fixed bug with default character set used in the Direct mode for Chinese in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with the IsNull property for output string parameters in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with parsing RETURNING clause in the InterBase provider 21-Aug-08
- Added support for CREATE DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, CONNECT, SET statements in TUniScript for the InterBase provider
- Access violation on calling TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates fixed
- Fixed memory leak with TIMESTAMP fields in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with the DeferredLobRead option in the Unicode mode in the Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with adding #0 to the end of Unicode BLOB values in the InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with Unicode string output parameters in the InterBase provider 11-Jul-08
- Added support of NOT LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property
- Added ability to recognize unquoted True/False values in DefaultExpression
- Improved working with master/detail on inserting new records
- Fixed bug with autocommit after deleting records
- Fixed several bugs when working with inactive datasets
- Fixed bug with filtering by TLargeIntField
- Fixed bug with calling the OnError event when LocalFailover is set to True
- Fixed bug with exception class in the TUniConnection.OnError event
- Fixed bug with the Prepare method and string parameters in Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with not using UpdateTransaction for TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates in InterBase provider
- Added ability to call Code Editor from component editors 11-Jun-08
- Fixed bug with the SetOrderBy method
- Fixed bug with AV failure on assigning the OnFilterRecord event handler
- Fixed bug with determining primary key fields
- Fixed bug with generating update SQL with IS NULL in the WHERE clause at design-time
- Fixed bug with IsQuery property not reseting on SQL changing in Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with calculated ftDate and ftTime fields in Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with size of ftWideString parameters in Oracle provider
- Fixed bug with ptUnknown parameter values loss after execute in InterBase provider 23-May-08
- Added ability to get LastInsertId for MySQL
- Added BooleanDomainFields specific option for InterBase
- Improved work with master/detail
- Fixed bug with not freeing parameter objects on disconnect
- Fixed bug with updating data in TClientDataSet
- Fixed bug with parsing specific option values containing points
- Fixed bug with interpreting empty string parameters as NULL by InterBase provider
- Fixed bug with the QueryRecCount option and inline comment at the end of SQL statement in Oracle provider 23-Apr-08
- Initial release of UniDAC
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