How to connect to SQL Server in .NET with C#

SQL Server is often chosen as a part of the backend for .NET applications. It works excellently with .NET technologies, integrates with .NET Framework and .NET Core, and delivers the high performance and scalability essential for robust .NET applications. In this aspect, ensuring smooth and efficient database connection becomes one of the key demands for database developers.

This article will review the most efficient methods of connecting .NET applications to SQL Server.


To follow this tutorial and implement its recommendations efficiently, you will need the following:

  • Visual Studio 2022 – a free Community edition.
  • SQL Server – a free Express edition of this Microsoft’s relational database management system (RDBMS).
  • dotConnect for SQL Server – an enhanced data provider that builds on ADO.NET and SqlClient to present a complete solution for developing SQL Server-based database applications.
  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) which is the application you can use to manage database.
  • A test database – we create it to illustrate connecting to our .NET application as shown further.

After installing and configuring both SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio, open SSMS and establish the connection.

In the Server name field, type localhost. The Authentication type should be Windows Authentication. Click Connect.

Create a test database

A new query window opens. Execute the below script to create a test database for our tutorial.

USE sakila;

    first_name NVARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    last_name NVARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO actor (first_name, last_name) VALUES
('John', 'Doe'),
('Jane', 'Smith'),
('Robert', 'Brown'),
('Emily', 'Davis'),
('Michael', 'Wilson'),
('Jessica', 'Garcia'),
('David', 'Martinez'),
('Laura', 'Hernandez'),
('Daniel', 'Lopez'),
('Sarah', 'Gonzalez'),
('Matthew', 'Perez');

The test database is ready.

Download and activate dotConnect for SQL Server

30-day free trial version

Download and install dotConnect for SQL Server directly on your machine, or install the Devart.Data.SQL Server NuGet package.

No license key is required, and you can start exploring the product immediately.

Full version

After purchasing the full version, go to your profile's Licenses page. Choose your product and click Details. Here, you'll find the license details and the Activation Key.

License details and the activation key

To activate a connection in your application, add the License Key to your connection string.

Install and configure dotConnect for SQL Server

The first step is setting up a new .NET Application project in Visual Studio.

Open Visual Studio, click Create new project, and search for ASP.NET Core Web Application. Select it. Give this project a name. In our scenario, the test project is SQLServer_ASP.NET. Select .NET 8 as the target framework and click Create.

Next, we need to install dotConnect for SQL Server via NuGet Package Manager.

In Visual Studio, click Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution.

Open NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio

On the NuGet Package Manager page, click Browse and search for Devart.Data.SqlServer. Select it and click Install for your project.

Select and install dotConnect for SQL Server

Alternatively, you can download dotConnect for SQL Server from the official website. After installing the NuGet package, proceed to activate the trial version or enter your license:

  • Visit the dotConnect for SQL Server download page.
  • Download the dcsqlserver.exe installer.
  • Execute the .exe file and follow the instructions to install dotConnect for SQL Server on your machine.

This procedure installs the software and ensures that all features are available for use in your project. Please notice that registered users download the full version from their accounts, not the trial version.

Now, let us set up the database connection class. Right-click your project, select Add > Class:

Set up the database connection class

We call this class DatabaseConnectionClass and will use it to simulate connecting our application to a SQL Server database.

Name the database connection class

For this tutorial, we are going to use the table Actor from our sample database. The table schema is:

  • | ACTOR_ID: int
  • | FIRST_NAME: nvarchar(45)
  • | LAST_NAME: nvarchar(45)
  • | LAST_UPDATE: datetime

We can create a class based on this information.

Right-click your solution and add a class named Actor.cs. Insert the below code into that class:

  public class Actor
      public int ActorId { get; set; }
      public string FirstName { get; set; }
      public string LastName { get; set; }
      public DateTime LastUpdate { get; set; }

Connect to SQL Server with C#

C# and .NET often pair together and are commonly used with Microsoft SQL Server. Let's explore how we can establish a connection to SQL Server using C#. Typically, there are two main approaches to achieve this.

Run-time creation

We need to add a method to our DatabaseConnectionClass. Copy the below piece of code into your class:

public static List SQLServer_Connection()
	List actors = new List();
    	// Open a connection to the SQL Server database
    	string connectionString = "DataSource=localhost;InitialCatalog=sakila;IntegratedSecurity=True;TrustServerCertificate=True";
    	Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection connection = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection();
    	connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
    	var command = "SELECT * FROM actor;";
    	var results = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlCommand(command, connection);
    	using (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader reader = (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader)results.ExecuteReader())
        	if (reader.HasRows)
            	while (reader.Read())
                	int id = reader.GetInt32(0);
                	string firstname = reader.GetString(1);
                	string lastname = reader.GetString(2);
                	DateTime lastupdate = reader.GetDateTime(3);
                	Actor actor = new Actor();
                	actor.ActorId = id;
                	actor.FirstName = firstname;
                	actor.LastName = lastname;
                	actor.LastUpdate = lastupdate;
            	Console.WriteLine("No rows found.");
	catch (Exception ex)
	return actors;

Important! Don’t forget to specify using the statement using Devart.Data.SQLServer at the top of your file.

Since we are using a local database, we simply specify the Data Source as localhost.

Also, we can specify the login credentials if our database uses them. Have a look at the below code and notice that is uses UserId and Password. Make sure to provide your actual UserID and password there.

public static List SQLServer_User_Credentials()
	List actors = new List();
    	// Open a connection to the SQL Server database
    	string connectionString = "DataSource=localhost;UserId=username;Password=password;InitialCatalog=sakila;IntegratedSecurity=True;TrustServerCertificate=True";
    	Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection connection = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection();
    	connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
    	var command = "SELECT * FROM actor;";
    	var results = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlCommand(command, connection);
    	using (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader reader = (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader)results.ExecuteReader())
        	if (reader.HasRows)
            	while (reader.Read())
                	int id = reader.GetInt32(0);
                	string firstname = reader.GetString(1);
                	string lastname = reader.GetString(2);
                	DateTime lastupdate = reader.GetDateTime(3);
                	Actor actor = new Actor();
                	actor.ActorId = id;
                	actor.FirstName = firstname;
                	actor.LastName = lastname;
                	actor.LastUpdate = lastupdate;
            	Console.WriteLine("No rows found.");
	catch (Exception ex)
	return actors;

Using Connection String Builder

Another approach to establishing a connection is by assigning values to several properties.

We will use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder class for this. Add the below piece of code into your DatabaseConnectionClass:

public static List SQLserver_String_Builder()
	List actors = new List();
    	Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnectionStringBuilder connection = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
    	connection.DataSource = "localhost";
    	connection.UserID = "username";
    	connection.Password = "password";
    	connection.InitialCatalog = "sakila";
    	connection.MaxPoolSize = 150;
    	connection.ConnectTimeout = 30;
    	Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection connection = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlConnection();
    	var command = "SELECT * FROM actor LIMIT 10";
    	var results = new Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlCommand(command, connection);
    	using (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader reader = (Devart.Data.SqlServer.SqlDataReader)results.ExecuteReader())
        	if (reader.HasRows)
            	while (reader.Read())
                	int id = reader.GetInt32(0);
                	string firstname = reader.GetString(1);
                	string lastname = reader.GetString(2);
                	DateTime lastupdate = reader.GetDateTime(3);
                	Actor actor = new Actor();
                	actor.ActorId = id;
                	actor.FirstName = firstname;
                	actor.LastName = lastname;
                	actor.LastUpdate = lastupdate;
            	Console.WriteLine("No rows found.");
	catch (Exception ex)
	return actors;

We have done basically the same implementation, but this time we could specify different parameters that our connection should have, including MaxPoolSize and ConnectionTimeout.

Now, we need to be able to visualize the data we have just retrieved. Thus, in the Solution Explorer window, click Controllers and then Add new class. We need to add a class called ActorsController.

Inside the SQLServer_ASP.NET.Controllers namespace, modify the class to use the code below:

 public class ActorsController : ControllerBase
     public IEnumerable GetActors()
         var actors = DatabaseConnectionClass.SQLServer_RunTime_Connection();
         return actors;

When we run the project by clicking F5, the following screen should appear:

Run the created project

Click the GetActors drop-down, select Try it now, and click Execute. After that, we can see the list we want.

Retrieve the data

This way, we have successfully established connection with our demo SQL Server database.

More advantages of dotConnect for SQL Server

Direct Access With Managed Code

dotConnect for SQL Server offers direct access to SQL Server using 100% managed code, thus ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with .NET applications. This improves security and stability, providing a robust and reliable foundation for database-driven applications.

High Performance

With optimized data access mechanisms, dotConnect for SQL Server delivers high performance, ensuring that your applications run smoothly and efficiently even under heavy loads. This makes it an optimal choice for mission-critical environments.

Flexible Operation Models

dotConnect for SQL Server excels in both connected or disconnected data access. This flexibility allows you to choose the most appropriate model for the specific application needs, enhancing both performance and usability.

Powerful SqlDataTable Component

The all-in-one SqlDataTable component simplifies table data access, providing a comprehensive solution for managing table data. This component optimizes various data operations, including CRUD operations.

Auxiliary Components for SQL Scripts and Bulk Data Transfer

dotConnect for SQL Server includes auxiliary components designed for executing SQL scripts and performing bulk data transfers. These tools save your time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets or complex data operations.

ASP.NET Provider Model Support

Integration with the ASP.NET Provider Model grants seamless usage of dotConnect for SQL Server within ASP.NET applications. This allows efficient management of user data, roles, and membership in web applications.

Query Execution Monitoring

dotConnect for SQL Server allows for SQL query analysis and performance tracking, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimize database interactions.

Support for the Latest SQL Server Versions

dotConnect for SQL Server is fully compatible with all active SQL Server versions. You can take advantage of new SQL Server features and improvements as soon as they are available.


This tutorial explored the integration of dotConnect for SQL Server with SQL Server databases applied as a part of .NET application backend. The connector ensures quick, smooth, and efficient interaction between the database with the database-driven application.

Download the fully functional free trial of dotConnect for SQL Server to experience all the advantages under the actual workload in your application development!

dotConnect for SQL Server

Get enhanced ORM-enabled data provider for SQL Server and develop .NET applications working with SQL Server data quickly and easily!