12.4.0 20-Mar-25
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 3
- Added support for the RAD Studio 64-bit IDE
- Added support for Lazarus 3.8
- Added support for MySQL 9
- Added support for parameters in the Script component
- Added support for the TurboPack SynEdit package in component editors
- Added support for syntax highlighting in component editors in Lazarus on the Windows platform
- Added the IndentFormat argument to the SaveToXML method of the dataset to decrease file size
- Added the SaveToJSON method for serializing a dataset to the JSON format
- Added the ability to use readonly fields in the SQL Generator at design-time
- Added support for password-protected private key for SSL protocol
- Added the EMySqlNetException class for internal errors in the MySQL protocol
- Improved work with design-time editors in the High DPI mode
- Fixed a bug with ambiguity between the CRJSON.TJSONObject and System.Json.TJSONObject classes
- Fixed a bug with unloading OpenSSL libraries when connection pooling is used
12.3.2 20-Jan-25
- Moved the CRFunctions.CRTimeZoneInformation global variable to the interface section
- Fixed a bug causing an assertion failure when using the TCRSSHIOHandler component with FetchAll set to False
- Fixed an issue with handling stored procedures when SELECT privileges were not granted
- Fixed an issue with the SaveToXML method of the TMemDataSet class and its descendants, which occurred when saving UUID fields
- Fixed a bug that occurred when calling the RefreshRecord method with FullRefresh set to True
- Fixed an issue with processing the Filter property of a dataset that occurred when it included the NOT operation
- Fixed an issue with using subfunctions in a filter
12.3.1 24-Oct-24
- Restored support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.6
12.3.0 27-Sep-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 2
- Added support for C++Builder 64-bit Windows (Modern) Application Development
- Added support for Lazarus 3.4
- Added C++Builder demo components for working with SecureBridge
- Added demo with the new version of SecureBridge components
- Added the WriteBOM property for TMyDumpOptions
- Fixed bug with AV on closing application when Pooling=True in MySQL Embedded
- Fixed bug with incorrect behavior of TCRSSLIOHandler.IsSecure when FetchAl = False
12.2.1 01-May-24
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 12 Athens, Delphi 12 Athens, and C++Builder 12 Athens is required
- Fixed internal bug with TSharedObject
12.2.0 24-Apr-24
- Added support for RAD Studio 12 Athens Release 1
- Added support for Lazarus 3.2
- Fixed bug with incorrect executing of internal Rollback
12.1.0 19-Feb-24
- Added support for Lazarus 3.0
- Fixed bug with getting warning message of using bmBinary mode
- Fixed bug with assertion failure or AV in batch operation
12.0.0 15-Nov-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 12
- Added support for MariaDB 11
- Added support for macOS Sonoma
- Added support for iOS 17
- Added support for Android 13
- Added support for the mysql_clear_password authentication mechanism
- Added support for nested Macros in SQL queries
- Added support Display Format for Aggregate fields
- Added SHA-2(SHA-256, SHA-512) in hash algorithm for encryption
- Fixed bug with write BLOB when using the SJIS charset
- Fixed bug with connecting to the MySQL 8 by a user with an empty password using mysql_native_password authentication mechanism
- Fixed the bug when TMySQLMonitor.OnSQL event does not occur upon executing TMyConnection.ExecSQL method with no parameters
- Fixed bug with moving the cursor when using Aggregate fields
- Fixed bug with deleting a record when using Aggregated fields
- Fixed bug with storing empty Aggregates collection in DFM
- Fixed bug with AV when installing a package in the IDE
- Fixed bug with AV in the CloneCursor method of the dataset
- Fixed bug with using Aggregated and InternalCalc fields together
- Fixed bug with duplicate resource IDs in CBuilder
- Fixed bug with using "NOT Field LIKE" construction in Filter property
11.3.0 17-Mar-23
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 3
- Added support for iOS Simulator ARM 64-bit target platform
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.6
- Added support for the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, GETDATE, DATE, TIME, TRIM, TRIMLEFT, TRIMRIGHT statements in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for the mathematical operations in TDADataSet.Filter
- Added support for Aggregate Fields and InternalCalc Fields
- Added ability to restore from file with TEncoding via the Dump component
- Now the SetRange will function according to the case sensitivity of keywords in IndexFieldNames
- Fixed bug with BLOBs for MySQL version below 4.1
- Fixed bug with BIGINT UNSIGNED key fields in version 4.1 or higher
- Fixed bug with BIT field default values
11.2.0 12-Sep-22
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 2
- Added support for Lazarus 2.2.2
- Added support for iOS 15
- Added support for Android 12
- Added the CloneCursor method for Query and Table components that allows sharing data between datasets
- Improved the performance of exporting to XML
- Fixed bug with "Record changed by another user" error when LockMode <> lmNone and using encryption
- Fixed bug with truncation of milliseconds of DateTime fields in the Dump component
- Fixed bug with posting calculated field
- Fixed bug when a connection string parameter value contains a single quote
11.1.1 12-Apr-22
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Release 1 is supported
- Lazarus 2.2.0 is supported
- Windows 11 is supported
- macOS Monterey is supported
- Fixed bug with fkInternalCalc field after calling the Refresh method
- Fixed bug with resetting param values when changing param values count
- Fixed bug with a "Refresh failed" on Post when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert and SQL contains the same PK more than once
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" when adding record containing calculated field when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
- Fixed bug with HTTPS tunneling in the Direct mode
- Fixed bug with AV when using the TCRSSLIOHandler from the SecureBridge demo project as an IOHandler for a connection
11.0.2 09-Dec-21
- The PoolId connection pool option is added
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" error when adding record when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
- Fixed bug with leading spaces getting trimmed in strings loaded from XML in VirtualTable
- Fixed bug with freezing multiply connection pools in threads
- Fixed bug with using the AsDate property when working with fields of the ftDate type
- Fixed bug with updating the state of records at applying cached updates
11.0.1 13-Sep-21
- RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is supported
- macOS ARM is supported
- Added demo project for FastReport FMX
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" error on Post when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
- Fixed bug with setting a DateTime value before the year 1800 to TTimeField
- Fixed bug with using a BLOB field in the IndexFieldNames property of the DataSet component
- Fixed bug with memoty leak on Locate by field with data type mapping
- Fixed bug with escaping wildcards in the Filter property of the DataSet component
10.4.4 14-Jul-21
- Support for TFieldOptions is added
- Bug with applying both Encryption and Data Type Mapping on a BLOB column is fixed
- Bug with AV after adding the Lookup field to a prepared DataSet is fixed
10.4.3 06-Apr-21
- Demo compatibility with new a version of SecureBridge is fixed
- Bug with assigning a BLOB parameter when the source data is loaded via the TParam.LoadFromStream method is fixed
10.4.2 26-Mar-21
- Lazarus 2.0.12 is supported
- Bug with the "Prepared statement contains too many placeholders" error in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with the ConvertEOL connection option is fixed
- Bug with AV in applications using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with committing a transaction when LockMode = lmPessimistic is fixed
- Bug with getting values of calculated fields is fixed
10.4.1 02-Mar-21
- RAD Studio 10.4.2 Sydney is supported
- macOS 11 Big Sur is supported
- iOS 14 is supported
- Android 11 is supported
- The LastWarningCount property in TMyConnection is added
- The OnWarning event in TMyConnection is added
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Performance of the FindFirst, FindNext, FindLast, and FindPrior methods is improved
- Bug with the 'TableName cannot be empty' assertion when opening a query is fixed
- Bug with dumping DOUBLE fields in the TMyDump component when UseUnicode set to True is fixed
- Bug with processing data that includes international characters on Linux is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using OpenSSL 1.1 libraries is fixed
- Bug with getting parameters for a procedure or function in MySQL 5.0.45 is fixed
- Bug with setting the ReadOnly field property at runtime is fixed
10.3.2 14-Sep-20
- Now Release 1 for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney, Delphi 10.4 Sydney, and C++Builder 10.4 Sydney is required
- Incompatibility of DatasetManager with RAD Studio 10.4 Release 1 is fixed
- Bug with values getting cut off after calling the SHOW CREATE FUNCTION statement for MySQL 5.0.x is fixed
10.3.1 26-Aug-20
- Lazarus 2.0.10 and FPC 3.2.0 are supported
- Performance of Batch Insert, Update, and Delete operations is improved
10.2.4 01-Jun-20
- RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.8 is supported
- macOS 64-bit in Lazarus is supported
- Bug with an invalid refresh query for calculated fields if the roBeforeEdit option is set is fixed
- Bug with locating a record by a fixed string column in the Chinese locale is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
10.1.3 10-Mar-20
- Bug with installing different editions of two or more DAC's in a single system is fixed
- Bug with TMyDump when the TMyDump.Options.FieldsAsString = True is fixed
- Bug with an empty error message when invoking the TMyQuery.Prepare method is fixed
- Bug with handling comments in a SQL statement is fixed
- Bug with SQL statements that contain fields with the same name from different tables is fixed
- Bug with executing SQL statements that contain comments using the Script component is fixed
- Bug with resetting the value of the parameter after adding a new TDACondition is fixed
- Bug with reading a field value using the AsBytes method in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using constraints after calling the Refresh method is fixed
10.1.2 26-Nov-19
- Android 64-bit is supported
- Lazarus 2.0.6 is supported
- OpenSSL 1.1 library is supported
- Now Trial edition for macOS and Linux is fully functional
- A package containing the TMySSHIOHandler and TMySSLIOHandler components for Lazarus is added
- The TMyConnection.GetStoredProcNames and TMyConnection.GetTriggerNames methods are added
- Bug with freezing of the TMyConnection design-time editor for MySQL versions older than 4.1 is fixed
- Bug with international characters in error messages when UseUnocode = True is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using encryption is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Bug with the Loader component when UniDirectional set to True for source dataset is fixed
- Bug with "Record changed by another user" error when LockMode <> lmNone is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when TClientDataSet is used is fixed
- Bug with resetting the range values when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Several bugs that occurred when using DataSet Manager are fixed
10.0.1 22-Jul-19
- macOS 64-bit is supported
- Release 2 for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.3 Rio, and C++Builder 10.3 Rio is now required
- Bug with using the AsMemo method in batch operations is fixed
9.4.10 24-Jun-19
- Lazarus 2.0.2 is supported
- Performance of TMyDump for data dumping from a query is improved
- Performance of describing stored procedures is improved
- Multi-threading support is improved
- The DefaultSortType property for TVirtualTable is added
- Performance of the SaveToFile/LoadFromFile methods of TVirtualTable is significantly increased
- Bug with processing data that include international symbols when using the EUCKR charset is fixed
- Bug with memory leak when using an SSL connection is fixed
- Bug with updating a dataset containing a composite primary key is fixed
- Bug with using the STATUS literal in a query is fixed
- Bug with the AV failure when executing the Refresh method is fixed
- Bug with calculating percentage in the OnRestoreProgress event in the TDADump class is fixed
- Bug with the StackOverflow exception when using batch operations in CBuilder is fixed
- Bug with using the SetRange method is fixed
9.3.9 21-Jan-19
- Bug with setting the data type of the parameter to BOOLEAN for all TINYINT system data types in the functions is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the Refresh method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo on Linux is fixed
9.3.8 26-Nov-18
- RAD Studio 10.3 Rio is supported
- Support for PAM and Windows authentications is added
- Support of UPPER and LOWER functions for Unified SQL is added
- TMyConnection.OnDialogAuthPlugin event is added
- Bug in TMyDump with backuping stored procedures in MySQL 8 is fixed
- Bug with describing binary fields is fixed
- Bug with using the FieldOrigins property is fixed
- Bug with using the TrimFixedChar property is fixed
- Bug with saving a dataset that contains BLOB fields to XML is fixed
9.2.7 17-Sep-18
- Automatic detection of the initial value of an AutoInc field in TVirtualTable is supported
- Now the SetRange method supports Null values
- The enumerated property FieldOrigins is added
- The Boolean property FieldsOrigin is deprecated
- Bug with AV when using custom constraints is fixed
- Bug with filling default values in MariaDB 10.2.7 and higher for Delphi 7 and older is fixed
9.2.6 09-Jul-18
- Lazarus 1.8.4 is supported
- MySQL 8 is supported
- Support for sha2_password, caching_sha2_password authentications is added
- Performance of batch operations is improved
- Demo projects for IntraWeb 14 are added
- Bug with application freezing when using stored procedure is fixed
- Bug with using the LongStrings option is fixed
- Bug with updating a record when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with using encryption and CacheCalcFields option is fixed
- Bug with using a backslash in the Filter property is fixed
- Bug with using First method in the Master-Detail relationship is fixed
9.1.5 02-Apr-18
- Lazarus 1.8.2 is supported
- Now Detail dataset is not refreshed when Master dataset editing is started.
- Bug with executing batch operations with iteration = 1 and offset = 0 is fixed
- Bug with re-opening a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with data decryption in SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with data truncation while decrypting is fixed
- Bug with creating the list of tables when using TMyServerControl is fixed
- Bug with multiple calls of the SetOrderBy method in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when executing the prepared query as the field data type is changed is fixed
9.1.4 18-Jan-18
- Lazarus 1.8 and FPC 3.0.4 are supported
- Support for custom constraints is added
- The UseBlankValues property for the Loader component is added
- Bug with filling default values when TDADataSetOptions.DefaultValues = True for MariaDB 10.2.7 and higher is fixed
- Bug with parsing SQL that contains a table name with spaces after the point is fixed
- Bug with calling RefreshRecord when setting FullRefresh to True and using encryption is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
- Bug with using the AsDateTime property when working with fields of the ftDate or ftTime type is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when using the OnFilterRecord event handler is fixed
- Bug with script parsing in TDAScript is fixed
- Bug with AutoInc fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV in TVirtualDataSet when editing Blob is fixed
9.1.3 19-Sep-17
- Azure Database for MySQL is supported
- JSON data type is supported
- Bug with Assert when calling the Refresh method after changing fields amount of recordset (stored procedure) is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL for batch updates is fixed
- Bug with the Locate method for non-Windows platforms in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with the FindFirst, FindLast, FindNext, FindPrior methods in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with accessing a product help from the IDE menu is fixed
- Bug with recreating fields when calling Open after Prepare is fixed
- Bug with an incorrect error message when using the Connect dialog component on mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when using calculated fields in TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug with a key violation error when executing batch operations is fixed
- Bug with Assert when calling the Locate method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with using DAC components in DataModule for Linux is fixed
9.0.2 15-May-17
- Bug with processing DATETIME fields is fixed
- Bug with international characters in TMyDump is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure when enabled dbForge Studio integration is fixed
- Bug with processing NULL values in the Loader component is fixed
- Bug with executing a query after executing a batch command is fixed
- Bug with using the AsGuid property is fixed
9.0.1 05-Apr-17
- RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Linux in RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo is supported
- Lazarus 1.6.4 and Free Pascal 3.0.2 is supported
- Support for HTTPS protocol is added
- Bug when working with the TBytes and TVarBytes fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with detecting parameters by name in ExecSQLEx is fixed
- Bug with reading Memo as WideMemo is fixed
- Bug with field name quoting in a filter expression is fixed
- Bug with handling parameter values of BLOB type in batch operations is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TVirtualDataSet is fixed
- Bug in the design-time editor of the TMyEmbConnection component is fixed
8.7.27 21-Nov-16
- Bug with adding Calculated fields after calling Prepare is fixed
- Bug with executing batch updates and deletes on old versions of MySQL is fixed
8.7.26 01-Nov-16
- Bug with raising 'Argument out of range' error on TCRDBGrid creating in RAD Studio Berlin with Update 1 is fixed
- Bug with QueryRecCount when ORDER clause contains CASE..END is fixed
- Bug with processing TIMESTAMP and DATETIME fields is fixed
- Bug with loading data from a pipe is fixed
- SSL support is fixed
8.7.25 08-Sep-16
- TDADataSetOptions.InsertAllSetFields property is added
- Several bugs in SmartFetch Mode are fixed
- Bug with setting the TCustomDADataSet.EOF property after fetch canceled is fixed
- Bug with param values loss after changing TDAParam.ValueCount is fixed
- Bug with PtrOffset function when Overflow Checking option enabled is fixed
- Bug with the "DisposeBuf failed" error when canceling dataset changes is fixed
- Bug with the duplicated MacroChar variable is fixed
- Bug with RowsAffected calculation after executing the RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug with processing MEDIUMTEXT fields when UseUnicode is True is fixed
- Bug with processing DATETIME fields is fixed
- Bug with processing TIMESTAMP(1)..TIMESTAMP(5) fields is fixed
8.7.24 27-Jun-16
- TVirtualDataSet component is added
- Bug with assertion failure on editing data in SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with using parameters and column aliases in Master-Detail relation is fixed
- Bug with AV on application closing when DLLs are used in the Trial edition is fixed
- Bug with memory leaks on application finalization when Pooling is enabled is fixed
- Bug on processing timestamp(6) field is fixed
- Bug with cutting the STATUS field for SHOW ENGINE statement is fixed
8.7.23 28-Apr-16
- Bug with AV failure when connection is not specified is fixed
- Bug with batch operations is fixed
8.7.22 25-Apr-16
- RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin is supported
- Lazarus 1.6 and FPC 3.0.0 is supported
- Support for the BETWEEN statement in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Support for utf8mb4 charset is added
- SmartFetch mode in Disconnected mode is supported
- Bug with handling international characters in the VirtualTable component is fixed
- Bug with displaying data in grid on error at applying cached updates is fixed
- Bug in the SetOrderBy method in case when SQL contains ';' is fixed
- Bug with using the LIKE clause in a dataset filter is fixed
- Bug in TVirtualTable.Assign method on NULL values in Required fields is fixed
- Bug with HTML entities replacing on XML data loading to TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with setting the SkipUnsupportedFieldTypes option of TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with the 'Commands out of sync' error on reopening query is fixed
- Bug with inserting international characters using batch is fixed
- Bug with generating of UpdateSQL on using WITH clause is fixed
8.6.21 01-Feb-16
- Data Type Mapping performance is improved
8.6.20 14-Dec-15
- Performance of TDALoader on loading data from TDataSet is improved
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data in the ApplyUpdates method is fixed
- Bug with RecNo in the Unidirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with storing some numbers with floating point is fixed
- Bug with 'Thread Error' when connecting on OS X via HTTP tunnel is fixed
8.6.19 18-Sep-15
- Bug with showing values array for batch updates in SQLMonitor is fixed
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
8.6.18 09-Sep-15
- RAD Studio 10 Seattle is supported
- Now Trial for Win64 is a fully functional Professional Edition
- INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE batch operations are supported
- MariaDB Embedded is supported
- Now at automatic refresh of Detail dataset the OnBeforeOpen event is not called
- Generating conditions for filtration when using similar field names and aliases in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with endless reconnection in assigned connection is fixed
- Bug with editing Blob and Memo fields used in local filter is fixed
- SQLMonitor behavior on using similar objects is fixed
- Bug with HTTP tunneling under UNIX is fixed
8.5.17 14-Jul-15
- Critical bug with data encryption is fixed
- Bug in IProviderSupport.PSExecuteStatement with parsing a SQL query is fixed
- Bug with missing IdeVer.inc in Trial version is fixed
8.5.16 30-Jun-15
- Critical bug when parsing SQL query with parameters is fixed
- Bug with the Refresh method in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure in TMyBackup is fixed
8.5.15 17-Jun-15
- Now IsolationLevel is set on connection establishing
- Bug with using bookmarks in a filtered dataset is fixed
- Bug with restoring the original order of records after clearing IndexFieldNames is fixed
- Bug with refreshing DbLookupComboBox of the detail dataset when Master-Detail relationship is used is fixed
- Bug with SQL Monitor freezing when using in a DLL is fixed
- Bug with calculation of TMyTable.RecordCount after executing the TMyTable.Refresh method when the TMyTable.Filter property is set is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord when data type mapping is used is fixed
- Bug with execution of script in Unicode or UTF8 coding is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump when data type mapping is used is fixed
8.5.14 14-Apr-15
- RAD Studio XE8 is supported
- AppMethod is supported
- Bug with invalid names of Master-Detail parameters is fixed
- Bug with the 'Cannot convert type' error in the TDADataSet.RefreshRecord method when data type mapping is used is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with AV on calling GetVersion() in C++Builder is fixed
- Bug with generating update SQL queries when table or field name is a keyword is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with bit and number fields backup is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with table backup when its name contains a dot character is fixed
8.4.13 14-Jan-15
- Lazarus 1.2.6 is supported
- Support for fraction seconds of datatime fields is added
- The TMyDataSetOptions.SaveBlobsAsHex property is added
- Getting datetime precision of table columns via TMyMetaData for MySQL server 5.6 and higher is added
- Performance of backup data using TMyDump is improved
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with losing data after VirtualTable closing on SaveToStream is fixed
- Bug with RestoreUpdates in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with processing FarEast symbols in WideString fields is fixed
- Bug in TMyLoader with loading Extended fields is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with backup Unicode text fields is fixed
- Bug on using the AssignConnect method in Dll is fixed
8.4.12 25-Nov-14
- Bug when using table aliases in the DetailFields name is fixed
- Bug with using UPPER and LOWER functions in filter is fixed
- Bug with setting TParam.Value = for a parameter with the ftDate data type is fixed
- Bug with TCustomDADataSet.FindKey is fixed
- Bug with editing DateTime fields when data type mapping from string to DateTime is used is fixed
- Bug with refreshing record if the key field has the TSQLTimeStamp data type is fixed
- Bug with the "Input\Output error(5)" error on Connect for non-Windows platforms is fixed
- Bug with 'Thread Error' when connecting on OS X is fixed
- Bug with setting time values greater than 24:00:00 for Time fields is fixed
- Bug with processing Result parameters in TMyStoredProc is fixed
8.4.11 29-Sep-14
- ConnectionTimeout is now used on OSX and Mobile platforms
- Bug with RecNo in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with setting SQL query when ParamCheck = False is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on getting metadata by TCustomDADataSet is fixed
- Bug with AV failure under Mobile when DacFMX is used is fixed
8.4.10 15-Sep-14
- RAD Studio XE7 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.4 is supported
- The TCustomDADataSet.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The TCustomDAConnection.GetKeyFieldNames method is added
- The ConstraintColumns metadata kind for the TMyMetaData component is added
- Demo projects for FastReport 5 are added
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with quoting names in the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with calling the Refresh method after executing the EmptyTable method is fixed
- Bug with setting calculated field values using the AsExtened property is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the AfterExecute event is fixed
- Bug with re-calling the BeforeExecute event is fixed
8.3.9 31-Jul-14
- The Command property is added to TMyConnection
- The TMyTable.EmptyTable method is added
- Support for the Upper and Lower statements in TDADataSet.Filter is added
- Possibility to retrieve time values greater than 24:00:00 for a Time field is added
- Bug with reopening TDADataSet after BreakExec is fixed
- Several bugs in the SmartFetch mode are fixed
- Bug with processing calculated and lookup fields in the SmartFetch mode is fixed
- Bug with getting RecordCount when QueryRecordCount is True is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on opening TCustomDADataSet when Range was set is fixed
- Bug with "Invalid field size" in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on freeing objects on mobile platforms is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with data backup in the Unicode mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in the design-time editor of the TMyTable component for Delphi 5 is fixed
8.3.8 27-May-14
- Bug with AV failure on fetching records in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with finding master parameters by original name on refreshing record when using master/detail relationship by parameters is fixed
- Bug with compilation in C++Builder is fixed
- Bug with setting boolean parameters in a non-English IDE at design-time is fixed
8.3.7 29-Apr-14
- RAD Studio XE6 is supported
- Android in C++Builder XE6 is supported
- Lazarus 1.2.2 and FPC 2.6.4 is supported
- SmartFetch mode for TDataSet descendants is added
- The TMyDataSetOptions.MasterFieldsNullable property is added
- Now update queries inside TDataSet descendants have correct owner
- The SetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- The GetOrderBy method behavior is fixed
- Bug with displaying already installed DAC version in setup messages is fixed
- Bug with the Filter behavior in the Metadata component is fixed
- Bug with AV on modify table with one only Object field is fixed
- Bug with Locate when a NULL value is present in the index field is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames when DataTypeMapping is enabled is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in the TDADataSet.Lookup method is fixed
- Bug with SSL connection on Android is fixed
- Bug with error processing on socket data reading under Unix is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord when ReadOnly is set to True is fixed
- Bug with SQL script parsing by TMyScript and TMyDump is fixed
- Bug with connection establishing when Pooling is enabled is fixed
8.2.6 19-Feb-14
- Possibility to use MAS_ prefix for parameters when using master/detail relationship is added
- Support for Autorefresh mode for Mac OS X, iOS and Android platforms is added
- Bug with post data when LockMode=lmOptimistic and Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with opening dataset when persistent fields were created in dataset is fixed
- Bug with parameter name quoting on assigning field value to parameter is fixed
- Bug with deleting a record inserted earlier in CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug on sorting BLOB fields is fixed
- Bug with percentage count in the OnRestoreProgress event of the TDADump class is fixed
- Bug with generating SQL queries by "SQL Generator" in design-time is fixed
- Bug with field name quoting in TMyLoader is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with backup tables structure in MySQL 4.x is fixed
8.2.5 25-Dec-13
- iOS in C++Builder XE5 is supported
- RAD Studio XE5 Update 2 is now required
- Now .obj and .o files are supplied for C++Builder
- Compatibility of migrating floating-point fields from other components is improved
- Bug with data loss when updating records in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with connecting in the Direct mode under Windows 2000 and lower is fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord in the CachedUpdates mode is fixed
- Bug with mapping single types to float types is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD and FmtBCD types is fixed
- Bug with data display in Detail Dataset when master field is Null is fixed
- Bug with incorrect parameter sizes when re-opening a query is fixed
- Bug with mapping to BCD fields when using TClientDataSet is fixed
- Bug with filtering boolean fields is fixed
- Bug with freeing complex fields after refreshing before editing is fixed
- Bug with Locate by fields where Data Type Mapping is applied is fixed
- Bug with RefreshQuick when IndexFieldNames is set is fixed
- Bug with returning an incorrect value in the RowsAffected property is fixed
- Bug with using the UnloadEmbLibraryOnDisconnect global variable is fixed
- Bug with assigning embedded parameters is fixed
- Bug with GetTableNames is fixed
8.1.4 23-Sep-13
- Critical bug with parsing unicode SQL queries is fixed
8.1.3 18-Sep-13
- RAD Studio XE5 is supported
- Application development for Android is supported
- Lazarus 1.0.12 is supported
- IPv6 protocol support is added
- MariaDB is supported
- Performance is improved
- Automatic checking for new versions is added
- Flexible management of conditions in the WHERE clause is added
- Support of the IN keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property is added
- Like operator behaviour when used in the Filter property is now similar to TClientDataSet
- The possibility to use ranges is added
- The AllowImplicitConnect option for the TMyConnection component is added
- The SQLRecCount property for the TMyQuery and TMyStoredProc components is added
- The ScanParams property for the TMyScript component is added
- The RowsAffected property for the TMyScript component is added
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when disconnecting after connection loss
- Bug in TDALoader with data loading from Dataset when the FetchAll option is set to False is fixed
- Bug with TDALoader.LoadFromDataSet is fixed
- Bug with storing the dbMonitor active state to DFM is fixed
- Bug with setting ConnectionTimeout for Unix, Mac OS and iOS platforms is fixed
- Bug with incorrect displaying of long names of parameters and macros in design-time is fixed
- Bug with processing cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with moving data from WideMemo to String fields by TCRBatchMove is fixed
- Bug in TCRBatchMove when destination dataset has no key fields is fixed
- Bug with TCRBatchMove and DataSets in the UniDirectional mode is fixed
- Bug with showing a connection dialog in design-time when LoginPrompt is set to False is fixed
- Bug with setting the connection string containing inline comments is fixed
- Bug with unnecessary unlock calling after an update error is fixed
- Bug in TMyScript with script parsing is fixed
- Bug with AssignConnect from a disconnected source connection is fixed
- Bug with processing large FmtBCD fields is fixed
- Bug with opening a table with timestamp fields when Charset is set to 'UTF8' is fixed
8.0.2 15-Jul-13
- Connection dialog is improved
- Incorrect XE4 behaviour when re-opening a dataset under iOS is fixed
- Bug in the alerter when DisconnectedMode is set to True for a connection is fixed
- Bug with the connection OnLogin event is fixed
- Bug with incorrect counting of connections in pool is fixed
- Bug with time fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with varbinary fields in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with using case-insensitive filter is fixed
- Bug with getting and setting the SQL property of FastReport datasets is fixed
- Bug with positioning of Fields Editor is fixed
- Bug with not using index fields on locating records is fixed
- Bug with processing the cached data when UpdateRecordTypes is not default is fixed
- Bug with processing persistent fields in TVirtualTable is fixed
- Bug with data type mapping of BLOB fields is fixed
8.0.1 25-Apr-13
- Rad Studio XE4 is supported
- NEXTGEN compiler is supported
- Application development for iOS is supported
- Connection string support is added
- Possibility to encrypt entire tables and datasets is added
- Possibility to determine if data in a field is encrypted is added
- Support of TimeStamp, Single and Extended fields in VirtualTable is added
- Bug with Master-Detail for TClientDataSet in Rad Studio XE3 is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with IndexFieldNames by non-English fields is fixed
- Bug with incorrect RecordCount result when a query contains both ORDER BY and LIMIT is fixed
- Bug with calling Cancel in the BeforePost event is fixed
- Bug when setting the TDataSet.Filter property for empty dataset is fixed
- Bug with incorrect TVirtualTable version displaying in the About box is fixed
- Thread handle leak when using pooling is fixed
- SSL support in Mac OS is fixed
- Bug with script execution in TMyScript when using not a default delimiter is fixed
- Bug with memory leak when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set is fixed
- Bug with TMyLoader.LoadFromDataSet when UniDirectional = True and FetchRows = 1 is fixed
- Now the TCustomDASQLMonitor.Options.moDBMonitor property is set to False by default
7.6.12 14-Feb-13
- Rad Studio XE3 Update 2 is now required
- Bug with AV on adding TFieldDef items to FieldDefs for Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
- Bug with incorrect detection of the numeric parameter type in ExecSQL is fixed
- Bug with assigning data to blob fields when using Data Type Mapping is fixed
- Bug with inserting a new record into TStringGrid in FMX is fixed
- Bug with unlocking a record after constraint violation is fixed
- Bug with quoting index field names in TCRDBGrid is fixed
- Bug with Master-Detail link by fields with non-English names is fixed
- Bug with saving Date fields in XML is fixed
- 'TableName cannot be empty' assertion on table opening is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on filling default field values is fixed
- 'Overflow check error' when using TMyDump is fixed
- Bug with dumping of binary data types when TMyDumpOptions.FieldsAsString is True is fixed
- Bug with using Unicode table and field names in TMyLoader is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on starting Lazarus is fixed
7.6.11 12-Dec-12
- Rad Studio XE3 Update 1 is now required
- C++Builder 64-bit for Windows is supported
- TMyDumpOptions.FieldsAsString property for dumping all data types as string is added
- Bug with using quoted field names in the IndexFieldNames property is fixed
- Bug in TMyStoredProc with closing dataset when the Disconnected property is True is fixed
- Bug with processing macros named in Cyrillic is fixed
- Bug with getting default values for fields with aliases is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with dump BIGINT UNSIGNED fields is fixed
- Bug with resolving hostname on iOS device is fixed
- Bug with compatibility with ODAC is fixed
7.5.10 07-Nov-12
- Some improvements for NEXTGEN support are added
- Integration with dbForge Studio for MySQL is added
- Support for ftGraphic and ftFmtMemo parameter data types is added
- Informativity of messages about errors in connection is improved
- Dependency of design-time packages on FMX packages is removed
- TMyConnectionOptions.Interactive property for interactive connections support is added
- Support for binary parameters of stored procedures is added
- Support for MySQL Embedded is added to FastReport components
- Performance of backing up process using TMyDump in case when TableNames is specified is improved
- Bug with data loss in pessimistic lock mode is fixed
- Bug with AV failure in RefreshQuick method is fixed
- Bug with renaming of fields with the same names is fixed
- Bug with dependency parameters count in macros on delimeter is fixed
- Bug with storing the LoginPrompt connection property is fixed
- Bug with dump data from VIEW is fixed
- Bug with creating columns on setting the TableName property in TDALoader is fixed
- Bug with TMyDump.BackupQuery repeated call is fixed
7.5.9 05-Sep-12
- Rad Studio XE3 is supported
- Windows 8 is supported
- Bug with storing empty MapRules collection in DFM is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at freeing connection, for which AssignConnect was executed, is fixed
7.2.8 24-Jul-12
- Bug with Data Type Mapping and persistent fields is fixed
- Bug with Data Type Mapping to Bytes and VarBytes is fixed
- Bug with decryption of binary fields is fixed
- Bug with editing calculated fields is fixed
- Connection dialog is now open in the screen center instead of the desktop center
- Several bugs with compilation on Delphi XE2 from Source code are fixed
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when connecting to an inaccessible server
- Bug with compilation for iOS is fixed
- Bug with AV failure when processing a prepared query at connection loss is fixed
- Bug with processing Blob fields in C++Builder 5 is fixed
7.2.7 21-Jun-12
- Update 4 Hotfix 1 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Data Type Mapping support is added
- Data encryption in a client application is added
- The TMyEncryptor component for data encryption is added
- Calling of the TCustomDASQL.BeforeExecute event is added
- Bug with executing a script that ends with a commented line is fixed
- Bug with assigning outsize data to TWideStringField is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at calling the SetRecNo method when using local sorting is fixed
- Bug in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component with master-detail relationship is fixed
- Bug with creating SQL query for stored procedure executing for MySQL Embedded server is fixed
- Bug with assertion failure on stored procedure executing when its name contains the '$' symbol is fixed
- Bug with executing SQL script that contrains the DELIMITER key word is fixed
- Bug with AV failure at executing AssignConnect is fixed
- Bug in design time editor of the TMyStoredProc component is fixed
7.1.6 02-Apr-12
- Lazarus and FPC 2.6.0 are supported
- Bug with SQL Generator in the design-time is fixed
- Bug with generating Update SQL with fields that have aliases is fixed
- Bug with saving BCD fields from TVirtualTable to a Stream is fixed
- Bug with LocalMasterDetail is fixed
7.1.5 01-Mar-12
- Update 4 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Bug with AV failure at executing ApplyUpdates is fixed
- Bug with hanging RAD Studio XE2 when opening ConnectDialog is fixed
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
- Bug with processing some queries on executing TFieldDefs.Update is fixed
- Bug in TMyLoader with loading data in a temporary table is fixed
7.1.4 28-Dec-11
- The UniqueFieldIndexSeparator global variable is added
- Improved performance of HTTP tunneling
- Bug with assertion failure at proccesing the cached data is fixed
- Bug with Delphi IDE hanging at closing in case of using DBMonitor is fixed
- Bug with freeing memory in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with executing the queries with parameters in Delphi 5 is fixed
- Several bugs with 64-bit application development are fixed
- Several bugs in design-time editors are fixed
7.1.3 23-Nov-11
- Update 2 for RAD Studio XE2, Delphi XE2, and C++Builder XE2 is now required
- Mac OS X and iOS in RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- FireMonkey support is improved
- Lazarus and FPC 2.4.4 are supported
- Mac OS X in Lazarus is supported
- Linux x64 in Lazarus is supported
- FreeBSD in Lazarus is supported
- Performance of SQL query generation for stored procedure execution is improved
- Bug with deleting record in FetchAll = False mode when LockMode is lmPessimistic is fixed
- Bug with memory leak in TDALoader is fixed
- Problem with receiving DateTime parameter for DBMonitor in Delphi 2009 and higher is fixed
7.0.2 10-Oct-11
- Bug with compilation for Linux in Lazarus is fixed
- Bug with the QueryRecCount option queries containing the 'DISTINCT' and 'AS' clauses is fixed
- Bug in TMyLoader with processing field names with spaces is fixed
- Bug with setting the TMyTable.Limit property when the ORDER BY clause is set is fixed
7.0.1 15-Sep-11
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 is supported
- Application development for 64-bit Windows is supported
- FireMonkey application development platform is supported
- Support of master/detail relationship for TVirtualTable is added
- OnProgress event in TVirtualTable is added
- TDADataSetOptions.SetEmptyStrToNull property that allows inserting NULL value instead of empty string is added
- Bug with refreshing record when using master/detail relationship is fixed
- Bug with detection of original field name for query with aliases is fixed
- Bug with AV failure on droping down tables list of TMyTable in design time when DisconnectedMode = True is fixed 19-Jul-11
- Bug with assertion failure on using master/detail relationship with TClientDataset is fixed
- Bug in TCustomDADataSet.PSGetKeyFields method when in dataset persistent fields was created is fixed
- Bug in TMyDump with restore BLOB data is fixed 15-Jun-11
- Possibility to load data in TVirtualTable without recreating persistent fields is added
- Working in design time editor of the TVirtualTable component is improved
- Loading files opened by other applications is improved
- Bug with processing key fields on record posting is fixed
- Several bugs with design-time editors for Lazarus are fixed
- Bug with processing OUT parameters is fixed
- Bug with executing script in TMyScript when delimiter "$$" is used is fixed
- Bug with processing shared-memory-base-name for the mpMemory protocol is fixed 12-May-11
- Bug with the "BAD HANDSHAKE" error on connecting to some versions of MySQL is fixed 28-Apr-11
- Lazarus 0.9.30 and FPC 2.4.2 is supported
- Now the BreakExec method also stops working when getting record count if QueryRecCount=True
- Bug in bookmark validity check is fixed 10-Mar-11
- Delphi & C++Builder XE Starter Edition supported
- Fixed registration procedure of Borland SQL Monitor when TMySQLMonitor is created at runtime
- Fixed bug with executing script in TMyScript when delimiter "$$" is used
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backing up and restoring data in Unicode mode 26-Jan-11
- Added the UnloadEmbLibraryOnDisconnect variable for unloading MySQL Embedded server library on connection disconnect
- Now on backing up data in TMyDump the SQL_MODE option is set to NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup BLOB fields when UseUnicode is True
- Fixed bug with RefreshQuick for table with several timestamp fields
- Fixed bug with processing parameters when charset is 'gbk'
- Fixed bug with getting the field default values for MySQL server version 4.x
- Fixed several bugs when LocalFailover and Pooling are set to True 08-Dec-10
- Added calling the BeforeExecute event for the Open and Refresh dataset operations
- Fixed bug in the Refresh method when connection is lost
- Fixed bug with refreshing record for Master-Detail datasets
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with quoting of fields names on backup data
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup data in Unicode mode
- Fixed bug with starting transaction on MySQL 3.x 04-Nov-10
- Added checking that dataset is open on calling the TDataSet.Locate method
- Fixed bug with decoding data on loading XML
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with adding unnecessary spaces 13-Sep-10
- Embarcadero RAD Studio XE suppored
- Fixed bug with the LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property
- Fixed bug with filling default expression for fields in the design mode for inactive dataset 13-Aug-10
- Changed the LocateEx method behavior: now LocateEx centers records equal to Locate
- Added the OnBeforeExecute event
- Added ability to set shared-memory-base-name for the mpMemory protocol
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with converting units in the UTF8 and UTF16 encoding
- Fixed bug with RefreshRecord and numbers with floating point
- Fixed bug with AV failure in TMyScript
- Fixed bug with dumping BLOB fields when UseUnicode is True
- Fixed bug with processing string fields when East code page is used 24-Jun-10
- Added ability to lock records in the CachedUpdate mode
- Added overloaded declaration of the ApplyUpdates method to choose update kind
- Fixed bug with quote that first character inside quoted string for the Filter property
- Fixed bug in TCRBatchMove with processing RecordCount
- Fixed bug with writing prepared BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with processing stored procedures with N(VAR)CHAR parameters types
- Fixed bug with dumping string fields when East code page used 26-May-10
- Fixed bug with HTTP tunneling
- Fixed bug with infinite reconnect when LocalFailover is set to True
- Fixed bug with fields length for SHOW statements for Delphi 5 09-Apr-10
- Fixed bug with comparing Date field values on optimistic locking
- Fixed bug in the AddWhere, DeleteWhere, SetOrderBy, and GetOrderBy methods for Tables
- Fixed bug with calculating RecNo in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with TMyBackup 04-Mar-10
- Added ability to send call stack information to dbMonitor component
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when using master/detail relationship
- Fixed bug with LocalUpdate in the CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with DBMonitor for C++ Builder 6
- Fixed bug with processing transaction when connection is lost 26-Jan-10
- Added OnStart, OnCommit, OnRollback events to TDATransaction
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmPessimistic
- Fixed problem with using TLargeintField in master/detail
- Fixed bug with processing transaction when connection is lost
- Fixed bug with establishing connection with HTTP tunneling 01-Dec-09
- Added support for dbMonitor 3
- Added TMyConnection.HttpOptions that contains settings for HTTP connection
- Fixed bug with updating table, that has field name, representing a valid hexadecimal number
- Fixed bug with updating field value with preceding spaces when TrimFixedChar or TrimVarChar = True
- Fixed bug with executing large file in UTF-8 format
- Fixed bug with setting Field.Origin 12-Nov-09
- Now Required flag is set for UpdatingTable fields only
- Now Field.Origin concatenates table alias (instead of table name) with field name
- Fixed bug with detecting parameter size for MBCS strings
- Fixed problem with detecting slash with text after it as a delimiter in TDAScript
- Fixed bug with SetOrderBy and SetWhere when there is no space before ORDER or WHERE
- Fixed bug with executing large file in Unicode format
- Fixed bug with backuping of the TINYINT(1) fields 13-Oct-09
- Added TMyDataSetOptions.TrimVarChar option
- Added TMyDump.Options.InsertType property
- Now the AssignConnect method copies transaction state
- Now schema name is used when filling default values if DefaultValues = True
- Fixed problem with help registration under RAD Studio 2010
- Fixed problem with loading DataSet Manager under RAD Studio 2010
- Fixed bug with locating records using the LocateEx method and the lxNearest option
- Fixed bug with SQL Generator in design-time
- Fixed bug with AV failure in MemData 10-Sep-09
- Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010 suppored
- Now the subdetail is refreshed before the AfterRefresh event of the detail is called
- ConnectionTimeout is now used when resolving the host name
- Fixed bug with the OpenNext method
- Fixed bug in the RefreshQuick method when using master/detail relationship
- Fixed bug with quoting of fields containing the dot(.) char in the name 01-Sep-09
- Added the TCustomMyConnection.GetTriggerNames method
- Added the TMyDump.Options.CommitBatchSize property
- Added ability to backup triggers without backuping table structure in TMyDump
- Now the value from the master dataset has priority over the DefaultExpression value
- Fixed bug with parsing TDAScript.Statements
- Fixed bug with RefreshQuick for query with fields that have similar names in several tables
- Fixed bug with not unlocking record in the CachedUpdates mode if no fields were changed
- Fixed bug with backup users in TMyDump 24-Jun-09
- Added ability to backup triggers in TMyDump
- Added the TMyConnection.Options.NullForZeroDelphiDate property to hide the "30-12-1899" dates
- Fixed bug with local sorting in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with raising exceptions on locating records when IndexFieldNames is set
- Fixed bug with calculating connection count in Disconnected mode
- Fixed bug with calling the OnError event on connection failure when Pooling is enabled
- Fixed bug with macros in TDAScript
- Fixed bug with setting default values when the JOIN statement is used
- Avoided bug of some versions of MySQL with fields length for SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement 27-May-09
- Added the Disconnected property to TCustomDADataSet
- Added support for TQuery.DataSource property in BDE Migration Wizard
- Added distinction between empty string and null value when saving/loading string fields in TVirtualTable
- Added support for NUMERIC parameters in TMyStoredProc
- Improved work of TMyDump - backup tables before backup views
- Fixed bug with the GotoCurrent method
- Fixed bug with LocalMasterDetail and Prepare method
- Fixed bug with FullRefresh and macros
- Fixed bug with output UTF8 symbols in log of Embedded server for Delphi 2009 02-Apr-09
- Added support for Free Pascal under Linux
- Added NoPreconnect property to TMyScript for executing CONNECT and CREATE DATABASE commands
- Fixed bug with DetailDelay and refreshing closed dataset
- Fixed bug with not calling UnregisterClient for internal command of dataset
- Fixed bug with refreshing record when RefreshOptions.roBeforeEdit is set and LockMode = lmImmediate
- Fixed bug with detecting DBMonitor on 64-bit Windows
- Fixed bug with processing parameters when using East Asian languages
- Fixed bug with executing ApplyUpdates when LockMode = lmOptimistic in the CachedUpdates mode 26-Feb-09
- Added ability to backup user defined query to file or stream in TMyDump
- Fixed bug with not working CachedUpdates in TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with suppressing errors in TVirtualTable.LoadFromFile
- Fixed problem with restoring current row after refresh
- Fixed bug when statements, executed on TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates, were not shown in DBMonitor
- Fixed access violation on the TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates call
- Fixed bug in the RefreshQuick method with SQL query joining several tables
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup stored procedure when its name must be quoted
- Fixed bug with processing Boolean parameters for some versions of MySQL
- Fixed bug with processing Time parameters
- Bug in Delphi 2006 and above with the BcdCompare function avoided 05-Jan-09
- Fixed bug with treating some string elements as equal by CompareString
- Fixed bug with processing Time fields on table locking 09-Dec-08
- Fixed bug with calling stored procedures from MySQL server in the case sensitive mode 19-Nov-08
- Added the TMyConnection.Options.CheckBackslashes property
- Added calling the TfrxReport.OnBeforeConnect event when TfrxDACDatabase is connecting
- Now timer in TCustomMyDataSet is created only when AutoRefresh is set to True
- Fixed bug with processing DateTime fields on table locking
- Fixed bug with specifying database name on setting Default values
- Fixed bug with executing script in TMyScript when the "delimiter ;" statement is used
- Fixed bug with processing binary and blob fields when the NoBackslashEscapes mode is used
- Fixed bug with calling stored procedures when its name must be quoted
- Fixed bug with field names containing '.'
- Fixed bug with AV failure in TMyQuery.IsQuery
- Fixed bug with name compatibility with ReportBuilder
- Fixed bug with assertion failure on editing components in design time for Delphi 5
- Fixed several bugs in DataSet Manager
- Fixed bug in Migration Wizard with converting binary forms in Delphi 2009 23-Oct-08
- Delphi 2009 and C++Builder 2009 supported
- Extended Unicode support for Delphi 2007 added (special Unicode build)
- Free Pascal 2.2 supported
- Powerful design-time editors implemented in Lazarus
- Completed with more comprehensive structured Help 22-Sep-08
- Improved working with master/detail relationship when LocalMasterDetail=True
- Fixed bug with AV on getting OldValue for BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with processing BLOB fields when the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES mode is used
- Fixed Assert with executing StoredProcedure when exist param name equal to 'STATUS'
- Avoided bug of some versions of MySQL with fields length for SHOW PROCESSLIST statement
- Avoided bug of some versions of MySQL with fields length for SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement 21-Aug-08
- dbForge Fusion for MySQL support added
- Added support new DATE field type for MySQL server 5.0.54 and older
- Added 'USE database' statement after database creating in TMyDump
- Fixed bug with Master-Detail relationship and QuoteNames
- Fixed bug with processing Blob parameters in TMyStoredProc
- Fixed bug with starting transaction on MySQL 4.0 and lower
- Avoided bug of MySQL server 5.0.51a with truncation values of SHOW PROCESSLIST 11-Jul-08
- Added ability to recognize unquoted True/False values in DefaultExpression
- Added support of NOT LIKE keyword in the TDataSet.Filter property
- Improved working with master/detail on inserting new records
- An event to handle exceptions on restoring added in TMyDump
- Added support of Blob parameters in TMyStoredProc when UseUnicode is True
- Fixed several bugs when working with inactive datasets
- Fixed bug with filtering by TLargeIntField
- Bug with autocommit after deleting records fixed
- Fixing bug with calling the OnError event when LocalFailover is set to True
- Fixed bug with displaying OUT parameters of stored procedures in DBMonitor
- Fixed bug with NULL date in default values of DateTime fields
- Fixed bug with determining primary key fields
- Fixed bug with package names in FastReport 4.x for Delphi 2006
- Added ability to call Code Editor from component editors 11-Jun-08
- Fixed bug with the SetOrderBy method
- Fixed bug with determining primary key fields
- Fixed bug with generating update SQL with IS NULL in the WHERE clause at design-time
- Fixed bug with AV failure on assigning the OnFilterRecord event handler
- Fixed bug with multiple order fields in TMyTable
- Fixed bug with output parameters in TMyStoredProc
- Fixed bug with 'Invalid class typecast' error inside dlls 23-May-08
- Added compatibility with UniDAC
- The new component for metadata receiving added
- Added ability to specify key fields for a dataset
- Added support of automatic records locking
- Added support for schema name in TMyStoredProc
- Improved support of default field values
- Improved work with master/detail
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup data when database or table name must be quoted
- Fixed bug with creating UpdateSQL queries when the WHERE clause is empty
- Fixed bug with freezing when calling Lock for a locked table
- Fixed bug with freezing when executing some SQL queries
- Fixed bug with memory leaks on connection failure when Pooling is enabled
- Fixed bug with calculating fields length for the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement
- Avoided bug of MySQL 5.0.51 with fields length for SHOW ENGINES statement 04-Apr-08
- Added support for Boolean parameters in TMyStoredProc
- Fixed access violation on local sorting
- Fixed bug with locating records using the LocateEx method and the lxNext option
- Fixed bug with executing scripts from files larger than 2GB
- Fixed bug with executing queries in DisconnectedMode
- Fixed bug with executing prepared stored procedures
- Fixed bug with calculating string fields length for queries containing string functions
- Fixed bug with the QueryRecCount option queries containing the 'LIMIT' clause
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup data without tables structure
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup BLOB fields to hex
- Fixed bug with processing Unicode in BLOBs 18-Feb-08
- Enhanced local sorting with new options (DefaultSortType option, BIN sort type in IndexFieldNames)
- Added support for SQLInsert, SQLUpdate, SQLDelete properties for updating with TDataSetProvider
- Improved bookmarks comparison
- Improved stability of the TMyEmbConnection component
- Added TCustomMyConnectionOptions.OptimizedBigInt property to map LargeInt fields to Integer fields
- Added TMyDataSetOptions.BinaryAsString property for processing Binary fields
- Fixed bug with corrupting BLOB fields on CancelUpdates method call
- Fixed bug with accessing persistent BLOB fields in closed dataset
- Fixed bug with including fields from wrong table into update queries
- Fixed bug with updating tables whose names contain special symbols like spaces
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with backup data in Unicode mode
- Fixed bug with fetching BLOB data when using MySQL client library
- Fixed bug with memory leak in FetchAll=False mode
- Fixed bug with case of table names in demo projects 09-Jan-08
- Improved stability of the TMyEmbConnection component
- Improved the BreakExec method to break data fetch
- Fixed bug in master/detail for shifting columns count in the detail dataset
- Fixed several bugs with records location
- Bug with TCRBathMove which source dataset works in FetchAll=False fixed
- Fixed several bugs with auto-generated update queries
- Fixed bug with freezing when executing some stored procedures
- Fixed design-time editors for Delphi 8
- Fixed bug with QueryRecCount option for queries with the DISTINCT clause
- Fixed bug with determining length for string fields returned by miscellaneous MySQL functions (INET_NTOA, etc.)
- Avoided bug of MySQL 5.1 with field length for SHOW CREATE TABLE statement 14-Nov-07
- Added support for TVariantField in VirtualTable
- Optimized describing of stored procedure parameters
- Added ability to upgrade MyDAC without uninstallation of previous MyDAC builds
- Now an exception is raised when uaFail is assigned to UpdateAction in OnUpdateRecord event handler
- Fixed bug with parsing numbers followed by parameters whose names consist of digits
- Fixed bug with second script execution after the first execution failed with an exception
- Fixed bug with locating variant values in TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with InsertID in the AfterExecute event
- Fixed bug with executing scripts that contain BLOB values
- Fixed bug with updating field definitions for queries that assign a variable value
- Fixed bug with obtaining InsertId when the Assertions project option is disabled 27-Sep-07
- CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 supported
- Added the OnProgress event in TMyLoader
- Improved color schema of syntax highlighting with SynEdit
- Optimized memory utilization when loading XML files by the TVirtualTable.LoadFromFile method
- Added an option to include the field list in INSERT queries generated by TMyDump
- Now TMyConnection.GetTableNames returns an empty list when Database is not set
- Added ability to send the DataSetChange event after dataset open
- Fixed bug with using the Filter property for FindFirst and similar methods when Filtered is False
- Fixed bug with calling First after changing UpdateRecordTypes in Edit mode
- Fixed bug with Disconnected Model and Pooling
- Fixed bug with committing updates in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed Assert with TCRBatchMove and BLOB fields
- Avoided design-time bug with UniSynEdit
- Bug with save/load data to/from XML fixed
- Fixed bug with IDE startup failure
- Fixed bug with locking records in detail datasets
- Fixed bug with parameters and string constants in Unicode mode
- Fixed bug with MySQL Developer Tools integration under Windows Vista
- Fixed bug with the GetFieldEnum method and MySQL 4.1
- Fixed bug with truncation results for the SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE command
- Fixed bug with design-time editor of MyEmbConnection
- Avoided MySQL bug with field length returned by the SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE statement 02-Aug-07
- A runtime package for the TMySQLMonitor component added
- Fixed bug with PSGetDefaultOrder method freezing for queries with complicated ORDER BY clauses
- Fixed bug in TCRBatchMove with mapping fields by name when Fields count and FieldDefs count are not equal
- Fixed bug with adding fields in TVirtualTable
- Fixed bug with Pooling and Local Failover
- Fixed bug with "Invalid Variant Type" exception under Windows 2000 when TDataSet.Refresh is called
- Fixed bug with performance penalty when processing lookup and calculated fields
- Problem with DBMonitor integration under Windows Vista Ultimate fixed
- Bug with field names quotation in CRDBGrid fixed
- Fixed bug with updating FieldDefs for some kind of composite queries
- Fixed bug with editing datasets returned by TMyStoredProc
- Fixed bug in TMyStoredProc with Local Failover and Disconnected Model
- Fixed bug with updating server calculated fields in datasets
- Fixed bug with performance loss when editing records containing BLOB and MEMO fields
- Fixed bug in the Lock demo 12-Jun-07
- C++Builder 2007 supported
- Extended ability to detect MySQL boolean constants
- Added ability to customize information view about fields in DataSetManager
- Performance of some operations in DataSet Manager improved
- The MySQLBuilder tool has been renamed to SQLBuilder for MySQL
- Bug with the BaseSQL property set to an empty string after assigning macro values fixed
- Bug with incorrect registry key used by connect dialog to save/load the Server value fixed
- Bug with refreshing records in detail dataset fixed
- Fixed bug with lookup and data fields with the same name
- Fixed bug with calling the RefreshRecord method when the FullRefresh option is True
- Fixed bug with raising exceptions when locating records on filtered recordsets
- Minor bugs in DataSet Manager fixed
- Avoided MySQL bug with truncating BLOB values affected by flow control constructs
- Removed restriction on datasets that TMyDataSource can be associated with 16-May-07
- Support for rmReconnectExecute failover action with SQL statements execution added
- Added ability to drag datasets between connections in group by connections mode in DataSet Manager
- Added ability to assign DataSource and DataField properties of DevExpress DB-aware controls automatically in DataSet Manager
- Extended abilities of assigning default controls for datasets and fields in DataSet Manager
- Fixed bug with "DisposeBuf failed" exception on updating string fields in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug with AV failure after second call to CommitUpdates when there are skipped records in cache
- Bug with complex fields modification in Disconnected Model with Pooling fixed
- Fixed bug with using TMyTable in Disconnected Model
- Fixed bug with executing multi-statement queries in Disconnected Mode
- Bug when UnPrepare is not called for TCustomDASQL on changing value of a macro fixed
- Fixed bug with updating views
- Fixed bug with FieldDefs.Update on complicated queries
- Fixed bug with MySQL Developer Tools connection checking
- Fixed bug with refreshing values of the TINYINT(1) fields
- Fixed bug in the MyDataAdapter component with reading BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with loading DataSet Manager package in a localized IDE
- Fixed minor bugs in DataSet Manager
- Fixed Access Violation bug on Delphi 2006 exit on Windows Vista
- Fixed minor bugs in installation for C++Builder and Delphi 2007 20-Apr-07
- SSH protocol supported via Core Lab SecureBridge component set
- Added support for DevExpress controls in DataSet Manager
- FastScript v1.9 support added
- Added support for using TMemDataSet.IndexFieldNames with RefreshQuick
- TMyDump performance improved
- Now TMyDump controls connection character sets in the generated SQL scripts
- Fixed bug with executing parametrized queries in Detail dataset from design-time editor
- Fixed access violation when loading DataSet Manager package under Delphi 2007 and Windows Vista
- Fixed bug with DataSet Manager when IDE freezes on loading a form with a large quantity of datasets
- Bug with calling TDataSet.Edit for master DataSet in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with setting RecNo property for filtered datasets fixed
- Bug with PSGetTableName returning incorrect value after changing the SQL property fixed
- Fixed bug with SQL Generator in design time
- Minor bugs in installation fixed
- Fixed bug with trimming SQL texts in design-time editors
- Fixed access violation on closing Delphi 2005 when MySQL Developer Tools is installed
- Fixed bug in SQL Generator with generating REFRESH statements for detail DataSet
- Fixed bug with displaying invalid object property type in object inspector
- Fixed bug with filter expression that contains several consecutive left brackets
- Fixed bug with opening queries with complex field names
- Fixed AV failure with deleting records in CachedUpdates mode
- Fixed bug when detail DataSet is refreshed on switching master DataSet to Edit mode
- Fixed bug with loading files in TMyScript editor
- Fixed bug with calling design-time editors of TDADataSource descendants by double click
- Fixed bug with creating components from Developer Tools database explorer window
- Fixed bug with the RefreshQuick method and SELECT statements containing column aliases
- Fixed bug in RefreshQuick method with semicolon at the end of the SELECT statement
- Fixed bug with detecting MySQL Developer Tools
- Fixed bug with focus in SQL editor when MySQL Developer Tools installed
- Fixed bug in TMyConnection editor with choosing a connection name that is unknown to MySQL Developer Tools
- Fixed bug with MySQLBuilder menu items
- Fixed bug with sockets leak under Linux 06-Apr-07
- Now stored procedures list are retrieved from the information_schema if possible
- ConnectDialog demo added
- DataSet Manager stability improved
- Bug with setting RecNo property for filtered datasets fixed
- Bug with Locate on ordered data fixed
- Fixed bug with DefaultValues option and MySQL 5.0.37
- Fixed bug with calling RefreshQuick method for MyDAC DataSet with parameters in query
- Fixed bug with master/detail relationship with semicolon at the end of the detail query
- Fixed bug with TMyDataSetOptions.DefaultValues property for DATETIME fields
- Fixed bug with FieldDefs.Update and queries that return multiple result sets
- Fixed bug with opening queries with aggregate functions
- Fixed bug with executing queries that contain assignment operators
- Fixed bug with XmlTextReader.Eof property under C++Builder 22-Mar-07
New functionality:
- Delphi 2007 for Win32 supported
- Disconnected model for working offline and automatically connecting and disconnecting supported
- Local failover for detecting connection loss and implicitly reexecuting some operations supported
- Added DataSet Manager to control project datasets
- Integration with MySQL Developer Tools 2.00 added
- New TCRBatchMove component for transferring data between all types of TDataSets descendants added
- Output parameters from stored procedures and functions retrieval supported
- Data export and import to/from XML supported
- WideMemo field type in Delphi 2006 supported
- AutoRefresh mode support added
- Option to break long-duration query execution added
- Ability to search for installed MySQL servers on the network added
- Support for sending messages to DBMonitor from any point of your program added
Support for more MySQL server functionality:
- HANDLER syntax support in TMyTable added
- Enumeration values retrieval for the ENUM and SET fields added
Extensions and improvements to existing functionality:
- General performance improved
- Master/detail functionality extensions:
- Local master/detail relationship support added
- Support for master/detail relationships in CachedUpdates mode added
- TMyScript component improvements:
- Support for executing individual statements in scripts added
- Support for executing huge scripts stored in files with dynamic loading added
- Ability to use standard MySQL client tool syntax added
- Working with calculated and lookup fields improvements:
- Local sorting and filtering added
- Record location speed increased
- Improved working with lookup fields
- Greatly increased performance of applying updates in CachedUpdates mode
- Connection pool functionality improvements:
- Efficiency significantly improved
- API for draining the connection pool added
- Option to ignore or replace records with duplicated key values in TMyLoader added
- Enhanced TMyServerControl functionality for working with server values
- Ability to customize update commands by attaching external components to TMyUpdateQuery objects added
- Ability to include all fields in automatically generated update SQLs added
Usability improvements:
- Syntax highlighting in design-time editors added
- Completely restructured and clearer demo projects 12-Aug-08
- Improved working with master/detail relationship
- Fixed bug with processing Unicode in parameters and BLOBs
- Fixed bug with freezing when executing some SQL queries
- Fixed bug with executing prepared queries
- Fixed bug with memory leak on error in TCustomDADataSet
- Fixed bug with memory leak in TFieldDefs.Update
- Fixed bug with deleting manually added macros on assigning values to them 07-Jun-07
- Fixed bug with AV failure after second call to CommitUpdates when there are skipped records in cache
- Bug when UnPrepare is not called for TCustomDASQL on changing value of a macro fixed
- Fixed bug in the MyDataAdapter component with reading BLOB fields
- Fixed bug with DefaultValues option and MySQL 5.0.37 27-Mar-07
- Added possibility to use connection pooling in ODAC, SDAC, IBDAC and MyDAC at the same time.
- Now stored procedures list are retreived from the information_schema if possible (M19458)
- Bug with setting the RecNo property for filtered datasets fixed
- Bug with using alternative memory managers fixed
- Bug with deleting field from TVirtualTable fixed
- Fixed bug with WideString lookup fields under Delphi 2006 (M19051)
- Fixed bug with RefreshQuick and BLOB fields (M19310) 16-Feb-07
- FastReport 4 support added
- Editor for the MasterFields property of TCustomDADataset in C++Builder added
- Fixed bug with TMyCommand::Execute ambiguity under C++Builder (18239)
- Fixed bug with table name quotations in the RefreshQuick method (17799)
- Fixed bug with fetching large VARCHAR values
- Bug with the IndexFieldNames property not working for detail dataset in master/detail link fixed
- Bug with reading and writing Unicode BLOB through TBlobStream on computers with multibyte character set fixed
- Bug with utf8 to Unicode conversion fixed 05-Dec-06
- Added ability to make Master/Detail relationship by TBytesField
- Fixed bug in TMyDump with field names that contain point 05-Dec-06
- Added support for Boolean parameter type (15825)
- Fixed bug with posting read-only fields (16492)
- Fixed bug with connection pooling in FethAll=False mode (15836)
- Fixed bug with SHOW FIELDS in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with unpreparing statements (16032)
- Fixed bug with TraceFlags in DASQLMonitor (D16224)
- Fixed bug with TDAParam.AsDate property (D16213)
- Fixed bug with wrong value of the StatementTypes variable in the BeforeUpdateExecute event
- Bug with AV failure when modifying VirtualTable data in design time fixed 31-Oct-06
- Optimized TDALoader.CreateColumns method (15322)
- Fixed bug with applying updates via MIDAS (14748)
- Fixed bug with generating scripts for stored procedures in TMyDump (15255)
- Some bugs with object names in TMyDump fixed (15480)
- Bug with comparing Unicode strings fixed
- Bug with BeforeDisconnect event lost in design time fixed
- Bug with debug mode in design time fixed
- Bug with RefreshRecord in CachedUpdates mode fixed
- Bug with mouse wheeling in FilterBar and Search bar of CRDBGrid fixed (15675) 29-Sep-06
- Fixed bug with generating queries in TMyQuery design-time editor
- Fixed bug with editing queries in TMyDump design-time editor
- Fixed bug with macros and "&" operand 28-Aug-06
- Support for Professional editions of Turbo Delphi, Turbo Delphi for .NET, Turbo C++ added
- Avoided MySQL server bug with CONCAT function result in MyConnection.UseUnicode=True mode
- Bug with assertion on dumping tables with complex name fixed (13560)
- Fixed bug with running MySQLBuilder Add-in under limited user account (13455)
- Fixed bug with working with temporary tables in design-time (12666)
- Bug with automatic detail field value generation fixed (D12886)
- Fixed bug with TrimVarChar
- Fixed bug with FindKey method when the primary key has field of type Int64 (D12558)
- Added capability to use quoted field names in IndexFieldNames property (D10091)
- Bug with canceling edit on record with BLOB fields fixed
- Bug with WideString lookup fields size fixed
- Bug with loading wide strings in TVirtualTable fixed
- Added support for macros names in which first symbol is digit
- Bugs with parsing macros fixed
- Bug with filtering DateTime fields when filter expression format differs from one in local system fixed (D12823) 07-Jul-06
- Fixed bug with input parameter of type Data in stored procedure editor (12286)
- Fixed bug with choosing stored procedure in Stored Procedure Editor when Connection is not set (12366)
- Fixed bug with wrong line number in DAScript.EndLine property (M12015)
- Fixed bug with filtering empty strings (S12329)
- Bug with using calculated and lookup fields in Master/Detail relationship fixed
- Fixed bug with design-time editor for Detail dataset in Master/Detail relationship (M12021, M11914)
- Bug with modifying FieldDefs in TVirtualTable fixed
- Performance of SaveToFile and LoadFromFile functions in TVirtualTable improved (D12435)
- Bug in TVirtualTable Editor fixed 06-Jun-06
- Fixed bug with fetching some floating-point values calculated on server 31-May-06
- Modifying FieldDefs in TVirtualTable component accelerated
- Fixed bug with big values of autoincrement fields (11635)
- Fixed bug with memory leak in TCustomDADataSet (11636)
- Bug with calling Parameter Editor from Object Inspector fixed (11671)
- Bug with Master-Detail linked by parameters fixed 18-May-06
- MyDAC is now compatible with InterBase Data Access Components 12-May-06
- Missing file MyEmbConnection.hpp added for C++Builder 2006. (11470)
- Fixed bug with calling TMyTable.Prepare (11441)
- Fixed bug with processing empty string parameter with MyConnection.Options.UseUnicode=True mode (11469)
- Fixed bug with fetching long float values (11403)
- Fixed bug with FieldDefs.Update in FetchAll=False mode (11409)
- Fixed bug with Currency parameters (11360)
- Fixed bug with loosing connection for FetchAll=False datasets (M11398)
- Added support for MIDAS TDataSet.PSExecuteStatement ResultSet parameter (M11351)
- Fixed bug with AV failure in ApplyUpdates after CommitUpdates
- Bug with local filter under CLR fixed (11291)
- Bug with using alternative memory managers fixed 14-Apr-06
- Fixed bug with positioning in grid after TCustomDADataSet.Locate (11256)
- Fixed bug with Master/Detail relations and local sorting and filtering (11254, 11255)
- TCustomDADataSet.Locate now centers position in DBGrid (10976)
- Fixed some bugs with views in TMyDump
- Fixed bug with getting declaration of ENUM fields on EXPLAIN statements for MySQL 4.1 and older (11007)
- Fixed bug with FORMAT function result in MyConnection.UseUnicode=True mode
- Fixed bug with SHOW CREATE TABLE in MySQL 4.0
- Fixed bug with calling TCustomMyQuery.Prepare method in Direct=False mode (10765)
- Bug with displaying query objects in objects tree in DBMonitor fixed
- Optimized using of system resources when opening query (O11270) 10-Mar-06
- Improved performance of updating recordsets with multiple fields
- Fixed bug with erroneous exception on TDAParam.LoadFromStream
- Bug with SSL fixed
- Bug with AV failure when calling CommitUpdates method of inactive dataset fixed
- Bug with error failure when assigning empty dataset to VirtualTable under CLR fixed
- Fixed bug with wrong reference to QT on Kylix C++ console applications
- Fixed bug with "Command Out of Sync" error for prepared datasets in FetchAll=False mode
- Fixed bug with "Net packet out of order" error for multistatement command
- Fixed bug with closing datasets in FetchAll=False mode
- Fixed bug with changing TCustomMyDataSet.SQL property for prepared statements
- Fixed bug with non-standard NumericType in FetchAll=False mode 26-Jan-06
- Support for Delphi 2006 added
- BIT fields of MySQL 5.0 and above are now represented as TLargeintField
- FastReport 3.20 support added
- Added server version checking on Prepare method
- Added capability to close DataSet quicker when FetchAll property is False
- Fixed bug with opening prepared statements
- Fixed bug with setting values to BIT fields in MySQL 5 with SQL_STRICT mode
- Fixed bug with truncating field values for "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" statements
- Fixed bug with 'delimiter' keyword in TMyScript
- Fixed bug with single MacroChar in string constants inside SQL
- Bug with invalid processing of SQL statements when using SQL keywords as macros name fixed 19-Dec-05
- Added BIT and INTEGER types support in parameters of stored procedures
- Bug with restoring BaseSQL property fixed 07-Dec-05
- Added 'delimiter' keyword support in TMyScript
- TCustomDADataSet.FindKey, TCustomDADataSet.FindNearest methods added for BDE compatibility
- Fixed bug with CREATE TRIGGER statements in TMyScript
- Fixed bug with SetOrderBy function
- Fixed installator bug with Delphi 2005
- Fixed bug with Locate by multiple fields
- Fixed bug with unchanging RecordCount value after CancelUpdates
- Bug with refreshing record after changing SQL property fixed 24-Oct-05
- Added capability to prevent simultaneous access of several MyEmbConnection instances to single data folder
- Fixed bug with MyEmbConnection under C++Builder and Kylix
- Fixed bug with FieldDefs.Update
- Bug with updating FilterSQL fixed
- Bug with VirtualTable registration in CBuilder fixed
- Bug with VtReg.pas in Pro version fixed
- Bug with closing dataset (SQL contains macros) when the InsertSQL property changes fixed
- Bug with incorrect sequence of calling BeforeClose, BeforeDisconnect events fixed 11-Oct-05
- FieldDefs.Update behavior in case of temporary tables improved
- Fixed MySQL server bug with DESCRIBE statements
- Fixed bug with Master/Detail relations and LOCK clause
- Fixed bug with LOAD INTO statements
- Fixed bug with setting TMyStoredProc.FetchAll to False in design-time
- Fixed bug with describing fields for parametrised prepared statements
- Fixed bug with Master/Detail relations on string keys that differ in case only
- Bug with reexecution after SQL statement changed fixed
- Bug with assertion failure with OnNewRecord fixed
- Fixed bug with detail refresh when field referenced by MasterFields property is empty
- Fixed bug with extra detail record posts after master record changed
- Bug with firing AfterScroll Event after detail dataset refresh fixed
- Bug with simultaneous use of several DAC products fixed
- Bug with changing FilterSQL of inactive dataset fixed
- Bug with column sizing with CRDBGrid.OptionsEx.dgeStretch=True at design-time fixed
- Bug with TCRColumn.SummaryMode=smLabel for string and date fields fixed 02-Sep-05
- Deferred detail dataset refresh feature with TCustomDADataSet.Options.DetailDelay property added
- TCustomMyConnection.Ping behavior in case connection loss improved
- Fixed bug with two Stored Procedures with same names from different databases
- Fixed bug with locating, filtering and local sorting of strings that contain '--'
- Fixed DisposeBuf bug
- Fixed bug with calculating percent in TMyDump.OnRestoreProgress for huge scripts
- Fixed bug with SHOW statement and TMyConnection.Options.UseUnicode mode
- Fixed bug with TMyConnection.ExecSQL and recordsets
- Fixed bug with FieldDefs.Update and multi-statement query
- Fixed bug with Field.FieldName case sensitivity
- Fixed bug with reopening recordset after connection lost
- Fixed bug with old libmysql in MyConnection.Options.Direct = False mode 04-Aug-05
- Optimized macros processing
- Fixed bug with getting default values for float fields
- Fixed bug with TCustomMyDataSet.IndexFieldNames set at design-time
- Fixed bug with adding WHERE to statements with ORDER BY or LIMIT clauses
- Fixed bug with fetching BCD values with large precision
- Fixed bug with MySqlVioTcpSSL on Kylix 29-Jul-05
- Unicode support added
- Enhanced support for MySQL Embedded Server with TMyEmbConnection component added
- Binary protocol support for MySQL 4.1 and above added
- Encrypted SSL connections support with OpenSSL added
- Enhanced support for national charsets added with TMyConnectionOptions.Charset property
- BLOB compression support added
- RefreshQuick for TCustomMyDataSet added
- Retrieve field's default value added with TCustomMyDataSet.Options.DefaultValues property
- Large amount of data support for TMyDump added
- Server start/stop ability for TMyServerControl added
- TMyBuilder component added for easy using MySQLBuilder at run-time
- FAQ added
- Tested with MySQL server 5.0.9 05-Jul-05
- Percent calculating bug in TMyDump.OnRestoreProgress is fixed
- Bug with TDAParam.AsString with TDataTime parameters fixed 30-May-05
- MySQL 5.0.3 BIT type support added
- Optimized MySQLMonitor BLOB parameters processing
- Ability of automatic preparing query with TCustomDADataSet.Options.AutoPrepare property added
- Ability to synchronize position at different DataSets with TCustomDADataSet.GotoCurrent method added
- Fixed bug with parsing alias
- Fixed bug with range-checking error on describe fields in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with GetOrderBy
- Fixed bug with DESC <table>
- Fixed trial version AV bug on Win2003 SP1 29-Apr-05
- Update Pack 3 is required for Delphi 8
- Fixed design-time TMyTable AV bug
- Fixed bug with TMyCommand.CommandTimeout default value
- Fixed design-time TMyTable bug with unexpected connect on project opening 07-Apr-05
- DECIMAL column type in MySQL 5.0.3 support added
- Fixed bug with ' in scripts
- Fixed bug with command executing performance in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with TMyTable.IndexDefs 29-Mar-05
- Lock Demo added
- Fixed bug with performance in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with small memory leak in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with processing quote("'") in TMyScript string literals
- Fixed bug with processing DateTime fields in TMyLoader and TMyDump
- Fixed bug with processing DateTime params
- Fixed bug with quoting fields in SQLRefresh
- Fixed bug with setting MinValue and MaxValue for TFMTBCDField
- Fixed design-time bug with deleting TMyTable component 24-Feb-05
- CommandTimeout default value set to 0 (infinite)
- TCustomDADataSet.UpdateObject support for MIDAS added
- Fixed "Net packets out of order" bug
- Fixed bug with tfMisc in TMySQLMonitor.TraceFlags
- Fixed bug with detach file on LOAD DATA in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with Direct and multithreading
- Fixed bug with CLR BLOB Locate
- Fixed bug with FmtBCD Locate 21-Jan-05
- Support for Delphi 2005 added
- TMySQLMonitor.OnSQL can return statement encoded to an escaped SQL string
- Support for ConnectionTimeout in TMyConnection.ExecSQL added
- Fixed bug with LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with design-time SQL generator and macros
- Fixed bug with MyConnection.Ping in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with FetchAll = False in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with TMyConnection.IsolationLevel
- Fixed bug with KeepDesignConnected
- Fixed infrequent bug with IndexFieldNames
- Fixed design-time bug with deleting TDALoader.Connection component
- Fixed design-time bug with TDALoader columns
- Fixed bug with TDALoader in Kylix
- Fixed bug with disconnect on fatal error 22-Dec-04
- TCustomMyDataSet.CommandTimeout property added
- TMyCommand.CommandTimeout property added
- "True" value for boolean fields and parameters stored as "1"
- Connecting with database not specified bug fixed
- Fixed bug with connection loss on long queries
- Fixed bug with updating SELECT with ";" after table name
- Fixed bug with decimal separator on Delphi 5(C++Builder 5)
- Fixed bug with range-checking on describing fields
- Fixed design-time bug with deleting TMyDump(TMyBackup).Connection component
- Fixed bug with generating update queries and float fields in WHERE clause
- Fixed small bug with Embedded Server Demo 23-Nov-04
- Ability to store only a part of data in TMyDump.BackupQuery added
- Creating additional connection for TMyDump disabled
- Fixed bug with design-time SQLGenerator and QuoteNames
- Fixed bug with boolean fields in TMyDump
- Fixed bug with SP in MySQL 5.0.1
- Fixed bug with IndexFieldNames and Locate
- Fixed bug with 4.1 authentication with empty Database
- Fixed bug with memory leaks on connection lost
- Fixed bug with KeepDesignConnected
- Fixed bug with getting TCustomMyTable.IndexDefs for MySQL 4.1 28-Oct-04
- Fixed C++Builder hpp bug
- Fixed bug with TMyTable update
- Fixed bug with fetching empty strings in Direct mode 21-Oct-04
- Full support for all current authentication protocols added
- Generating update SQL for tables from other database added
- TCustomMyDataSet.Options.EnableBoolean property added
- TMyConnection.ThreadId property added
- lxPartialCompare option for DataSet.LocateEx added
- FastReport3 engine and demo added
- Fixed rare bug with changing decimal separator
- Fixed bug with OnFilterRecord and Blob fields (S4962)
- Fixed Locate string bug under Kylix
- Fixed bug with Reconnect and prepared statements (S4910)
- Fixed bug with BlobField.SetAsString
- Fixed bug with QuoteNames and Master-Detail relationship 10-Sep-04
- Common class DADataAdapter isolated to CoreLab.Dac.AdoNet.dll library
- Fixed bug with evaluation period in Trial version
- Fixed bug with TDAConnectionOptions.AssignTo
- Fixed bug with SHOW CREATE in TMyDump
- Fixed bug with filtering NULL string values (S4776)
- Fixed bug with large blobs in TVirtualTable (4769) 20-Aug-04
- Fatal errors processing improved
- TINYINT(1) fields now represented as TBooleanField 22-Jul-04
- Assembly CoreLab.MyDac.Data renamed to CoreLab.MyDac.AdoNet
- Fixed bug with Delphi8 Informal Update 3 for ASP.NET
- Fixed NRE with flat (wide)string processing (CLR only)
- Fixed bug with IndexDefs string field processing (CLR only) 08-Jul-04
- Local sorting ability with TMemDataSet.IndexFieldNames added
- TCustomMyTable.IndexDefs property added
- TMyConnection.Options.NumericType property added
- TMyStoredProc component added
- MyDataAdapter component added
- Fixed bug with generating SQLUpdate for tables with complex primary keys (4535)
- Fixed memory leak at CLR params processing
- Fixed bug with mask in TCustomDADataSet.Filter
- Fixed bug with simultaneously installed CBuilder5 and Delphi5 versions 26-May-04
- Trial version IDE warning disabled
- TCRColumn.TotalValue property added
- Trial version AV bug fixed (BLOB support)
- Fixed some bugs with using DAC in Dll
- Memory leak fixed
- Fixed bug with Local filtering (DateTime fields)
- Fixed bug with int64 locate
- Fixed assertion with TMyConnectDialog.Execute without MyConnection (4434)
- MyBackup bug fixed 29-Apr-04
- TCustomMyDataSet.Options.LongStrings property added
- TMyLoader.OnPutData event published again
- Fixed bug with trimming non-binary BLOB with #0 (4246)
- Memory leak on SQL property changing fixed
- Bug with title of TCRDBGrid when RecordCount=1 fixed
- Bug with locating record by DATE field fixed (O4257)
- Bug with IsNull value in lookup string fields fixed
- Bug with opening TCustomDADataSet if Filtered = True fixed (O4251) 09-Apr-04
- Support for Delphi 8 added
- MySQL 5.00 support added
- Connection pooling support
- Performance improved
- TMyLoader performance greatly improved
- TCRGrid sources in Standard edition
- .NET Windows Forms demo project added
- ASP.NET demo project added
- Global variable MySQLClientLibrary added
- New time trial limitation
- Fixed bug with CustomDADataSet.Options.ReturnParams (S4159)
- Fixed bug with CRDBGrid
- Fixed bug with resetting TMyLoader.TableName
- Bug in FastReport Demo fixed
- Fixed bug with getting RecordCount with Filtered = True (S4125)
- Fixed bug with getting OldValue after Insert 15-Mar-04
- Mouse wheel support added to CRDBGrid
- MySQL Embedded server Demo added
- ConnectDialog Demo added
- Fixed bug with quote char in Filter property
- Fixed bug with embedded server startup if standard is not installed
- Autostop of MySQL server on embedded server startup is disabled 05-Feb-04
- SELECT '' support added
- Method TMyConnection.Ping added
- Method TMyConnection.GetExecuteInfo added
- Autostop normal server on start embedded added
- Fixed bug with TCustomMSDataSet.PSGetKeyFields (4001)
- Fixed bug with QuoteNames
- Fixed bug with datadir checking on embedded server start
- Fixed bug with large ID values for Direct mode
- Fixed bug with restoring position after Refresh (3962) 30-Dec-03
- BDE Migration Wizard algorithm optimized
- Limited MySQL server 4.1.1 support added
- If libmysql.dll not found then raise EOSError (instead of Exception)
- Property TCustomMyDataSet.InsertId: int64 added
- Timestamp support added for CheckRowVersion = True
- Fixed bug with TMyScript.Debug (DataSet <> nil)
- Fixed bug with MacroChar('%') in TMyScript
- Fixed bug with MyDump.Backup in binary mode
- Fixed bug with empty string values in Direct mode (3730)
- Fixed bug with WHERE + LIMIT
- Fixed rare bug with processing '?' in string literals 24-Nov-03
- Property MyConnection.Options.Direct is set to True by default
- TCustomMyDataSet.Lock method added
- AutoInc fields can be modified now
- Fixed bug with SHOW CREATE TABLE on MySQL client 4.0.12 - 4.0.14 (3578)
- Fixed bug with simultaneous use of Filter and FilterSQL (3615)
- Fixed small design-time bug with TMyScript.DataSet (3678)
- Fixed bug with ORDER BY + LIMIT 14-Oct-03
- WHERE clause generating algorithm improved 02-Oct-03
- Access to MySQL without client library using DirectMySQLObjects by Cristian Nicola
- Prepare support and new parameter binding schema for MySQL 4.1 added
- Supports working with MySQL server and Embedded server at the same time
- BDE migration wizard
- TMyDump component to store a database or its parts as a script
- TMyBackup component for backup coping specified tables on the server
- TMyServerControl component to manage the server and standard service tasks execution
- TMyLoader component for fast loading data to the server
- New options of TMyConnection such as Compress, Protocol, Direct and Embedded added
- New properties ClientVersion, ServerVersion were added to TMyConnection
- Method ExecSQL in TMyConnection added
- Methods GetTableNames and GetDatabaseNames in TMyConnection added
- Property TMyConnection.Charset added
- Property TMyConnection.IsolationLevel added
- Methods LockTable and UnlockTable added to TCustomMyDataset
- Properties Limit and Offset added to TCustomMyTable
- Method TCustomMyTable.EmptyTable added
- FetchAll set to True by default
- Large SQL (INSERT/UPDATE BLOB's) executing performance greatly improved
- Bug with opening queries (FilterSQL <> '', StreamedActive = True) fixed (3497)
- Fixed bug with calling Refresh after RefreshRecord (3269)
- Fixed bug with design-time EdMyParam on Master/Detail relations (3155) 04-Jul-03
- Fixed bug with datadir check for Embedded Server
- Fixed bug with design-time EdMyScript for Kylix (3091) 02-Jul-03
- MySQL Embedded Server support added for Kylix
- Check for datadir present added
- Changed behavior on calculating affected rows count
- Fixed bug with possible AV on destroying DataSet in Delphi5 (S3069) 06-Jun-03
- MySQL Embedded Server support added
- MySQL Server 4.1 limited support added
- Properties Port and Database in ConnectForm added
- RefreshRecord performance improved
- InfoPower demos added
- 'Explain query...' added to design-time MyQuery menu
- 'Show CREATE...' added to design-time MyQuery and MyTable menus
- SQL Generator improved - support for complicated statements added
- SQL Generator improved - "Quote names" checkbox added
- Complex keys support added
- Design-time SQL Generator was simplified
- TParam -> TDAParam
- Fixed bug with trimming char fields having empty values (S2987)
- Bug on Post (Insert/Append) when InsertSQL execution fails fixed
- Fixed bug with call RefreshRecord on SELECT w/o data fields
- Fixed bug with Locate TIME fields
- Fixed bug with autosetting MyCommand.ParamCheck in design-time editor
- Fixed bug with ParamCheck = False (3044)
- Fixed bug with fetching value for "Null" column in "SHOW COLUMNS ..." query 05-May-03
- Search algorithm for 'libmysqlclient.so' under Linux improved
- Fixed inconvenience with getting databases list if MyConnection.Database was wrong 04-Apr-03
- unit MySQLAccess renamed to MyClasses
- MyBuilder bug fixed
- Property TMyDataSetOptions.LongStrings removed
- Parameters parsing improved. Symbol ':' in string literals is ignored (S2836)
- Fixed bug with changing MyDAtaSet.Options.FieldsAsString and design-time fields (2905) 24-Feb-03
- Refresh improved - current record is restored after Refresh call
- Property MyConnection.Options.KeepDesignConnected added
- Property MyConnectDialog.StoreLogInfo published
- Property MyScript.DataSet was published (2733)
- Property TMyCommand.InsertId: int64 added
- TINYTEXT -> TMemoField, TINYBLOB -> TBlobField
- Support for TIMESTAMP (10), TIMESTAMP (4), TIMESTAMP (2) added
- Support for LIKE expressions in Filter property added (D2706)
- Fixed bug with TMyConnection.SetPort in CBuilder
- Bug with UNSIGNED INT processing fixed
- Bug with fetching '(var)char binary' fields fixed (2642)
- Bug in MyTable.Execute fixed 03-Feb-03
- Bug with describe fields on 3.23 client fixed 30-Jan-03
- MySQL v4.0 support added
- Dataset 'with many fields' update performance improved
- Improved performance for opening queries with lot of parameters 04-Jan-03
- Fetch performance improved for DataSet.FetchAll = True
- 'Connection Lost' error processing improved
- 'Prepare' button removed from demos
- Fixed bug with memory leaks on DataSet.FetchAll = False (2547, 2548)
- Fixed bug with DataSet.Last on DataSet.FetchAll = False
- Fixed small bug with design-time MSConnection editor (1648)
- Bug with string quote in filter expression fixed (O2532) 26-Dec-02
- Kylix2 and Kylix3 support
- ReportBuilder demos added
- DBMonitor client implementation moved to COM server
- Fixed common bug with lost data in DT-editors (D2137)
- Bug with design-time MSConnection in DataModule fixed (O2290)
- Bug with Master/Detail relation for ClientDataSet fixed (O2423)
- Fixed small bug with error processing
- Fixed bug with executing wrong script at design-time (2279)
1.10 08-Oct-02
- Delphi 7 support
- New memory management model for ftString and ftVarBytes types. Allows significantly decrease memory usage on
- Large tables fetch. Controlled by FlatBuffers dataset option
- Support for blob fields in CachedUpdates mode
1.00 26-Aug-01
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