.NET MySQL Connection Strings
This guide explains how to construct a connection string for your .NET application to connect to a MySQL or MariaDB database using dotConnect for MySQL. We'll cover the essential elements of the connection string and explore some advanced options for fine-tuning your database connection.
MySQL Connection Strings
To establish a connection to a server, you have to provide some connection parameters to dotConnect for MySQL. This information is used by the MySqlConnection component to find the server and log in with your account's credentials. The parameters are represented as connection strings. You can compose the connection string manually or have dotConnect for MySQL construct it for you.
using Devart.Data.MySql; ... MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(); connection.Host = ""; connection.Port = 3306; connection.UserId = "root"; connection.Password = "mypassword"; connection.Database = "test";
You can do this all in a single assignment. It actually does not matter whether the connection string is assigned directly or composed with particular properties. After you assign a value to the ConnectionString property, all other properties will be populated with parsed values. So you can choose what is more convenient for you.
MySqlConnection.Connection = "Host=;Port=3306;UserId=root;Password=mypassword; Database=test;";
Direct Connection Properties
Property | Meaning |
Host | Specifies the hostname or IP address of the MySQL server. |
Port | Specifies the port number on which the MySQL server is listening. |
UserId | Specifies the user ID used to authenticate with MySQL. |
Password | Specifies the password for the user ID. |
Database | Specifies the default database to be used after connecting. |
License Key | Specify your license key in this parameter. This is required only when using .NET Standard compatible assemblies. |
The MySqlConnectionStringBuilder class offers a programmatic approach to constructing and managing a connection string. By utilizing this class, developers can set connection string parameters in a structured manner, thus reducing errors and improving code clarity.
using Devart.Data.MySql; public void UseConnectionStringBuilder() { MySqlConnectionStringBuilder connection = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder(); connection.Host = ""; connection.Port = 3306; connection.UserId = "root"; connection.Database = "test"; MySqlConnection myConnection = new MySqlConnection(connection.ConnectionString); myConnection.Open(); Console.WriteLine(myConnection.ServerVersion); myConnection.Close(); }
MySqlConnection Constructor
The MySqlConnection constructor in dotConnect for MySQL is designed to accept a connection string as its parameter, which details the necessary credentials and parameters required to establish a connection with a MySQL database. Here's a basic example of using the MySqlConnection constructor:
using Devart.Data.MySql; public void CreateMySqlConnection() { string ConnectionString = "Host=;Port=3306;UserId=root;Database=Test;"; MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(ConnectionString); connection.Open(); // Do something connection.Close(); }
SSL/TLS Connection Strings
Improving secure communication between your .NET application and MySQL or MariaDB database is critical if you want to safeguard your data in transit. SSL/TLS provides encryption at the transport layer, protecting data as it moves between the client and the server.
Here's a sample code that illustrates how to establish an SSL connection using dotConnect for MySQL or MariaDB:
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("Host=;protocol=SSL;UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"); connection.SslOptions.CACert = "file://D:\\Temp\\CA-cert.pem"; connection.SslOptions.Cert = "file://D:\\Temp\\SSL-client-cert.pem"; connection.SslOptions.Key = "file://D:\\Temp\\SSL-client-key.pem"; MySqlCommand myCommand = new MySqlCommand("select count(*) from dept",connection); connection.Open(); Int64 count = Convert.ToInt64(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine(count); connection.Close(); Console.ReadLine();
SSL/TLS Connection Properties
Property | Meaning |
SslOptions.CACert | Location of authority certificate. |
SslOptions.Cert | Location of client certificate. |
SslOptions.Key | Location of client's private key. |
SslOptions.CipherList | List of allowed ciphers separated by colons. |
SslOptions.Key | Location of client's private key. |
SslOptions.TlsProtocol | The preferred TLS protocol version reported to a server when establishing a secure connection. |
SSH Connection Strings
A benefit of SSH tunneling is that it allows you to connect to a MySQL or MariaDB server from behind a firewall when the database server port is blocked. MySQL or MariaDB server does not need to be attuned for this type of connection and functions as usual. To connect to MySQL or MariaDB server a client must first be authorized on an SSH server.
The MySqlConnection.SshOptions property points to the object that holds all information necessary to connect to the SSH server. Alternatively, you may specify the corresponding parameters in the connection string.
To set up an SSH connection, set up the corresponding SSH options as described below:
Password Authentication
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("Host=;Port=3306;protocol=SSH;UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"); connection.SshOptions.AuthenticationType = SshAuthenticationType.Password; connection.SshOptions.User = "sshUser"; connection.SshOptions.Host = "sshServer"; connection.SshOptions.Password = "sshPassword"; MySqlCommand myCommand = new MySqlCommand("select count(*) from dept", connection); connection.Open(); Int64 count = Convert.ToInt64(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine(count); connection.Close();
Public Key Authentication
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("Host=;Port=3306;protocol=SSH;UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"); connection.SshOptions.AuthenticationType = SshAuthenticationType.PublicKey; connection.SshOptions.User = "sshUser"; connection.SshOptions.Host = "sshServer"; connection.SshOptions.PrivateKey = "E:\\WORK\\client.key"; MySqlCommand myCommand = new MySqlCommand("select count(*) from dept", connection); connection.Open(); Int64 count = Convert.ToInt64(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine(count); connection.Close();
Keyboard-Interactive Authentication
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("Host=;Port=3306;UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"); connection.Protocol = MySqlProtocol.Ssh; // sets ssh options connection.SshOptions.Host = "ssh_host"; connection.SshOptions.Port = 22; connection.SshOptions.User = "ssh_user"; connection.SshOptions.AuthenticationType = SshAuthenticationType.KeyboardInteractive; // Associate the AuthenticationPrompt event with your event handle connection.AuthenticationPrompt += new MySqlAuthenticationPromptHandler(connection_AuthenticationPrompt); connection.Open(); Console.WriteLine(connection.State); connection.Close(); Console.ReadKey(); ... static void connection_AuthenticationPrompt(object sender, MySqlAuthenticationPrompEventArgs e) { foreach (string prompt in e.Prompts) { if (prompt.Contains("Password")) e.Responses[0] = "testPassword"; else if (prompt.Contains("UserId")) e.Responses[1] = "testUserId"; } }
SSH Connection Properties
Property | Connection String Parameter | Meaning |
SshOptions.AuthenticationType | SSH Authentication Type | Client authentication methods. |
SshOptions.CipherList | SSH Cipher List | List of ciphers that the client agrees to use, separated by colons. |
SshOptions.Host | SSH Host | Name or IP address of SSH server. |
SshOptions.Passphrase | SSH Passphrase | Passphrase for the client key. |
SshOptions.Password | SSH Password | User password on an SSH server. |
SshOptions.Port | SSH Port | SSH server port number to connect. |
SshOptions.PrivateKey | SSH Private Key | Location of the private key to use. |
SshOptions.User | SSH User | User ID on an SSH server. |
Locations of private keys can be specified in three ways:
- As a file in the system:
. - As an item of certificate store:
. For examples:RSA.Client.key
. - As a compiled resource:
. - Loaded to memory, using MemCryptStorage class:
The MySQL server address that you specify in the connection string is the address to which the SSH server can refer.
For instance, if both servers are running on the same machine you need to specify "host=localhost"
in the connection string.
The property SshOptions.CipherList contains the list of the ciphers that client agrees to use, separated by colons. By default, it is empty, meaning that the client agrees to use any of the available ciphers. The appropriate values for the CipherList property are listed below and highlighted in bold.
dotConnect for MySQL supports two modes of block ciphering: Cipher-block chaining (CBC) and Counter (CTR). The following ciphers are available for SSH connections in the CBC mode:
- 3DES or 3DES(168) - Triple Data Encryption Algorithm. Key size 168 bits.
- Blowfish - Symmetric-key block cipher, designed in 1993 by Bruce Schneier. Key size 128 bits.
- AES(128) - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 128 bits.
- AES(192) - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 192 bits.
- AES or AES(256) - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 256 bits.
In the CTR mode, the AES ciphers are used:
- AES(128)-CTR - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 128 bits.
- AES(192)-CTR - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 192 bits.
- AES(128) - Advanced Encryption Standard. Key size 256 bits.
Proxy Connection Strings
Proxy connections are used to route database traffic through a proxy server, providing benefits such as load balancing, logging, and additional security controls.
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = "Host=;Port=3307;UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"; connection.ProxyOptions.Host = ""; connection.ProxyOptions.Port = 808; connection.ProxyOptions.User = "ProxyUser"; connection.ProxyOptions.Password = "ProxyPassword"; connection.Open();
Proxy Connection String Properties
Property | Meaning |
ProxyOptions.Host | Hostname or IP address of the proxy server. |
ProxyOptions.Port | Port on which the proxy server is listening. |
ProxyOptions.User | Proxy user ID for authentication, if required. |
ProxyOptions.Password | Password for the proxy user ID, if required. |
HTTP Tunnel Connection Strings
Sometimes, client machines are shielded by a firewall that does not allow you to connect to the server directly at a specified port. If the firewall allows HTTP connections, you can use dotConnect for MySQL together with HTTP tunneling software to connect to MySQL server.
dotConnect for MySQL supports two kinds of HTTP tunneling: new, based on the PHP script, and old, working with GNU HTTP tunnel. Old HTTP tunneling will not be supported in future versions. dotConnect chooses the kind of HTTP tunneling depending on your options. If the URL property is set, the PHP script will be used for tunneling. If the HTTP Host and HTTP Port properties are set, the old HTTP tunneling method is used.
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = "UserId=root;Password=root;Database=test;"; connection.Protocol = MySqlProtocol.Http; connection.HttpOptions.Host = ""; connection.HttpOptions.Port = 8080; connection.Open();
HTTP Tunnel Properties
Property | Mandatory | Meaning |
HttpOptions.Url | Yes | URL of the tunneling. |
HttpOptions.User, HttpOptions.Password | No | Set this properties if the access to the website folder with the script is available only for the registered users, authenticated with the user name and password. |
HttpOptions.KeepAlive | No | Boolean value, which indicates whether the connection to the website should stay open. |
HTTP Tunnel and SSL Connection Strings
You may use dotConnect for MySQL to establish secure SSL connections through the HTTP tunnel to the database. Such connections are only supported in the Direct mode (enabled by default). To use such a connection, set the Protocol property of the connection to MySqlProtocol.HttpSsl, then set connection HTTP and SSL options.
MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(); connection.ConnectionString = "UserId=root;Password=root;"; connection.ProxyOptions.Host = ""; connection.ProxyOptions.Port = 808; connection.ProxyOptions.User = "ProxyUser"; connection.ProxyOptions.Password = "ProxyPassword"; connection.Protocol = MySqlProtocol.Http; connection.HttpOptions.Host = ""; connection.HttpOptions.Port = 8080; connection.Open();
The connection string does not include the host information because MySQL server host and port are known to HTTP tunneling server.
Pooling Connection String Options
Property | Meaning |
Max Pool Size | Maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. Setting the Max Pool Size value of the ConnectionString can affect performance. The default value is 100. In the case of forgotten open transactions, the number of connections can exceed the maximum pool size. |
Min Pool Size | Minimum number of connections allowed in the pool. The default value is 0. |
Advanced Connection String Options
Property | Meaning |
Direct | Specifies whether to connect directly to the server. |
Compress | Specifies whether to use compression in the client/server protocol. |
Connection Timeout | Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait while trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error. |
BinaryAsGuid | Determines whether the provider should treat BINARY(16) columns as GUID. |
CharAsGuid | Determines whether the provider should treat CHAR(36) columns as GUID. |
BinaryAsGuid | Determines whether the provider should treat BINARY(16) columns as GUID. |
CharAsGuid | Determines whether the provider should treat CHAR(36) columns as GUID. |