13.3.1 24-Oct-24
- Restored support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.6
13.3.0 27-Sep-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 2
- Added support for C++Builder 64-bit Windows (Modern) Application Development
- Added support for Lazarus 3.4
- Added C++Builder demo components for working with SecureBridge
- Fixed bug with connecting to patched Oracle 19 and higher in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with assertion failure on Form destruction when TOraChangeNotification is used
- Fixed bug with AV failure in Package Wizard when the parameter has Table type in Oracle 18 or higher
13.2.1 01-May-24
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 12 Athens, Delphi 12 Athens, and C++Builder 12 Athens is required
- Fixed internal bug with TSharedObject
13.2.0 24-Apr-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.2
- Added the GetAuditActionBanner function to TOraSession
- Added the GetUnauthorizedAccessBanner function to TOraSession
- Fixed bug with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE reading for Oracle 21 or higher in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with string value truncation when ConvertEOL=True for Oracle 11 or lower
- Fixed bug with Connection Pooling in the Direct mode
13.1.0 19-Feb-24
- Added support for Lazarus 3.0
- Added support for connect to servers with enabled Security Banners in the Direct mode
- Improved error message about a non-existent database object in another schema
- Fixed bug with CLOB reading when UseUnicode=True in OCI mode
- Fixed bug with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE reading for Oracle 21 or higher in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug in TOraScript with parsing the CREATE JAVA SOURCE statmets
- Fixed bug with refresh data after DML statements executing
13.0.0 15-Nov-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 12
- Added support for Oracle 23c
- Added support for macOS Sonoma
- Added support for iOS 17
- Added support for Android 13
- Added support for nested Macros in SQL queries
- Added support Display Format for Aggregate fields
- Added SHA-2(SHA-256, SHA-512) in hash algorithm for encryption
- Improved UnicodeEnvironment support for non-Unicode Delphi versions
- Fixed bug with "Range check error" error on describing FLOAT parameters in Stored Procedure
- Fixed bug with moving the cursor when using Aggregate fields
- Fixed bug with deleting a record when using Aggregated fields
- Fixed bug with storing empty Aggregates collection in DFM
- Fixed bug with AV when installing a package in the IDE
- Fixed bug with AV in the CloneCursor method of the dataset
- Fixed bug with using Aggregated and InternalCalc fields together
- Fixed bug with duplicate resource IDs in CBuilder
- Fixed bug with using "NOT Field LIKE" construction in Filter property
12.3.0 17-Mar-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 3
- Added support for iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit target platform
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.6
- Added support for the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, GETDATE, DATE, TIME, TRIM, TRIMLEFT, TRIMRIGHT statements in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for the mathematical operations in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for Aggregate Fields and InternalCalc Fields
- Added ability to restore from file with TEncoding via the Dump component
- Improved detection of home directories in recent versions of Oracle
- Now the SetRange will function according to the case sensitivity of keywords in IndexFieldNames
- Now valid exception will be raised instead of AV when memory can't be allocated for the large row count
- Fixed bug with LOBs reading in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with reading BFLOAT and BDOUBLE values from ANYDATA
- Fixed bug with querying record count if SQL statement contains PIVOT
12.2.0 12-Sep-22
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 2
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.2
- Added support for iOS 15
- Added support for Android 12
- Added the CloneCursor method for Query and Table components that allows sharing data between datasets
- Improved the performance of exporting to XML
- Fixed bug when a connection string parameter value contains a single quote
12.1.1 12-Apr-22
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 1 is supported
- Lazarus 2.2.0 is supported
- Windows 11 is supported
- macOS Monterey is supported
- Fixed bug with HTTPS tunneling in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with resetting param values when changing param values count
12.0.2 09-Dec-21
- The PoolId connection pool option is added
- Fixed bug with LONG parameters in Oracle 11 and earlier
- Fixed bug with "Unknown data type" error in OraNestedTable
- Fixed bug with UnicodeEnvironment in pooling
- Fixed bug with leading spaces getting trimmed in strings loaded from XML in VirtualTable
- Fixed bug with freezing multiply connection pools in threads
- Fixed bug with using the AsDate property when working with fields of the ftDate type
- Fixed bug with updating the state of records at applying cached updates
12.0.1 13-Sep-21
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is supported
- macOS ARM is supported
- Added demo project for FastReport FMX
- Fixed bug with string OUT parameters in Oracle 12.1
- Fixed bug with XML reading when UnicodeEnvironment=True
- Bug with reading string values from TOraNestedTable is fixed
- Bug with selecting intger values from arrays is fixed
- Fixed bug with setting a DateTime value before the year 1800 to TTimeField
- Fixed bug with using a BLOB field in the IndexFieldNames property of the DataSet component
- Fixed bug with memoty leak on Locate by field with data type mapping
- Fixed bug with escaping wildcards in the Filter property of the DataSet component
11.4.4 14-Jul-21
- Support for TFieldOptions is added
- Bug with refreshing a table that contains several key fields is fixed
- Bug with precision when converting Double to NUMBER in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with string parameters for Oracle 12.2 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with applying both Encryption and Data Type Mapping on a BLOB column is fixed
- Bug with a parameter that has the Reference data type in the query editor is fixed
- Bug with applying the TemporaryLobUpdate option to auto-generated SQL queries is fixed
- Bug with AV after adding the Lookup field to a prepared DataSet is fixed
11.4.3 06-Apr-21
- Demo compatibility with new a version of SecureBridge is fixed
- Bug with an Invalid pointer operation on Fetch is fixed
- Bug with assigning a BLOB parameter when the source data is loaded via the TParam.LoadFromStream method is fixed
11.4.2 26-Mar-21
- Lazarus 2.0.12 is supported
- Bug with parameters that have Unknown data type on Prepare is fixed
- Bug with calling stored procedures when AutoCommit=False is fixed
- Bug with parameters for Oracle 19c in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with NUMBER fields when EnableFMTBCD=True is fixed
- Bug with the ConvertEOL connection option is fixed
- Bug with AV in applications using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with committing a transaction when LockMode = lmPessimistic is fixed
- Bug with getting values of calculated fields is fixed
11.4.1 02-Mar-21
- Oracle 21c is supported
- RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney is supported
- macOS 11 Big Sur is supported
- iOS 14 is supported
- Android 11 is supported
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Performance of the FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, and FindPrior methods is improved
- The PrefetchRows option in the Direct mode is supported
- Data fetch performance in the Direct mode is improved
- LOB read/write performance is improved
- Bug with connection to RAC servers in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord when SQLGeneratorCompatibility=True is fixed
- Bug with calling a stored procedure using dblink is fixed
- Bug with TOraAnyDataField.GetAsString is fixed
- Bug with parsing a quoted schema name is fixed
- Bug with setting the ReadOnly field property at runtime is fixed
11.3.2 14-Sep-20
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney, Delphi 10.4 Sydney, and C++Builder 10.4 Sydney is required
- Incompatibility of DatasetManager with RAD Studio 10.4 Release 1 is fixed
11.3.1 26-Aug-20
- Oracle 20c is supported
- Connection via SSL protocol is supported
- Connection via SSH protocol is supported
- Connection via HTTP tunnel is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.10 and FPC 3.2.0 are supported
- Performance of Batch Insert, Update, and Delete operations is improved
11.2.5 09-Jun-20
- Bug with describing sorted procedure parameters is fixed
11.2.4 01-Jun-20
- RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.8 is supported
- macOS 64-bit in Lazarus is supported
- Mapping the FLOAT Oracle data type to the ftNumber field is added
- Bug with retrieving implicit result sets after calling the Execute method is fixed
- Bug with retrieving unchanged parameter values in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with reading object fields in OCI mode for the Win64 target platform is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements containing a JAVA clause in TOraScript is fixed
- Bug with SELECT RowId using Database Link in Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with Charset when Pooling is enabled is fixed
- Bug with locating a record by a fixed string column in the Chinese locale is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
11.1.3 10-Mar-20
- Bug with installing different editions of two or more DAC's in a single system is fixed
- Bug with reading XML and ANYDATA object attributes is fixed
- Bug with XML reading from Oracle 12.1 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with setting the string values to TOraArray is fixed
- Bug with fetching data in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
- Bug with saving BLOB to XML is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements that contain fields with the same name from different tables is fixed
- Bug with executing SQL statements that contain comments using the Script component is fixed
- Bug with resetting the value of the parameter after adding a new TDACondition is fixed
- Bug with reading a field value using the AsBytes method in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using constraints after calling the Refresh method is fixed
11.1.2 26-Nov-19
- Android 64-bit is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.6 is supported
- Oracle 19c is supported
- Now Trial edition for macOS and Linux is fully functional
- Long database object names is supported
- Bug with with free complex TOraObject is fixed
- Bug with UTF-8 encoding for Oracle 9 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on session connect in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with init session timezone in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with rounding float values in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using encryption is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Bug with the Loader component when UniDirectional set to True for source dataset is fixed
- Bug with "Record changed by another user" error when LockMode <> lmNone is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when TClientDataSet is used is fixed
- Bug with resetting the range values when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Several bugs that occurred when using DataSet Manager are fixed
11.0.1 22-Jul-19
- macOS 64-bit is supported
- Release 2 for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.3 Rio, and C++Builder 10.3 Rio is now required
- Bug with re-executing some prepared SQL statements in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with using the AsMemo method in batch operations is fixed
10.4.10 24-Jun-19
- Lazarus 2.0.2 is supported
- CommandTimeout is supported
- Support for ChangePassword in the Direct mode is improved
- The DefaultSortType property for TVirtualTable is added
- Performance of the SaveToFile/LoadFromFile methods of TVirtualTable is significantly increased
- Bug with using the UTF-8 character set for Oracle 9 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with editing DataSet that contains ANYDATA fields is fixed
- Bug with the TOraIntervalField scale is fixed
- Bug with the AV failure when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Bug with calculating percentage in the OnRestoreProgress event in the TDADump class is fixed
- Bug with the StackOverflow exception when using batch operations in CBuilder is fixed
- Bug with using the SetRange method is fixed
10.3.9 21-Jan-19
- Bug with authentication of old users in Oracle 12c is fixed
- Bug with the DML arrays that contain the TIMESTAMP values is fixed
- Bug with describe of SYNONYM for stored procedures in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with fetch data when the FieldsAsString option is set to True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with open REFCURSOR is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the Refresh method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo on Linux is fixed
10.3.8 26-Nov-18
- RAD Studio 10.3 Rio is supported
- Oracle 18c is supported
- Implicit result sets in Oracle 12 are supported
- The OpenNext method for opening a next cursor or implicit result set is added
- Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added
- Bug with detecting time zone when connecting in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with using an extended string in DML statements in Oracle 12 is fixed
- Bug with using the IFILE option in TNSNAMES.ORA is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed
- Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed
10.2.7 17-Sep-18
- Automatic detection of the initial value of an AutoInc field in TVirtualTable is supported
- Now the SetRange method supports Null values
- The enumerated property FieldOrigins is added
- The Boolean property FieldsOrigin is deprecated
- Bug with AV when using custom constraints is fixed
- Bug with reading LOB data in Oracle 12 is fixed
- Bug with the RawAsString option in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with the MERGE statement in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak when SQL statement contains trailing ";" is fixed
10.2.6 09-Jul-18
- Lazarus 1.8.4 is supported
- Performance of data fetching in the Direct mode is improved
- Performance of describing stored procedures in the Direct mode is improved
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Demo projects for IntraWeb 14 are added
- Now the TOraTimeStamp.AsDateTime method returns TDateTime value with milliseconds
- Now non-compiled stored procedures can be described in the Direct mode
- Support for TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE in the Direct mode is improved
- Bug with AV on destroying Query that executed batch DML with LOB parameters after connection was closed is fixed
- Bug with writing trash in the BLOB fields on executing batch DML operations in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with updating a record when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with using encryption and CacheCalcFields option is fixed
- Bug with using a backslash in the Filter property is fixed
- Bug with using First method in the Master-Detail relationship is fixed
10.1.5 02-Apr-18
- Lazarus 1.8.2 is supported
- ACCEPT SQL*Plus command is supported
- Oracle 12 Extended Data Types in the Direct mode are supported
- BFILEs in the Direct mode are supported
- Now Detail dataset is not refreshed when Master dataset editing is started.
- Bug with executing batch operations with iteration = 1 and offset = 0 is fixed
- Bug with the OraNumber fields update when DMLRefresh=True is fixed
- Bug with re-opening a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with data decryption in SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with data truncation while decrypting is fixed
- Bug with modifying TOraArrays is fixed
- Bug with LOB prefetch is fixed
10.1.4 18-Jan-18
- Lazarus 1.8 and FPC 3.0.4 are supported
- Support for custom constraints is added
- The UseBlankValues property for the Loader component is added
- Bug with TIMESTAMP(0) format is fixed
- Bug with LOB prefetch when UseUnicode=True is fixed
- Bug with fields order in TClientDataSet when using TOraProvider is fixed
- Bug with script parsing in TDAScript is fixed
- Bug with calling RefreshRecord when setting FullRefresh to True and using encryption is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
- Bug with using the AsDateTime property when working with fields of the ftDate or ftTime type is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with AutoInc fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV in TVirtualDataSet when editing Blob is fixed
10.1.3 19-Sep-17
- Oracle 12c connection modes (SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM) in the Direct mode are supported
- OS authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- NChar literal replacement is supported
- Bug with overload resetting in the StoredProc editor form is fixed
- Bug with lost chars in a parameter value when ConvertEOL=True is fixed
- Bug with retrieving data using DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINE is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure in TOraPackage is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL for batch updates is fixed
- Bug with the Locate method for non-Windows platforms in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, FindPrior methods in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with accessing a product help from the IDE menu is fixed
- Bug with recreating fields when calling Open after Prepare is fixed
- Bug with an incorrect error message when using the Connect dialog component on mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using calculated fields in TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug with a key violation error when executing batch operations is fixed
- Bug with Assert when calling the Locate method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with using DAC components in DataModule for Linux is fixed
- Bug with Integer arrays is fixed
10.0.2 15-May-17
- Bug with authentication in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with Arrays retrieving in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with processing NULL values in the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with executing a query after executing a batch command is fixed
- Bug with using the AsGuid property is fixed
10.0.1 05-Apr-17
- RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Linux in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Lazarus 1.6.4 and Free Pascal 3.0.2 is supported
- Oracle Encryption in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle Data Integrity in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle Cloud (DBaaS) in the Direct mode is supported
- Oracle 12c authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- SECUREFILE in the Direct mode is supported
- Prefetch LOBs for Oracle 11 and higher is supported
- EDITIONABLE and NONEDITIONABLE clause is supported
- The PrefetchLobSize option is added
- ANYDATA is supported
- Field size detecting for servers with multi-byte charset when UseUnicode=False is improved
- Now NUMBER data type without fixed scale has precision=39 and scale=39 instead of 38
- Bug with special symbols in password in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with write BLOB to SECUREFILE for Oracle XE in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with single quote inside double quotes in SQL is fixed
- Bug with TOraArray that contains FINAL objects for x86 platforms is fixed
- Bug with resizing DML parameters array is fixed
- Bug when working with the TBytes and TVarBytes fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with detecting parameters by name in ExecSQLEx is fixed
- Bug with reading Memo as WideMemo is fixed
- Bug with field name quoting in a filter expression is fixed
- Bug with handling parameter values of BLOB type in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TVirtualDataSet is fixed
9.7.28 21-Nov-16
- Support for object attributes with the XML type is improved
- Bug with XML when UnicodeEnvironment=True is fixed
- Bug with adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
- Bug with OraTimeStamp comparision is fixed
9.7.27 01-Nov-16
- Bug with raising 'Argument out of range' error on TCRDBGrid creating in RAD Studio Berlin with Update 1 is fixed
- Bug with QueryRecCount when ORDER clause contains CASE..END is fixed
- Bug with parameters that contain empty strings in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in the Direct mode is fixed
9.7.26 08-Sep-16
- TDADataSetOptions.InsertAllSetFields property is added
- Several bugs in SmartFetch Mode are fixed
- Bug with memory leak if a parameter has the ftUnknown data type is fixed
- Bug with WITH clause in TOraScript for Oracle 12c is fixed
- Bug with invalid Oracle home is fixed
- Bug with setting the TCustomDADataSet.EOF property after fetch canceled is fixed
- Bug with param values loss after changing TDAParam.ValueCount is fixed
- Bug with PtrOffset function when Overflow Checking option enabled is fixed
- Bug with the "DisposeBuf failed" error when canceling dataset changes is fixed
- Bug with the duplicated MacroChar variable is fixed
9.7.25 27-Jun-16
- TVirtualDataSet component is added
- Bug with BINARY_DOUBLE and BINARY_FLOAT stored procedure parameters in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with generating INSERT or UPDATE queries when UpdatingTable is specified is fixed
- Bug with Refresh and Locate in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on writing BLOBs for Win64 target platform is fixed
- Bug with AV on application closing when DLLs are used in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with using parameters and column aliases in Master-Detail relation is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on editing data in SmartFetch mode is fixed
9.7.24 28-Apr-16
- Bug with batch operations is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in TOraQueue is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when connection is not specified is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on reading broken data in the Direct mode is fixed
9.7.23 25-Apr-16
- RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin is supported
- Lazarus 1.6 and FPC 3.0.0 is supported
- Support for the BETWEEN statement in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Bug with connection to RAC server is fixed
- Bug with Blob and Memo OUT parameters is fixed
- Bug with unsigned integer parameters is fixed
- Bug with invalid value of the Fetched property is fixed
- Bug with string truncating in params is fixed
- Bug with dequeue objects in TOraQueue is fixed
- Bug with AV in TOraObject after reconnect is fixed
- Bug with Invalid type cast in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with binding LONG parameters in Oracle XE 11 is fixed
- Bug with not receiving ORA-00028 error on session kill is fixed
- Bug with trimming CLOBs with trailing #0 in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with handling international characters in the VirtualTable component is fixed
- Bug with displaying data in grid on error at applying cached updates is fixed
- Bug in the SetOrderBy method in case when SQL contains ';' is fixed
- Bug with using the LIKE clause in a dataset filter is fixed
- Bug in TVirtualTable.Assign method on NULL values in Required fields is fixed
- Bug with HTML entities replacing on XML data loading to TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with setting the SkipUnsupportedFieldTypes option of TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with generating of UpdateSQL on using WITH clause is fixed
- Behavior of TOraTable on setting KeyFields is fixed
9.6.22 01-Feb-16
- Data Type Mapping performance is improved
- The bug with retrieving the path to the tnsnames.ora file is fixed
- Bug with retrieving fields from synonyms is fixed
- Bug with "Out of memory" on fetching SDO geometry in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug in OraAlerter when ConnectionTimeOut <> 0 is fixed
- Bug with binding LONG parameters in Oracle XE 11 is fixed
9.6.21 14-Dec-15
- Performance of TDALoader on loading data from TDataSet is improved
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with storing Blob data for Oracle 12c in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure with using Oracle Objects on the mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug witn NetError when server has SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter value different from zero is fixed
- Bug with setting multiple ports for RAC server to Connection string in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with InputOutput string parameters of fixed length is fixed
- Bug with record deleting in the Unidirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with calling AfterExecute event after an invalid statement is executed in NonBlocking mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak on DML array binding is fixed
- Bug with TOraAlerter in Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with hanging query in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data in the ApplyUpdates method is fixed
- Bug with storing some numbers with floating point is fixed
- Bug with RecNo in the Unidirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with AssignSvcCtx is fixed
- Bug with XML encoding is fixed
9.6.20 18-Sep-15
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
- Bug on replacing ";" with " " in SQL queries in Direct mode is fixed
9.6.19 09-Sep-15
- RAD Studio 10 Seattle is supported
- Now NULL and empty strings are different values for ftOraLob and ftOraClob parameters
- Now Trial for Win64 is a fully functional Professional Edition
- Now at automatic refresh of Detail dataset the OnBeforeOpen event is not called
- Support for Offset is added for DML arrays
- Support for OraNet.PacketSize is added to improve performance in VPN and Wireless networks
- Support for Object References in the Direct mode is added
- Support for Object attributes with the XML data type is added
- Generating conditions for filtration when using similar field names and aliases in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- SQLMonitor behavior on using similar objects is fixed
- Bug with endless reconnection in assigned connection is fixed
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
- Bug with cutting WideStrings in TOraLoader is fixed
- Bug with OUT table parameters for Oracle 9 and 10.1 is fixed
- Bug with using NonBlocking mode from threads is fixed
- Bug with Charset in pooling is fixed
9.5.18 14-Jul-15
- Critical bug with data encryption is fixed
- Bug with DML array of Int64 values is fixed
- Bug in IProviderSupport.PSExecuteStatement with parsing a SQL query is fixed
- Bug with missing IdeVer.inc in Trial version is fixed
9.5.17 30-Jun-15
- Critical bug when parsing SQL query with parameters is fixed
- Bug with the Refresh method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Direct mode compilation for non-Windows platforms in Lazarus is fixed
9.5.16 17-Jun-15
- Bug with DMLs that return an error from Oracle or higher in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with the RETUNING clause in a statement, that contains parameters with the same name, in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with using bookmarks in a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with restoring the original order of records after clearing IndexFieldNames is fixed
- Bug with refreshing DbLookupComboBox of the detail dataset when Master-Detail relationship is used is fixed
- Bug with SQL Monitor freezing when using in a DLL is fixed
9.5.15 14-Apr-15
- RAD Studio XE8 is supported
- AppMethod is supported
- Direct mode in Lazarus is supported
- Now the Direct mode is supplied as source code
- Support for Objects in the Direct mode is added
- Support for XML in the Direct mode is added
- Support for EZCONNECT in the Direct mode is added
- Support for fields with Cursor data type in the Direct mode is added
- Now statements with RETURN INTO clauses can return RowsAffected in the Direct mode
- Bug with auto-commit transaction on closing TOraSmartQuery with SmartRefresh=True is fixed
- Bug with detecting instant client is fixed
- Bug with detecting default client is fixed
- Bug with "Invalid field size" when creating fields in Delphi 5 is fixed
- Bug with memory leak after calling GetFieldNames is fixed
- Bug with invalid names of Master-Detail parameters is fixed
- Bug with the 'Cannot convert type' error in the TDADataSet.RefreshRecord method when data type mapping is used is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on calling GetVersion() in C++Builder is fixed
9.4.14 14-Jan-15
- Lazarus 1.2.6 is supported
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with getting package variable values is fixed
- Bug with double calling the AfterExecute event on query Execute is fixed
- Bug with RestoreUpdates in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with losing data after VirtualTable closing on SaveToStream is fixed
9.4.13 25-Nov-14
- Bug with connection to Oracle 8.0.x is fixed
- Bug with editing Lob fields in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with setting KeyFields in TOraTable when changing the table name is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements containing a WITH clause in TOraScript is fixed
- Bug with AV on opening DataSet in threads is fixed
- Bug when using table aliases in the DetailFields name is fixed
- Bug with using UPPER and LOWER functions in filter is fixed
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with 'Thread Error' when connecting on OS X is fixed
- Bug with setting TParam.Value = for a parameter with the ftDate data type is fixed
- Bug with TCustomDADataSet.FindKey is fixed
- Bug with editing DateTime fields when data type mapping from string to DateTime is used is fixed
- Bug with refreshing record if the key field has the TSQLTimeStamp data type is fixed
9.4.12 29-Sep-14
- Migration from DOA is added
- ConnectionTimeout is now used on OSX and Mobile platforms
- Bug with AV on OCI Pooling usage is fixed
- Bug with auto-generated parameter types is fixed
- Bug with detecting Object types as XML types in data type mapping is fixed
- Bug with AV on an attempt to access server after connection loss is fixed
- Bug with RecNo in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with setting SQL query when ParamCheck = False is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on getting metadata by TCustomDADataSet is fixed
- Bug with AV failure under Mobile when DacFMX is used is fixed
9.4.11 15-Sep-14
- RAD Studio XE7 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.4 is supported
- RAC server support is improved
- Support for WITH FUNCTION clause for Oracle 12c is added
- GetServerList doesn't cut the WORLD postfix anymore
- The HideRowId option is added
- Demo projects for FastReport 5 are added
- The TCustomDADataSet.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The TCustomDAConnection.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The ConstraintColumns metadata kind for the TDAMetadata component is added
- Workaround for the bug with calling Halt in the OnCreate event is added
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with alternative quoting is fixed
- Bug with getting the multi-pipe message is fixed
- Bug with Blob in the disconnected mode is fixed
- Bug with releasing TOraType after disconnect is fixed
- Bug with EXEC and EXECUTE clauses in TOraScript is fixed
- Bug with non-cutting fixed strings in TOraObject is fixed
- Bug with detecting CharLength after AssignSvcCtx is fixed
- Bug with AV on raising an Oracle error in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with AV on application closing if connection was established in the OCI7 mode is fixed
- Bug with quoting names in the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with calling the Refresh method after executing the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with setting calculated field values using the AsExtened property is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the AfterExecute event is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the BeforeExecute event is fixed
9.3.10 31-Jul-14
- Data type mapping from RAW(16) to ftGuid is added
- Support for the Upper and Lower statements in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Support for the ftOraTimeStamp type in TVirtualTable is added
- Bug with connection establishing if the client has negative half-hour time zone is fixed
- Bug with displaying Time and DateTime parameter types in OraSQlMonitor is fixed
- Bug with transactions in the OCI7 mode is fixed
- Bug with tnsnames.ora parsing is fixed
- Bug with parameters binding on Stored Procedures execution when Options.ProcNamedParams=True is fixed
- Bug with parsing table names a if sub-query contains a WITH keyword is fixed
- Bug with reopening TDADataSet after BreakExec is fixed
- Bug with processing calculated and lookup fields in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with getting RecordCount when QueryRecordCount is True is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on opening TCustomDADataSet when Range was set is fixed
- Bug with "Invalid field size" in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on freeing objects on mobile platforms is fixed
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
9.3.9 27-May-14
- Named parameters on generating procedure call are supported
- The AssignLDA method is added for assigning LDA to TOraSession
- Bug with compilation in C++Builder is fixed
- Bug with invalid behavior in multithreaded applications is fixed
- Bug with getting date attributes from inherited object data types is fixed
- Bug with AV on appending a record with BLOB if DataSet was reopened is fixed
- Bug with SQL query for indexes retrieving is fixed
- Bug with instant client is fixed
- Bug with setting boolean parameters in a non-English IDE at design-time is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on fetching records in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with finding master parameters by original name on refreshing record when using master/detail relationship by parameters is fixed
9.3.8 29-Apr-14
- RAD Studio XE6 is supported
- Android in C++Builder XE6 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.2 and FPC 2.6.4 is supported
- SmartFetch mode for TDataSet descendants is added
- Now update queries inside TDataSet descendants have correct owner
- Possibility to assign external SvcCtx to connection is added
- DataTypeMapping conversion from XMLType to ftString is added
- DataTypeMapping conversion from Interval to ftString is added
- The TOraDataSetOptions.MasterFieldsNullable property is added
- The SetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- The GetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- Bug with detect parameters if a string constant contains ':' in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with detecting table names in an SQL statement containing JOIN is fixed
- Bug with raising Assert when parameters are used in TOraPackage is fixed
- Bug when opening SmartQuery editor in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with Largint columns in OraLoader is fixed
- Bug with result parameters is fixed
- Bug with connection when UnicodeEnvironment=True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with displaying already installed DAC version in setup messages is fixed
- Bug with Locate when a NULL value is present in the index field is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
- Bug with the Filter behavior in the Metadata component is fixed
- Bug with AV on modify table with one only Object field is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in the TDADataSet.Lookup method is fixed
- Bug with error processing on socket data reading under Unix is fixed
9.2.7 25-Feb-14
- Now OraNet.obj and OraNet.o files are supplied for C++Builder
- Bug on connection establishing using Oracle 8, 9, 10.1 clients is fixed
9.2.6 19-Feb-14
- Returning SQL Command Code for CREATE TABLE & DROP TABLE in the Direct Mode is added
- Possibility to use MAS_ prefix for parameters when using master/detail relationship is added
- Bug with setting the UnicodeEnvironment option is fixed
- Bug when the Inited property of TOracleHome is not set to True for Oracle Instant Client is fixed
- Bug with AV on release Environment reference in TOraNumber.Destroy is fixed
- Bug with connection to Oracle on Unix platforms is fixed
- Bug with AV on prepared Stored Procedure execution is fixed
- Bug with AV on getting Cursor from prepared Stored Procedure execution is fixed
- Bug with the ORA-24344 error message format in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on reconnection for Mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug with AutoCommit in ExecSQL and ExecSQLEx for TOraSession is fixed
- Bug with post data when LockMode=lmOptimistic and Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with opening dataset when persistent fields were created in dataset is fixed
- Bug with parameter name quoting on assigning field value to parameter is fixed
- Bug with deleting a record inserted earlier in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL queries by "SQL Generator" in design-time is fixed
- Bug on sorting BLOB fields is fixed
9.2.5 25-Dec-13
- iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported
- RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required
- Now .obj and .o files are supplied for C++Builder
- An ability to establish OCI and Direct connections in the same application is supported
- New Oracle 12c connection modes are added (SYSBACKUP, SYSDG, SYSKM)
- The AsTimeStamp property is added to the TOraTimeStamp class
- Compatibility of migrating floating-point fields from other components is improved
- Bug with Password which length is exactly 16 characters for Oracle in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with DB object names containing the '$' and '#' characters is fixed
- Bug with Memory Leak in the NonBlocking mode is fixed
- Bug with parameters when they are created in a custom order in TOraStoredProc is fixed
- Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed
- Bug with data display in Detail Dataset when master field is Null is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when using TClientDataSet is fixed
- Bug with incorrect parameter sizes when re-opening a query is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with mapping single types to float types is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD and FmtBCD types is fixed
- Bug with filtering boolean fields is fixed
- Bug with freeing complex fields after refreshing before editing is fixed
- Bug with Locate by fields where Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with RefreshQuick when IndexFieldNames is set is fixed
9.1.4 23-Sep-13
- Critical bug with parsing unicode SQL queries is fixed
9.1.3 18-Sep-13
- RAD Studio XE5 is supported
- Application development for Android is supported
- Lazarus 1.0.12 is supported
- Performance is improved
- Automatic checking for new versions is added
- Flexible management of conditions in the WHERE clause is added
- IPv6 protocol support is added
- The possibility to use ranges is added
- Support of the IN keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property is added
- Like operator behaviour when used in the Filter property is now similar to TClientDataSet
- The AllowImplicitConnect option for the TOraSession component is added
- The SQLRecCount property for the TOraQuery and TOraStoredProc components is added
- The ScanParams property for the TOraScript component is added
- The RowsAffected property for the TOraScript component is added
- The UROWID data type is supported in the Direct mode
- Bug with Memory Leak in the Direct Mode is fixed
- Bug with an empty error message for ORA-24344 in TOraDataSet is fixed
- Bug with retrieving KeyFields when using Data Base Link is fixed
- Bug with getting TimeStamp & Interval fields when FieldsAsString=True is fixed
- Bug with getting a parameter with the Currency data type is fixed
- Bug with TOraAlerter for iOS is fixed
- Bug with storing the dbMonitor active state to DFM is fixed
- Bug with setting ConnectionTimeout for Unix, Mac OS and iOS platforms is fixed
- Bug with incorrect displaying of long names of parameters and macros in design-time is fixed
- Bug with moving data from WideMemo to String fields by CRBatchMove is fixed
- Bug with showing a connection dialog in design-time when LoginPrompt is set to False is fixed
- Bug with setting the connection string containing inline comments is fixed
- Bug with unnecessary unlock calling after an update error is fixed
- Bug with processing cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with TCRBatchMove and DataSets in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug in TCRBatchMove when destination dataset has no key fields is fixed
- Bug in TOraLoader with data loading from Dataset when the FetchAll option is set to False is fixed
9.0.2 15-Jul-13
- Oracle 12c is supported
- Connection dialog is improved
- Incorrect XE4 behaviour when re-opening a dataset under iOS is fixed
- Bug with getting error message on object compilation in Oracle client versions lower than 11 is fixed
- Bug with size of NVARCHAR2 columns in the SELECT query in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with object and table types in the scrollable cursors is fixed
- Bug with not freeing memory allocated for array parameters on calling the Clear method is fixed
- Bug with TIMESTAMP parameters of stored procedures in the direct mode is fixed
- Bug in the alerter when DisconnectedMode is set to True for a connection is fixed
- Bug with the connection OnLogin event is fixed
- Bug with incorrect counting of connections in pool is fixed
- Bug with time fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with varbinary fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using case-insensitive filter is fixed
- Bug with getting and setting the SQL property of FastReport datasets is fixed
- Bug with positioning of Fields Editor is fixed
- Bug with not using index fields on locating records is fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with processing persistent fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
9.0.1 25-Apr-13
- RAD Studio XE4 is supported
- NEXTGEN compiler is supported
- Application development for iOS is supported
- BINARY_DOUBLE & BINARY_FLOAT data types support in the Direct mode is added
- Connection string support is improved
- Possibility to encrypt entire tables and datasets is added
- Possibility to determine if data in a field is encrypted is added
- Support of TimeStamp, Single and Extended fields in VirtualTable is added
- Bug with raising internal "Net Error 1" on reading Lob data types for some encodings in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with incorrect detecting constant values length in SELECT expression for UTF8 databases in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with application hang on get NVarchar column through link to MS SQL Server in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with inserting NVARCHAR data for UTF8 databases and Oracle 10 or below if INSERT statement contains RETURNING section is fixed
- Bug with application hang in non-blocking mode is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail for TClientDataSet in RAD Studio XE3 is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with incorrect RecordCount result when a query contains both ORDER BY and LIMIT is fixed
- Bug with calling Cancel in the BeforePost event is fixed
- Bug when setting the TDataSet.Filter property for empty dataset is fixed
- Bug with incorrect TVirtualTable version displaying in the About box is fixed
- Thread handle leak when using pooling is fixed
- Now the TCustomDASQLMonitor.Options.moDBMonitor property is set to False by default
8.6.12 14-Feb-13
- RAD Studio XE3 Update 2 is now required
- Bug with record updating when table is blocked in the lmLockImmediate mode is fixed
- Bug with detecting the scale of the INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND data type is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in Master-Detail datasets that contain TOraLob fields is fixed
- Bug when setting the CheckMode property to cmRefresh is fixed
- Bug with storing the BINARY_FLOAT data inside any Object type is fixed
- Bug with AV on adding TFieldDef items to FieldDefs for Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
- Bug with incorrect detection of the numeric parameter type in ExecSQL is fixed
- Bug with assigning data to blob fields when using Data Type Mapping is fixed
- Bug with inserting a new record into TStringGrid in FMX is fixed
- Bug with unlocking a record after constraint violation is fixed
- Bug with quoting index field names in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail link by fields with non-English names is fixed
- Bug with saving Date fields in XML is fixed
8.6.11 12-Dec-12
- RAD Studio XE3 Update 1 is now required
- C++Builder 64-bit for Windows is supported
- Bug with compatibility with MyDAC is fixed
- Bug with getting data with CHAR type for Oracle 7 is fixed
- Bug with setting Charset property for Oracle client 9 & 10 is fixed
- Bug with AV in ApplyUpdates method in OraDataSet with not defined Session property is fixed
- Bug with impossibility to edit query if it contains '(' inside quotes is fixed
- Bug with application hanging with TOraAlerter on connection loss is fixed
- Bug with Filter and CHAR data type when UseUnicode=True is fixed
- Bug with format of TIMESTAMP(0) field is fixed
- Bug with using quoted field names in the IndexFieldNames property is fixed
- Bug with processing macros named in Cyrillic is fixed
- Bug in TOraStoredProc with closing dataset when the Disconnected property is True is fixed
8.5.10 07-Nov-12
- Some improvements for NEXTGEN support are added
- Support for ftGraphic and ftFmtMemo parameter data types is added
- Informativity of messages about errors in connection is improved
- Dependency of design-time packages on FMX packages is removed
- Limitation on maximum 10 Oracle Homes is removed
- Bug with parameter length for UTF8 databases is fixed
- Bug with parameter length loaded from DFM is fixed
- Bug with TIMESTAMP fields in TOraLoader is fixed
- Bug with LargeInt calculated fields is fixed
- Bug with refresh cursor with AutoClose=True is fixed
- Bug with LOB fields for Oracle 8.0.5 is fixed
- Bug with data loss in pessimistic lock mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug with renaming of fields with the same names is fixed
- Bug with dependency parameters count in macros on delimeter is fixed
- Bug with storing the LoginPrompt connection property is fixed
- Bug with creating columns on setting the TableName property in TDALoader is fixed
8.5.9 04-Sep-12
- RAD Studio XE3 is supported
- Windows 8 is supported
- Bug with storing empty MapRules collection in DFM is fixed
- Bug with getting Raw as String is fixed
- Bug with describing stored procedure parameters from a package in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with AV at releasing temporary Lobs is fixed
8.2.8 24-Jul-12
- Support for the TOraTimeStamp format is improved
- Bug with the ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime parameter types is fixed
- Bug with detecting Oracle client version is fixed
- Bug with not resetting a statement index in OraScript after an error is fixed
- Bug with retrieving TOraObject that contains BLOB or CLOB after calling a constructor is fixed
- Bug with Data Type Mapping and persistent fields is fixed
- Bug with Data Type Mapping to Bytes and VarBytes is fixed
- Bug with decryption of binary fields is fixed
- Bug with editing calculated fields is fixed
- Connection dialog is now open in the screen center instead of the desktop center
- Several bugs with compilation on Delphi XE2 from Source code are fixed
8.2.7 21-Jun-12
- Update 4 Hotfix 1 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Data Type Mapping support is added
- Data Encryption in a client application is added
- The TOraEncryptor component for data encryption is added
- Integration with dbForge Studio for Oracle is added
- Calling of the TCustomDASQL.BeforeExecute event is added
- TTimeStampField support is improved
- FieldType ftOraTimeStamp is added
- Field types were renamed: ftTimeStampTZ -> ftOraTimeStampTZ, ftTimeStampLTZ -> ftOraTimeStampLTZ
- Bug with EnableOraTimeStamp=False in TOraSession is fixed
- Bug with connection to Oracle XE with the UTF8 charset is fixed
- Bug with auto-generated queries for tables with case-sensitive fields in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with Connection Mode set for a connection that is established from OraScript is fixed
- Bug with statements count when a script contains the "Connect" command is fixed
- Bug with loading Unicode strings by TOraLoader is fixed
- Bug with quoted Object type names is fixed
- Bug with executing a script that ends with a commented line is fixed
- Bug with assigning outsize data to TWideStringField is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at calling the SetRecNo method when using local sorting is fixed
- Bug in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component with master-detail relationship is fixed
8.1.6 02-Apr-12
- Lazarus and FPC 2.6.0 are supported
- Bug with SQL Generator in the design-time is fixed
- Bug with generating Update SQL with fields that have aliases is fixed
- Bug with filling fields with Unicode names from Sequences in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TOraObject is fixed
- Bug with saving BCD fields from TVirtualTable to a Stream is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail is fixed
8.1.5 01-Mar-12
- Update 4 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Code improvements for avoiding compilation warnings
- Support of case sensitive objects and their methods is improved
- Bug with showing INFINITY in TOraNumber fields is fixed
- Bug with loading Unicode strings by TOraLoader is fixed
- Bug with DisconnectedMode=True and LocalFailover=True in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with getting Lob attributes for out parameters with the Object data type is fixed
- Bug with the absent CRControls10p.res file in the installation for Delphi 2006 is fixed
- Bug with Data Editor in the design-time for case-sensetive Master-Detail link is fixed
- Bug with hanging RAD Studio XE2 when opening ConnectDialog is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at executing ApplyUpdates is fixed
- Bug with Null values filtering in CRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug at working with 64-bit pointers is fixed.
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
8.1.4 28-Dec-11
- The UniqueFieldIndexSeparator global variable is added
- Bug with memory leak and non-existing stored procedure in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with '(' and ')' application name in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure at proccesing the cached data is fixed
- Bug with Delphi IDE hanging at closing in case of using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with executing the queries with parameters in Delphi 5 is fixed
- Several bugs with 64-bit application development are fixed
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
8.1.3 23-Nov-11
- Update 2 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Mac OS X in RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- FireMonkey support is improved
- Lazarus and FPC 2.4.4 are supported
- Mac OS X in Lazarus is supported
- Linux x64 in Lazarus is supported
- FreeBSD in Lazarus is supported
- Oracle 11g Express Edition is supported
- The QueryResultOnly option is added to TOraChangeNotification
- Conflict with size_t data type in C++Builder is resolved
- Bug with invalid password in the Direct mode for Windows 98 is fixed
- Bug with reading long ORACLE_HOME line from the registry is fixed.
- Bug with updating DatSet when LongStrings=False is fixed
- Bug with posting nested objects of the not final type is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TDALoader is fixed
- Problem with receiving DateTime parameter for DBMonitor in Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
8.0.2 10-Oct-11
- Bug with compilation for Linux in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with multi-dimension arrays is fixed
- Bug with getting attributes of inherited object types is fixed
- Bug with huge memory allocating on Lobs uploading by OraLoader is fixed
- Bug with Lob parameters in the Direct mode if ParamType=ptUnknown is fixed
8.0.1 15-Sep-11
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- Application development for 64-bit Windows is supported
- FireMonkey application development platform is supported
- Support of master/detail relationship for TVirtualTable is added
- OnProgress event in TVirtualTable is added
- TDADataSetOptions.SetEmptyStrToNull property that allows inserting NULL value instead of empty string is added
- Bug with LOB parameters is fixed
- Bug with OraLoader for Number(1,0) data type is fixed
- Bug with Int64 data type for OraLoader is fixed
- Bug with filling default values for inactive DataSet in design-time is fixed 19-Jul-11
- Bug with several connections and when OCIUnicode=True is fixed
- Bug with multiple LocalTransactionID getting is fixed
- Bug with creating quoted fields in the design time is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on using master/detail relationship with TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug in TCustomDADataSet.PSGetKeyFields method when persistent fields are created in dataset is fixed 15-Jun-11
- Possibility to load data in TVirtualTable without recreating persistent fields is added
- Working in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component is improved
- Loading files opened by other applications is improved
- Support of case sensitive procedures and packages is improved
- Support of overload procedures is improved
- Bug with invalid PL\SQL compilation error raising is fixed
- Bug with change password in the direct mode is fixed
- Bug with free temporary LOBs as out params at the server is fixed
- Bug with inserting empty strings in DML arrays is fixed
- Bug with refreshing detail Dataset twice if master Dataset is empty is fixed
- Bug with WideString params in Oracle 8.0.5 or lower is fixed
- Bug with processing key fields on record posting is fixed
- Several bugs with design-time editors for Lazarus are fixed 28-Apr-11
- Lazarus 0.9.30 and FPC 2.4.2 is supported
- Oracle 9, Oracle 10, and Oracle 11 authentication in the Direct mode is supported
- Case sensitive login and password in the Direct mode is supported
- Unicode login and password in the Direct mode is supported
- Client Identifier in the Direct mode is supported
- Support of BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB data types in ToraLoader is improved
- Support of "table of blob/clob" data type is improved
- Bug with 'SQL statement doesn't return rows' error if previous statement execution failed is fixed.
- Bug with invalid update query for Blob fields if the roBeforeEdit option is set is fixed
- Bug with preparing SQL statements that contain empty table parameters is fixed
- Bug with error notification on invalid PL/SQL compilation in the Direct mode is fixed
- Bug in bookmark validity check is fixed 10-Mar-11
- Delphi & C++Builder XE Starter Edition supported
- added case-sensitivity schema names support
- Fixed registration procedure of Borland SQL Monitor when TOraSQLMonitor is created at runtime 26-Jan-11
- Added support for connection with using Service Name in the Direct mode.
- Improved returning cursors with different fields list from TOraStoredProc
- Fixed Clob parameters reading and writing for charsets with varying character width
- Fixed search for the TNS_ADMIN variable in the Oracle root location in the registry.
- Fixed the GetOrderBy method
- Fixed moving data with the OraNumber data type by the TCRBatchMove component 08-Dec-10
- Added support for the ChangePassword functionality in the Direct mode
- Added calling the BeforeExecute event for the Open and Refresh dataset operations.
- Fixed bug when user's value was overridden by the sequence value in the smPost sequence mode
- Fixed the Detail dataset refreshing (for Master-Detail datasets) after connection loss in the LocalFailover mode
- Fixed bug with refreshing record for Master-Detail datasets 04-Nov-10
- Added search for the TNS_ADMIN variable in the Oracle root location in the registry
- Added checking that dataset is open on calling the TDataSet.Locate method
- Fixed bug with multi-thread applications
- Fixed bug with fetching data in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with selecting Unique Key instead of Primary Key as a Key field for TOraQuery or TSmartQuery
- Fixed bug with connection to Oracle 8.0.5 in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with updating NVARCHAR fields in the Direct mode with OCIUnicode=true
- Fixed bug with Unicode in the Direct mode for Delphi 5
- Fixed bug "out of range" with the GetTickCount function on continuous working 13-Sep-10
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE suppored
- Fixed bug with AL32UTF8 and ZHS16GBK encoding in the OCI and Direct modes. Now field size and strings storing in these encodings is correct.
- Fixed bug with update or insert in the Batch mode with custom (user defined) INSERT or UPDATE queries.
- Fixed bug when ODAC truncates silently string parameters with length more then 4000 characters. Now it raises an error.
- Fixed bug with displaying TimeStamp format if user changes Regional Settings when application is running. Now the TimeStamp format depends on ShortDateFormat and LongTimeFormat Delphi global variables.
- Fixed bug with TOraTable with filling the KeyFields property. Now the KeyFields published property can be be filled by user only.
- Fixed bug with filling default expression for fields in the design mode for inactive dataset
- Fixed bug with the LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property 13-Aug-10
- Changed the LocateEx method behavior: now LocateEx centers records equal to Locate
- Added the OnBeforeExecute event
- Fixed bug with getting warning message for the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with assigning connection to DLL for the Direct mode
- Fixed the SaveToStream and LoadFromStream methods of TOraXML, now #0 is not added in the end of the stream
- Fixed bug with inserting records with CLOB fields in the Direct mode for Oracle 10
- Fixed bug with RefreshRecord and numbers with floating point
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with converting units in the UTF8 and UTF16 encoding 24-Jun-10
- Added ability to lock records in the CachedUpdate mode
- Added overloaded declaration of the ApplyUpdates method to choose update kind
- Fixed bug with quote that first character inside quoted string for the Filter property
- Fixed bug in TCRBatchMove with processing RecordCount
- Fixed bug with representation the TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE data type
- Fixed bug with get IN/OUT parameters if it returns NULL
- Fixed bug with return compilation error on compilation a database object from other schema 26-May-10
- Fixed bug with changing password with inactive connection
- Fixed bug with AV on setting item of array with the DATE data type
- Fixed bug with AV on changing value of array with type varray(32767) of varchar2(32767) in the Unicode mode
- Fixed bug with memory leak on Oracle server on TOraBlob.FreeTemporary in the Direct mode
- Updated Oracle client version detection for Linux by OCI API 09-Apr-10
- Bug with comparing Date field values on optimistic locking fixed
- Bug in the AddWhere, DeleteWhere, SetOrderBy, and GetOrderBy methods for Tables fixed
- Bug with calculating RecNo in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Memory leak with executing prepared statements fixed
- Bug with unicode parameters on Delphi 2009 and 2010 in the Direct mode fixed
- Bug with getting metadata on Oracle 8.0.5 fixed
- Bug with getting UDTs metadata fixed
- Bug with XMLType parameters in TOraStoredProc fixed 04-Mar-10
- Added support of National parameter to Package Wizard
- Added ability to send call stack information to the dbMonitor component
- Bug with the Savepoint method fixed
- Bug AV on assigning the TOraNestTable.ItemAsString property fixed
- Bug AV when inserting blob field using TClientDataset fixed
- Bug with refreshing record when using master/detail relationship fixed
- Bug with LocalUpdate in the CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with DBMonitor for C++ Builder 6 fixed 26-Jan-10
- Added OnStart, OnCommit, OnRollback events to TDATransaction
- Added OnInfoMessage event
- Problem with using TLargeintField in master/detail fixed
- Bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmPessimistic fixed
- Several bugs with Direct mode fixed 01-Dec-09
- Added support for dbMonitor 3
- Bug with updating table, that has field name, representing a valid hexadecimal number, fixed
- Bug with updating field value with preceding spaces when TrimFixedChar or TrimVarChar = True fixed
- Bug with executing large file in UTF-8 format fixed
- Bug with mapping ROWID on ftString in Direct mode when UseUnicode=True fixed 12-Nov-09
- Now Required flag is set for UpdatingTable fields only
- Bug with detecting parameter size for MBCS strings fixed
- Problem with detecting slash with text after it as a delimiter in TDAScript fixed
- Bug with SetOrderBy and SetWhere when there is no space before ORDER or WHERE fixed
- Bug with executing large file in Unicode format fixed
- Problem with OraQueryCompatibilityMode fixed
- Bug with ftWideString parameters in Direct mode when UseUnicode=False fixed 14-Oct-09
- Added support for using user-defined UpdatingTable when ODAC cannot detect a table list for a query
- Now the AssignConnect method copies transaction state
- Bug with locating records using the LocateEx method and the lxNearest option fixed
- Bug with AV failure in MemData fixed
- Bug with OCI Unicode environment and non-Unicode CLOBs fixed
- Bug with writing BLOBs in Direct mode with OCI Unicode environment fixed
- Bug with SQL Generator in design-time fixed
- Problem with help registration under RAD Studio 2010 fixed
- Problem with loading DataSet Manager under RAD Studio 2010 fixed 10-Sep-09
- Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 suppored
- Now the subdetail is refreshed before the AfterRefresh event of the detail is called 01-Sep-09
- Added support for BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types in TOraArray
- Added EnableOraTimeStamp option of TOraSession
- Added support for ALTER .. COMPILE in GetCompilationError
- Now the value from the master dataset has priority over the DefaultExpression value
- Bug with not unlocking record in the CachedUpdates mode if no fields were changed, fixed
- Bug with parsing TDAScript.Statements fixed
- Increased field size for NUMBER for the FieldsAsString mode
- Problem with SQLType returning 0 fixed
- 'OCI functions not linked' error on AssignConnect fixed
- Bug with parsing literal ':' as parameter fixed
- Problem with starting TOraAlerter from a thread fixed
- Bug with converting EOL for LONG RAW fields fixed 24-Jun-09
- Added Unicode support in CLOB attributes of OBJECT type
- Bug with local sorting in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with raising exceptions on locating records when IndexFieldNames is set, fixed
- Bug with calculating connection count in Disconnected mode fixed
- Bug with calling the OnError event on connection failure when Pooling is enabled, fixed
- Bug with macros in TDAScript fixed 27-May-09
- Added the Disconnected property to TCustomDADataSet
- Added distinction between empty string and null value when saving/loading string fields in TVirtualTable
- Added support for BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE data types in TOraObject
- Added support for reading a comma separated list of aliases from TNSNAMES.ORA
- Bug with the GotoCurrent method fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail and Prepare method fixed
- Bug with FullRefresh and macros fixed
- Bug with saving BLOB to XML fixed
- Bug with Commit and Rollback decrementing connect count fixed
- Access violation with ConvertEOL fixed
- Bug with getting index columns for Oracle versions prior to 8.1 fixed
- Added support for TQuery.DataSource property in BDE Migration Wizard 02-Apr-09
- Added support for Free Pascal under Linux
- Added NoPreconnect property to TOraScript for executing CONNECT and CREATE DATABASE commands
- Restored old behaviuor of the Lock method (working without explicit transaction) for compatibility with old ODAC versions
- Bug with DetailDelay and refreshing closed dataset fixed
- Bug with detecting DBMonitor on 64-bit Windows fixed
- Bug with not calling UnregisterClient for internal command of dataset fixed
- Bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmImmediate fixed 26-Feb-09
- Added Unicode support for NVARCHAR fields in the Direct mode
- Bug with not working CachedUpdates in TVirtualTable fixed
- Bug with suppressing errors in TVirtualTable.LoadFromFile fixed
- Problem with restoring current row after refresh fixed
- Bug when statements, executed on TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates, were not shown in DBMonitor, fixed
- Access violation on the TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates call fixed
- Bug in Delphi 2006 and above with the BcdCompare function avoided
- Bug with character set used for SQL statements in the Direct mode fixed
- Bug with commiting implicit transaction by record locking fixed
- Bug with the SQLType property is not set after execute fixed 06-Jan-09
- Added support for detecting Oracle 7.3 home list
- Fixed bug with treating some string elements as equal by CompareString
- Bug with mapping NUMBER on TIntegerField fixed
- Access violation in TOraObject.IsNull fixed
- Access violation when using empty string attributes in TOraObject with OCI 8.1 fixed
- Bug in TOraStoredProc editor with not changing properties of parameters when Create SQL button is pressed fixed 09-Dec-08
- Bug with writing BLOBs in the Direct mode fixed 19-Nov-08
- Added support for CREATE JAVA statement in TOraScript
- Bug with field names containing '.' fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on editing components in design time for Delphi 5 fixed
- Several bugs in DataSet Manager fixed
- Bug in Migration Wizard with converting binary forms in Delphi 2009 fixed
- Added calling the TfrxReport.OnBeforeConnect event when TfrxDACDatabase is connecting
- Bug with name compatibility with ReportBuilder fixed 23-Oct-08
- Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009 supported
- Extended Unicode support for Delphi 2007 added (special Unicode build)
- Free Pascal 2.2 supported
- Powerful design-time editors implemented in Lazarus
- Optimized LOB processing in Direct mode
- Completed with more comprehensive structured Help 22-Sep-08
- Added EnableLargeint option for TOraSession
- Improved working with master/detail relationship when LocalMasterDetail=True
- Bug with access violation on getting OldValue for BLOB fields fixed
- Access violation in NonBlocking execution when an exception is raised, fixed
- Bug with ConvertEOL option for string parameters fixed
- Access violation on reading ANYDATA values fixed
- Bug with default character set used in the Direct mode for Chinese fixed
- Bug with string parameters longer than 4000 fixed
- Bug with incorrect time zone used on assigning values to TIMESTAMP fixed 21-Aug-08
- Improved performance of NonBlocking execution
- Added ability to remove CR symbols in the whole SQL statement including string literals
- Access violation on calling TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates fixed
- Bug with the DeferredLobRead option in the Unicode mode fixed
- Bug with Refresh for tables with INTERVAL fields fixed
- Bug with IsNull for ftArray parameters fixed 11-Jul-08
- Added support of NOT LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property
- Improved working with master/detail on inserting new records
- Bug with autocommit after deleting records fixed
- Several bugs when working with inactive datasets fixed
- Bug with filtering by TLargeIntField fixed
- Bug with calling the OnError event when LocalFailover is set to True fixed
- Bug with TSmartQuery Expand fields fixed
- Bug with the Prepare method and string parameters fixed
- Bug with metadata querying when EnableIntegers = False fixed
- Added ability to call Code Editor from component editors 11-Jun-08
- Added ability not to commit transaction in TOraLoader for DML mode
- Bug with the SetOrderBy method fixed
- Bug with AV failure on assigning the OnFilterRecord event handler fixed
- Bug with determining primary key fields fixed
- Bug with calculated ftDate and ftTime fields fixed
- Bug with size of ftWideString parameters fixed
- Bug with CreateProcCall for stored functions fixed
- Bug with executing stored procedures returning not opened cursor fixed
- Bug with GetStoredProcNames not returning procedures from packages fixed
- Bug with getting value of OracleVersion in Direct mode fixed 23-May-08
- Added compatibility with UniDAC
- Improved support of default field values
- The new component for metadata receiving added
- Added support of TWideMemoField
- The BCD types supported
- Improved work with master/detail
- Bug with fetching LONG RAW columns in Direct mode fixed
- Bug with the QueryRecCount option and inline comment at the end of SQL statement fixed 04-Apr-08
- Supported Unicode for LONG data type in Direct mode
- Bug with locating records using the LocateEx method and the lxNext option fixed
- Access violation on local sorting fixed
- Bug with executing scripts from files larger than 2GB fixed
- Bug with detecting size for CHAR, VARCHAR and RAW parameters of stored procedures fixed
- Bug with committing session by TOraAlerter in etPipes mode fixed 18-Feb-08
- Enhanced local sorting with new options (DefaultSortType option, BIN sort type in IndexFieldNames)
- Added support for SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete properties for updating with TDataSetProvider
- Improved bookmarks comparison
- Added support for ftLargeint datatype in DML array
- Enhanced update SQL statements generation to support fields with partially qualified table name
- Enhanced ConnectString parsing to allow non-quoted values with special characters
- Bug with corrupting BLOB fields on CancelUpdates method call fixed
- Bug with KeepDesignConnected option when Connection is not set for a dataset fixed
- Bug with accessing persistent BLOB fields in closed dataset fixed
- Bug with empty tables and stored procedure lists in design time editors fixed
- Bug with IsNull for object fields fixed
- Bug with updating object fields with QuoteNames = True fixed 09-Jan-08
- Added support for SYSASM connect mode of Oracle 11g
- Added support for ftLargeInt parameters
- Added support for the Schema property in GetTableNames, GetStoredProcNames, GetSequenceNames methods
- Bug in master/detail for shifting columns count in the detail dataset fixed
- Several bugs with records location fixed
- Bug with TCRBatchMove whose source dataset does not reflect actual record count in the RecordCount property fixed
- Bug with memory leak in OBJECT fields fixed
- Problem with querying key fields on opening of TSmartQuery fixed
- Problem with re-querying key and data fields after refresh in AutoClose mode fixed
- Bug in Package Wizard with generating data types for parameters fixed
- Access violation in Package Wizard when there are no packages in user's schema fixed 14-Nov-07
- Oracle 11g support added
- Added support for TVariantField in VirtualTable
- Supported working with object fields containing an object of a derived object type
- Optimized memory usage on fetching LOBs
- Optimized obtaining fields information for SELECT statements
- Supported default values for SELECT statements with several tables
- Added ability to upgrade ODAC without uninstallation of previous ODAC builds
- Now an exception is raised when uaFail is assigned to UpdateAction in OnUpdateRecord event handler
- Bug with incorrect generation of SQLRefresh statements at design time fixed
- Bug with incorrect adding SQLRefresh conditions to SQL with a macro containing 'WHERE' fixed
- Several bugs with obtaining fields information for SELECT statements fixed
- Error on second call of RefreshRecord method fixed
- Bug with WideString parameters in Direct + ConvertEOL mode fixed
- Bug with incorrect normalizing quoted table names for update SQL statements fixed
- Error on registering ODAC field classes when using DLL with runtime packages fixed
- Bug with deletions of manually added macros on assigning their values fixed
- Bug with second script execution after the first execution failed with an exception fixed
- Bug with parsing numbers followed by parameters whose names consist of digits fixed
- Bug with locating variant values in TVirtualTable fixed 27-Sep-07
- CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 supported
- The TOraDataSet.Options.PrepareUpdateSQL property added
- Added support for quoted Username/Password in the ConnectString property
- Added the OnProgress event in TOraLoader
- Added ability to send the DataSetChange event after dataset open
- Changed behavior of TOraLob.FreeLob method to call FreeTemporary only if CreateTemporary was called
- Optimized memory utilization when loading XML files by the TVirtualTable.LoadFromFile method
- Bug with calling stored functions with default parameters fixed
- Bug with generating update SQL for detail table in master/detail relationship fixed
- Bug with describing stored procedures with table parameters in Direct mode fixed
- Bug with detecting read-only fields in datasets fixed
- Bug with not closed cursors with the AutoClose option set to True fixed
- Bug when Required property of ROWID fields is set to True fixed
- Bug with performing full refresh on tables with nested types fixed
- Bug with using the Filter property for FindFirst and similar methods when Filtered is False fixed
- Bug with calling First after changing UpdateRecordTypes in Edit mode fixed
- Bug with commiting updates in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with ODAC custom field types registration at design-time fixed
- Bug with Disconnected Model and Pooling fixed
- Bug with querying of fields information in AutoClose mode fixed
- Error on reading complex attributes from NULL objects fixed
- Bug with empty server list in connect dialog fixed
- Bug with displaying in debug window ftDateTime parameter values without time part fixed
- Bug with GetOraServerList returning nothing when an empty string is passed as HomePath fixed
- Bug with save/load data to/from XML fixed
- Assert with TCRBatchMove and BLOB fields fixed
- Bug with IDE startup failure fixed
- Improved color schema of syntax higlighting with SynEdit
- Avoided design-time bug with UniSynEdit fixed 02-Aug-07
- The TOraDataSet.Options.PrefetchRows property added
- Ability to open queries with duplicated fields (in case of object fields) added
- Added support for saving XMLTYPE fields in XML files
- Bug with AV on data fetching when DataSet has calculated fields fixed
- Bug with AV when calling SaveToXML method for DataSet which has object fields with BLOB attributes
- Bug with executing prepared stored procedures with REF cursor parameters fixed
- Bug with updating unmodified fields when using automatic SQL generating fixed
- Bug with detecting read-only fields in dataset fixed
- Bug with Pooling and Local Failover fixed
- Bug with "Invalid Variant Type" exception under Windows 2000 when TDataSet.Refresh is called fixed
- Range check error in TOCICommand.RemoveCRSymbols fixed
- Error in TOraTrace for Oracle 9.0 and 9.1 fixed
- Bug with returning zero size by TOraNestTable fixed
- Bug with performance penalty when processing lookup and calculated fields fixed
- Bug with PSGetDefaultOrder method freezing for queries with complicated ORDER BY clauses fixed
- Bug in TCRBatchMove with mapping fields by name when Fields count and FieldDefs count are not equal fixed
- Bug with adding fields in TVirtualTable fixed
- Error on opening OraTools Add-In in Delphi 2007 fixed
- Problem with DBMonitor integration under Windows Vista Ultimate fixed
- Bug with field names quotation in CRDBGrid fixed 13-Jun-07
- C++Builder 2007 supported
- Added support for Oracle 10 alternative quoting
- Geometry demo that demonstrates working with the SDO_GEOMETRY Oracle type added
- Added 'Create SQL' button in TOraStoredProc design-time editor
- Bug with raising exceptions when locating records on filtered recordsets fixed
- Bug with the BaseSQL property set to an empty string after assigning macro values fixed
- Bug with refreshing record in detail dataset fixed
- Bug when key fields are not detected for tables with lowercase characters in the name fixed
- Bug with SQLType not set when SQL statement is executed with error fixed
- Bug with the Prepare method in ODAC Trial Edition fixed
- Bug with ignoring errors raised from trigger fixed
- Bug when default field values are not used with the KeySequence property assigned fixed
- Bug with loading OCI.dll by TOraPackage in direct mode fixed
- Bug with setting the Filtered property for dataset with object fields fixed
- Bug with opening second port fixed
- Connection problem when default domain is set in sqlnet.ora for Oracle client 8.1 fixed
- Bug with the PSGetDefaultOrder method and field indices in the ORDER BY clause fixed
- Bug with incorrect registry key used by connect dialog to save/load the Server value fixed
- Added ability to customize information view about fields in DataSetManager
- Performance of some operations in DataSet Manager improved
- Minor bugs in DataSet Manager fixed 16-May-07
- Added Oracle Package Wizard that simplifies working with PL/SQL Packages
- Added support for detecting the component that raises EOraError
- Added support for ftOraBlob and ftOraClob types in the TVirtualTable.Assign method
- Added ability to disable dependency on BDE packages for ODAC Edition with Sources
- Added ability to drag datasets between connections in group by connections mode in DataSet Manager
- Added ability to assign DataSource and DataField properties of DevExpress DB-aware controls automatically in DataSet Manager
- Extended abilities of assigning default controls for datasets and fields in DataSet Manager
- Changed behaviour of the SetFieldsReadOnly option in TSmartQuery for compatibility with ODAC 5
- Bug with AV failure after second call to CommitUpdates when there are skipped records in cache fixed
- Bug with double quoting of field names in automatically generated SQL commands fixed
- Bug with generating incorrect update commands for queries with aliases fixed
- Problem with freezing in Pooling mode fixed
- Error when connecting from multiple threads under Linux fixed
- Bug with "DisposeBuf failed" exception on updating string fields in CachedUpdates mode
- Bug when UnPrepare is not called for TCustomDASQL on changing value of a macro fixed
- Bug with loading DataSet Manager package in a localized IDE fixed
- Maximum fields supported by TSmartQuery increased to 10000
- Bug in the OraDataAdapter component with reading BLOB fields fixed
- Minor bugs in installation for C++Builder and Delphi 2007 fixed
- Minor bugs in DataSet Manager fixed 20-Apr-07
- Added TLargeintField support for Oracle objects and nested tables
- FastScript v1.9 support added
- Added support for DevExpress controls in DataSet Manager
- Bug with parameters updating fixed
- Bug with updating tables that contain BLOB/CLOB fields fixed
- Bug with DMLRefresh option fixed
- Bug in SQL Generator with generating REFRESH statements for detail DataSet fixed
- AV failure with deleting records in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with setting RecNo property for filtered datasets fixed
- Bug with using DeferredLobRead option with multibyte character set fixed
- Bug with setting OptimizerMode option fixed
- Bug with using TOraNestedTable component for nested tables of simple types fixed
- Bug with executing parametrized queries in Detail dataset from design-time editor fixed
- Bug with calling TDataSet.Edit for master DataSet in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with filter expression that contains several consecutive left brackets fixed
- Bug with checking the DataType and Natioanl properties in TOraParam fixed
- Bug when detail DataSet is refreshed on switching master DataSet to Edit mode fixed
- Bug with PSGetTableName returning incorrect value after changing the SQL property fixed
- Access violation in design time editors fixed
- Bug in TOraSession editor with choosing a connection name that is unknown to OraDeveloper Tools fixed
- Bug with displaying invalid object property type in object inspector fixed
- Bug with loading files in <> editor fixed
- Bug with calling design-time editors of TDADataSource descendants by double click fixed
- Bug with SQL Generator in design time fixed
- Bug with trimming SQL texts in design-time editors fixed
- Access violation on closing Delphi 2005 when OraDeveloper Tools is installed fixed
- Bug with detecting OraDeveloper Tools fixed
- Bug with creating components from Developer Tools database explorer window (ODAC, MyDAC only) fixed
- Access violation when loading DataSet Manager package under Delphi 2007 and Windows Vista fixed
- Bug with DataSet Manager when IDE freezes on loading a form with a large quantity of datasets fixed
- Minor bugs in installation fixed 06-Apr-07
- Support for context sensitive help in BDS added
- Support for AS SYSDBA and AS SYSOPER options in TOraSession.ConnectString added
- Error on opening some SQL queries when ExtendedFieldsInfo or DefaultValues options of TOraDataSet is True fixed
- Bug with using TDBRichEdit control for CLOB fields in direct mode fixed
- Bug with opening filtered datasets in NonBlocking mode fixed
- Bug with Locate on ordered data fixed
- Bug with setting RecNo property for filtered datasets fixed
- Bug with using LOBs under Kylix in Direct mode fixed
- Bug with XmlTextReader.Eof property under C++Builder fixed
- DataSet Manager stability improved
- Minor bugs in installation fixed 22-Mar-07
New functionality:
- Delphi 2007 for Win32 supported
- Implemented Disconnected Model for working offline and automatically connecting and disconnecting
- Implemented Local Failover for detecting connection loss and implicitly re-executing some operations
- LargeInt fields supported
- WideMemo field type in Delphi 2006 supported
- Added DataSet Manager to control project datasets
- Integration with OraDeveloper Tools 2.00 added
- New TCRBatchMove component for transferring data between all types of TDataSet descendants added
- Data export and import to/from XML supported
- Support for sending messages to DBMonitor from any point of your program added
Support for more Oracle server functionality:
- Distributed transactions supported
- Advanced Queuing support added
- Change notifications functionality of Oracle 10g supported
- DBMS_TRACE package and SQLTrace functionality supported
- OCI Connection Pooling, Statement Caching, and Proxy Session Pooling added
- External Procedures support added
Extensions and improvements to existing functionality:
- General performance improved
- Master/detail functionality extensions:
- Local master/detail relationship support added
- master/detail relationship in CachedUpdates mode support added
- Connection pool functionality improvements:
- Efficiency significantly improved
- API for draining the connection pool added
- TOraScript component improvements:
- Support for executing individual statements in scripts added
- Support for executing huge scripts stored in files with dynamic loading added
- Ability to use standard SQL*Plus tool syntax added
- Greatly increased performance of applying updates in CachedUpdates mode
- Working with calculated and lookup fields improvements:
- Local sorting and filtering added
- Record location speed increased
- Improved working with lookup fields
- Ability to customize update commands by attaching external components to TOraUpdateSQL objects added
- Support for using BeforeFetch and AfterFetch events in NonBlocking mode added
- Temporary LOBs for updating LOB fields supported
- Support for setting connection timeout values for Direct mode added
- Ability to include all fields in automatically generated update SQLs added
- Support for default field value expressions added
Usability improvements:
- Syntax highlighting in design-time editors added
- Completely restructured and clearer demo projects 16-Feb-07
- FastReport 4 support added
- Access violation in TOraAlerter on destroying TOraSession component fixed
- Bug with writing to CLOB attributes of Oracle objects fixed
- Bug with using local sorting in NonBlocking mode fixed
- Bug with the IndexFieldNames property not working for detail dataset in master/detail link fixed
- Bug with reading and writing Unicode CLOB through TBlobStream on computers with multibyte character set fixed
- Bug with getting attribute values for Oracle objects fixed
- Editor for the MasterFields property of TCustomDADataset in C++Builder added 12-Jan-06
- Added ability to make Master/Detail relationship by TBytesField
- Thread safety of session list and default session improved
- Bug with obtaining field values in the AfterScroll event handler fixed
- Bug with getting attribute values from the Oracle objects fixed
- Bug with the TSmartQuery.UpdatingTable property clearing on query opening fixed
- Bug with ConvertEOL option fixed
- Bug with the TOraNestTable.AppendItem method for collections with object type elements fixed
- Order for local sorting by the WideString fields changed to match Oracle default BINARY sorting order 05-Dec-06
- Bug with processing NULL NUMBER fields when DMLRefresh option is True fixed
- Bug with describing object parameters of stored procedures when using synonyms fixed
- Bug with SmartRefresh when component name is longer than 30 characters fixed
- Bug with memory leak when using SmartRefresh fixed
- Bug with closing cursors returned from PL/SQL fixed
- Bug with AV failure when modifying VirtualTable data in design time fixed
- Bug with wrong value of the StatementTypes variable in the BeforeUpdateExecute event fixed
- Bug with TraceFlags in DASQLMonitor fixed (D16224)
- Bug with TDAParam.AsDate property fixed (D16213) 31-Oct-06
- Optimized TDALoader.CreateColumns method (15322)
- Initialization of object type when describing object parameters of stored procedures added
- Access violation in TOraLoader when loading float values fixed
- Bug with OCI initialization under Linux fixed
- Bug with committing transaction by SmartRefresh fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with comparing Unicode strings fixed
- Bug with BeforeDisconnect event lost in design time fixed
- Bug with automatic Refresh statement generation fixed
- Bug with passing domain name to Oracle server with Net option fixed
- Bug with debug mode in design time fixed
- Bug with mouse wheeling in FilterBar and Search bar of CRDBGrid fixed (15675) 29-Sep-06
- EOF property is set when dataset fetch is canceled
- Added support for nested tables of REF
- Bug with detecting TWideStringField modification fixed
- Bug with using KeySequence fixed
- Bug with converting to string corrupted TIMESTAMP values fixed
- Bug with processing BINARY_FLOAT fields fixed 28-Aug-06
- Added support for Professional editions of Turbo Delphi, Turbo Delphi for .NET, Turbo C++
- Added capability to use quoted field names in IndexFieldNames property (D10091)
- Added support for macros names in which first symbol is digit
- Bug with AV in stored procedure execution with Net option fixed
- Bug with WideString lookup fields size fixed
- Bug with fetching FLOAT values as strings fixed
- Bug with KeySequence and KeyFields properties of TSmartQuery when DMLRefresh option is on fixed
- Bug with creating wrapped packages fixed
- Bug with clearing string fields with Net and Unicode options fixed
- Bug with ErrorOffset property with Net option fixed
- Bug with TrimVarChar fixed
- Bug with canceling edit on record with BLOB fields fixed
- Bugs with parsing macros fixed
- Bug with loading wide strings in TVirtualTable fixed
- Bug with filtering DateTime fields when filter expression format differs from one in local system fixed(D12823)
- Bug with master/detail link when master dataset is empty fixed
- Bug with automatic detail field value generation fixed (12886)
- Bug with ConvertEOL option fixed
- Declaration of OCIObjectGetObjectRef function corrected 07-Jul-06
- Performance of retrieving meta information in TSmartQuery improved
- Support for AsSQLTimeStamp property in TOraParam added
- Support for database links and synonyms in TSmartQuery enhanced
- Performance of SaveToFile and LoadFromFile functions in TVirtualTable improved (12435)
- Unpin method of TOraRef corrected
- Bug with processing NULL TIMESTAMP values fixed
- Bug UpdatingTable property in TSmartQuery fixed
- Bug with describing XMLType parameters in TOraStoredProc fixed
- Bug with parameters order in stored procedure call fixed
- Bug with wrong line number in DAScript.EndLine property fixed (12015)
- Bug with filtering empty strings (S12329) fixed
- Bug with using calculated and lookup fields in Master/Detail relationship fixed
- Bug with design-time editor for Detail dataset in Master/Detail relationship fixed (M12021, M11914)
- Assertion failure in TSmartQuery with SmartRefresh fixed
- Bug with modifying FieldDefs in TVirtualTable fixed
- Bug in TVirtualTable Editor fixed 31-May-06
- Modifying FieldDefs in TVirtualTable component accelerated
- Fixed bug with memory leak in TCustomDADataSet (11636)
- Bug with using database links in TSmartQuery fixed (11608)
- Bug with sorting by timestamp fields fixed
- Bug with decimal separator in TOraLoader fixed
- Bug with calling Parameter Editor from Object Inspector fixed (11671)
- Bug with creating fields in TSmartQuery at designtime fixed
- Bug with restoring fields properties in TSmartQuery fixed 18-May-06
- ODAC is now compatible with InterBase Data Access Components 12-May-06
- Support for TOraNumber type in DML arrays added
- Added support for MIDAS TDataSet.PSExecuteStatement ResultSet parameter (M11351)
- Bug with AV failure in ApplyUpdates after CommitUpdates fixed
- Bug with table editing when connecting with Net option and UseUnicode property set to True fixed
- Bug bug with loosing connection for FetchAll=False datasets fixed (M11398)
- Bug with column truncation on Oracle fixed
- Bug with local sorting of numeric columns with Net option fixed (11302)
- Bug with local filter under CLR fixed (11291)
- Bug when reopening query in nonblocking mode fixed
- Bug with using alternative memory managers fixed 13-Apr-06
- Bug with Interval field type in view with Net option fixed
- Bug with AV failure in nonblocking mode fixed
- Bug with AV failure when calling LoadFromFile method of TOraXML fixed
- The maximum NUMBER precision supported for Net option
- Bug in preparation of SQL statements fixed
- Bug with editing public synonyms fixed
- Fixed execution failure bug with empty items present in DML arrays
- Bug with setting Length property of TOraParam fixed
- Bug with positioning in grid after TCustomDADataSet.Locate fixed (11256)
- Bug with Master/Detail relations and local sorting and filtering fixed (11254, 11255)
- TCustomDADataSet.Locate now centers position in DBGrid (10976)
- Changed behavior of Last method in nonblocking mode
- Bug with displaying query objects in objects tree in DBMonitor fixed
- Optimized using of system resources when opening query (11270) 07-Mar-06
- Performance of fetching LOB fields improved
- Bug with memory leak when working with XMLType fields fixed
- Bug with incorrect sorting of dataSet with EnableNumbers option on fixed
- Bug with synonyms in TSmartQuery with Net option fixed
- Bug with error failure when assigning empty dataset to VirtualTable under CLR fixed
- Bug with incorrect values of OldValue and NewValue properties fixed
- Bug with AV failure when calling CommitUpdates method of inactive dataset fixed
- Bug with incorrect value of RecordCount property with NonBlocking and QueryRecCount options on fixed
- Bug with invalid processing of CLOB fields with ConvertEOL option on fixed
- Bug with erroneous exception on TDAParam.LoadFromStream fixed 26-Jan-06
- Support for Delphi 2006 added
- Bug with AV failure when when AutoClose and ScrollableCursor properties are set fixed
- Bug with locating on timestamp fields fixed
- Bug with invalid processing of SQL statements when using SQL keywords as macros name fixed
- Bug with invalid processing of wrapped packages that contain single apostrophe fixed (10021)
- Bug with "maximum open cursors exceeded" exception of Net option fixed
- Bug with single MacroChar in string constants inside SQL fixed 16-Dec-05
- Oracle error message length now can be limited by global variable OracleErrorMaxLength
- Bug with invalid processing of TfrxODACQuery parameters fixed
- Bug with restoring BaseSQL property fixed
- Bug with field name with quotes in TSmartQuery fixed
- Bug with synonyms and views in TSmartQuery fixed 08-Dec-05
- TCustomDADataSet.FindKey, TCustomDADataSet.FindNearest methods added for BDE compatibility
- Bug with refreshing record after changing SQL property fixed (8874)
- Bug with UTF8 VARCHAR fields with Net option fixed
- Bug with TSmartQuery and unsearchable object types fixed
- Bug with TSmartQuery and new types when connecting with older Oracle client fixed
- Bug with unchanging RecordCount value after CancelUpdates fixed
- Bug with deferred reading of CLOB fields with UseUnicode option on fixed (8944)
- Bug with reading CLOB fields with ConvertEOL option on and CacheLobs option off (9066)
- Bug with assigning OraRef fixed (9346)
- Bug with Locate by multiple fields fixed
- Bug with errors processing on fetch operation with Net option fixed
- Bug with processing parameters in TfrxODACQuery component fixed
- Bug with changing component name when DefaultValues option on fixed (8947) 24-Oct-05
- TOraLob.CreateTemporary with Net option supported
- Bug with calling CreateOleObject in AfterExecute event in NonblockingMode fixed (8862)
- Bug with updating FilterSQL fixed (8751)
- Bug with TOraAlerter with Net option fixed
- Bug with failure on OraAlerter start fixed (8714)
- Bug with VirtualTable registration in CBuilder fixed
- Bug with VtReg.pas in ODAC Pro version fixed
- Bug with TOraDataSet.PSGetDefaultOrder fixed (8853)
- Bug with closing dataset (SQL contains macros) when the InsertSQL property changes fixed (8862)
- Bug with incorrect sequence of calling BeforeClose, BeforeDisconnect events fixed (8865)
- Bug with displaying parameters types in debug window fixed (8704)
- Bug with different state of Net option at design-time fixed (8762)
- Bug with parameters' types fixed (8800) 07-Oct-05
- Capability of executing overloaded routine with TOraPackage and TOraSession
- ExecProc and ExecProcEx added (8698)
- Bug with reexecuting after changing SQL fixed
- Bug with assertion failure with OnNewRecord fixed (8345)
- Bug with Varchar2 fields posting fixed (8422)
- Bug with detail refresh when field referenced by MasterFields property is empty fixed(8259)
- Bug with unnecessary posting detail record when the master record changes fixed (8258)
- Bug with firing AfterScroll Event after detail dataset refresh fixed (8536)
- Bug with detail refresh in NonBlocking mode fixed
- Bug with NCLOB fields edition fixed (8390)
- Bug with updating LOB fields in Oracle 10.2 fixed (8343)
- Bug with reading CLOB fields with UseUnicode option on 10g client fixed (8645)
- Bug with simultaneous use several DAC products fixed (8670)
- Bug with AddWhere function fixed
- Bug with changing FilterSQL of inactive dataset fixed (8387)
- Bug with XMLType under CLR fixed (8556)
- Bug with column sizing with CRDBGrid.OptionsEx.dgeStretch=True at design time fixed (8189)
- Bug with TCRColumn.SummaryMode=smLabel for string and date fields fixed (8206)
- Bug with closing IDE after Oracle restart fixed (8513) 02-Sep-05
- Deferred detail dataset refresh feature with
- TCustomDADataSet.Options.DetailDelay property added
- Capability of clearing items of TOraArray with
- TOraArray.Clear added (7584)
- Support for FastReport 3.16 added (8129)
- Bug with master/detail linking with object fields fixed
- Bug with details record refresh after insert or update fixed (8109)
- Bug with DisposeBuf fixed
- Bug with WideString lookup fields fixed (8052)
- Bug with SQLUpdate and "OLD_" fields in the datbase table fixed (8038)
- Bug with locating, filtering and local sorting of strings that contain '--' fixed;
- Bug with name of Result parameter of TOraStoredProc fixed 02-Aug-05
- Optimized macros processing
- Bug with TOraDataSet.Fetched in NonBlocking mode fixed
- Bug with local sorting in dsEdit state fixed
- Bug with TOracleSession disconnecting if connection was killed fixed
- Bug with tnsnames.ora alias parsing fixed
- Bug with getting Null for Blob fields fixed
- Bug with using keywords as param name fixed 05-Jul-05
- Support for IFILE Oracle feature in tnsnames.ora added (7312)
- Support for new FastReport version 3.15 added
- Bug with assigning cursor parameters fixed (7086)
- Bug with reading CLOB in national charset with Net option fixed
- Bug with memory leak in connection pool fixed
- Bug with TOraDataSet.Options.QueryRecCount with SELECT ... FOR UPADTE fixed (7246)
- Bug with TOraSession.GetCurrentSchema fixed (7312)
- Bug with TDAParam.AsString with TDataTime parameters fixed (7403)
- Bug with automatic character length detection fixed
- Bug with Oracle 10g Standard and Instant client homes fixed
- Bug with design-time data editor's filter bar fixed (3331)
- Bug with TOraSession.Schema property in design time fixed (7095) 31-May-05
- Ability of automatic preparing query with
- TCustomDADataSet.Options.AutoPrepare property added
- Ability to synchronize position at different DataSets with
- TCustomDADataSet.GotoCurrent method added
- Ability to add constraints with schema to error table in OraErrorHandler added (7004)
- Optimized OraSQLMonitor BLOB parameters processing
- Bug with records scrolling after fetch error fixed (6987)
- Bug with length of string parameter with Net option fixed (6858)
- Bug with Field.Size property under Unicode DB fixed (6999)
- Bug with reading CLOBS on Unicode database with Net option fixed
- Bug with ORA-03127 with Net option fixed
- Bug with TCustomSmartQuery.FindNearest fixed (6853)
- Bug with AddWhere function fixed (6854)
- Bug with VirtualTable.Filtered property at design-time fixed (6881)
- Bug with CRDBGrid lookup columns moving fixed
- Bug with Filter and Search bar drawing fixed 29-Apr-05
- Update Pack 3 is required for Delphi 8
- TOraAlerter.AlerterSession property added (6670)
- Performance of LOBs for Net option improved (6554)
- PSGetDefaultOrder support added (6680)
- Bug with Unassigned variant comparison fixed (6562)
- Bug with TOraSession.Schema under Oracle Lite fixed (6646)
- Bug with design-time connection under Oracle Lite fixed (6679)
- Bug with loCaseInsensitive in Locate fixed (6696)
- Bug with processing connection errors with Net option on Kylix fixed 29-Mar-05
- BreakExec function is supported with Net option
- Bug with Oracle REF Objects fixed (6292)
- Bug with IndexFieldNames when inserting new record fixed (6420)
- Bug with ItemAsInteger in Oracle Array fixed (6426)
- Bugs with TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE fields with Net option fixed
- Bugs with UTF8 charset with Net option fixed
- Bug with Schema property and Oracle7 fixed (6415)
- Bug with IsNull value in string params fixed (6373)
- Bug with Default values fixed (6330)
- CRGrid problem with resizing fixed (6354) 25-Feb-05
- DML array performance improved (5978)
- NCHAR support added (5749)
- Different state of Net option at design-time supported (5791)
- Bug with 10g client under CLR fixed (5903)
- Bug with memory leak in big strings fixed (5762)
- Bug with Cancel and ExtStrings fixed (5829)
- Bug with lob assertion fixed (6133)
- Bug with REF objects fixed (6136)
- Bug with Sorting after Refreshing fixed (5826)
- Bug with TOraDataSet.Options.QueryRecordCount in NonBlocking mode fixed (6236)
- Bug with screen cursor in NonBlocking mode fixed (6236)
- Bug with Virtual table at design-time fixed (6159) 24-Jan-05
- Support for Delphi 2005 added
- Performance of Net option improved
- Ability to change the current schema of the session
- with TOraSession.Schema property added
- Ability to connect middle-tier application clients
- with TOraSession.ProxySession property added
- Bug with Net option in multithreaded applications fixed
- Issue with RETURNING clause with Lob parameter in Oracle 9i resolved (5447)
- Bug with messages in TOraAlerter fixed (5457)
- Bug with IN params in UTF16 Database fixed (5408)
- Bug with FetchAll in Nonblocking mode fixed
- Bug with using OnFilterRecord event together with FetchAll fixed (5282)
- Bug with DMLArray in Net option fixed
- Bug with reading LONG field in Net option fixed
- Bug with GetServerList on Oracle client 10g fixed (5303)
- Bug with prepare, and execute events in TOraSQLMonitor fixed (5332)
- Bug with boolean fields in TVirtualTable fixed (5291)
- Bug with sorting calculate fields in CRBDGrid fixed
- Bug with CRDBGrid dgeStretch option fixed
- Bug with hierarchical headers in CRDBGrid fixed (351) 24-Nov-04
- Bug with long time queries with Net option fixed (5256)
- Bug with executing wrapped packages in TOraScript fixed (5308)
- Bug with GetOraServerList and default home fixed (5303)
- Bugs with TCRDBGrid fixed
- Bug with filter expression with number values fixed (5287)
- Bug with AssignConnect and object fields fixed (5265) 27-Oct-04
- Timstamp, Interval, RAW types in DML array are supported
- Fixed C++Builder hpp bug
- Bug with TOraParam.AsDate fixed
- Bug with ftFloat parameter in Oracle 10g fixed 20-Oct-04
- Isolation level and rollback segment in transaction supported
- BFILE type in OBJECTs supported
- lxPartialCompare option for DataSet.LocateEx added
- Local sorting performance improved
- Demo project for FastReport 3 added
- Issue with Close after lost connection on Oracle 8 resolved (4884)
- Issue with working with invalid TIMESTAMPs resolved (4781)
- Bug with ftBlob parameters fixed (4893)
- Bug with opening TOraQuery after lost connection fixed (4884) 10-Sep-04
- Common class DADataAdapter isolated to CoreLab.Dac.AdoNet.dll library
- Synchronization procedure with caller thread fixed for NonBlocking=True
- Bug with receiving ROWID with Net option on Oracle 7.34 fixed (4760)
- Bug with RETURNING clause with Net option fixed (4753)
- Bug with TDAConnectionOptions.AssignTo fixed
- Bug with filtering NULL string values fixed (4776)
- Bug with large blobs in TVirtualTable fixed (4769)
- Bug in trial version fixed 26-Aug-04
- Ability to re-establish failed connection in TOraSession added
- Bug with determination of Instant Client 10g fixed
- Bug with Unicode strings in parameters fixed (4665)
- Bug with reading large BLOB using Net-option fixed
- Bug with macroses in SQLUpdate fixed (4647)
- Bug with TOraProvider for Delphi 4 fixed (4611)
- Bug with TOraLoader and DML arrays fixed (4604)
- Bug with string lookup fields fixed (4604)
- Bug with TOraSession.AssignConnect if Options.Net=True fixed (4751)
- Bug with error message for fields type mismatch fixed (4768)
- Bug with receiving RowId with Net option in UTF8 charset fixed (4763)
- Bug with using NUMBER field as updating key fixed (4762) 21-Jul-04
- Local sorting performance improved
- Updating ability of TDataset using key fields added to DataAdapter
- Bug with updating LONG fields in Oracle 7.34 fixed (4566)
- Bug with locating DATE field using string value fixed (4565)
- Bug with BDE Migration Wizard with QuickReport fixed (4566)
- Bug with creating object parameters using TDAParams.CreateParam fixed (4595) 30-Jun-04
- Local sorting ability using TMemDataSet.IndexFieldNames added
- OraDataAdapter component added
- Bugs with filter bar in TCRDBGrid fixed
- Bug with objects with NUMBER attributes fixed (4462)
- Bug with BDESession fixed
- Bugs in TOraLoader in design time foxed
- Bug with ROWID on Oracle 8.0.5 fixed (4527)
- Bug on closed TOraQuery with CachedUpdates=True fixed (4515)
- Bug with XMLType on Oracle 10g fixed (4513) 26-May-04
- Bug with posting record when LockMode=lmLockImmediate and AutoCommit=False fixed
- MSLabel type support for Oracle 7 added (4420)
- Bug with XMLType on Oracle Client 10g fixed (4409)
- Bug with master/detail if TOraSession.Options.EnableNumbers=True fixed (4308)
- Bug with OraSession2.AssignConnect fixed (4334)
- Bug in working with TDateTime of 1899 year fixed (4419)
- Bug with TCRDBGrid.OnTitleClick fixed (4421) 29-Apr-04
- Oracle 10g Instant Client support added
- Oracle 10g BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT types support added
- Bug with detecting OCI.DLL fixed (4274)
- Bug in XMLType for Oracle 10g fixed
- Bug with TOraStoredProc on procedure returning ref cursor fixed (4218)
- Bug with title of TCRDBGrid when RecordCount=1 fixed
- Bug with TOraParam.AsDate fixed (4259)
- Bug with IsNull value in lookup string fields fixed
- Bug with locating record by DATE field fixed (4257)
- Bug with long strings in TStringField when ConvertEOL= true fixed (4254)
- Bug with opening TCustomDADataSet if Filtered = True fixed (4251)
- Bug with LONG RAW field when IsUnicode=True fixed (4242) 09-Apr-04
- Support for Delphi 8 added
- Oracle 10g support added
- Connection pooling support
- Character conversion supported in Oracle 9i with Net option
- Unicode character data supported with Net option
- Support TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL data types with Net option
- Support for Oracle internal NUMBER datatype added with Net option
- Performance improved
- TCRGrid sources in Standard and Net editions
- .NET Windows Forms demo project added
- ASP.NET demo project added 12-Mar-04
- Bug with varchar2(4000) parameters using OCI fixed(4060)
- Bug with TOraDataSet.Options.DefaultValues on Oracle 8.0.5 fixed (4088)
- Buf with updating record after DeferredPost fixed
- Mouse wheel support added to CRDBGrid
- Fixed bug with quote char in Filter property 05-Feb-04
- TOraNumberField.AsLargeInt, TOraNumber.AsLargeInt properties added
- Bug with displaying DATE fields with zero values fixed(3943)
- Bug with disabling TSmartQuery.SmartRefresh in runtime fixed (3950)
- Bug when working with default session in TOraDataSet fixed (3944)
- Bug with updating 'PACKAGE' table in TSmartQuery fixed (3966)
- Bug when closing dataset with ftMemo fields fixed(4005) 30-Dec-03
- Memory leak when TOraDataSet.OptionsDS.DefaultValues = True fixed (3729)
- Bug with TOraScript when creating wrapped functions fixed (3810)
- Bug with DateTime in TOraObject fixed(4846)
- Bug with updating records when Nonblocking=True and CachedUpdates=True fixed
- BDE Migration Wizard performance and functionality improved(3724) 24-Nov-03
- Ability to assign macro values in Insert(Update|Delete)SQL on open dataset
- added (3638)
- Bug with exception processing in dll fixed (3688)
- Bug with stack overflow in BDE Migration Wizard fixed(3639) 31-Oct-03
- Support for IS NULL expressions in filter added (3581)
- Interface for TOraType.Describe function was changed
- Bug with TOraAlerter.Start call in Dll fixed (3539)
- Bug with IsNull after assigning '' value to VARCHAR(<32) field fixed (3580)
- Bug with input ftString PL/SQL table parameters fixed (3600)
- Bug with TOraXMLField created at design-time fixed (3636)
- Bug with circular references in Oracle objects fixed (3620) 08-Oct-03
- XMLTYPE datatype support added
- WideString support added
- Transparent Application Failover support added
- TOraTable.EmptyTable method added
- Bug with improper precision for TIMESTAMP values fixed (3284)
- DLL bug on dataset update with external session fixed (3102)
- TOraAlerter bug with End-of-file on exit fixed
- TOraLoader bug on loading large data fixed (3180)
- Bug with TOraSession.ChangePassword when the user password is expired fixed (3442)
- Bug in fetch of string fields with Net = True fixed (3415)
- Bug with OraAlerter when AutoCommit = False (3516) 02-Jul-03
- Demo illustrating Fast Report support added
- Compare method added to TOraNumber, TOraInterval and TOraTimeStamp
- Bug with master/detail relationship disconnection fixed
- TOraSQLMonitor bug with showing debug forms for SQLs containing NUMBER,
- TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL parameters fixed
- TOraDataSet.Locate bugs with NUMBER, TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL fixed (3081)
- Bug with getting OldValue on update for TOraNumberField, TOraIntervalField
- and TOraTimeStampField fixed. 05-Jun-03
- Support for Oracle internal NUMBER datatype added
- Bug with NestedTable editing with simple type elements fixed (2991)
- Application hanging (on exit) bug with started TOraAlerter fixed
- MIDAS bug with TClientDataSet.PacketRecords <> -1 and calculated fields fixed
- TOraDataSet.Execute with NonBlocking = True bug fixed
- TOraLoader.OnError event bug with agruments fixed
- Bug with prefetch attributes on Oracle client 8.1.6 fixed 05-May-03
- Home changing bug with multiple sessions fixed
- CachedUpdates mode bug with ROWID as key field on delete of inserted record
- fixed (Old ROWID was null)
- Bug on session reconnect with paramters containing named objects fixed (2941)
- Bug with TOraStoredProc.Prepare on procedure returning ref cursor fixed (2953)
- AV in TOraAlerter.Stop on application exit removed (when TOraAlerter.Active = True)
- Bug with refresh on update by UROWID fixed. Old ROWID parameter value was taken.
- Bug with timestamp format (AM/PM symbols) fixed
- NonBlocking error handling schema improved
- Bug with RecordCount in Nested Tables fixed
- Error on large numbers fetch with FieldsAsString = True removed
- Fetch out of sequence error on Oracle 7 under Net removed 03-Apr-03
- TOraDataSetOptions.RawAsString property added
- Support for ConnectMode property in Net mode added
- AV in Post after DeferredPost with complex fields removed (2808)
- AV with ConvertEOL = True in CreateBlobStream on empty dataset removed (2798)
- Bug with open datasets with REF datatype fixed (2814)
- Bug with CheckIniChange for TIMESTAMP format fixed (2488)
- Bug with TOraRef.AsHex property fixed
- Bug with prepared Query fixed (2856)
- Bug with parsing dblink name fixed (2864)
- Bug with RAW field and FieldsAsString = True on RefreshRecord fixed (2840)
- TOraTable loading bug fixed. Connect was initiating.
- Prefetching turned off - number of roundtrips to server reduced (Oracle 8,9)
- Bug with OldValue property for BLOB fields fixed
- Bug with stored procedure returning mutable cursor (different fields)
- Bug with non final objects fixed (2892)
- Bug with CharLength autodetection fixed (2906)
- Support for returning of shared objects added (PerformSQL) 25-Feb-03
- Bug with C++Builder 6 and PPointer type fixed
- TOraLoader bug with Direct Path on Oracle 9 client fixed (2739)
- Bug with pass SQL parameter in OnSQL event is fixed
- AV on TOraSession.Destroy if InTransaction is True removed
- Bug in option FieldsAsString with negative numbers fixed
- Bug with home change and OCICallStyle reset fixed
- Bug with DefaultValues and CURRENT_SCHEMA change fixed (2690)
- Bug with IsNull property in TOraTimeStampField and TOraIntervalField fixed
- Bug with Edit TSmartQuery with RAW datatype fixed
- Bug with UROWID on Oracle 8i client fixed
- DML array bug with lost value of the first item fixed
- TSmartQuery.Expand property bug fixed
- TOraParam.Value variant conversion bugs fixed (varWord, varLongWord,... types)
- Bug with ConverEOL option fixed. Binary data is not converted.
- Bug with external OCISvcCtx fixed (support for local OCIEnv added)
- Bug with TDataSet.RecordCount and FetchPiece fixed
- Bug with BFile fields and CacheLobs = False fixed
- Cancel editing of record with BFile fields bug fixed
- TBFileField.IsNull property bug fixed
- Bug with editing TOraArray nested in TOraObject fixed
- Bug with TOraObject in TOraObject datasize align fixed (2763)
- Bug with LOB attributes in nested table fixed
- Memory leak in TOraNestedTable.OpenCursor with empty dataset removed
- Bug with TrimFixedChar option in TOraNestedTable fixed
- Bug with editing second NestedTable on the same level fixed
- TOraTable.Execute bug fixed
- Bug with fixed char parameters in Net mode fixed (2754)
- Bug with RAW datatype parameters in Net mode fixed (2750)
- Bug with quoted parameters in Net mode fixed (2727) 30-Jan-03
- Support for Oracle 9 NOT FINAL object types added
- Support for TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL datatypes in Oracle Objects added
- QuoteNames option added for TSmartQuery
- Bugs with NCLOB type fixed
- Bug with ConvertEOL for ExtString fixed
- Bug with open (SELECT) query after SQL statement (INSERT/UPDATE/...) fixed (2574)
- Bug with inserting new record in dataset with object fields fixed
- Bug with multilevel nested tables fixed (open with empty nested table)
- TBFileField modification bug fixed
- Unidirectional dataset scrolling bug fixed
- Timestamp default format bug fixed
- TOraSession.OracleVersion bug fixed
- Bug with using LOB parameters fixed. Bind was failing.
- TOraTable.OrderFields property bug fixed
- Bug with modification of session options DateFormat and DateLanguage fixed
- Null TIMESTAMP assign bug fixed
- Possible AV in TCustomDADataSet.CreateBlobStream removed
- Bug with TOraTable in DLL fixed (2604)
- Bugs with opening nested table in empty dataset and dataset in insert mode fixed
- Bug with fetching null indicator for objects fixed
- Bug with editing newly appended record in nested table fixed
- Bug with Oracle HOME fixed (2536)
- Bug with out parameters with TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL datatypes fixed (2610) 04-Jan-03
- System format support added for TOraTimeStampField.Format property (2488)
- FieldsAsString property support for TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL added (2535)
- Restrictions on dataset editing with CacheLobs = False removed (2508)
- Bug with repeatedly setting TableName fixed
- Bug with sequence returning fixed
- Restricted ROWID conversion bug with Net option fixed (2530)
- Installation bug fixed. BDE Migration Wizard wasn't installed. (2539)
- Bug with string quote in filter expression fixed (2532)
- Bug with editing NestedTables fixed (2545)
- Bug with Net option and password grace period fixed (2193) 25-Dec-02
- Transaction control schema changed (2226)
- DBMonitor client implementation moved to COM server
- LOB attributes support for Object fields added
- Temporary LOBs support added
- Property TOraRef.AsHex added
- Fetch abort support added
- UROWID support added (2458)
- Update schema optimized: unnecessary Prepare/Unprepare calls removed (2523)
- SQL parsing bug fixed. Now subqueries are skipped when looking for UpdatingTable.
- Object type describe bug with several sessions fixed
- Bug with design time OraSession in DataModule fixed (2290)
- Bug with UpdateSQL component reference fixed (2283)
- Bug with nested tables of second level and higher fixed (2447)
- Bug with executing GRANT command in TOraScript fixed (2427)
- Bug with TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL editing fixed
- Design time bug with TOraTable parameters fixed (2444)
- Bug with Master/Detail relationship for ClientDataSet fixed (2423)
- Parameter loading backward compatibility restored (2444)
- Bug with INTERVAL initialization fixed
- Bug with TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL parameters fixed (descriptor type mismatch)
- Bug with editing NestedTables fixed
- PATH environment variable corrupting bug fixed
- Bug with access to CLOB type in Objects fixed (2460)
- Assert with SmartRefresh = True on TSmartQuery.Open that raises error removed (2459)
- "Unknown data type" message changed to "Datatype is not supported" (2465)
- TOraSession.Options.CharLength can be applied on open session now (2489)
- Bug with REF types fixed (2462)
- Bug with parameters in UTF8 charset fixed (2485)
- Option ConvertEOL added (2461)
- Bug with lost reference on OraQuery to SmartQuery conversion fixed (2486) 01-Nov-02
- Bug with Params passing in ExecSQL, ExecProc fixed (2221)
- Bug with generation UpdateSQL in CachedUpdates mode fixed (TSmartQuery)
- Bug with TField.ReadOnly property establishing fixed (2204)
- Bug with wrong RecordCount value after Refresh method call fixed (2182)
- Params property EInvalidTypecast error in DLL fixed (2243)
- Bug with date filtering in TCRDBGrid fixed (2255) 17-Oct-02
- Memory leak in OraSmart TCustomSmartQuery.CreateFieldDefs removed (2101)
- Bug with Cursor property in TOraQuery fixed (1982,2099)
- Bug with monitoring multithreaded application fixed
- Bug with raising exeption during TOraDataSet.Execute fixed (2096)
- Bug with ScrollableCursor option fixed (2090)
- Bug with Master/Detail fixed (Execute of detail dataset) (2066)
- Bug with Monitoring streamed Active fixed (2050)
- Bug with application crash on fetch when there is a LOB field after LONG
- in select-list fixed (1775) 08-Oct-02
- Bug with creating fields origin fixed (2065)
- Bug with OnSQL event in SQLMonitor fixed (2010)
- Bug with 'Odac Help' menu item under Delphi 7 fixed (2029)
- Bug with SQL generator and table aliases, quoted tables fixed (2030)
- Bug with TVirtualTable opening and editing fixed (2044)
- Assigning TOraDataSet to TVirtualTable bug fixed (1914)
- Bug with Ref data fields fixed 30-Sep-02
- Delphi 7 support added
- Support Oracle 9 scrollable cursors added
- New memory management for ftString and ftVarBytes fieldtypes added
- (controlled by FlatBuffers option)
- Support complex fields (blobs, objects etc.) in CachedUpdates mode added
- Complex fields routine optimized
- Support RAW datatype as ftVarBytes fieldtype
- Hanging TOraDataSet.Open in non-blocking mode bug fixed (1928)
- Error recovery on read LOB during fetch added (1778)
- Non-blocking mode error handling bug fixed (1244)
- BDE Migration Wizard bug with wrong DB name fixed (1935)
- Demo for ReportBuilder 7.0 added
- Bug with RequiredFields option switch on open dataset fixed (1872)
- Monitoring bug with SmartQuery.Expand fixed
- Ora.AddWhere bugs fixed (1894)
- Bug with AutoCommit and Net option fixed (1798)
- Bug fixed with stored procedure describe
- BDE Migration Wizard bug with DataSet fields fixed (1935) 11-Sep-02
- Bug with stored procedure describe on 8.0.x client fixed (1861) 09-Sep-02
- Bug with package for C++ Builder 5 fixed
- Help updated 03-Sep-02
- Kylix3 support
- OraSession editor bug with state update fixed (1647)
- Bug with CLOB reading on multibyte charset fixed (1673)
- Bug with RequiredFields option on Delphi6 fixed (1769)
- Bug with Date datatype in Oracle Objects fixed (1768)
- Support START WITH/CONNECT BY clause by OraParser(1703)
- Bug with getting ROWID using NET option fixed (1725)
- Bug with storing text from TDBRichEdit using NET option fixed 21-Aug-02
- Fixed bug in update query with RETURNING clause in DML
- Fixed bug in support KeyFields property
- Fixed bug with converting invalid date
- Fixed bug with updating object fields 09-Aug-02
- AV on finalization bug fixed (1577)
- Bug in PerformSQL (with BeforeUpdateExecute) fixed (1603)
- DBMonitor support 30-Jul-02
- Fixed bug with Date datatype in OraObjects 18-Jul-02
- Fixed bug in TOraSession.ExecProc - set datatype ftString for all fields with unknown types
- Fixed bug in IProviderSupport.PSGetTableName - can't uppercase tablename.
- TOraAlerter.PurgePipe procedure added (1436)
- Add property TSession.InternalName
- Add CheckCanModify in InternalDelete (1421)
- Select real updatable columns for SQLGenerator
- Fixed bug with generating RETURNING clause for object field in ObjectView = False mode (1375)
- Add function TOraSession.InLocalTransaction - return True if current local transation is active.
- Filter expression bug with square brackets fixed (1361)
- Oracle9 TIMESTAMP and INTERVAL types support added
- Fixed bug in OraLoader with handle integer variant types in Delphi6
- Correctly support Action dpAbort in OnError (1337)
- Perfomance optimization for queries with many fields (976)
- Automated set Session property in design-time for Delphi 6 (7)
- Auto generate Returning clause for LOB type added (289)
- Store server list to registry in session editor (1131)
- IsNull for empty blob field is false now (71)
- Console application support added 27-May-02
- EnableIntegers option was added to TOraSession.Options (1243)
- RemoveOnRefresh option was added to TDADataSetOptions (1168)
- Bugs with master/detail and Execute method on detail dataset fixed (1268) 18-May-02
- Support negative numbers in filter expression(1234)
- Master/Detail demo changed (1177)
- Bug with TOraQuery and KeySequence fixed (1169)
- Thread safe TSessionList class added (1090)
- BDE migration wizard bug fixed (1189)
- UseDefSession variable added to Ora (1090)
- Bug in VirtualTable with empty strings fixed (1198) 30-Apr-02
- ParamsEditor support for boolean values added (1166)
- Non blocking bug with Executing property fixed (1155)
- Crtl+C, Crtl+V operations work in Addin now (1108)
- Fixed bug with UpdateSql connection (1151)
- Both scroll bars added to sql editors (1106)
- Network error recovery for Net (1031) 22-Apr-02
- PsGetKeyFields moved from OraSmart to Ora
- DescSp procedure added to OraClasses (1036)
- OraLoader bug with assert fixed (1055)
- Fixed bug in TOraLob.Read (1086)
- Bug with adding columns to VirtualTable fixed (1055)
- Read/Write params schema changed to avoid ParamCheck bug
- Support Boolean datatype in StoredProc call (1088)
- Bug in NonBlocking mode (AV when destroying TOCICommand or TOCIRecordSet)
- Bug if used FieldsOrigin option fixed
- Alerter hang up bug fixed (1092)
- Horizontal scroll bar added to sql editors (1106) 08-Apr-02
- Odac menu changed
- Obtrusive OraTools program activated :)
- Some Ora.GetColumnsInfo imperfections removed (0908)
- Support for OraDebugger interface added
- OraClasses GetRowID function is changed (0914)
- UpdateExecute event handlers changed (0954)
- Open/Insert optimization (0976)
- RecordCount in CachedUpdates (0988) 21-Mar-02
- Virtual Table bug fixed (0913)
- Invalid typecast bug in dll fixed (0914)
- GetRecCount bug with Oracle 8.0.5 fixed (0918)
- Parameters editor doesn't change when switching between params(0846)
- OraTools support added to OraScriptEditor (0888)
14-Dec-01 New features in ODAC 3.50
- Supports Kylix 2
- Multibytes charsets support
- Direct lob access support
- Using OraTools Add-in
12-Oct-01 New features in ODAC 3.30
- Supports Oracle 9i
- Net edition for Kylix
20-Feb-01 New features in ODAC 3.00
- Using standard TParam object
- Separate run- and design-time packages
- Get original name of fields
- Retrieve field's default value
- Support Net option
- Kylix ready
11-Jul-00 New features in ODAC 2.50
- Support multiple Oracle Homes
- Support Borland's SQL Monitor
- TOraSQLMonitor component
- Default session
- Customizable connect dialog
30-Mar-00 New features in ODAC 2.20
- Support C++ Builder 5
- Macros in update SQL
10-Jan-00 New features in ODAC 2.10
- Customized TSmartQuery data updating
- Supports DML array operations
- Macros in TOraSQL and TOraScript
- TOraLoader component
- Supports Oracle 8 Lite
- Easy installation
14-Oct-99 New features in ODAC 2.00
- Supports Oracle8 Objects
- Supports Oracle8 REFs
- Supports Oracle8 Arrays
- Supports Oracle8 Nested tables
- Supports Oracle8 BFiles
- Using RETURNING with Oracle8
- Smart refreshing
- TOraNestedTable component
- TOraScript component
- TOraAlerter component
- TBFileField component
- TOraFile class
- TOraLob class
- TOraType class
- TOraObject class
- TOraRef class
- TOraArray class
- TOraNestTable class
26-May-99 New features in ODAC 1.85
- TOraProvider component
- TBDESession component
- Support Oracle 8i
- C++ Builder 4 package
01-Mar-99 New features in ODAC 1.70
- Supports BLOB and CLOB data types Oracle 8
- Supports nested tables
- TVirtualTable component
- Embeded SQL Designer with PL/SQL debugger
- C++ Builder version
22-Oct-98 New features in ODAC 1.50
- Supports native interface Oracle 8.0
- Supports PL/SQL tables
- TOraErrorHandler
17-May-98 New features in ODAC 1.20
- TOraSession, TOraDataSet, TOraQuery, TOraSQL are extended
1.00 05-Feb-98
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