Entity Developer support@devart.com

7.3.193 11-Feb-25

Entity Framework support

7.3.191 14-Jan-25

Entity Framework support

NHibernate support Telerik Data Access support

7.3.190 27-Dec-24

Entity Framework support

7.2.104 08-Nov-24

Entity Framework support

7.2.21 06-Jun-24

7.2.20 29-May-24

7.2.10 17-Jan-24

Entity Framework support

7.1.177 16-Nov-23

Entity Framework support

7.1.151 01-Jun-23

7.1.134 01-Mar-23

Entity Framework support

7.0.0 30-Jun-22

6.12.1419 25-Jan-22

Entity Framework support

6.12.1395 21-Dec-21

Entity Framework support

6.12.1367 09-Nov-21

Entity Framework support

6.12.1354 21-Oct-21

Telerik Data Access support

6.12.1338 28-Sep-21

Entity Framework support

6.11.1297 30-Jul-21

6.11.1283 08-Jul-21

Entity Framework support

6.11.1258 03-Jun-21

Entity Framework support

6.11.1219 09-Apr-21

Entity Framework support

6.11.1213 01-Apr-21

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

6.10.1189 18-Feb-21

Entity Framework support

6.10.1165 14-Jan-21

Entity Framework support

6.10.1145 17-Dec-20

6.10.1135 03-Dec-20

Entity Framework support

6.9.1112 29-Oct-20

6.9.1092 01-Oct-20

Entity Framework support

6.9.1083 17-Sep-20

Entity Framework support

6.8.1049 30-Jul-20

Entity Framework support

6.8.1039 16-Jul-20

6.8.1019 17-Jun-20

Entity Framework support

6.7.965 02-Apr-20

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

6.6.936 20-Feb-20

Entity Framework support

6.6.894 23-Dec-19

Entity Framework support

6.6.872 21-Nov-19

Entity Framework support

6.6.857 31-Oct-19

Entity Framework support

6.6.852 24-Oct-19

Entity Framework support

6.5.823 12-Sep-19

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

6.4.790 25-July-19

6.4.775 04-July-19

Entity Framework support

6.4.755 06-Jun-19

NHibernate support

6.4.719 11-Apr-19

Entity Framework support

6.3.710 28-Mar-19

Entity Framework support

6.3.681 14-Feb-19

Entity Framework support

6.3.660 10-Jan-19

Entity Framework support

6.3.631 29-Nov-18

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

6.3.606 25-Oct-18

NHibernate support

6.3.582 20-Sep-18

Entity Framework support

6.3.569 30-Aug-18

NHibernate support

6.3.555 09-Aug-18

Entity Framework support Telerik Data Access support

6.3.543 19-Jul-18

NHibernate support

6.3.525 21-Jun-18

Entity Framework support

6.2.505 24-May-18

6.2.487 27-Apr-18

Entity Framework support

6.2.468 29-Mar-18

Entity Framework support

6.2.439 15-Feb-18

Entity Framework support

6.2.414 11-Jan-18

Entity Framework support NHibernate support

6.2.384 23-Nov-17

Entity Framework support

6.2.366 30-Oct-17

Entity Framework support NHibernate support

6.1.333 06-Sep-17

Entity Framework support

6.1.311 03-Aug-17

Entity Framework support

6.1.299 13-Jul-17

Entity Framework support

6.1.284 22-Jun-17

Entity Framework support
Telerik Data Access support

6.1.265 25-May-17

Entity Framework support

6.1.215 16-Mar-17

Entity Framework support

6.0.205 02-Mar-17

Entity Framework support

6.0.190 09-Feb-17

NHibernate support

6.0.185 02-Feb-17

Entity Framework support Telerik Data Access support

6.0.172 16-Jan-17

Telerik Data Access support

6.0.157 22-Dec-16

Entity Framework support

6.0.147 08-Dec-16

Entity Framework support NHibernate support Telerik Data Access support

6.0.116 20-Oct-16

6.0.106 06-Oct-16

Entity Framework support Telerik Data Access support

6.0.96 22-Sep-16

Entity Framework support

6.0.82 01-Sep-16

6.0.67 11-Aug-16

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

6.0.52 21-Jul-16

6.0.40 07-Jul-16

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

6.0.30 23-Jun-16

NHibernate support

6.0.20 09-Jun-16

Telerik Data Access support

6.0.11 26-May-16

Telerik Data Access support NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.8.851 12-May-16

5.8.846 05-May-16

5.8.841 21-Apr-16

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.8.818 17-Mar-16

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.8.803 25-Feb-16

5.8.791 11-Feb-16

5.8.782 21-Jan-16

5.8.762 24-Dec-15

5.8.757 17-Dec-15

5.8.742 26-Nov-15

NHibernate support

5.8.734 12-Nov-15

5.8.720 22-Oct-15

5.8.705 01-Oct-15

5.8.695 17-Sep-15

5.8.690 10-Sep-15

5.8.676 20-Aug-15

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.8.662 30-Jul-15

5.7.654 16-Jul-15

NHibernate support LINQ to SQL support

5.7.644 02-Jul-15

5.7.634 18-Jun-15

NHibernate support

5.7.619 28-May-15

Entity Framework support

5.7.604 07-May-15

5.7.594 23-Apr-15

5.7.586 09-Apr-15

Entity Framework support

5.7.576 26-Mar-15

Entity Framework support

5.7.556 26-Feb-15

5.7.549 12-Feb-15

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.541 02-Feb-15

5.7.539 29-Jan-15

Entity Framework support

5.7.530 15-Jan-15

Entity Framework support

5.7.510 18-Dec-14

5.7.500 04-Dec-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.490 20-Nov-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.480 06-Nov-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.471 23-Oct-14

5.7.461 09-Oct-14

5.7.451 25-Sep-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.441 11-Sep-14

5.7.436 04-Sep-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.422 14-Aug-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.412 31-Jul-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.397 10-Jul-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.387 26-Jun-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.377 12-Jun-14

5.7.367 29-May-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.357 15-May-14

NHibernate support

5.7.342 24-Apr-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.331 10-Apr-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.321 27-Mar-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.311 06-Mar-14

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.299 18-Feb-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.296 13-Feb-14

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.7.286 30-Jan-14

NHibernate support

5.7.276 16-Jan-14

Entity Framework support

5.7.261 26-Dec-13

Entity Framework support

5.7.251 12-Dec-13

5.7.241 28-Nov-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.7.232 14-Nov-13

5.7.222 31-Oct-13

Entity Framework support

5.6.213 17-Oct-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.5.196 23-Sep-13

5.5.185 05-Sep-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.5.164 08-Aug-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.5.150 18-Jul-13

Entity Framework support

5.5.139 03-Jul-13

Entity Framework support

5.5.130 20-Jun-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.5.120 06-Jun-13

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.5.115 30-May-13

5.5.105 16-May-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.5.89 23-Apr-13

Entity Framework support

5.5.87 18-Apr-13

LINQ to SQL support

5.5.80 04-Apr-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.0.66 14-Mar-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.0.56 28-Feb-13

NHibernate support

5.0.43 07-Feb-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

5.0.28 17-Jan-13

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

5.0.9 20-Dec-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.7.313 29-Nov-12

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.7.303 15-Nov-12

NHibernate support

4.7.295 01-Nov-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.7.285 18-Oct-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.7.277 04-Oct-12

NHibernate support LINQ to SQL support

4.6.259 06-Sep-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.5.240 09-Aug-12

NHibernate support

4.5.222 17-Jul-12

NHibernate support LINQ to SQL support

4.4.205 21-Jun-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.4.197 07-Jun-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.4.186 22-May-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.3.178 26-Apr-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.3.169 12-Apr-12

Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.3.159 29-Mar-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.3.152 15-Mar-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.2.138 27-Feb-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.2.129 09-Feb-12

NHibernate support LINQ to SQL support

4.2.120 27-Jan-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.2.110 12-Jan-12

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.2.95 22-Dec-11

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.2.85 08-Dec-11

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.1.77 24-Nov-11

NHibernate support

4.1.71 11-Nov-11

NHibernate support Entity Framework support

4.1.64 19-Oct-11

NHibernate support

4.1.55 29-Sep-11

4.1.41 06-Sep-11

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

4.0.30 11-Aug-11

NHibernate support

4.0.24 28-Jul-11

Entity Framework support

4.0.15 07-Jul-11

NHibernate support Entity Framework support LINQ to SQL support

3.50.134 15-Jun-11

3.50.132 01-Jun-11

3.50.128 17-May-11

3.20.114 19-Apr-11

3.20.113 06-Apr-11

3.20.104 23-Mar-11

3.20.99 11-Mar-11

3.20.89 24-Feb-11

3.20.81 09-Feb-11

3.20.74 27-Jan-11

3.00.65 12-Jan-11

3.00.60 16-Dec-10

3.00.50 29-Nov-10

2.80.167 04-Nov-10

2.80.165 14-Oct-10

2.80.160 23-Sep-10

2.80.143 28-Jul-10

2.80.136 07-Jul-10

2.80.130 20-May-10

2.80.116 15-Apr-10

2.80.112 31-Mar-10

2.50.73 14-Jan-10

2.50.55 16-Dec-09

2.50.51 02-Dec-09

2.50.50 19-Nov-09

2.20.43 19-Oct-09

2.20.38 24-Sep-09

2.20.37 04-Sep-09

2.20.35 06-Aug-09

2.20.30 14-Jul-09

2.00.22 02-Jun-09

2.00.18 28-Apr-09

1.00.53 21-Nov-08



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