5.2.193 11-Feb-25
- Fixed an issue with executing overloaded Oracle procedures
- Fixed an issue with incorrect caching of the materialization function for different queries
Entity Developer
- Added the new attribute SynchronizeNullableReferenceTypes to the model settings (*.edps file) to control the synchronization of NullableReferenceType properties across different templates
5.2.191 14-Jan-25
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with the Update From Database wizard falsely detecting changes in NUMBER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns in Oracle databases
5.2.190 27-Dec-24
- .NET 9 compatibility
- Supported PostgreSQL 17
- Supported Visual Studio 2022 version 17.13 Preview
- Fixed an issue with applying the license key on Red Hat-based Linux systems (Red Hat 9, AlmaLinux 9, Rocky Linux 9) when the system-wide cryptographic policy was set to DEFAULT
- The bug with /NOICONS installation parameter is fixed
Entity Developer
- .NET 9 has been added to the list of available Target Framework versions in the Create Model Wizard and Model Settings for EF and EF Core models
- Added the "Nullable Reference Types" property to C# Data Transfer Object templates to control whether C# 8 nullable and non-nullable reference types should be generated
- Fixed an error with code generation for stored procedures when Pluralization=Unchanged in the Model naming rules of the LinqConnect model
5.2.104 08-Nov-24
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12 Preview
5.1.21 06-Jun-24
- Added compatibility with the dotConnect providers
5.1.20 29-May-24
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 Preview
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with saving 'Version=Original' in the Stored Procedure Mapping menu
5.1.10 17-Jan-24
- Added compatibility with .NET 8
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.9 Preview
- Fixed an issue that prevented the validation of the activation key for the Professional edition that was applied through the License Key connection string parameter for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite
Entity Developer
- Added .NET 8 to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in the LinqConnect model
- Added a new "Show System Schemas" option (set to False by default) to Servers' Options -> SQL Server; if the "Show System Schemas" checkbox is selected, database objects from system schemas will be retrieved (SQL Server)
- Added a new "Retrieve Cross Schema Relations" option (set to True by default) to Servers' Options -> SQL Server; if the "Retrieve Cross Schema Relations" checkbox is selected, foreign keys from different schemas will be retrieved (this operation might be time-consuming) (SQL Server)
- Fixed the lags of Visual Studio 2022 that occurred when saving a model
5.0.177 16-Nov-23
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8 Preview
- Added support for Oracle 23c
- Added support for MariaDB 11
- Added support for PostgreSQL 16
- Added support for SQL Server 2022
5.0.151 01-Jun-23
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.7 Preview
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior of the primitive properties, which now by default have Inheritance Modifier = None
- Fixed an issue with the detection of non-existent changes while updating a model from a database
- Fixed an issue with creating Devart Entity Model in Visual Studio 2022
5.0.134 01-Mar-23
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.5 Preview
- Added compatibility with .NET 7
5.0.0 30-Jun-22
- Added compatibility with .NET 6
- Added support for Windows 11
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2
- Added support for Visual Studio 2022 version 17.3 Preview
Entity Developer:
- Added a 64-bit version of the standalone Entity Developer application
- Added a 64-bit version of the console Entity Developer application
- Changed the default installation path for Entity Developer from C:\Program Files (x86)\Devart\Entity Developer to C:\Program Files\Devart\Entity Developer
4.9.2403 25-Jan-22
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.2379 21-Dec-21
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.2351 09-Nov-21
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.2338 21-Oct-21
- Discontinued support for Visual Studio 2019 Preview
- Fixed an issue with parsing TypeName values in XML mapping generated by Visual Basic template (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with applying .NET Standard licensing to .NET 6 projects
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with launching Entity Developer after applying Windows 10 Update KB5006670 and Windows 11 Update KB5006674
4.9.2322 28-Sep-21
Entity Developer
- Implemented a new property Validation Framework in the Data Transfer Object template for generating DataAnnotations attributes
4.9.2281 30-Jul-21
- Added new methods IsNotDistinctFrom() and IsDistinctFrom() to the Devart.Data.Linq.SqlMethods class
- Fixed an issue with using out parameters of a stored procedure that occurred when Mapping Mode was set to File in Model Settings (Oracle)
4.9.2267 08-Jul-21
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11 Preview 2.0
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with the "Index was outside the bounds of the array" message in Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard that occurred when retrieving metadata (SQL Server)
4.9.2242 03-Jun-21
Entity Developer
- Added support for schemas of type E (External Login from Azure Active Directory) in Create Model Wizard / Update From Database / Update To Database (SQL Server)
- Implmeneted the detection of GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START and GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END columns in SQL Server 2016 and higher by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard
- Fixed an issue with an invalid attempt to add a reference to Devart.Data.dll by Create Model Wizard (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with creating app.config in Visual Studio .NET Framework projects that occurred when the "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" option is turned off in Model Settings
- Fixed an issue with ignoring template's Validation Error Messages values in the generated code that occurred when a class property's Validate Expression was initialized and Validate Format was set to a non-default value
4.9.2203 09-Apr-21
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with the "bufferAdapter is not a VsTextDocData" message that was thrown when saving a model in .NET Core, .NET Standard, .NET 5, .NET 6 projects of Visual Studio 2019
- Fixed an issue with adding tables to a model in Create Model Wizard when the Database connection string parameter was not set (MySQL)
4.9.2197 01-Apr-21
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 Preview
Entity Developer
- Added .NET 6.0 to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings
- Implemented new options "Don't show this message again" in the prompt window and "Prompt before generating code when there are model validation warnings" in the menu Options in the standalone Entity Developer to provide the ability not to stop code generation by warnings
- Improved the Data Transfer Object template in the following ways:
- Added a new template property Serialization Library for specifying library used for serialization, possible values are Data Contract, JSON (Newtonsoft.Json), JSON (Microsoft.Text.Json), YamlDotNet
- Added a new extended property Do Not Serialize for properties and navigation properties to exclude them from serialization
- Added a new extended property Serialization Name for properties and navigation properties to set custom names in serialization
- Changed the behavior of WCF Data Contract Attributes, which is now is set to False by default
- Marked the following properties as obsolete:
- The WCF Data Contract Attributes property of the Data Transfer Object template
- The WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties property of the Data Transfer Object template
- Fixed an issue with creating app.config in Visual Studio .NET Core projects
4.9.2173 18-Feb-21
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.2149 14-Jan-21
- Added a new property Local to the Table and Table<T> classes to return a collection of the entities attached to the context
- Added a new method GetEntityState(object entity) to Table class and ITable interface to return one of the EntityState values
- Fixed an issue with throwing "Bad key member '...' in association '...' of type '...'." in runtime by .NET Standard compliant assemblies
- Fixed an issue with throwing "dbMonitor is not active" by the DataContext.DatabaseExists() functionality that occurred when LinqMonitor was not used
Entity Developer
- Implemented a new attribute DisplayName for model objects' extended properties which are available via template properties
- Added new options --ContextNamespace and --DefaultNamespace to the Create-Model command of Console Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with setting additional keyboard mapping scheme via menu Options on Windows with German display language
4.9.2129 17-Dec-20
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.2119 03-Dec-20
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.9 Preview
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with adding new arguments at the end of argument list instead of actual position in method signature by Update From Database Wizard
- Fixed an issue with placing procedure with no parameters in the Procedures node instead of being enlisted in its package's node of Update From Database Wizard tree in the case of Oracle 18c and higher
4.9.2096 29-Oct-20
- Added support for PostgreSQL 13
- Fixed an issue with Visual Studio 2019 integration, when both v16.7 RTM and v16.8 Preview are installed on the same computer
- Fixed an issue with using nullable numeric types within subqueries
Entity Developer
- Added support for schemas of type A (Application role) in Create Model Wizard / Update From Database / Update To Database (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with reading templates from *.edps by console Entity Developer
4.9.2076 01-Oct-20
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with reading settings from *.edps by console Entity Developer
4.9.2067 17-Sep-20
- Fixed an issue with SQL generation of the explicit cast to FLOAT (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with subtracting a TimeSpan value from the DATETIME column (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Improved an error message in console Entity Developer; now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of template was incorrect
- Fixed an issue with saving a new model, which has never been saved before, after some time of work in the standalone Entity Developer
4.9.2033 30-Jul-20
- Fixed an issue with the overload of IndexOf() method, that accepts CurrentCultureIgnoreCase as an argument (SQL Server)
4.9.2023 16-Jul-20
- Added support for the overloads of Contains(), StartsWith(), EndsWith(), IndexOf(), Equals(), Compare() methods, that accept StringComparison as an argument (SQL Server)
- Added support for the overload of Compare() method, that accepts StringComparison as an argument (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with "Could not find element type in model" that occurred when loading XML mapping in .NET Standard LinqConnect assemblies
- Fixed an issue with using enums via .NET Standard compliant assemblies
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with detecting FK relationships to tables in other schemas by Create Model Wizard and Update From Database Wizard
4.9.2003 17-Jun-20
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 Preview
- Added support for the overloads of Contains(), StartsWith(), EndsWith(), IndexOf(), Equals() methods that accept StringComparison as an argument (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with materializing elements whose types were explicitly converted from non-nullable to nullable on the client side
- Fixed an issue with incorrect detection of altered column comment in a many-to-many association join table by Update From Database Wizard
- Fixed an issue with mapping INT without explicitly specified display width (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Added .NET 5 to the list of available Target Framework versions in Create Model Wizard and Model Settings in LinqConnect models
- Introduced the following Console Entity Developer improvements:
- Added support for the import of stored procedures and functions via Create-Model command
- Added new options --Procedures and --Functions to the Create-Model command for filtering stored procedures and functions; by default all procedures/functions are imported
- Added a new option --Execute to Create-Model command for executing procedures/functions to get metadata from result set
- Added support for the asterisk symbol (*) in --Tables and --Views parameters of Create-Model to include all objects
- Fixed an issue with opening a connection via some supported providers
- Fixed an issue with enumerating values separated with comma and without whitespace in --Templates, --Schemas, --Tables parameters
- Updated the list of keywords and reserved words of Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL being quoted by Entity Developer
- Optimized the retrieval of SQL Server metadata of cross-schema foreign keys by Create Model Wizard and Update From Database Wizard (SQL Server)
- Fixed the compatibility issue with JetBrains ReSharper
- Changed the behavior of Create Model Wizard and Update From Database Wizard: timeout used for reading SQL Server metadata is greatly increased (SQL Server)
- Changed the behavior: only one confirmation for executing a stored procedure is requested by Entity Developer when drag-and-dropping a procedure from Database Explorer to Model Explorer or diagram surface
- Fixed an issue with retrieving metadata of string columns' default values in MySQL 8
- Fixed an issue with droping and recreating indexes by Update From Database Wizard, when there are unique indexes with the same name in different tables (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with throwing "Index was outside the bounds of the array" by Create Model Wizard and Update From Database Wizard, when getting metadata from result set with datetime2 or/and time columns returned by Table Valued Function (SQL Server)
4.9.1949 02-Apr-20
- Added support for the insertion of an object whose type is an unmapped class inherited from a mapped class
- Fixed an issue with throwing System.NullReferenceException that resulted in an error saying that the unmapped class was not supported
Entity Developer
- Improved the model file tree in .NET Core / .NET Standard projects: all generated code files and model files are nested under the same node in Solution Explorer
4.9.1920 20-Feb-20
- Fixed an issue with case-insensitive comparison via string.Compare() (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with returning the generated value for the property with Auto-Sync=OnInsert, which corresponds to non-Identity column (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Added support for graph tables in SQL Server 2019 (SQL Server)
- Changed the behavior of columns with IsHidden=1 in SQL Server 2019, which are now ignored by Create Model Wizard (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with loosing non-default precision of DATETIME2 and TIME data types by Update To Database / Generate Database Script wizards (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with detecting MySQL computed columns (MySQL)
4.9.1878 23-Dec-19
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5 Preview
- Fixed an issue with using Toolbox component DbLinqDataSource in web projects of Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
- Fixed an issue with quoting SQL Server reserved keywords used as identifiers in Code-First mapping (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with creating a Date parameter for the property mapped to DbType="DATE" and used in .WHERE() clause of LINQ query (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Added a 12cR2 option to the list of available Oracle versions in Model Synchronization Settings
4.9.1856 21-Nov-19
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.1841 31-Oct-19
- Added support for Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 Preview
4.9.1836 24-Oct-19
- Added support for PostgreSQL 12
Entity Developer
- Added support for the "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019
- Fixed the compatibility issue with JetBrains ReSharper
4.9.1807 12-Sep-19
- The integration with Visual Studio 2019 is improved: now the installation detects both 2019 Release and 2019 Preview versions
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: a plural form of names ending with "s" now has a longer version (for example, status -> statuses)
- Fixed an issue with detecting FK relation based on unique index without unique constraint
- Fixed an issue with invalid attempt to cast unsupported Visual Studio project to type 'VSLangProj.VSProject'
4.9.1774 25-July-19
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.9.1759 04-July-19
Entity Developer
- The ability to disable generation of the byte order mark (BOM) in the beginning of code files in a standalone Entity Developer is implemented
- The time to wait while trying to retrieve metadata before terminating the attempt and generating an error by Create Model Wizard / Update From Database Wizard / Update To Database Wizard is increased to 180 seconds for SQL Server
- Fixed an issue with design time copy/cut/paste functionality for entities
4.9.1739 06-Jun-19
- Deprecated design-time Synchronous API calls are no longer used with Visual Studio 2019 and Visual Studio 2017
- Fixed an issue with executing incorrect SQL request (cached during one of the previous calls), when a variable initialized with an empty collection participates in LINQ query
- Fixed an issue with throwing the exception "Cannot open database "newDB" requested by the login. The login failed." while performing the CreateDatabase(true, true) method (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with throwing System.ArgumentNullException on DeleteOnSubmit(entity) called after Attach(entity) (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with running stored procedure in PostgreSQL Server 11 or higher (PostgreSQL)
4.9.1703 11-Apr-19
- Visual Studio 2019 is supported
- Fixed an issue with the materialization of UInt32 values greater than Int32.MaxValue (SQL Server)
4.8.1694 28-Mar-19
- Visual Studio 2019 Release Candidate 4 is supported
- Fixed an issue with using the System.Char argument as literal or variable in LINQ query (SQLite)
4.8.1665 14-Feb-19
- Fixed an issue with executing incorrect SQL request (cached during one of the previous calls), when .Contains() is invoked in the multithreaded application
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with quoting keywords and reserved words of MySQL 8.0
4.8.1644 10-Jan-19
- PostgreSQL 11 is supported
- The new overload DataContext.Refresh(bool ignoreErrors, RefreshMode mode, object entity) is added for ignoring errors during refresh
- The existing overload DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) is improved: its check avoids the try to refresh the entity that is added to the context but not submitted to the database
- The type and text of the error generated by the DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode mode, object entity) method, when the passed entity doesn't exist in database
- Fixed an issue with generating the COALESCE expression (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with using ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) and Azure Functions v1 (.NET Framework) projects in Visual Studio 2017
4.8.1615 29-Nov-18
- Fixed an issue with throwing "Operation could destabilize the runtime." during materialization of result set, when query includes a cast to the base unmapped class
4.8.1590 25-Oct-18
- Fixed an issue with updating the existing entities that participate in FK associations in .NET Standard 2 compliant assemblies
- Fixed an issue with filtering by the DateTimeOffset property (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with throwing "Custom tool error: bufferAdapter is not a VsTextDocData" in .NET Standard projects
4.8.1566 20-Sep-18
- Fixed an issue with applying LEFT JOIN LATERAL in the generated SQL (PostgreSQL)
Entity Developer
- Using an extended property of type OutputInfo is supported
- Code generated for nullable properties is simplified: now T? is generated instead of System.Nullable<T>
4.8.1553 30-Aug-18
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with creating and opening the model in .NET Core project after VS 2017 upgrade to v15.8
- Fixed an issue with setting password as clear text in connection string when "Persist Security Info=False;" (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with applying a custom mapping for uniqueidentifier and decimal types specified via Servers Options (SQL Server)
4.8.1539 09-Aug-18
- Fixed an issue with using string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) in LINQ query (SQL Server)
4.8.1527 19-Jul-18
- Fixed an issue with throwing the "Socket.IOControl handles Windows-specific control codes and is not supported on this platform." error by .NET Standard compliant assemblies on Linux and macOS (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
4.8.1509 21-Jun-18
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with generating ParameterDirection.InputOutput for SQL Server OUTPUT parameters
4.8.1489 24-May-18
- A destructor for DataContext is added
4.8.1471 27-Apr-18
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.8.1452 29-Mar-18
- The XmlMappingSource.FromResource method is supported in .NET Standard provider assemblies
- The behavior is changed: all existing overloads of the method DataContext.Query() are replaced with DataContext.Query(String,params Object[])
- The behavior is changed: the License Key connection string parameter value is not sent to the LinqMonitor instance when "Persist Security Info=false;"
- Fixed an issue with mapping a function that returns REFCURSOR (PostgreSQL)
Entity Developer
- The new Retrieve Cross Database Relations option is implemented in Model Settings for detecting FK relations between tables in different databases (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with the Retrieve Data functionality on the base class of TPH inheritance
- Fixed an issue with the Find Next functionality of T4 Editor embedded into Visual Studio
- Fixed an issue with throwing the "IDE not supported" exception by Entity Developer in Visual Studio 2017 of versions 15.6.*
4.8.1423 15-Feb-18
- The generation of CROSS JOIN LATERAL and LEFT JOIN LATERAL when connecting to PostgreSQL Server 9.3 or higher is supported (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with throwing MethodAccessException by .NET Standard provider assemblies when referencing them to a project, targeting Full .NET Framework
Entity Developer
- Identity columns in PostgreSQL 10 are supported
4.8.1398 11-Jan-18
- Fixed an issue with initializing DataContext with non-existing database name in its connection string (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with ignoring the DateTime precision by CreateDatabase() (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- The ModelNameAsFilesPrefix property is implemented in the RepositoryAndUnitOfWork template
- Changed the behavior: a base class in TPT Inheritance is allowed to be abstract now
4.8.1368 23-Nov-17
- The performance of generating complex queries is improved
- Fixed an issue with exceeding a length of duplicated column aliases in the generated SQL (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
Entity Developer
- The usage of long identifiers (up to 140 symbols) for naming model objects is supported
4.8.1350 30-Oct-17
- .NET Standard 2.0 is supported
- .NET Core 2.0 is supported
- The macaddr8 data type introduced in PostgreSQL 10 is supported
- Fixed an issue with .Union().Any()
Entity Developer
- The .NET Standard 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- The .NET Core 2.0 projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- The macaddr8 data type introduced in PostgreSQL 10 is supported
- Fixed an issue with escaping invalid XML characters in the comments generated by templates
4.7.1317 06-Sep-17
- The integration with Visual Studio 2017 is improved: the installation is now silent, without VSIX Installer prompt window
Entity Developer
- The Devart Visual Studio packages registration into Visual Studio 2017 is improved: the packages are now available for all Windows accounts
- Fixed an issue with losing Toolbar and docking customizations of a standalone designer during reinstall
4.7.1295 03-Aug-17
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.7.1283 13-Jul-17
- Fixed an issue with SubmitChanges() when there are associations to classes belonging to a TPT hierarchy in a model (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with running 'install-package Devart.Data.SqlServer.Linq' on the last step of Create Model Wizard (SQL Server)
4.7.1268 22-Jun-17
- Fixed an issue with applying the License Key connection string parameter (concerns .NET Standard 1.3 compliant assemblies only) on Linux
- Fixed an issue with using unsigned integer parameters (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with generating .NET Core code by LinqConnect template for the "Use the following connection string from App.config" option in Model Settings
- Fixed an issue related to the conflict of Entity Developer with dbForge SQL Complete
4.7.1249 25-May-17
- .NET Core is supported
- The NuGet packages with .NET Standard 1.3 (.NET Core) compliant assemblies are uploaded to www.nuget.org
- Fixed an issue with running LINQ queries, which invoke .NET methods on client side during materialization of result set
- Fixed an issue with materializing scalar value collection when converting values on the client side
- Fixed an issue with returning incorrect data by the 'BooleanProperty ?? false' LINQ query (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Visual Studio 2017 is supported
- The .NET Core projects in Visual Studio 2017 are supported
- The Snake case in both Model and Database naming rules is supported via the new "Add underscore" option
4.6.1199 16-Mar-17
- Visual Studio 2017 is supported
- The HSTORE data type is supported (PostgreSQL)
- The CITEXT data type is supported (PostgreSQL)
- The JSON data type is supported (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with loosing decimal precision by the CreateDatabase() functionality (MySQL)
4.5.1189 02-Mar-17
- Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate 4 is supported
4.5.1174 09-Feb-17
- Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate 3 is supported
- Fixed an issue with using DataLoadOptions.LoadWith
4.5.1169 02-Feb-17
- Fixed an issue with the utf8mb4 character set with MariaDB (MySQL)
4.5.1156 16-Jan-17
- Visual Studio 2017 Release Candidate is supported
- The behavior is changed: DataContext.CreateDatabase() uses now the same datatype names like the ones used in model mapping (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with detecting auto generated columns by Create Model Wizard and Update Model From Database Wizard (PostgreSQL)
4.5.1141 22-Dec-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.1131 08-Dec-16
- The 'Do not install assemblies in the GAC' checkbox that allows disabling placing the provider assemblies to the GAC is added to the Install Wizard
- The exception message for invoking CreateDatabase() for the model which includes an association with missing end is improved
- Fixed an issue with submitting records to the database via a TPT inheritance (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with throwing System.InvalidCastException when inserting / updating the System.Object properties (MySQL, SQLite)
Entity Developer
- The possibility to choose whether to add new entities to a diagram or not in Update From Database Wizard is implemented
4.5.1100 20-Oct-16
- Fixed an issue with returning incorrect data by the 'BooleanProperty ?? false' LINQ query (MySQL)
4.5.1090 06-Oct-16
- Fixed an issue with reading columns of the base type in TPT inheritance via .OfType() of LINQ query
- Fixed an issue with loading objects via association which targets to the base class of an inheritance with the materialized child class
- Fixed an issue with throwing "Sequence contains more than one element" when reading objects of TPT hierarchy
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with retrieving metadata from PostgreSQL server with the intarray extension installed (PostgreSQL)
4.5.1080 22-Sep-16
- Fixed an issue with materialization in the multithreaded application
4.5.1066 01-Sep-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.1051 11-Aug-16
- Fixed an issue with mapping DateTime2 database columns via DbType.DateTime2 parameter (SQL Server)
4.5.1036 21-Jul-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.1024 07-Jul-16
Entity Developer
- The possibility to set values of stored procedure parameters for getting metadata to generate automatically the corresponding complex type is implemented
4.5.1014 23-Jun-16
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with applying the ON DELETE CASCADE option by Create Model Wizard and Update Model From Database Wizard (Oracle)
4.5.1004 09-Jun-16
- Fixed an issue with setting string parameter data types in SQL statements generated basing on the Contains LINQ operator
- Fixed an issue with quoting a database name by the DataContext.DeleteDatabase method (MySQL)
4.5.995 26-May-16
Entity Developer
- The DbProviderFactory provider registration in application's *.config is supported by the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio
- The default behaviour is changed: bit(2..8), bit(9..16), bit(17..32) are mapped to Byte, Int16, Int32 correspondingly by Create Model Wizard and Update Model From Database Wizard (MySQL)
4.5.986 12-May-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.981 05-May-16
- Bitwise And, Or, Xor, and Not operators are supported in LINQ queries for integer operands (SQL Server)
- Bitwise And, Or, and Xor operators are supported in LINQ queries for integer operands (Oracle)
4.5.976 21-Apr-16
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with quotation of default values for the timestamp columns in the Generate Database Script / Update Database From Model functionality (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with generating the "timestamp with time zone" columns in the Generate Database Script / Update Database From Model functionality
4.5.954 17-Mar-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.940 25-Feb-16
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.930 11-Feb-16
- Fixed an issue with the Devart.Data.Oracle.Linq.Provider.OracleDataProvider initialization when working with a custom data provider (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with the DatabaseExists(), CreateDatabase(), DeleteDatabase() methods when working with a custom data provider (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with executing queries with parameters when working with a custom data provider (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with determination of NULL values as strings while reading metadata for columns with "DEFAULT NULL" via the Database-First approach (SQLite)
4.5.921 21-Jan-16
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue related to the incorrect change detection when updating database from model (the comments) (SQLite)
4.5.901 24-Dec-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.896 17-Dec-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "Unable to cast object of type 'Devart.Data.Linq.Engine.SqlColumnRef'" error when using a TPT inheritance
- Fixed an issue related to the "No data exists for the row/column." error when using the LoadWith method (MySQL)
4.5.881 26-Nov-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." error when enumerating an IQueryable collection
- Fixed an issue with materializing objects having EntitySet<T> fields via non-anonymous class that is not included in the model
- Fixed an issue related to the "The argument 'value' was the wrong type. Expected 'System.Double'. Actual 'System.Single'." error when using GetValueOrDefault() method (SQL Server)
4.5.873 12-Nov-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.859 22-Oct-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "Collection is read-only" error when loading mapping of a stored procedure/function that returns a class, mapped as Table, but not related to the DataContext class
- Fixed an issue related to using IQueryable<T>.Count()
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with applying naming rules for model properties
- Fixed an issue related to the "Sequence contains no matching element" error in Update Wizards when working with TPH inheritances and many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue related to the StackOverflowException when deleting method from model in Model Explorer
4.5.844 01-Oct-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "Parameterized query expects a parameter value which was not supplied" error when working with SQL Server Compact (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the "cannot insert multiple commands into a prepared statement" error when deleting a record from a table, that has several many-to-many associations with several tables (PostgreSQL)
4.5.835 17-Sep-15
- The Parent property is added to the IInheritanceConfiguration interface
- Fixed an issue related to working with TPH inheritances and fluent mapping approach
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with wrong diagram layout
- Fixed an issue with checking the evaluation period in the trial version
4.5.830 10-Sep-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.5.816 20-Aug-15
- The possibility to use .IsRowVersion() method for properties with non-binary data types when using the fluent mapping approach is added
- Fixed an issue with the materialization of anonymous types
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: now the 1:1 and 1:0..1 associations are displayed differently on the diagram
- Fixed an issue with adding LinqConnect template for C# after adding the WCF RIA Domain Service template (Visual Basic) in Visual Basic projects
- Fixed an issue with non-generated .IsRowVersion() method for entity properties with IsVersion = True when using the fluent mapping approach
- Fixed an issue with adding tables with columns of array data types to the model (PostgreSQL)
4.5.802 30-Jul-15
- Visual Studio 2015 is supported
- Fixed an issue with CreateAssociationConvention when working with the fluent mapping approach
- Fixed an issue with ManyToManyNamesConvention when working with the fluent mapping approach
- Fixed an issue related to the "The type initializer for 'Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlConnectionStringBuilder' threw an exception" error
Entity Developer
- The support for materialized views is implemented (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with generating namespace for the IsExternal enum
4.4.795 16-Jul-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on SubmitChanges()
Entity Developer
- The possibility of setting default values for enum properties is implemented
- Fixed an issue with freezing Visual Studio when using the Find dialog in large models
4.4.785 02-Jul-15
- The support for columns with the 'uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWSEQUENTIALID()' data type is added (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to wrong SQL generation when using Count(condition)/ LongCount(condition) methods in the LINQ query (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with materialization of classes with the same names, which are located in the different namespaces or which are the nested classes of the different classes
- Fixed an issue related to wrong SQL generation when using Count(condition)/ LongCount()/ LongCount(condition) methods in the LINQ query (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite)
4.4.775 18-Jun-15
- The OpenConnection() method is added to the DataContext class
- Fixed an issue with not calling the InitializeConnection() method for a newly created connections while performing query or stored procedure
- Fixed an issue with throwing an incorrect exception with the "Connection must be opened" message, while performing the CreateDatabase() method (PostgreSQL)
4.4.760 28-May-15
- Visual Studio 2015 Release Candidate is supported
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with detecting the default values of attributes added via the Attributes menu
4.4.745 07-May-15
- The JSONB data type is supported (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue related to not submitting new records, when EntityRef of the corresponding entity class is set to null
- Fixed an issue related to re-materialization of objects of the same type when performing methods that are mapped to different stored procedures
- Fixed an issue with loading metadata and query performing when ITable<TEntity> is used instead of Table<TEntity>
- Fixed an issue with the materialization of UInt32 values greater than Int32.MaxValue
- Fixed an issue related to the "Operand data type bit is invalid for minus operator" error (SQL Server)
4.4.735 23-Apr-15
- Fixed an issue related to the odd ESCAPE character in a generated SQL query after LIKE condition
- Fixed an issue related to re-materialization of objects of the same type when performing various SQL-queries via ExecuteQuery() method in multi-threading applications
- Fixed an issue with rounding decimal return values when performing stored functions (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- The support of ID generators for primary keys in the Fluent Mapping template is added
4.4.727 09-Apr-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.4.717 26-Mar-15
- The dependency on the System.Windows.Forms.dll assembly is removed
- Fixed an issue related to the wrong SQL generation (setting value for primary key column in UPDATE statement) when using the Attach(TEntity, asModified) method
- Fixed an issue related the CompiledQueryCache locking issue
- Fixed an issue related to working with the columns of the BINARY_FLOAT/BINARY_DOUBLE data type (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue related to long default names of identifiers (for example, indexes, primary keys, foreign keys) when using CreateDatabase() method (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
4.4.697 26-Feb-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.4.690 12-Feb-15
- Fixed an issue related to the "License not found" error (Oracle) in Metro style applications
- Fixed an issue with referencing LinqConnect assemblies as Extension SDKs in Metro style applications (Windows 8.1)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot convert the value to GUID: System.Byte[]" error when working with eager loading and GUIDs
4.4.682 02-Feb-15
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with "Trial period expired"
4.4.680 29-Jan-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.4.671 15-Jan-15
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.4.651 18-Dec-14
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with opening nodes of views in Update Model Wizard (Oracle)
4.4.641 04-Dec-14
- Fixed an issue related to memory leak errors when working with the disabled compiled query cache
4.4.631 20-Nov-14
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue related to script generation by the "Generate Database Script" wizard with the "Include Drop" option
- Fixed an issue related to resetting enum arguments of custom attributes in the standalone version
- Fixed an issue with displaying the "Describe Stored Procedure" connection string parameter in the Connection Editor (Oracle)
4.4.621 06-Nov-14
- Fixed an issue related to the InvalidOperationException when working with IMultipleResults (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with reading all constructor parameters for attributes when opening a model
- Fixed an issue with reading Default Value of database fields with explicit cast (PostgreSQL)
4.4.612 23-Oct-14
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.4.602 09-Oct-14
Entity Developer
- The default behaviour is changed: the INTEGER database type is mapped now to System.Int64 .NET type when using Database-First approach; the new mapping will be applied after pressing Reset in Server Options settings of Entity Developer (SQLite)
4.4.592 25-Sep-14
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: Generate Database Script From Model saves the output in ASCII format if there are no unicode symbols in the script; UTF-8 is used otherwise
- Fixed an issue with model creation when using multiple naming rules (suffixes, prefixes)
4.4.582 11-Sep-14
- Fixed an issue related to the "The type initializer for 'Devart.Data.PostgreSql.PgSqlConnectionStringBuilder' threw an exception" error
4.4.577 04-Sep-14
- Fixed an issue related to the NullReferenceException on SubmitChanges, when working with association between classes involved in complex TPT hierarchy
Entity Developer
- The Remove Invalid Characters option (by default, True) is added to the Model Naming rules; if it is set to False, all invalid characters will be replaced with underscores
- Fixed an issue related to the "An error occurred during an attempt to compile the template 'LinqConnect'." error in Windows Store applications
4.4.563 14-Aug-14
- Fixed an issue with generation AUTO_INCREMENT for columns with INT/BIGINT data types, which have the corresponding entity properties with System.Decimal type and IsDbGenerated=true, via the CreateDatabase() method (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with generation UNSIGNED for columns with unsigned integer data types via the CreateDatabase() method (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- The possibility to use relative paths to assemblies in code generation templates is implemented
4.4.553 31-Jul-14
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with a format of generated DataAnnotations.RegularExpression for Numeric validate format
- Fixed an issue related to incorrect detection of the default values with the cast operators (PostgreSQL)
4.4.539 10-Jul-14
- Fixed an issue with the missing "ASP.NET Dynamic Data LinqConnect Web Application" project template in Visual Studio 2013
4.4.529 26-Jun-14
- Fixed an issue related to the memory leak issue when working with EntityCachingMode = StrongReference
- Fixed an issue related to the NullReferenceException when performing queries and working with EntityCachingMode = StrongReference
- Fixed an issue related to the "There is no tables to process" error when using the CreateDatabase() method with the DataContext object, that is based on the empty model
- Fixed an issue related to the error when creating XmlMappingSource via the FromReader() method
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot use "DateTime" type value in the "TimeSpan" type argument" error when comparing time values (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the NullReferenceException on DataContext creation, when the fluent mapping is used and ServerDataType is not specified for the entity properties (SQL Server)
4.4.519 12-Jun-14
- The possibility to add LinqConnect assemblies as Extension SDKs for SQLite, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in Metro style and Windows Phone applications (Windows 8.1) is added
- Fixed an issue with adding new LinqConnect model in Silverlight applications (Visual Basic)
- Fixed an issue related to using properties of the enum data type (Byte, SByte), that are used in the complex entity key
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with resetting value of the extended properties for associations after reopening the model
4.4.509 29-May-14
- Fixed an issue related to using properties of the enum data type, that are used in the complex entity key
- Fixed an issue related to the missing "Migrate to LinqConnect" item in the context menu of the LINQ to SQL models (*.dbml) in the Solution Explorer (SQL Server)
4.4.499 15-May-14
- Fixed an issue related to reading values of the string properties, that are database generated, when performing SubmitChanges()
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: now by default VARCHAR(8000) / NVARCHAR(4000) columns, instead of VARCHAR(MAX) / NVARCHAR(MAX), correspond to the string properties in the model (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the storage and mapping regeneration via the "Update Database from Model" wizard, or via the "Regenerate Storage and Mapping" option of the diagram shortcut menu, when changing one DBMS to another
- Fixed an issue related to performing queries via Query Editor/Retrieve Data when working with the 'Enterprise Library' validation framework
4.4.484 24-Apr-14
- The rowversion data type is supported (SQL Server)
- The support for the comparison operators (==,! =,>,> =, <, <=) in LINQ queries for two objects of the Devart.Data.Linq.Binary type, that correspond to the rowversion/timestamp columns, is added (SQL Server)
- Changed the behavior: the new "OUTER APPLY is not supported by Oracle Database 11g and lower. Oracle 12c or higher is required to run this LINQ statement correctly. If you need to run this statement with Oracle Database 11g or lower, rewrite it so that it can be converted to SQL, supported by the version of Oracle you use." exception is added (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue related to converting the System.Data.Linq.Binary data type to the Devart.Data.Linq.Binary data type when migrating the LINQ to SQL model (*.dbml) to the LinqConnect model (*.lqml) via the LinqConnect Migration Wizard (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the objects of the Devart.Data.Linq.Binary data type when using SubmitChanges() (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to wrong order of the insert/delete operations on SubmitChanges when the autogenerated primary keys are used
- Fixed an issue related to the incorrect script generation for column names (lower case) when working with the CreateDatabase()/DeleteDatabase() methods (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with 'Load Test Editor'
4.4.473 10-Apr-14
Entity Developer
- SQL Server 2014 is supported
- Fixed an issue related to the script generation by the "Generate Database Script"/"Update Database From Model" wizards for properties with 'Default Value = getdate()' (SQL Server)
4.4.463 27-Mar-14
- The JSON data type is supported (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue related to the incorrect detection of class type when working with the TPH inheritances and discriminators of the String/Decimal type
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with setting nullable type for EnumType property by the Data Transfer Object template
4.4.453 06-Mar-14
- The CommandTimeout property is added to the DataProvider class
- Changed the behavior: now explicit deletion of the foreign keys by their names is not performed via the DeleteDatabase() method (SQL Server, MySQL)
- Fixed an issue related to the invalid generation of the foreign keys DDL for many-to-many associations when using CreateDatabase method
- Fixed an issue with the query cache when performing several queries, having nullable parameters, sequentially
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot use "timestamp(6)" type value in "DateTimeOffset" type argument" error (PostgreSQL)
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: now paths to assemblies with attributes (Model Settings -> Model -> Attributes) are saved and used as relative paths
- Fixed an issue with invalid code generation when different namespaces for context and entity classes are used in the VB.NET projects
- Fixed an issue related to the "Timeout expired error" when working with replication stored procedures (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values" when retrieving metadata (SQL Server)
4.4.441 18-Feb-14
Entity Developer
Changed the behavior: now replication stored procedures are not shown on the "Select database objects" step of the Create/Update Model From Database wizard (SQL Server)
4.4.438 13-Feb-14
- Changed the behavior: now the script is generated with "ON DELETE NO ACTION" when using the CreateDatabase() method and the "Delete Rule" for the association is set to "NO ACTION"
- Changed the behavior: now the CreateDatabase() method uses the same algorithm for naming foreign keys as in Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: now the cascade deletion of tables in DeleteDatabase() method is performed via the "DROP TABLE CASCADE" statement (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with the compiled query cache when working with the DbLinqDataSource component when navigating through the pages of the DataGrid control
- Fixed an issue with the wrong SQL query generation for Contains(), StartsWith(), EndsWith() methods when the string pattern includes '[' or '^' symbols (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with the wrong SQL query generation for LINQ queries with OrderBy and First()/Single()/Take() methods when working with Oracle 9/10/11 (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue related to the "Version string portion was too short or too long" error
- Fixed an issue with dropping the UpdateCheck property value from Always to Never when re-opening the model
- Fixed an issue related to the wrong script generation for "sp_addextendedproperty" : now the SQL is generated with the "schema" instead of "user" (SQL Server)
4.4.428 30-Jan-14
- Fixed an issue with handling complex types of the entity properties in the ServerDataTypeConvention class when working with fluent mapping
- Fixed an issue related to the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception on CreateDatabase() method when working with associations and fluent mapping
- Fixed an issue with performing updates and deletes, when concurrency check is used for not-primary key columns, and the commands are combined to run in batches
- Fixed an issue related to re-materialization of objects of the same type when performing various SQL-queries via ExecuteQuery() method
- Fixed an issue related to the "SQLite error\r\nnear \".\": syntax error" when foreign keys are created via CreateDatabase() method and if schema name is preserved in the storage part of the model (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with generating NEWID() by "Generate Database Script"/"Update Database From Model wizards" for non-nullable Guid Identity property when 'Server Version=Azure' (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with retrieving metadata when connecting to PostgreSQL server 8.0 (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with creating association basing on composite foreign key, when the column order in the corresponding primary key is different (PostgreSQL)
4.4.418 16-Jan-14
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with not including the namespace name in the XML mapping, when namespaces for entity classes and context class are different
- Fixed an issue related to the incorrect change detection when updating database from model (the precision and comments) (MySQL)
4.4.403 26-Dec-13
- Fixed an issue with wrong order for creation tables with the many-to-many associations via the CreateDatabase() method
- Fixed an issue with the entity cache (EntityCacheMode.WeakReference)
- Fixed an issue related to working with the stored functions that return results as "SETOF primitive_type" (PostgreSQL)
Entity Developer
- The predefined templates (POCO Entity and LinqConnect) are improved: new template setting, "Generate Dummy Comments", is added
- Fixed an issue related to detecting unique keys
- Fixed an issue with wrong script generation for System.Boolean when the default value is set (Oracle)
4.4.393 12-Dec-13
- Fixed an issue with foreign keys not created for many-to-many associations via the CreateDatabase() method
- Fixed an issue related to the "The type initializer for 'DefaultXmlMappingProvider'" exception when working with the xml mapping and result sets
- Fixed an issue with the comparison of the entity key property with a nullable variable, which is equal to null
- Fixed an issue with the data type conversions during materialization (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with the comparison of constant with the column value, when the constant is on the left of the comparison operator (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Incorrect syntax near '<'" error when using SqlMethods.Between (SQL Server)
4.4.383 28-Nov-13
- The possibility to inherit from the data provider classes is added (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: the values of "Target Server" and "Server Version" can be reset via the Model Settings > Synchronization > Mapping dialog despite the fact whether connection is specified in Database Explorer or not
4.4.374 14-Nov-13
- Fixed an issue related to the "System.ArgumentException: Property 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1..' is not defined for type 'System.Object'" error in Metro style applications
- Fixed an issue related to the incorrect generation of the datatype names ( TINYTEXT/MEDIUMTEXT/LONGTEXT, TINYBLOB/MEDIUMBLOB/LONGBLOB) when using the CreateDatabase() method (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with comparison (AND/OR) of dates with another comparison results or boolean expressions (SQLite)
4.4.364 31-Oct-13
- Visual Studio 2013 is supported
- Changed the behavior: installation with the /VERYSILENT install parameter will uninstall the other version of the product without any dialog if it is installed
- Fixed an issue with SILENT/VERYSILENT uninstall with the NOFEEDBACK option
- Fixed an issue with the date comparison (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot open database..." error when calling CreateDatabase(false,true) after the DatabaseExists() method (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with IntelliSense when working with T4 Editor in Visual Studio 2012
4.3.355 17-Oct-13
- Oracle 12c is supported
- VARCHAR2/NVARCHAR2/RAW types with length increased to 32KB are supported for Oracle 12c
- Oracle 12c specific SQL generation for paging is supported
- The Collate method of the SqlMethods class is implemented
- Changed the behavior: CreateDatabase functionality generates columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for primary key properties with 'IsDbGenerated=True' (only for Oracle 12c)
- Fixed an issue with ignoring 'IsDbGenerated = True' when using Attach(TEntity entity, bool asModified) method
- Fixed an issue with the compiled query cache when query contains parameters with the same values
- Fixed an issue related to working with LinqConnect for Metro in WinJS applications
Entity Developer
- The predefined templates are improved: new template setting, "Use Compiled Query Cache", is added
- Changed the behavior: "Generate Database Script"/"Update Database From Model" wizards generate columns with the identity clause 'GENERATED AS IDENTITY' for properties with 'Auto Generated Value=True' (only for Oracle 12c)
4.2.338 23-Sep-13
- Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate is supported
- The implementation for the DatabaseExists method, which checks the existance of the tables in the database, is added (Oracle)
- The possibility of creating Oracle schemas (users) for mapped model classes via the CreateDatabase(false,true)/CreateDatabase(true, true) method of the DataContext class is implemented (Oracle)
- The possibility of deleting Oracle schemas (users) for mapped model classes via the DeleteDatabase(false,true)/DeleteDatabase(true, true) method of the DataContext class is implemented (Oracle)
- The encryption support for local SQLite storage in LinqConnect for Metro is added (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with the discrepancy of the parameter's type and the column's type in operations of equality (==) and inequality (!=) for varchar/nvarchar data types (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with releasing memory after closing the Retrieve Data window
- Fixed an issue with the Overwrite.Merge template option
- Fixed an issue related to the "Value cannot be null" error when selecting "Regenerate storage and mapping" from the shortcut menu in Model Explorer in Visual Studio
- Fixed an issue with detecting default NULL values by the Update Model From Database wizard (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with creating complex primary keys when creating a model from a database (SQLite)
4.2.327 05-Sep-13
- The possibility to use the extension method AsQueryable() in LINQ queries is added
- The support for correct retrieving of the TimeSpan and DateTimeOffset values while materializing is added
- The support for the operators of equality(==) and inequality(!=) for the "inet" data type in LINQ queries is added (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with eager loading
- Fixed an issue with the redundant opened sessions
- Fixed an issue with missing CreateCommand method in the DataProvider class
- Fixed an issue related to the ArgumentNullException on SubmitChanges method when trying to update a row with the same values
- Fixed an issue with performing the DatabaseExists() method when Persist Security Info is set to False (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with the wrong DDL generation in the CreateDatabase() method with the DateTimeOffset properties (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- The "Close the window when the generation completes successfully" option in the Generation Process window is implemented in the standalone Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with availability of the New Blank Template option of the Templates context menu in Model Explorer in the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio
- Fixed an issue with generating invalid code when using MVC View Advanced template
4.2.306 08-Aug-13
Entity Developer
- The "Model Name As Files Prefix" property is implemented for the templates which generate classes for model entities
- The possibility of adding custom attributes to enum members is implemented
- Changed the behavior: the possibility to exclude the generation of keys (primary, foreign) in "Update Database From Model" and "Generate Database Script From Model " wizards is added
- Changed the behavior: the possibility to add one-to-one associations with nullable foreign key properties is added
- Changed the behavior: a table storage engine is not set explicitly in the generated DDL (MySQL)
- Changed the behavior: now by default MVC Controller template generates files in the model folder, MVC View Advanced template creates files in the Views model subfolder
- Changed the behavior: the PostgreSQL limitation in 63 character for identifier names is taken into account when the SQL script is generated by Update Database From Model / Generate Database Script wizards
- Fixed an issue with breaking the parameters order in Generator Parameters Editor
- Fixed an issue with an error during a compilation of the 'LinqConnect' template for VB.NET projects in Visual Studio 2008
- Fixed an issue with breaking the IdGenerator configuration after closing the model
4.2.292 18-Jul-13
- Fixed an issue related to the NRE on the CreateDatabase() method, when the navigation properties generation for one of the sides in one-to-one association is turned off
- Fixed an issue with wrong script generation on the CreateDatabase() method for one-to-one associations
- Fixed an issue with materialization when converting decimal values
- Fixed an issue related to the "Sequence contains no elements" exception when working with unmapped properties and PropertyChanging/PropertyChanged events
- Fixed an issue related to materializing structs in the "select new" clause
- Fixed an issue related to the "Method not found" exception when opening connection in LINQPad via LinqConnectDriver
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: a default value for the "Detect Table Per Type inheritances" option in Model settings is set to False
- Fixed an issue related to the wrong Source values for foreign key properties when adding associations with the selected "Add foreign key properties to the child class" checkbox
- Fixed an issue with applying RangeAttribute of the DataAnnotation validation framework for nullable properties
- Fixed an issue with wrong script generation for several tables with autoincrement fields in the "Generate Database Script From Model" and "Update Database From Model" wizards (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with the "Recreate Database Tables" option for tables which use sequences (Oracle)
4.2.281 03-Jul-13
- Fixed an issue related to working with decimal datatypes (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- The "Regenerate Storage and Mapping" option for regenerating model parts, specific to the database server, is added to the diagram shortcut menu
- Fixed an issue with reading facets of a stored procedure parameter (Oracle)
4.2.272 20-Jun-13
- The performance when working with the TPT-inheritance and retrieving descendants via OfType<> is improved
- Fixed an issue with the CreateDatabase() method when "Delete Rule" is set for the association (not empty and not "NO ACTION")
- Fixed an issue related to the "The non-nullable navigation property '...' was set to null in the entity object '...'" error when working with nullable composite foreign keys
- Fixed an issue related to working with the WCF Ria Domain Service template
- Fixed an issue with the TPT-inheritance and associations to the descendants of the inheritance
- Fixed an issue related to the "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint" error on SubmitChanges(), when DataContext has only one added entity for insertion with a custom key generator and DbGenerated=False for its primary key
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with wrong code generation for nullable enum properties
- Fixed an issue with generating "Access Denied" error when using MVC templates
4.2.262 06-Jun-13
- Fixed an issue with the nullable properties in composite foreign keys
- Fixed an issue related to the MissingMethodException error (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- Support for SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and 4.0 is added
- Devart.Data.Linq.Binary and System.Data.Linq.Binary types are added to the "Type Mapping Rule Editor"
- Fixed an issue with referencing a custom assembly in T4 template
4.2.257 30-May-13
- The possibility to add LinqConnect assemblies as Extension SDKs for Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases in Metro style applications is added
- Fixed an issue with referencing LinqConnect assemblies in Windows Phone 8 applications . Now LinqConnect assemblies for Windows Phone 8 are added as Extension SDKs
- Fixed an issue with inserting dependent entity when the main entity has a key generator for the primary key property and DbGenerated is set to False
- Fixed an issue with duplicate columns in an ORDER BY statement when using eager loading for several tables
- Fixed an issue related to working with unmapped class members
Entity Developer
- The "WCF DataMember Attribute on Navigation Properties" property is added to the DbContext and POCO templates for pointing the end (-s) where the attribute should be generated
- Fixed an issue with adding many-to-many associations when one of the sides of the association is involved in the inheritance
- Fixed an issue with placing tables names in the root of the "Choose change action" page of Update From Database Wizard
- Fixed an issue with generating NRE when setting the output of the template to the unloaded project
4.2.247 16-May-13
- The possibility to disable query cache via the DataContext's 'EntityCachingMode' property is added
- Creation of auto-incrementing sequences and triggers for Oracle models is supported (Oracle)
- Support for SERIAL and BIGSERIAL database types when using CreatedDatabase() method is added (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Unable to open database file" with different variants of JournalMode in Metro style applications
- Fixed an issue with inheriting an entity class from an unmapped type
- Fixed an issue related to the 'Index was outside of the bounds of the array' error when using GroupBy in queries
- Fixed an issue with the materializer cache and AssociateWith method
- Fixed an issue with the CreatedDatabase() method for many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue with AddDays() method with negative parameters
- Fixed an issue with inserting record with composite primary key
- Fixed an issue related to the "ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion" error, when comparing CLOB/NCLOB columns or parameters (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- The Save and Refresh buttons for persisting and reloading changes to / from a database is added to the Retrieve Data grid
- POCO Entity template is improved: new template setting, "Property Change Notifiers", is added
- Changed the behavior: a string default value for the property can be set without quotes in the Properties window
- Fixed an issue with wrong detecting many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue related to the "Unknown column 'DATETIME_PRECISION' in 'field list'" error when creating model for MySQL 6.0.10-alpha-community (MySQL)
4.2.231 23-Apr-13
- Compatible with dotConnect providers
4.2.229 18-Apr-13
- Fixed an issue related to working with the database files which are located in the directory, where Metro style application is installed
- Fixed an issue with query cache issues when working with one DataContext instance and different data providers
- Fixed an issue with method Any() when working with one DataContext instance and different data providers
- Fixed an issue related to the issue with the OnListChanged() event when EntitySet collection is changed
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with wrong database script generation for tables with several many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue with loading mapping rules for some datatypes under .NET Framework 4.5
4.2.222 04-Apr-13
- LINQPad integration is supported
- Changed the behavior: now, when trying to synchronize composite primary key after insert, the "Auto-sync of multiple key parameters is not supported for SQL Server" and SqlNullValueException exceptions are not thrown (SQL Server)
- Changed the behavior: new database is created when using CreateDatabase method with createSchema = true (SQL Server)
- Changed the behavior: now batch updates are disabled by default (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue related to the NullReferenceException on SubmitChanges() method when working with isVersion properties
- Fixed an issue with using blank fixed-length strings (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- A new MVC Controller template, generating a ASP.NET MVC controller with data access code, is added
- A new MVC View Advanced template, generating an ASP.NET MVC view based in Twitter Bootstrap, is added
- A new Data Transfer Object template for DTO classes generation is implemented
- A new WCF RIA Domain Service template, generating a WCF RIA Services domain service class for a Devart LinqConnect model is added
- A new Data Annotation Metadata template, generating Data Annotation metadata classes and decorating classes and properties with data annotation attributes for validation, presentation and defining metadata, is added
- Add Template dialog is improved
- The Namespace property of class, complex type, enum is implemented
- The capability for setting special rules for generating default names of database objects when using the Model First approach is implemented (a new Advanced page is added to the Synchronization->Database Naming section of the Model Settings dialog)
- The capability to customize properties that are automatically added when creating a new entity, and options that are automatically set when creating a new property is added (a new Initialization page is added to the Model->General section of the Model Settings dialog)
- The Refresh option in the Attributes tab of the Model Settings window is implemented; it updates the list of available attributes types in the referenced assemblies
- The capability to modify custom attributes for several selected entities or properties at the same time is implemented
- The capability to cancel metadata reading in wizards and Database Explorer is added
- The "Recreate Database Tables" checkbox, which allows to drop and recreate database tables, is added to the "Update To Database" wizard
- New setting "Detect Table Per Type inheritances", which enables automatic detection of TPT inheritances, is added for Create Model Wizard and model
- The "Include Drop" checkbox for including DROP commands for database objects to the generated script is added to Generate Database Script Wizard
- A new shortcut menu command "Include Related", which allows making a copy of the related objects in the specified diagram, is added
- A new shortcut menu command "Add To Model with Related", which allows adding tables, related to the selected one, to the model, is added to the shortcut menu of tables in Database Explorer
- A new shortcut menu command "Add On Diagram With Related", which allows creating an object and all the objects related to it on a diagram, is added to the shortcut menu of classes, complex types, and enums in Model Explorer
- The support for enums declared in external assemblies is implemented
- New "Simple" diagram skin is added for displaying a diagram in metro style
- The "Default Width" diagram property for specifying the default width for newly created diagram shapes (entities, complex types and enums) is added
- Class Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- Type Editor is improved: the capability to edit extended property settings, such as validation, presentation, and facets, is added
- The "Rewrite connection string during regeneration" checkbox of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether to overwrite the connection string in the project config file with the one, currently set in Entity Developer for the model, each time when regenerating code for the model
- The user interface of Express Edition concerning availability of custom templates is improved
- Changed the behavior: "Save connection string in App.Config as" checkbox in Model Settings dialog is renamed to "Use connection string from App.Config as"
- Changed the behavior: now, when creating a new TPH discriminator column in Inheritance Editor, it has the string type by default
- Changed the behavior: the error is generated if the Abstract inheritance modifier is set for the class which is involved in the Table Per Type inheritance
- Changed the behavior: empty value is used in property editors instead of -1 for marking facets of class property without assigned value
- Fixed an issue with the database script generation for the 'Delete Rule' association property
4.1.207 14-Mar-13
- Support for SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and 4.0 is implemented
- Fixed an issue with DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith() when working with several DataContext objects
- Fixed an issue related to the "Specified cast is not valid" exception when working with auto-increment primary keys mapped to decimal entity property
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with obtaining DebuggerService when working with T4 Editor
4.1.197 28-Feb-13
- Fixed an issue with working with stored procedures named like "[XXX.XXX]" (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- The possibility of setting enum values via predefined dropdown list in the Retrieve Data window is implemented
- Changed the behavior: the Guid property is mapped to the UUID type in the database when using the Model First approach (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue related to the "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error when creating models for SQL Server 2000
- Fixed an issue related to the stored procedures with miltiple resultsets (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server)
4.1.184 07-Feb-13
- Fixed an issue related to creation of a new instance of DataContext when using fluent mapping with the 'Database Independent = true' property
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot add query to cache. An item with the same key already exists" exception in multi-threading applications
- Fixed an issue related to "Unable to open database file" exception when opening several connections in the LinqConnect for Metro edition (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue related to rounding the result of stored procedures with decimal output parameters (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: the serializing property and corresponding methods are not generated when using 'Fluent Mapping'/'POCO Entity' templates and Unidirectional mode
- Fixed an issue with setting SERIAL/BIGSERIAL data types for auto generated properties, which are not primary keys, when performing "Generate Database Script from Model" and "Update Database From Model" wizards (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue related to wrong script generating in "Update Database From Model" wizard when setting a property as 'Nullable=false' and setting the default value (Oracle)
4.1.169 17-Jan-13
- Fixed an issue related to the "Cannot convert from 'string' to 'Devart.Data.Linq.Mapping.DeleteRule' " error when working with Fluent mapping
- Fixed an issue with using DateTimeOffset in 'Where' statements (SQL Server)
4.1.151 20-Dec-12
- Fixed an issue related to the "Object does not match target type" exception when working with DbLinqDataSources and gridviews
- Fixed an issue with implicitly converting strings to integer type in queries when working with VB.NET projects
- Fixed an issue related to the "Strong name validation failed" exception in the LinqConnect for Metro edition
- Fixed an issue related to the "Unsupported delete rule 'NO ACTION'" exception when creating DataContext
- Fixed an issue with update commands for dependent entities that participate in Table Per Type inheritance
- Fixed an issue with creating DataContext with an already opened connection (SQL Server)
Entity Developer
- Model Refactoring feature is implemented; it speeds up creating complex types and Table Per Type inheritance from several model entities
- The functionality of ignoring columns in the database in the "Update To/From Database" wizards if they were omitted once before is implemented
- Warnings about objects that are not mapped are added
- A SHIFT+DELETE keyboard shortcut for deleting entity, complex type, or enum from diagram only is added
- An INSERT keyboard shortcut for creating a new entity, adding property to the selected entity/complex type or new member to enum is added
- The possibility to view notes, added through the "Documentation" property, for all the diagram objects via hints is implemented
- Hints for diagram objects are improved
- Changed the behavior: Configure Behaviour dialog is renamed to Stored Procedure Mapping
- Changed the behavior: now the 'Read Only' property is not set to true for autoincrement fields by default when creating/updating models (MySQL, SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with generating a code for the initialization of the boolean property (MySQL)
4.1.137 29-Nov-12
- The fluent mapping is improved: support of the ID generators for primary keys is added
- Fixed an issue with the integration into Visual Studio 2012 of LinqConnect for Silverlight edition
- Fixed an issue with the INotifyPropertyChanging and INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces when working with LinqConnect/POCO Entity templates in Silverlight 5 applications
- Fixed an issue with working with the database files, that are outside of isolated storage, with elevated trust for Silverlight 5 applications
- Fixed an issue with the "Specified cast is not valid" exception when searching for an entity by its key
- Fixed an issue with the failed updates to the database when using the Attach(TEntity,Boolean) method
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with renaming the navigation property when using the Update Model From Database wizard
4.1.127 15-Nov-12
- Fixed an issues with using LinqConnect for Dynamic Data projects under .NET Framework 4.0 or higher are fixed
- Fixed an issue with using blank fixed-length strings (Oracle)
4.1.119 01-Nov-12
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with availability of the Yes/No/Cancel options when saving models created with previous versions of Entity Developer
4.1.109 18-Oct-12
- Fixed an issue with working with entities without INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces
4.1.101 04-Oct-12
- Fixed an issue related to the "An item with the same key has already been added" exception when working with DevExpress GridView
- Fixed an issue with synchronization of the parent and child entities
- Fixed an issue with update checks of CLOB columns (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Predefined template for generating Repositories and Unit of Work classes is added
- Integration with Visual Studio refactoring for renaming model objects is implemented
- The "Use Database Comments" option of Model Settings is implemented to determine whether comments for database objects, if supported by DBMS, will be used for model objects Documentation initialization and taken into account when executing model or database update operations
- The "Implement IClonable" option for the generated classes based on the model entities is added to all templates
- Changed the behavior: the "Save connection string in App.Config as" option is available in the standalone Entity Developer (the entry in App.Config must be added manually afterwards)
4.1.82 06-Sep-12
- Visual Studio 2012 is supported
- Fixed an issue with getting entities from the cache by keys of type Int16
- Fixed an issue with getting entities directly from the cache for the command First (predicate), etc.
- Fixed an issue with wrong parameters when loading dependent entities with two-level LoadOptions are set
- Fixed an issue with invalid type of parameters used for update commands (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- The 'Entity Base' class property, which allows specifying the ancestor class/interface for a particular entity type, is implemented
- Changed the behavior: only particular (not all) property characteristics are regenerated when using Update Model From Database wizard after the metadata of the corresponding column have been changed
- Changed the behavior: when preserving schema name is disabled, schema name is no more saved for Oracle package functions/procedures
4.0.63 09-Aug-12
- Fixed an issue with creating DataContext with complex types having no default mapping
- Fixed an issue with modifying the list of tracked entities when it is being enumerated
- Fixed an issue with clearing the collection of depending entities
- Fixed an issue with datetime literals as default COALESCE arguments (MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with comparing nvarchar datatype strings (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue related to the Oracle constants with empty strings (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with materializing result sets of Oracle procedures with single output cursor (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- The possibility to unload assemblies from the main application domain by using separate application domain is implemented
- The possibility to disable such Database First Settings as type mapping rules is implemented
- The design time copy/cut/paste functionality for enum members is added
- Fixed an issue with generating the "This model has been modified outside of the editor. Do you want to reload it?" error when Entity Developer is integrated into TFS
- Fixed an issue with integration into TFS
4.0.45 17-Jul-12
- Fixed an issue with enumerating queries that have empty result sets
- Fixed an issue with materializing query results into invalid object properties
- The query cache bug with distinguishing compiled queries that have nullable parameters
- Fixed an issue with deleting many-to-many links of entity having multiple many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue in LinqConnect samples
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: the warning, related to the missing property setter, is disabled
- Changed the behavior: for the association, in which the many-side entity hasn't the primary key, the code and the mapping are not generated
- Changed the behavior: the properties, that correspond autoincrement fields, are generated with a ReadOnly keyword in VB.NET
4.0.29 21-Jun-12
- Fixed an issue with deleting the entity and its many-to-many bunches outside the batch
Entity Developer
- The "Pluralize collection navigation properties" option for the possibility to turn off the pluralization of the many-end names of associations is implemented
- The "sealed override" inheritance modifier for methods based on stored procedures and functions is added
- Fixed an issue with copy/pasting entities having a common relation
- Fixed an issue with the displaying many-to-many associations in the Association Editor
- Fixed an issue with specifying the custom tool for LinqConnect models being added to web sites
- Fixed an issue with mapping generation for associations with the 'Delete On Null' rule enabled
- Fixed an issue with mapping generation for entity types having multiple complex types
4.0.21 07-Jun-12
- Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate is supported
- The CreateDatabase bug with creating a table for an entity type with multiple complex type fields
- The CreateDatabase bug with creating a table for an entity type with no primary key
- Fixed an issue with getting System.DateTimeOffset values via stored procedures (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with 'IS NULL' checks for non-nullable columns (MySQL, Oracle)
4.0.10 22-May-12
- Support for Silverlight 4 and higher and Windows Phone 7 is added
- References to System.Data.Linq are removed; now LinqConnect uses only its own classes
- Upgrade wizard for upgrading projects to the new version of LinqConnect automatically is added
- The possibility to choose cache mode (classic mode for cases when DataContext is used as a unit of work, and self-cleaning mode for cases when DataContext is a long-lived object) is added
- The possibility to map stored procedure out parameters of the CURSOR type to IEnumerable parameters of the corresponding methods is added
- Tracking of complex object graphs with chains of parent-child objects is optimized
- Number of database calls required for managing objects with a many-to-many association is reduced
- Delete rule performance is improved
- Compilation performance is improved
- Materialization performance is improved
- Compiled query cache is improved
Entity Developer
- The sticker notes for adding comments to diagrams are implemented
- The possibility to add a stamp, specifying diagram author, company, version, copyrights, project name, and date, to a diagram is implemented
- New Collapse All and Expand All menu commands for collapsing and expanding diagram shapes are added
- Changed the behavior: context menu commands for working with diagram are grouped to the Diagram submenu of the context menu
- Changed the behavior: the possibility to change diagram shape color via the corresponding Shape -> Color context menu command is added
- Changed the behavior: when pasting a copied entity to a new diagram, a new entity is not created, the existing entity is added to this diagram
- Changed the behavior: when cutting an entity from the diagram, the entity is not cut from the model, only from the diagram
- Fixed an issue with incorrect saving of method's extended properties
3.2.82 26-Apr-12
Entity Developer
- The multiline popup editor for the Documentation.Summary property is implemented
3.2.73 12-Apr-12
- Fixed an issue with the performance issues when generating complex queries
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: the Migrate option is added to the context menu of property in Model Explorer
- Changed the behavior: entities and enums on the designer surface are more resizable now
- Fixed an issue with creating LinqConnect models
3.2.64 29-Mar-12
- Fixed an issue with the generation of SQL queries including grouping by the whole entity
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with model saving after performing copy/paste of an element with a custom attribute
- Fixed an issue with the "Update Model From Database" wizard showing isVersion columns as changed
3.2.57 15-Mar-12
- Visual Studio 11 Beta is supported
- Fixed an issue with column order in queries including the UNION clause
- Fixed an issue with InvalidOperationException on disposing data contexts
Entity Developer
- The copy/cut/paste functionality is added for objects of the conceptual part of a model
- The possibility to drag&drop properties between classes in Model Explorer is implemented
- The "HeaderTimestampVersionControlTag" generation template option is added for improving integration with version-control systems
- Fixed an issue with retrieving database metadata on Windows Azure
- Fixed an issue with generating mappings for many-to-many association of entity to itself
3.1.43 27-Feb-12
- Fixed an issue with reading GUIDs from SQLite databases
Entity Developer
- The validation of method parameters is added
- The context menu options for unchecking changed/added/dropped tables are implemented for the root nodes in the "Update To/From Database" wizards
- The diagram design is changed: an arrow (instead of a triangle) is used on the tip of an association now
- Fixed an issue with the "Update Model From Database" wizard showing identity columns as changed (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with setting comments for columns and tables in database
3.1.34 09-Feb-12
Entity Developer
- The "Identifier Case Sensitive" checkbox, which enables case-sensitive processing of database object identifier names, is added to MySQL Server Options
- Fixed an issue with preserving the Validate Required property when saving the model
- Fixed an issue with Entity Developer tool windows being shown when debugging an application
- Fixed an issue with diagram representation in x64 environment
- Fixed an issue with parsing PgSqlConnection.ServerVersion for Beta editions of PostgreSQL server
3.1.25 27-Jan-12
- Fixed an issue with empty spaces in foreign key names generated by the CreateDatabase() method
Entity Developer
- The documentation generation for navigation properties is implemented
- The "Recreate Model" option, allowing to rebuild the model from a scratch, is added to the "Update Model From Database" wizard
- The "GeneratePartialClass" template property to generate a partial class, which will not be overwritten by the designer, for each class in the model is added
- Changed the behavior: database column comments are transfered to the Summary attribute of the Documentation property now
- Changed the behavior: the TINYINT(1) data type is now used for the columns which correspond to the System.Boolean properties (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with resetting the Validate Required property after reopening model
- Fixed an issue with generating System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.KeyAttribute() for Primary Key columns
- Fixed an issue with a workability of documentation links on Start Page
- Fixed an issue with line breaks in default values of NUMBER columns (Oracle)
3.1.23 12-Jan-12
Entity Developer
- The documentation generation for Enum members is implemented
- The algorithm for forming the Navigation Properties names, when there are several FOREIGN KEY constraints between the same tables, is changed
- Changed the behavior: the Navigation Property will not be displayed on the diagram and in Model Explorer if "Generate" is set to false for the appropriate association end
- Changed the behavior: the Validate Max Length attribute is synchronized with the Max Length attribute of Property by default now
- Changed the behavior: the Validate Required attribute is synchronized with the Nullable attribute of Property by default now
- Changed the behavior: when selecting a property in the Model Explorer, the corresponding entity on the diagram does not expand if it is collapsed
- Changed the behavior: the DATETIME2 data type is now used for columns, corresponding to System.DateTime properties, for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later
- Fixed an issue with adding diagrams when the Notation parameter of the diagram "Property Details Level" is set to "Name And Type"
- Fixed an issue with changing the Type property simultaneously for several inheritances
- Fixed an issue with invalid Properties grid data refreshing for the selected attribute in the Attributes dialog
- Fixed an issue with formatting indents when generating code
- Fixed an issue with saving inheritance layout on the diagram
- Fixed an issue with incorrect model diagram saving after deleting a complex type from a diagram
- Fixed an issue with invalid parameter direction in wrapper methods of stored procedures from MySQL 5.5 servers
- Fixed an issue with generating sequences and triggers for auto-incremented primary keys mapped to the properties of the System.Decimal type (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with constructing too long names when using Generate Database Script From Model (Oracle)
3.1.21 22-Dec-11
- Fixed an issue with inserting entities having a many-to-many association and auto-generated keys (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Changed the behavior: the 'Real' SQLite data type is now mapped to System.Double by default
- Fixed an issue with Visual Basic templates
- Fixed an issue with scanning the network, when setting the connection to the PostgreSQL server
3.1.19 08-Dec-11
- Fixed an issue with inserting both sides of a one-to-one relationship
Entity Developer
- Capability for customizing the default Type Mapping Rules is implemented
- Capability for setting diagram options either globally for all diagram documents or separately for a particular one is implemented: the Diagram Appearance and Printing options can now be set through the Options dialog
- Capability for setting such options as Environment, Diagram and Servers' to adjust the Entity Developer behavior, Model diagram behavior and Type Mapping Rules to your needs is implemented
- Capability for setting and defining the class property validation rules based on different engines (Data Annotation, Enterprise Library, NHibernate Validator) is added
- The 'Numeric Primary Key As Identity' Oracle option is added: if this option is checked, the "StoreGeneratedPattern" will be set to Identity by default for Number primary keys
- The 'Integer Primary Key As Identity' SQLite option is added: if this option is checked, the "StoreGeneratedPattern" will be set to Identity by default for Integer primary keys
- Fixed an issue with code generation for default values of DateTime fields
- Fixed an issue with 'losing' additional diagrams when re-opening a model
3.0.16 24-Nov-11
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue related to Visual Studio crashes at query execution
- Fixed an issue with removing associations when updating the model
3.0.14 11-Nov-11
- Fixed an issue with updating explicitly attached entities
- Fixed an issue with inserting null values into Oracle XMLtype columns
- Fixed an issue with returning invalid connections to pool
Entity Developer
- The possibility of specifying the name of the connection string to be saved in the application configuration file is implemented
- Behaviour is changed: table is not marked as "Changed" in Update Wizard if DefaultValue is set for its expression column
- Fixed an issue with NRE being thrown when an invalid connection is used
- Fixed an issue with the local settings used for the default value of DateTime fields
- Fixed an issue with creating methods with the same names for different stored procedures (Oracle)
- The default value of the Unicode facet is changed to true for PostgreSQL CITEXT columns
3.0.10 19-Oct-11
- Fixed an issue with getting wrong query from the compiled query cache
- Fixed an issue with redundant parameter prefixes for auto-sync parameters
- Fixed an issue with ordering results of a query with eager loading options enabled
- Fixed an issue with inserting entity objects having multiple relations to other entity type with auto-generated primary key
- Fixed an issue with updating navigation properties based on a composite foreign key which intersects with the primary key
Entity Developer
- The default mapping of SQLite databases with LinqConnect models is improved: integer foreign keys of one-to-one relationships are no more marked as auto-generated
- The default attribute mapping source for LinqConnect models is made static
3.0.5 29-Sep-11
- Fixed an issue with ordering queries with eager loading options
- Fixed an issue with caching queries performed via the ExecuteQuery method
- Fixed an issue with .Equals(null) conditions in LINQ queries
- Fixed an issue with update operations on Oracle XMLType fields
- Fixed an issue with conversion of System.Char to integer (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Disabling facets that are not applicable to the current field type is implemented
- Default behaviour changed: now the Update To Database Wizard does not drop foreign keys of a table if the 'master' one is not represented in the model
- The 'Binary As Guid' connection string parameter is supported (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with saving a new solution provided that the Visual Studio option for 'Projects and Solutions -> Save new projects when created' is unchecked
- Fixed an issue with pluralization algorithm when Naming rules are defined
- The 'The given key was not present in the dictionary' error in the Entity Developer version integrated into Visual Studio 2010
- Fixed an issue with incorrect determining of association multiplicity (redundant 'many-to-many')
- Fixed an issue with default mapping for PostgreSQL UUID columns
- Fixed an issue with setting Extended Properties for RelationProperty
3.0.4 06-Sep-11
- Fluent mapping is supported
- Fixed an issue with inserting a TPT 'child' entity in case its primary key column names differ from the 'parent' entity ones
- Fixed an issue with deleting dependent entities when other changes were made
- Fixed an issue with entity materialization for queries with multiple eager loading options
- Fixed an issue with saving (inserting or updating) System.Data.Linq.Binary objects
- Fixed an issue with long sequence of IN operator arguments (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with null comparison for DateTime properties (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with SQL generation for Skip/Take methods (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with creating foreign keys in SQLite databases on DataContext.CreateDatabase
Entity Developer
- Fluent Mapping template is added
- Support for enumerated types ("enums") is implemented
- New skins to improve the apllication appearance are implemented
- Selection driven highlighting is implemented
- Capability for changing the shape color for entities, complex types and enums is implemented
- Capability for selecting the diagram skin type is implemented
- Changed behaviour: when the FirstLetterUpperCase / FirstLetterLowerCase option is enabled in Naming rules, each letter after underscore will be capital/lower
- Fixed an issue with setting foreign keys to tables located in non-default schema via the Create Database wizard (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with changing property names ("Index was outside the bounds of the array")
2.50.30 11-Aug-11
- Fixed an issue with deleting dependent entities when the 'main' one is modified
- Fixed an issue with update commands for Table Per Type inheritance
Entity Developer
- The pluralization algorithm is improved when Naming rules are defined
2.50.29 28-Jul-11
- Fixed an issue with columns named as Oracle keywords
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with parameter names of SQL Server stored procedures
2.50.27 07-Jul-11
- Fixed an issue with the 'Cannot remove an entity that has not been attached' error when using compiled queries
Entity Developer
- The possibility to export the diagram into an image file was added
- The possibility to restrict adding the connection string information to the application configuration file is added
- Fixed an issue with Primary Key naming in case of many-to-many associations in Model First
- Fixed an issue with deleting associations on update from database (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with the 'condition' keyword in the script created by the Generate Database Wizard (MySQL)
2.50.25 15-Jun-11
- The 'IsReference' mode of entity serialization is supported
- The generation of auto-increment columns on the CreateDatabase call is implemented (MySQL and SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with querying entity tables having no primary key
- Fixed an issue with ArgumentException on accessing DataContext.Table when the TEntity class has user-defined properties
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with Extended Properties handling
2.50.24 01-Jun-11
- Implemented fetch mode customization for eager loading of related entities
- Improved performance of ordered queries with the Skip() and Take() methods: the 'rownum' pseudo-column is now used instead of the 'row_number' function (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with NullReferenceException when selecting non-entity types
- Fixed an issue with type mismatch when using null parameters in LINQ queries
- Fixed an issue with refreshing entities with a changed entity reference
- Fixed an issue with updating entities that have associations based on unique (not primary) keys
- Fixed an issue with parameters of compiled queries not being refreshed
- Fixed an issue with redundant subqueries in queries that use the Take method (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Behaviour is changed: string entity fields are now mapped to varchar2(4000) by default (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with configuring a sequence ID generator
- Fixed an issue with LinqConnect external mapping file in case entity classes belong to non-default namespace
- Fixed an issue with persisting associations between LinqConnect entity classes inherited from the same base class
- Fixed an issue with Visual Basic code generation for related entities sets
- Fixed an issue with Unicode symbols in template
- Fixed an issue with recognizing associations between tables from different schemas (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with adding package functions to the model (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with column aliases in queries with several nested subqueries (Oracle)
2.50.23 17-May-11
- Implemented eager loading in case the related entities collection is referenced in the select clause of the query
- Fixed an issue with incorrect operation order during SubmitChanges() calls
- Fixed an issue with ArgumentExceptions thrown in background threads
- Fixed an issue with launching Devart documentation via Start menu
- Fixed an issue with using public properties when refreshing or materializing an entity
- Fixed an issue with grouping a collection by a whole entity
Entity Developer
- POCO template with XML mapping generation is added
- Templates usability is improved
- Template Editor is significantly improved
- Ability to declare additional properties for model objects is added
- Ability to specify .NET attributes for model objects is added
- Implemented runtime support for literals specified in the 'Default Value' entity field property
- The "Preserve schema name in storage" option is added
- Fixed an issue with generation of attach/detach methods for many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue with external mapping
- Fixed an issue with default values set via a function for string fields
- Fixed an issue with the "Access" combobox of the Association editor
2.20.21 19-Apr-11
- Implemented workaround for comparing SQLite DateTime values as strings in LinqConnect update checks (such values are explicitly converted to the SQLite DateTime type now)
- Fixed an issue with invalid aliases in queries that include the UNION clause
- Fixed an issue with simultaneous insert of both sides of a one-to-one association when the 'master' side has auto-generated ID
- Fixed an issue with GUID parameters in SQL server queries
2.20.19 06-Apr-11
- Implemented the Attach(object entity, object original) method of the Devart.Data.Linq.ITable interface
- Implemented proper support for both text and binary representations of System.Guid (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with passing GUID parameters to compiled queries (Oracle)
Entity Developer
- Changed behaviour: when retrieving metadata for Oracle servers and prior, the JOIN syntax of Oracle 8 is used now
2.20.17 23-Mar-11
- Supported Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1
- Fixed an issue with inserting 'detail' entities together with 'master' ones for one-to-one associations
- Fixed an issue with 'double' parameters of PostgreSQL stored functions
Entity Developer
- Added multiple database file support for SQLite (using Attach connection string parameter)
- Changed behaviour: when adding two related entities with the corresponding properties having different types, an invalid association is created now
- Changed default mapping for MySQL signed TinyInt columns: they are mapped to SByte now
- Changed behaviour: when retrieving metadata, Oracle stored procedures and functions that don't return cursors are no longer executed
- Fixed an issue with generating incorrect code for models having one-to-one associations with a nullable property at the 'detail' side
- Fixed an issue with generating script with duplicate columns for entities having two fields of the same complex type
2.20.15 11-Mar-11
- Implemented implicit sorting by the entity key in queries with defined LoadWith rules
- Fixed an issue with the "The message filter indicated that the application is busy" error during uninstall
- Fixed an issue with calling the base Devart.Data.Linq.DataContext constructor with the mapping argument
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with discarding changes in Navigation Properties names
2.20.14 24-Feb-11
- Fixed an issue with deserializing LinqConnect exceptions
- Fixed an issue with attaching entities as modified to DataContext
- Fixed an issue with creating auto-incremented columns with the DataContext.CreateDatabase method (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Added sorting in the 'Return Type' ComboBox for methods in the Properties window
- Fixed code generation for many-to-many associations when the Unidirectional serialization mode is enabled
- Fixed an issue with adding Oracle procedures declared inside packages to the model
- Fixed an issue with the Update From Database Wizard showing no changes when connecting under a MySQL user account with limited privileges
2.20.12 09-Feb-11
- Changed behaviour: update check is now disabled by default for properties that represent MySQL FLOAT columns
- Fixed an issue with setting no reference to the Devart.Data.Linq.Web assembly when adding a DbLinqDataSource object to a web form
- Fixed an issue with retrieving entities participating in a many-to-many association with a composite key
- Fixed an issue with continuing identity tracking for deleted entities
- Fixed an issue with incorrect order of executing create/update/delete commands on SubmitChanges()
- Fixed an issue with creating a new MySQL database with the DataContext.CreateDatabase method
- Fixed an issue with generating methods for Oracle stored procedures with PL/SQL Boolean parameters
- Fixed an issue with selecting top N rows from tables on SQL Server 2000
Entity Developer
- Changed behaviour: classes created with the Update From Database Wizard are now added to the current diagram
- Changed behaviour: the 'Update Check' is now set to 'Always' and disabled for properties that form the entity key
- Fixed an issue with wrong Complex Type properties in Stored Procedures
- Fixed an issue with retrieving metadata in case that objects with the same name were available in different schemas (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with mapping NUMBER fields to System.Double (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with the 'Show Print Markup' button and 'Page Setup' menu item being disabled
2.20.11 27-Jan-11
- Fixed an issue with repeated creation of DataContexts with external mapping
- Fixed an issue with many-to-many associations based on composite keys
Entity Developer
- Added possibility to split model into several diagrams for better handling of large models
- Supported automatic generation of sequences and triggers for Autoincrement properties in Oracle
- Implemented possibility to disable automatic recognition of many-to-many associations
- Fixed an issue with handling errors when accessing server via an invalid connection
- Fixed an issue with opening the connection dialog of the Create Model Wizard with Turkish regional settings (PostgreSQL)
- Fixed an issue with loading metadata for SQL Server 2000
- Fixed an issue with SQL Server default value for Boolean columns (Model First)
- Fixed an issue with opening models that have invalid connection strings
2.0.10 12-Jan-11
- Fixed an issue with incorrect detaching entities in the master/detail association
- Fixed an issue with VB code generation for models with Unidirectional serialization
- Fixed an issue with creating DataContext using external mapping
- Fixed an issue with using the Convert.ToDateTime function with Greek culture info in LINQ queries (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with inserting Int32 values (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with columns marked as NUMERIC (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with many-to-many and Update From Database Wizard
- Fixed an issue with using functions which return void (PostgreSQL)
2.0.9 16-Dec-10
- Supported Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 Beta
- Implemented support for custom type arguments in LinqConnect compiled queries
- Fixed an issue with redundant subqueries and Order By clauses in commands generated for entities with configured load options
- Fixed an issue with Visual Basic code generation for sequence-generated entity properties
- Fixed an issue with the DataContext.Query<TResult> method in the case when TResult is not an entity class
- Fixed an issue with the 'The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception' error on severely loaded applications
- Fixed an issue with queries with the OrderBy(...).Any() statement (Oracle)
- Fixed code generation bug with functions having output parameters (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with LINQ queries with parameters in the Select clause (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with inserting new rows into tables with auto-generated fields (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with the null-reference exception when adding LinqConnect model to web site folders other than App_Code
2.0.8 29-Nov-10
- Ability to execute DML statements in batches on SubmitChanges added
- Table Per Type inheritance supported
- Supported ASP.NET Dynamic Data with ASP.NET Dynamic Data project templates
- PLINQ support added (connection manager redesigned for thread safety)
- Supported Visual Studio Debugger Visualizer with SQL syntax highlighting for the DataQuery objects
- Implemented overloads of DataContext.CreateDatabase and DeleteDatabase methods with boolean parameters specifying whether to create/delete database or not (MySQL, SQLite)
- Changed behaviour: retrieving master entity from details one now generates left outer join instead of inner join
- Fixed an issue with default mappings for Medium-, Large- and TinyBlob data types (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with creating table constraints when using the DataContext.CreateDatabase() method (SQLite)
- Fixed an issue with executing compiled queries with boolean parameters (SQLite)
Entity Developer
- Added Update Model From Database functionality
- Update To Database with Storage Synchronization functionality added
- Added possibility for changing the UpdateCheck property for several fields at once
- Added multiselect support for properties
- Improved large models handling
- Fixed an issue with IndexOutOfRangeException on code generation
- Fixed an issue with keyword quotation in the Source property
- Fixed an issue with Unknown parameter direction
- Fixed "Cannot find column Position" bug
- Fixed an issue with Visual Basic code generation for stored functions
- Fixed an issue with not loading Master property in Detail entity of master/details associations
- Fixed an issue with mapping One-to-One associations to One-to-Many
- Fixed an issue with default editor in Visual Studio
- Fixed 'Model is not registered' bug
- Fixed some bugs in Team Foundation Server support
1.0.43 04-Nov-10
- Improved transaction behaviour in case when exception is thrown
- Added support for the String.Equals(string, StringComparison) overload, allowing to specify whether to use or not the binary string comparison (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with translating the IIf method in LINQ queries
- Fixed an issue with custom methods in the 'select new' clause of LINQ queries
- Fixed an issue with not loading associated entity when LoadWith is not used
- Fixed an issue with processing Char(1) fields (SQL Server)
- Fixed an issue with creating tables with LongBlob fields on CreateDatabase() (MySQL)
1.0.42 14-Oct-10
- DataContext class is now CLS-Compilant
- Changed behaviour: Substring() in LINQ queries is now translated to DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR for LOBs (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with DataLoadOptions not working when object tracking is disabled
- Fixed an issue with second-level details loading
- Fixed an issue with creating compiled query using more than three parameters
- Fixed an issue with select queries from tables with no primary key
- Fixed an issue with constraint violation on inserting details before master data
- Fixed an issue with ArgumentException when using System.Nullable.GetValueOrDefault in Visual Basic LINQ queries
- Fixed an issue with incorrect marking of changed fields when using several DataContexts
- Fixed an issue with creating constraints on executing the DataContext.CreateDatabase method (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect ROWNUM function usage in generated SQL (Oracle)
- Fixed problem with recognizing MySql numeric type synonyms (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue in LinqConnect samples (License not valid: Code 11)
Entity Developer
- Added default bindings to entity fields in Insert(Update/Delete) MethodMappings
- Fixed an issue with serializing entities loaded using DataLoadOptions
1.0.41 23-Sep-10
- Added the client NLS settings support in the TO_NUMBER function (Oracle)
- Fixed an issue with editing Entity Key values
- Fixed an issue with IndexOutOfRangeException on the DeleteOnSubmit call
- Fixed an issue on inserting new rows into a table with many-to-many association
- Fixed an issue with fetching records one-by-one from the 'detail' table in master/details relation
- Fixed an issue with retrieving entities of an inherited type
- Fixed an issues with using the Contains method of empty arrays
- Fixed an issue with the RejectChanges method not working
- Fixed an issue with structs in queries
- Fixed an issue with Command Timeout
- Fixed the 'invalid type mapping' bug when using TimeSpan in a primary key (MySQL)
Entity Developer
- Fixed an issue with VB Code generation for Associations
- Fixed an issue with Unidirectional serialization mode
- Fixed design time bug with Referential constraints
- Fixed an issue with generating code for stored procedures with out parameters
1.0.39 28-Jul-10
- Added implementation of the ITable interface for the Table class
- Changed DataContext.Log output format for Microsoft compatibility reasons
- Fixed an issue with creating XmlMappingSource object when the File Per Class model property is set to true
- Fixed an issue with IndexOutOfRangeException on the Refresh call
- Fixed an issue with CompiledQueryCache
- Fixed an issue with InvalidCastException on selecting a new anonymous type
- Fixed an issue with FilePerClass and XMLMappingSource
- Fixed an issue with functions that return NVarchar values (Oracle)
1.0.38 07-Jul-10
- Improved select performance
- Improved insert performance
- Added support for the DatabaseExists method (MySQL)
- Fixed an issue with Concat()
- Fixed an issue with the CacheStoreReader and Cast
- Fixed an issue with charset mismatch (Oracle)
1.0.36 28-May-10
- First release of Devart LinqConnect
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