3.1.740 05-Mar-25
- Improved the performance of SSIS Data Flow Components for Jira
- Added support for PostgreSQL 17
- Added support for Shopify API version 2025-01
- Added support for the HubSpot Conversations API, enabling work with Messages, Threads, Inboxes, Channels, ChannelAccounts, and Actors objects
- Added support for the HubSpot Conversations v3 Lists API for working with Lists, ListFolders, ListMemberships, and ListMemberships objects
- Added support for the OtherIncome object (FreshBooks)
- Added support for the CalendarEventExtendedProperties object (G Suite)
- Added the ExtendedProperties field to the CalendarEvents object (G Suite)
- Added support for the AllSubscriptions and AllSubscriptionItems objects (Stripe)
- Added new fields to the Invoices object (Stripe)
- Added support for the ItemBatches object (Zoho Books)
- Added the CreatedDate and UpdatedDate fields to the Journals object (Zoho Books)
- Added support for the ItemBatches object (Zoho Inventory)
- Added the Batches field to the Items and ItemAdjustmentLineItems objects (Zoho Inventory)
- Resolved an issue with the connection to Google BigQuery
- Resolved an issue with HubSpot RefreshToken authentication
- Resolved an issue with missing columns in Snowflake
- Resolved an issue with TLS connections for Amazon Redshift, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Marketo
- Resolved an issue with the availability of SSIS Data Flow Components in Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Integration Services (SSIS 2019)
- Resolved an issue that caused the 'The connection is not found' error (Freshworks)
3.0.631 20-Sep-24
- Fixed an issue with license activation
- Fixed an issue with saving an Access Token (HubSpot)
3.0.630 13-Sep-24
- Added support for SQL Server Integration Services 2022 (SSIS 2022)
- Implemented support for SurveyMonkey
- Implemented support for Shopify
- Implemented support for Zendesk
- Added support for SQL Server 2022
- Added support for Oracle 23c
- Added support for MariaDB 11
- Added support for PostgreSQL 16
- Added support for Magento 2.4
- Added support for NetSuite 2023.2 Release
- Added support for Salesforce Web Services API version 59.0
- Added support for Shopify API version 2024-04
- Introduced the Initialization Command and Run Once Command options to the SSIS Connection Manager
- Supported connection to servers with enabled Security Banners in Direct mode (Oracle)
- Added support for the Private App authorization (HubSpot)
- Added support for the Portfolios object (Asana)
- Added the CostRate field to the TimeActivity object in QuickBooks
- Added the Phone field to the Customers object in Shopify
- Implemented support for Zendesk Custom Lookup Fields
- Optimized filtering and caching for V3 Product-related tables in BigCommerce
- Default protocol set to TLS 1.2 (Mailchimp)
- Renamed SSIS Data Flow Components for DEAR Inventory to SSIS Data Flow Components for Cin7 Core
- Renamed SSIS Data Flow Components for Magento to SSIS Data Flow Components for Adobe Commerce
- Renamed SSIS Data Flow Components for QuickBooks to SSIS Data Flow Components for QuickBooks Online
- Fixed an issue with Visual Studio freezing and crashing
- Resolved an issue with connecting to patched Oracle 19 and higher in the Direct mode when Oracle Encryption or Oracle Data Integrity are used
- Resolved an issue with the TLS certificate chain received from remote servers like Amazon RDS for MySQL and Amazon RDS for MariaDB (MySQL)
- Resolved an issue with the TLS certificate chain received from remote servers like Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Redshift (PostgreSQL)
- Resolved an issue involving an IPv6 host in the connection string (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with the redirection of invalid number format errors in Salesforce Destination component
- Fixed an issue with Zoho CRM Connection Manager
- Fixed an issue that occurred when retrieving data from Jira Server
- Fixed an issue with saving the Jira Refresh Token
- Fixed an issue with updating the Purchase object in QuickBooks Online
- Addressed a buffering error that occurred when updating the Shopify Products table
- Fixed an issue with the QuickBooks Online connection
- Fixed an issue with reading the BigCommerce Pages table
2.1.411 31-Jul-23
- Windows 11 official support
- Implemented support for SQL Server
- Implemented support for SQLite
- In-built encryption support for SQLite databases implemented: AES-128, AES-192, AES-256, Blowfish, CAST-128, RC4, Triple DES
- Azure Database for MySQL is supported
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL is supported
- Added modern encryption algorithms for MySQL and PostgreSQL
- MariaDB 10.10 is supported
- PostgreSQL 15 is supported
- Zoho CRM API v4 is supported
- New App for Dynamics 365 signed by Microsoft
- People API for Google Workspace is supported
- The default browser is used for the Web Login authorization
- Salesforce Web Services API version 55.0 is supported
- COQL Query for Zoho CRM is supported to speedup the process of query execution. COQL is available for the following objects: Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Campaigns, Tasks, Cases, Events, Calls, Solutions, Products, Vendors, PriceBooks, Quotes, SalesOrders, PurchaseOrders, Invoices (Zoho CRM)
- The new "Query API" connection parameter is added (Zoho CRM)
- The DealsStageHistory read-only table is added (Zoho CRM)
- The TicketMetricEvents object is added (Zendesk)
- New BigCommerce table ProductCustomsInformation was added
- The PriceListRecords object support is improved (BigCommerce)
- The Wishlists, WishlistItems, PriceListAssignments, and OrderMetaFields objects are added (BigCommerce)
- Parent Company - Child Company connection importing - now supported (HubSpot)
- The new "Login CustomerId" option for using a manager account to access an operating customer account is added for Google Ads
- SSIS Data Flow Components for Azure SQL Data Warehouse - renamed to SSIS Data Flow Components for Azure Synapse Analytics
- SSIS Data Flow Components for Microsoft Dynamics CRM - renamed to SSIS Data Flow Components for Microsoft Dynamics 365
- SSIS Data Flow Components for Exact Target - renamed to SSIS Data Flow Components for Salesforce Marketing Cloud
- The bug with OrderDetails object filtering by OrderId is fixed (Shopify)
- The error when reading the Shopify table InventoryLevels is fixed
- Fixed bug with Orders and DraftOrders tables (Shopify)
- Fixed bug with "Unexpected SugarType 'autoincrement'" error (SugarCRM)
- Fixed bug with the error of reading data from Invoices and InvoiceProductDetails tables (Zoho CRM)
- Fixed bug with SELECT query with WHERE clause (Zendesk)
- Fixed bug with missing primary key in metadata (Marketo)
- Fixed bug with Web Login authorization (HubSpot)
2.0.16 23-Sep-21
- ActiveCampaign is supported
- Asana is supported
- DEAR Inventory is supported
- EmailOctopus is supported
- Freshdesk is supported
- Freshworks CRM is supported
- Google Ads is supported
- Google Analytics is supported
- HubSpot is supported
- Insightly CRM is supported
- Jira is supported
- NetSuite is supported
- Pipedrive is supported
- Podio is supported
- SendPulse is supported
- ShipStation is supported
- Slack is supported
- Snowflake is supported
- Streak is supported
- Stripe is supported
- Twitter Ads is supported
- WordPress is supported
- Zoho Books is supported
- Zoho Desk is supported
- Zoho Inventory is supported
- Zoho Invoice is supported
- Zoho People is supported
- Salesforce Web Services API version 52.0 is supported
1.15.1417 01-Apr-21
- Additional mode of parameter substitution in the query in the SSIS Data Flow Source component: substitution as is, without escaping (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2)
- The bug with a DateTime variable in the SSIS Source component is fixed (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2)
- The bug with parameter substitution in data flow components is fixed
- The bug when the list of ExternalID is not shown for some Salesforce objects in the SSIS Salesforce destination component is fixed
1.15.1369 14-Jan-21
- SQL validation in Devart DB2 Source Editor is improved: Int and Double parameters are now quoted to avoid "syntax error" hover text
- The bug with fetching metadata of some schemas by Devart DB2 Source Editor is fixed
1.15.1339 03-Dec-20
- The bug with using the CustomerTypeRefId field of the Customer table is fixed (QuickBooks)
1.15.1316 29-Oct-20
- PostgreSQL 13 is supported
1.14.1296 01-Oct-20
- The messages about subscription status in the License Info dialog are supplemented with additional information
1.14.1243 16-Jul-20
- SSH is supported in the Direct mode (Oracle)
- The bug with retrieving metadata from the Cases table is fixed (SugarCRM)
1.13.1221 15-Jun-20
- Dynamics OAuth is supported (Dynamics CRM)
- The MultiSelect Option Set columns are supported (Dynamics CRM)
- The composite data types are supported (PostgreSQL)
- The OrderItems field is added to the SalesOrder table in Magento API v2 provider (Magento)
- The INSERT operation is supported for the SalesOrder table in Magento API v2 provider (Magento)
- The Opened table is added to Mailchimp API v3 provider (Mailchimp)
- The behaviour is changed: the TIMESTAMP column is mapped to System.DateTimeOffset instead of System.DateTime (Google BigQuery)
- The behaviour is changed: web login now uses the operating system default browser for logging in to BigQuery (Google BigQuery)
- The bug with throwing "Numeric arithmetic causes truncation" error by Devart MySql Source, when UNSIGNED columns participate in mapping, is fixed
- The bug with hiding Devart Connection Manager modal window after selecting it in the Add SSIS Connection Manager menu of SSIS project is fixed
- The bug with retrieving metadata from the Cases table is fixed (SugarCRM)
1.12.1167 31-Mar-20
- The bug with reading the service_end_date column from the Products table is fixed (SugarCRM)
- The bug with reading records with different values of ActivityTypeId from the Activities table is fixed (Marketo)
- The bug with throwing System.ArgumentNullException on closing current operation by Devart Salesforce Destination is fixed (Salesforce)
1.12.1140 20-Feb-20
- SQL Server Integration Services 2019 (SSIS 2019) is supported
- The SubscriberStatusEvent table is supported (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
- OAuth 2 is supported by QuickBooks Connection Manager
- Filtering lookup fields is supported (Zoho CRM)
1.11.1097 20-Dec-19
- The behaviour is changed: now we force using TLS 1.2 for SugarCRM source
1.11.1071 21-Nov-19
- The bug with selecting TIME column in Devart Salesforce Source is fixed (Salesforce)
1.11.1056 24-Oct-19
- PostgreSQL 12 is supported
- The ShippingAddress* fields are added to the SalesOrder table in Magento V2 (Magento)
- The new authentication type ServerToServer is implemented (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
- The bug with processing DECIMAL columns in Devart DB2 Source is fixed (DB2)
- The bug with filtering by non-ID columns in Devart Salesforce Source is fixed (Salesforce)
1.10.1027 12-Sep-19
- BigCommerce API version 3 is supported
- The possibility to set object name via user variable in destination components is implemented
- The JSON and JSONB data types are supported (PostgreSQL)
- The new Local SQL Engine connection string parameter is added for turning off local SQL processing (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
- The parsing error message returned by Devart ExactTarget Destination is improved (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
- Multi-targeting in Devart components is supported: storing assembly name and its version in the name of Devart component in package XML (*.dtsx) is no longer required
- The behaviour is changed: web login now uses the operating system default browser for logging in to MailChimp
- The bug with updating the Tags column in the ListMembers table via API Version=v3 is fixed (MailChimp)
- The bug with applying value of the Default Command Timeout connection string parameter to the BulkInsert mode of Devart BigQuery Destination is fixed (Google BigQuery)
- The bug with updating the Time field is fixed (Salesforce)
1.10.994 25-July-19
- OAuth 2 is added for ExactTarget connections
1.10.979 04-July-19
- The behaviour is changed: now we force using TLS 1.2 for Magento source
- The Magento connection editor is improved: now you can switch Service Version on the main screen of the connection editor
- The MailChimp connection editor is improved: now you can switch API Version on the main screen of the connection editor
1.10.959 06-Jun-19
- The bug with Bulk Import into a PostgreSQL table with an empty value for a smallserial primary key is fixed
1.10.954 30-May-19
- The behaviour is changed: now we force using TLS 1.2 for Zoho CRM
- The bug with the update operation in the Devart ExactTarget Destination component when the destination object has a composite primary key is fixed (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
1.10.885 14-Feb-19
- The error message when a value of one type cannot be converted to another type in the Oracle Destination component with the BulkInsert operation is improved
- The bug with the error when converting DT_DBTIMESTAMP, DT_DBTIME, or DT_DBTIME2 to the Oracle RAW data type in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with the error when converting DT_GUID, DT_DBTIME, DT_DBTIME2, or DT_DBTIMESTAMPOFFSET to the Oracle string data type in the Direct mode is fixed
- The bug with the error of reading relation columns like 'Created By', 'Parent Account' etc. for Zoho CRM API v2, when Zoho CRM language is different from English, is fixed
1.10.864 10-Jan-19
- PostgreSQL 11 is supported
1.9.810 25-Oct-18
- Azure Data Factory V2 Integration Runtime (ADFv2 IR) is supported
- Zoho CRM API v2 is supported
- The "Default Cloud Storage Bucket" parameter is added to the Google BigQuery connection
- The bug with showing a sensitive password value in a connection string of a Magento connection is fixed
- The bug with showing a password for Salesforce Marketing Cloud source in a deployed package is fixed
- The bug with truncating time for DATE columns in a SSIS package is fixed (Oracle)
1.8.786 20-Sep-18
- The bug with the error when connecting to Oracle 8.1.7 in the Direct mode is fixed
1.8.773 30-Aug-18
- The bug with not connecting to Dynamics CRM after the system update of Dynamics CRM on August 2018 is fixed
1.8.759 09-Aug-18
- New FreshBooks API (alpha) is supported
- The behaviour is changed: now we force using TLS 1.2 for Salesforce Marketing Cloud source
1.7.747 19-Jul-18
- The Bulk API functionality is implemented in the Devart Salesforce Source component via its BulkQuery property (Salesforce)
- The OptimizeQuery property is added to the Devart Salesforce Source component to use optimizations for retrieving large amount of data (Salesforce)
- The performance of the SSIS Lookup component is improved due to using one IN clause instead of many OR clauses (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
- The behaviour is changed: now we force using TLS 1.2 for FreshBooks and QuickBooks sources
1.7.729 21-Jun-18
- The ConsentLookup type is supported for the Zoho CRM source
1.7.672 29-Mar-18
- Marketo is supported
- The bug with inability to install Devart SSIS Data Flow Components on a computer with only SQL Server 2017 installed (without other SQL Server versions) is fixed
- The bug with Redshift SSL connections is fixed (Redshift)
- The bug with loading LOB data with length greater than 32767 is fixed (Oracle)
1.6.643 15-Feb-18
- The UseBulkApi parameter, specifying whether to use Bulk API or SOAP API, is added to the Devart Salesforce Destination component (Salesforce)
- The behaviour is changed: now Column Mappings are not reset after Refresh in the Devart Salesforce Destination editor (Salesforce)
- The behaviour is changed: now the Devart Sugar Destination component uses Bulk API (SugarCRM)
- The bug when a LIMIT clause is added to a Source component query is fixed
- The bug with mapping CLOB and FLOAT columns is fixed (Oracle)
1.6.619 12-Jan-18
- SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) in Visual Studio 2017 is supported
- Azure SQL Data Warehouse is supported
- Google BigQuery is supported
- Amazon Redshift is supported
1.5.589 23-Nov-17
- A not sensitive Host parameter is added to SSIS DevartSalesforce connection manager (Salesforce)
- The behaviour is changed: the Password and SecurityToken parameters are now sensitive (Salesforce)
- The bug with using Devart Lookup components with packages created with previous product version is fixed
1.5.571 30-Oct-17
- The new Assignment Rule Id property is implemented in Devart Salesforce Destination (Salesforce)
- The "Use Assignment Rules" connection string parameter for using default Assignment Rule is added to the Salesforce connection (Salesforce)
- The ParallelBatchProcessing option is added to the Devart Salesforce Destination component for specifying the mode used for upload: Parallel or Serial (Salesforce)
- The SSIS Data Flow Components version info is added to the License Info window
- The behaviour of the product installer is changed: now it checks whether another version of the product is installed
- The bug with installing SSIS Data Flow Components on a computer with SQL Server x64 is fixed
- The bug with the "Error loading from XML" when changing target SQL Server to SQL Server 2012 is fixed
- The bug with using a string type with the length 40 for a PickList field in SSIS components is fixed (Salesforce)
- The bug with reading not all records from the MailChimp ListMemberInterests view is fixed (MailChimp)
1.5.538 06-Sep-17
- The installation wizard is improved: now it detects the previous version and allows to remove it automatically
- Magento API v2 is supported (Magento)
- The bug with a forced converting a string representation of a date to the date itself in a local format by Devart Salesforce Lookup is fixed (Salesforce)
- The bug with expanding a quoted table node in Devart Salesforce Source Editor is fixed (Salesforce)
- The bug with MailChimp and SQL Server 2012 is fixed (MailChimp)
- The bug with custom objects missing in the connection metadata is fixed (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
- The bug with retrieving object metadata when there is a field of the ulong type is fixed (SugarCRM)
1.5.420 16-Mar-17
- The bug when default output of OracleDestination did not include server-generated primary key column values after insertion has been fixed (Oracle)
- The bug with the error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.windows.Forms.SplitContainer' to type 'System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize'" when opening the source component editor is fixed (BigCommerce, Dynamics CRM, FreshBooks, Magento, MailChimp, QuickBooks, Salesforce, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, SugarCRM, Zoho CRM)
1.5.410 02-Mar-17
- The bug in Oracle Lookup component with parameter names in generated conditions has been fixed (Oracle)
1.5.390 02-Feb-17
- The "Include Deleted Records" option is added to Devart Salesforce Source Editor (Salesforce)
- The bug with opening Devart PostgreSQL Source Editor in Visual Studio 2008 is fixed (PostgreSQL)
1.5.352 08-Dec-16
- The bug with the trial expired exception when the license is activated and tasks are executed in parallel is fixed
- The bug with looking up a column with decimal(19,4) type for MySQL is fixed
- The bug with displaying Dynamics passwords in the SQL Agent Job Connection Managers is fixed (Dynamics CRM)
1.5.287 01-Sep-16
- The bug with incorrect number mapping for Oracle connection in SSIS project is fixed (Oracle)
- The bug with not quoting of user variables during their dragging and dropping in a Devart PostgreSql Source component is fixed (PostgreSQL)
- The bug with throwing "Column 'Name' does not belong to table SchemaTable." after adding/removing columns via web interface is fixed (Salesforce)
1.5.272 11-Aug-16
- The bug with availability of SSIS DataFlow components in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services is fixed
- The bug with connecting to ExactTarget instances other than s7 in the AppClientCenter mode is fixed (ExactTarget)
1.5.247 07-Jul-16
- The Conditions, PriceAdjuster_Type, PriceAdjuster_Value, WeightAdjuster_Type and WeightAdjuster_Value fileds are added to the ProductRules entity (BigCommerce)
1.5.227 09-Jun-16
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016 is supported in SSIS DataFlow components
1.00.209 12-May-16
- The bug with throwing System.IndexOutOfRangeException by Devart Salesforce Source is fixed (Salesforce)
1.00.204 05-May-16
- A new required column "Item" is added to the OrderShipments table for Bigcommerce (Bigcommerce)
- The behaviour is changed: now an error message is displayed when selecting the upsert operation for the Devart Dynamics Destination component (Dynamics CRM)
- The behaviour is changed: usage of TLS 1.0 is no longer hardcoded in the provider, now the necessary TLS version can be specified by user (Salesforce)
- The behaviour is changed: now the schema metadata is not read for all the objects in the Source component editor immediately after assigning a connection; instead the schema metadata is read only for an object after it is selected (Bigcommerce, Dynamics CRM, ExactTarget, FreshBooks, MailChimp, Magento, QuickBooks, Salesforce, SugarCRM, Zoho CRM)
- The bug with using variables in Devart ExactTarget Source Editor is fixed (ExactTarget)
- The bug with a successful test connection for ExactTarget when the connection is not valid is fixed (ExactTarget)
- The bug with not quoting table name with a space character for ExactTarget is fixed (ExactTarget)
- The bug with 100 records limitation when selecting data from the ABTestingCampaigns table is fixed (MailChimp)
- The bug with not supported TimeStamp type in MySql SSIS DataFlow Source is fixed (MySQL)
1.00.177 17-Mar-16
- The exception message in the Devart MailChimp Destination component is improved (MailChimp)
1.00.172 10-Mar-16
- The bug with setting data types of output columns in the Devart Salesforce Source component to incorrect values is fixed (Salesforce)
1.00.162 25-Feb-16
- The bug with not quoting GUID values in the Devart Dynamics Lookup component is fixed (Dynamics CRM)
- The bug with the "Parameter name is missing" exception thrown by the Devart PostgreSql Lookup component in SSIS projects is fixed (PostgreSQL)
- The bug in the DevartPostgreSql connection when establishing an SSL connection in a SSIS project is fixed (PostgreSQL)
- The bug with mapping a date merge tag in MailChimp Source and Destination components to different types is fixed (MailChimp)
1.00.144 21-Jan-16
- The bug with Devart SSIS Destination component throwing the "Column "ColumnName" does not belong to table Columns" error is fixed (Salesforce)
1.00.119 17-Dec-15
- The bug with throwing "Invalid session id" error by Devart SSIS Destination component is fixed (Salesforce)
- The bug with throwing validation errors by Devart SSIS Destination component is fixed (Salesforce)
1.00.59 21-Sep-15
- First release of Devart SSIS Data Flow Components
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