6.0.85 13-Mar-25
Database Explorer
- Added the ability to save table filter settings to a file
- Improved data retrieval behavior using the Open Data in Editor command from the shortcut menu
Code Completion
- Improved the parsing of the UNION and EXPRESSIONS syntax constructs
- Implemented the suggestions of non-aggregated columns in GROUP BY statements
- Added the ssf snippet, which expands to a SELECT * FROM block
- Combined Refresh Local Cache and Reset Suggestion Cache in a single Refresh Suggestions option
- Added suggestions of a JSON data type for Oracle 21c and the Boolean and Vector data types for Oracle 23ai
SQL Document
- Added keyboard shortcuts to duplicate, remove, and join the current line
- Added CTRL+/ to comment on a code selection inside a line
- Added Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X to copy or cut the entire current line to the clipboard, respectively
- Added the ability to use a triple click to select the entire current line
- Added highlighting for INSERT statements where the number of values in the VALUES clause does not match the number of columns specified
- Added Ctrl+F12 or Ctrl+] to navigate between matching brackets
- Improved the general behavior of syntax check
- Added highlighting and quick navigation between syntax pairs, including IF … ELSE, BEGIN … END, and CASE WHEN … ELSE … END
Database Diagram
- Added support for semi-transparency of table and view blocks
- Added support for semi-transparency of containers
- Added Clear Waypoints to remove all waypoints manually created for a selected relation
- Introduced a linear zoom factor and an overhauled diagram skins
- Added Select All Relations
Schema Compare
- Added Show Ignored Differences, which can be turned on on the General page of the Options > Schema Comparison window
- Added Save Command Line to the Comparison Report wizard
- Added a visual Object Filter
- Added support for filtering objects from the command line
- Added Alt+Down Arrow to navigate to the subsequent difference
Data Compare
- Added Ignore internal spaces to be applied to the (N)CHAR, (N)VARCHAR2, (N)CLOB, and LONG columns
- Added Ignore computed columns to the New Data Comparison wizard
- Added Save Command Line to the Comparison Report wizard
- Added Hide empty columns to the Data Differences grid
- Added the Issues page to the Data Synchronization Wizard to configure handling of NULL/NOT NULL conflicts during synchronization
Data Generator
- Added support for FName and LName masks to represent first names and last names, respectively
- Expanded the list of keyboard shortcuts with:
- Ctrl+A to select all
- Ctrl+Left Arrow to move backward word by word
- Ctrl+Right Arrow to move forward word by word
- Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow to select text word by word (backward)
- Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow to select text word by word (forward)
- Ctrl+Backspace to delete an entire word
- Added the JSON data generator
- Added Append timestamp to the file name to the Data Population Wizard
Data Editor
- Replaced the Custom AutoFilter window with the advanced Filter Editor window
- Added a new command to the shortcut menu - Set Value To > Unique Identifier
Script Generator
- Added a new option to enclose identifiers within square brackets
- Added Include DML triggers when using the Generate Script AS feature
Data Reports
- Adapted the Data Report Wizard for the 4K resolution
Pivot Table
- Upgraded Chart Designer to a new advanced version
Query Profiler
- Improved the display of estimated and actual query execution plans
Query history
- Redesigned Query History with a new toolbar featuring an improved range selection and the Clear option for deleting query history
Other improvements
- Enhanced an algorithm to create database projects.
- Added Tab layout, Show tabs in multiple rows, and Close tabs with middle-click to the Tabs and Windows page in the Options > Environment window
- Added new options to determine the order of opening new document tabs
- Added the Copy Data As > CSV command to the shortcut menu to export data directly from the grid to CSV
- Integrated SQL Formatter into all commercial editions of dbForge tools for Oracle
- Added a new option that drops the destination object during object duplication
- Added Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, and Sort by Title in Snippets Manager
- Improved the search-and-filtering algorithm for the options available in formatting profiles
- Added the ability to search for option names in the Options window
- Optimized the installation process for 32-bit executable modules alongside the Studio
- Added the ability to work with database snapshots in the Express edition
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Improved text display in the DBMS Output window (T318458, #57902, #161183)
- Added support for parsing At Time Zone in variable assignment expressions (#158552)
- Fixed an issue where editing block selections caused the loss of focus in documents (#141247)
- Fixed an issue with adding a large number of files to a project (#112546)
- Added support for parsing the AS keyword after the 'json_table' function in the FROM clause (p132819)
- Introduced capability to interpret Oracle Numeric Data Types as numerical values (#146728)
- Added support for the UNSPECIFIED option in the INMEMORY_COMPRESSION attribute (#149960)
- Fixed the ER-Object reference not set to an instance of an object error (#136696)
- Resolved a formatting issue (#158833, #151464, #158212, #158287)
- Added support for the ACCESSIBLE BY clause (#158191)
- Adjusted the sorting of the Update of columns list in the Trigger Editor based on the Checked status (#187856)
- Fixed an issue that occurred when renaming a table after closing the Database Diagram window (#158931)
- Fixed an issue that occurred when describing objects in the Database Diagram (#152629)
- Improved the display of controls in the Table Editor on the Columns tab (#149552)
- Fixed an issue with restoring documents and certain application settings after upgrading to a new version (#146727)
- Improved open document tab management, added customization options, and fixed new tab positioning issues (#147392)
- Fixed syntax highlighting for string literals in SQL expressions (#147850)
- Fixed the Data Export Wizard behavior when saving folders for output in different file formats (#49449)
- Fixed an issue with entering values for dynamic SQL parameters of the DATE data type, now allowing time input (p20552)
- Improved .sql file saving behavior to prevent the creation of unnecessary .sql.design files (T314455)
- Resolved syntax support issues for certain SQL and PL/SQL expressions (#168278)
- Fixed a data retrieval issue in Paginal mode when the result set includes unnamed columns (#149461)
- Enhanced data filtering capabilities in Data Editor through the integration of a new Filter Editor (#61704)
- Fixed the design of application settings pages in the Options window to ensure proper scaling across different DPI settings (T274777)
- Resolved an issue causing the truncation of milliseconds in TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE values (#132855)
- Resolved an issue encountered when handling NESTED tables in Documenter (#115789)
- Fixed an issue occurring on the Mapping page in Data Compare (#105232)
- Resolved an issue with connecting to a server running version 19.24 (#160361, #162602, #167112, #174421, #184648, #187861)
- Added the ability to ignore system-generated VIRTUAL INVISIBLE columns in Schema Compare (p141424)
- Implemented processing for a cyclic dependency case involving identical object names in the source and target in Schema Compare(#152668)
4.6.36 09-Jul-24
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed the error that occurred when saving data to the clipboard (Ctrl+C) in the Data Editor (#158123)
4.6.35 21-Jun-24
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that occurred at the application startup Studio (#154026)
- Fixed an issue that occurred when synchronizing schemas containing Index Organized Tables (#135939, #152214)
- Fixed an issue with exporting numeric data types to MySQL and MariaDB using ODBC (#153733)
- Fixed an issue with converting the numeric data type Number to varchar(32) when exporting data from Oracle to MariaDB using ODBC (#148462)
- Fixed the "Failed to convert parameter value from a DateTimeOffset to a DateTime." error that occurred when exporting data from Oracle to MariaDB using ODBC (#148462)
- Resolved the application crash that occurred when an SQL document contained numerous UNIONs (T268458)
4.6.15 19-Feb-24
SQL Document and Code Completion
- Added support for CREATE, ALTER, and DROP VIEW statements
- Added new formatting profiles
Script Generator
- Added option Include security permissions
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Added support for displaying the ANYDATA data type values in the Data Editor (#141020)
- Fixed an issue with executing the Find in Database Explorer command from the Search window when the Database Explorer window is closed (#137840)
- Enhanced the mechanism to determine users' DBA privileges and resolved an issue with retrieving the list of objects for Database Explorer (#134217)
- Supported U'string literals in scripts (#136203)
- Fixed an issue that occurred when launching the application (#98761, #108351, #109757, #109758, #111350, #111352, #114542, #118358, #120153)
- Implemented parsing for the DISTINCT, UNIQUE, and ALL keywords within the parameters of the LISTAGG function (#126205)
- Fixed the syntax parsing errors in scripts that were causing formatting issues (#139424)
- Resolved a syntax parsing error in queries involving UNION, which was causing the Studio to crash (#142732)
- Fixed syntax parsing errors in scripts that were causing issues when using the Generate Script As functionality (#136204)
- Fixed the recursive resolution of references during script formatting (#118795)
- Resolved an issue with exporting/importing data to/from Excel (#133943, #125382, #129644, #126593)
- Enhanced metadata retrieval for stored procedures to avoid excessive memory usage (#119651)
- Corrected a grammatical error in the warning message regarding dependent objects during schema synchronization (#129839)
- Fixed an error that occurred during documentation generation (#132054)
4.5.117 21-Jul-23
- Added connectivity support for Oracle 23c
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed an error that occurred when retrieving metadata for schema objects in Documenter (#115789)
- Refined the conditions for activating the AUTO COMMIT mode button in SQL Document (#108656)
- Resolved an issue with hints in the Completion List that occurred when invoking a hint before a subquery (#116631)
- Fixed an issue with data export to Excel (#121095)
- Fixed the loss of TABLESPACE and STORAGE OPTIONS during the synchronization of tables, indexes, and materialized views (#118420)
- Resolved an issue with unnecessary indentation being added when formatting queries with the USING clause in a JOIN (#123279)
- The application runs out of memory when backing up databases containing large objects (> 1GB) (#121116)
- Poor user interface responsiveness when configuring data generation settings for databases with lots of tables
4.5.21 16-Mar-23
- Added support for Linux and macOS via CrossOver
Code Completion
- Added support for the DROP FLASHBACK ARCHIVE statement
- Added support for the CREATE RESTORE POINT statement
- Added support for the DROP RESTORE POINT statement
- Added support for the SET ROLE statement
- Added support for the CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE statement
- Added support for the RENAME statement
- Added support for the SET CONSTRAINT(s) statement
- Added support for the FLASHBACK TABLE statement
- Added support for the TRUNCATE CLUSTER statement
- Added support for the EXPLAIN PLAN statement
- Added support for the following SQL*Plus commands: ACCEPT, #EFINE, REMARK, CONNECT, EXIT, PROMPT, and VARIABLE
- Extended support for the SELECT statement by adding support for the following clauses and subclauses: row_pattern_clause, hierarchies_clause, window_clause, flashback_query_clause (extended), modify_external_table_properties, and LATERAL Inline Views
- Extended support for the INSERT statement by adding support for the the subquery factoring clause
Data Compare
- Added the Ignore IDENTITY columns option for data comparison and synchronization
- Added support for the Memory Table property
- Added ValidityPeriod for tables
Schema Compare and Table Designer
- Improved the behavior of table columns reordering
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Resolved an issue with the synchronization between a column and a sequence (#89273)
- Resolved an issue causing the application to crash upon closing the Trigger editor (#102662)
- Fixed an error that occurred when generating a script for columns with DEFAULT ON NULL (#110980)
- Resolved an issue with manual product activation (#99323)
- Fixed a bug causing the application to crash upon launch (#113391)
- Improved Data Viewer in Data Compare to allow for viewing large LOBs (#19502)
- Improved memory handling when viewing large sets of data in the Paginal Mode of the Data Editor (#98727)
- Improved the behavior of the 'Include physical attributes' option for unique keys in Schema Export (#93066)
- Enhanced Database Explorer with the support for displaying DML triggers created in other schemas (T306811)
- Improved the behavior of the 'Include database name in script' option when using templates in Data Export (#92710)
- Improved the behavior of the 'Generate comments in the script' option in Schema Export (#92598)
- Improved the generation of the PCTFREE property synchronization script in Schema Compare (#89274)
- Fixed a bug in Master-Detail Browser (#105719)
- Resolved an issue with the generation of the synchronization script when the 'Default value ON NULL' option is enabled in Table Editor (u43214109)
- Fixed the highlighting of built-in functions (#110029, #109918)
- Fixed an issue with the formatting of packages (#106666)
- Fixed an issue with the formatting of the AT TIME ZONE expression (#106766)
- Fixed a bug that occurred when describing partitions in Schema Compare (#96302)
- Fixed a bug that occurred when refreshing Database Explorer (#94785, #94784)
- Fixed an issue with the formatting of the subquery factoring clauses (#81274)
- Resolved an issue causing the application to freeze during package formatting (#81274)
- Fixed an error with importing data from Excel (#81112)
- Fixed a bug that occurred when exporting data from the results grid to Excel (#103683)
- Fixed an issue with getting the value of an array element in the Debugging mode (#80548)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect case selection when formatting variables (#100932)
- Fixed a bug that occurred when generating DDL triggers (#96143)
- Resolved an issue where a part of the script was mistakenly included in the TODO comment while formatting (#95810)
- Fixed a number of issues that occurred when working with queries containing aggregate functions in Query Builder (#88397)
- Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to save a schema comparison project with a name that exceeds system limits
- Improved the error diagnostics in Schema Compare
- Implemented the actual values of sequences in the data synchronization script
4.4.64 19-Jul-22
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed compatibility issues with the latest Windows 11 updates
- Fixed an error that occurred when generating a comparison report from the command line (Dd80591)
4.4.56 23-May-22
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed a problem with launching the Start Page (#63348)
- Fixed syntax error that occurred during script formatting (#77776)
- Fixed an error with losing triggers when rebuilding a table when synchronizing schemes (#78703)
- Fixed an error that occurred when working with the editor in the SQL document (#80821)
4.4.51 28-Mar-22
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed an issue that blocked the program from being installed on specific environments due to the shell folder constant expansion failure (#75346)
- Fixed a critical error that occurred because of the editor cursor initialization failure when running under Microsoft Windows 11 Build 22567 and later
- Fixed a critical error that occurred when painting the main window of the program on high resolution displays (#81995)
- Resolved an issue that caused the program license reactivation process after the BIOS update to fail
4.4.49 04-Feb-22
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed an error that occurred when formatting a package (#52313)
- Fixed the display of the Invalid Object Manager document in the dark mode (#74922)
- Fixed an unexpected exception that occurred when closing a document that was modified in an external editor
- Fixed the behavior of the application installer when checking the version of the .NET Framework
- Fixed an issue with comparing objects in Data Compare
- Fixed an error that occurred when executing a query
- Fixed an issue with retrieving table metadata (#77642)
4.4.40 13-Jan-22
- Added support for Oracle 21c
Code Completion
- Added support for the SQL*Plus DESCRIBE command
Data Compare
- Updated the Report Wizard
Schema Compare
- Added the Ignore MAXVALUE option
- Added the Ignore INCREMENT BY option
- Added the Ignore CACHE option
- Added the Ignore CYCLE option
- Improved the behavior of the Ignore START WITH option
- Drastically improved reports
- Added support for the JSON search index
- Added attribute clustering support
Other improvements
- Added support for nested tables in Generate Script As
- Expanded the Generate Script As settings with 4 new options: Include COMMIT, Include SET SQLBLANKLINES ON, Include SET DEFINE OFF, and Include NLS parameters for the current session
- Improved the behavior of the Retrieve Data option
- Updated integration with version control systems
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with forced addition of quotes to generated aliases when they are output in lower case (T268614, T283221, T283533, T283453, T297378, T305217)
- Added support for the conditional compilation expressions in syntax check (#63082)
- Added support for PL/SQL declarations in CTE expression syntax (#64259)
- Added support for the CROSS APPLY operator in the SELECT statement syntax (#71607)
- Fixed comparison of packages containing a schema name (#60952)
- Fixed an error that occurred when generating a synchronization script with the PL/SQL blocks (#60143)
- Fixed an error that occurred when activating the application (#69522, #63348)
- Fixed display of materialized views in Database Explorer (T268372, T268822)
- Fixed an issue with displaying the list of partitions in the table editor in the dark skin mode
- Fixed an issue with displaying relationships between tables in the Database Diagram
- Fixed an issue with accessing the System.Net.Http assembly when starting the application
- Fixed an issue with sending error reports from an application without an installed email client
4.3.99 20-Oct-21
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- The application fails with a critical error when trying to create diagram objects after installing the KB5006670, KB5006672 or KB5006674 Windows update
- Fixed an error of comparison and synchronization of check constraints with the same names (#67520, #64570)
- Fixed a critical error occurred when comparing data
4.3.97 16-Aug-21
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Issue with editing invalid objects (#62052)
- Issue with connecting to Oracle 8 using the enabled Unicode option (#61038)
4.3.93 16-Jul-21
New features and improvements
- Added ability to save * .dcomp and * .scomp files in the Comparison Wizard before running the comparison
- Added ability to treat execution errors as warnings during schema synchronization
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Issue with filtering in Database Explorer
- Error when establishing connection in the Direct mode (T320056, #49673, #51631, #53233, #53567, #55028)
- Issue with the search operation in the view editor
- Improved processing of the error that occurred when executing cursor scripts
- Improved capabilities for opening a connection for users with limited permissions (#57215)
- Improved behavior of the context menu on the Constraints tab of the table editor (#55316)
- Error with the use of virtual columns (#55233)
- Improved capabilities of work with the SQL*Plus DEFINE command (#51391)
- Improved behavior of alias renaming for view columns (T322738)
- Improved application of parameters when executing scripts by using the F5 and F8 commands
- Issue with cell focus in Data Editor
- Issue with parameter recognition during the execution of scripts (T303259)
- Unexpected exception when importing data from an Excel file (T314153)
- Error when restoring documents
- Unexpected exception when describing indexes during the generation of documentation (#52662)
- Added processing of the circular dependency between the calculated column and the function (#58806)
- Error while loading assemblies (#52346)
- Mapping reset error during comparison with Custom Query (#53285)
- Fixed processing of differences in NOT NULL values for the PRIMARY KEY columns (#52174)
- Data comparison error that occurred when working with BYTE columns (#51637)
- Fixed processing of errors that occurred as a result of multi-threading
- Issue with using Find and Replace in the object editor
- Issue with procedure text modification during debugging
- Issue with license verification on launch
- Issue with creating JOIN connections in Query Builder
- Added capability to set the time for input parameters of the DATE type in stored procedures
- Error that occurred when opening documents
4.3.34 26-Jan-21
New features and improvements
- Activation of the tool via the command-line interface
- Improved working with virtual columns when comparing and synchronizing schemas
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Issue with synchronizing unique keys when modifying columns (T321087, T322045)
- Index analysis error when modifying a table (T324838)
- Working with index metadata is corrected
- Error when copying data from Data Editor (T319036, T319061, T319090, T319180, T319304, T320387, T320393, T320831, T321857, T323218)
4.2.34 29-Sep-20
User-reported and internal bug fixes
- Complete server version for Oracle 18 and higher was detected incorrectly
- The 'SQL command not properly ended' error occurred with the delimiter character when executing the WITH clause (T312408)
- Behavior when copying the cell values from Data Editor is improved
- Issue with detecting the difference between tablespaces in constraints is eliminated
- Issue with the correct use of tablespaces in constraints when the Ignore Tablespaces option is enabled is eliminated (T306592)
- Error occurred with describing columns (T304630, T304631)
- A query that left-joined a table that was inner-joined with another table using parentheses to override the default precedence could not be formatted
- Formatting of a broken XLS file when exporting data to EXCEL is fixed
- Quoting when exporting data of the DATE format to EXCEL is improved (T313769)
- An error with closing the SQL document is eliminated
4.2.20 02-Jul-20
New features and improvements
- Connectivity support for Oracle 20c is implemented
- New 'Reseed identity column' data sync option is added
User-reported bugs fixed
- Other user-reported bugs are fixed (T311478, T307976, T306749, T306316, T305663, T305049, T302881)
4.1.94 23-Dec-19
User-reported bugs fixed
- Problem with the same name objects in documenter is fixed (T294143)
- Problem with syntax highlight in .pkb file is fixed (T294205)
- Problem with formatting long quoted multiline literals is fixed (T285584)
- Problem with Hebrew Chars is fixed (T285162)
- Other minor user-reported bugs are fixed (T298370, T289989, T283453, T283954, T280259, T276378)
4.1.48 08-May-19
User-reported bugs fixed
- Problem with lost synchronization script is fixed (ORCL-2075)
- Problems with foreign keys comparing are fixed (T280909, T281587)
- Other minor user-reported bugs are fixed
4.1.43 16-Apr-19
New features and improvements
- Brand New Application Skins
- Support for Oracle 19c
- AutoCommit Mode ON/OFF
- Improved Schema Comparison Performance
- Transaction Reminder and Execution Notifications
User-reported bugs fixed
- Problem with incorrect temporal table name is fixed (T277821)
- Problem with wrong message in formatter is fixed (T277972)
- Problem with ignore collation option is fixed (T276888)
- Problem with Syntax Check is fixed (T275687)
- Problem with Generate Fully Qualified Object Name option is fixed (T243422)
- Problems with describe objects in Data Compare are fixed (T270693, T277985)
- Other user-reported bugs are fixed (T140586, T267953, T267180, T267355, T266501, T278896, T268803, T275889, T277242, T275823, T268629)
4.0.304 29-Dec-18
User-reported bugs fixed
- Problem with option "Generate fully qualified object names" is fixed (T243422)
- Incorrect description of system properties is fixed (T268296)
- Incorrect description of database object is fixed (T270693)
- Problems in schema comparison wizard are fixed (T268590, T269556)
- Problem with restoring *.dbd file is fixed (T268762)
- Materialized view creation issue is fixed (T268296)
- Data rows addition issue is fixed (T267838)
- Problems with pressing "Refresh" button in "Breakpoints" window are fixed (T267575, T267762, T270071, T271464)
- Problem with retrieving data from table is fixed (T272124)
- Other user-reported bugs are fixed (T269459, T269030, T268762, T268762, T267939, T268447, T269656)
4.0.281 14-Nov-18
User-reported bugs fixed
- Problems with XML DB are fixed (T268212, T268296)
- Several user-reported bugs are fixed
4.0.275 30-Oct-18
User-reported bugs fixed
- Cashed updates mode issues are fixed (T267355, T266501)
- Debugger issues are fixed (T265499, T267117, T267575)
- Query builder issue is fixed (T266232)
- Other user-reported bugs are fixed (T267382, T265499, T265029)
4.0.237 20-Sep-18
Enterprise Edition
- Data Generator
- Database Documenter
SQL Document
- CTRL+W shortcut for closing the current tab
- Opening new tabs next to current one
- Pressing CTRL+N in an SQL window lets the new window to inherit the connection properties of the current window
- Displaying a connection color in the status bar
- Each document creates its own connection
- The Close All Unmodified Tabs command is added
- Format Document (CTRL+K+D) command in the shortcut menu of SQL document
- Close code completion connection to Oracle Server when it is not being used
- Query navigation
- Improved query text parsing
- Greatly redesigned Query execution history
Data Viewer
- Displaying of data type and size
Data Export/Import
- Support for Google Sheets
- Support for JSON data
- Redesigned export/import of XML data
- Preview of generated update script in the wizard
- Detecting of column types when importing data from Excel format
Schema Comparison
- Extended Comparison Reports functionality
Schema comparison options
- Associate column names having similar name options
- Ignore case in objects names
- Ignore spaces in objects names
- Disable dependency analysis
- Ignore collations
- Ignore datatypes in column
- Ignore Table DML Trigger
- Ignore INSTEAD OF Triggers
- Ignore firing order for triggers
- Ignore check constraints
- Ignore foreign keys actions ON UPDATE and ON DELETE
- Ignore indexes
- Ignore index names
- Ignore primary keys
- Ignore uniques
- Ignore triggers present only in Target
- Ignore indexes present only in Target
- Ignore Dependent objects in other schemas
- Ignore double quotes in PL/SQL blocks
- Ignore External Table Location Information
- Ignore Parallel
- Ignore Supplemental Log
- Ignore Flashback Archive
- Ignore materialized view START WITH value
- Ignore character length semantics
- Ignore ILM Policies
- Ignore sequence START WITH value
- Ignore Sequence MinValue
Schema synchronization options
- Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for tables
- Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER for views, procedures, functions, triggers, packages, Java Sources
Support for new objects and properties
- External tables
- Multiple Indexes on the same set of columns
- Partial indexes for partitioned tables
- In-memory column store
- Advanced index compression with partitioned indexes
- Attribute clustering
- Indexing JSON data and function-based indexes
- Temporal validity
- Constraint name of view supported in read-only subquery restriction
- Materialized view log: FOR REFRESH clause
- Automatic list partitioning
- Column-level collation and case-insensitive database
- Full-text search (JSON search indexes)
- Real-time materialized views
- Collation for clustered columns
Data Comparison
- Extended Comparison Reports functionality
- Exclusion and Inclusion of columns from/into comparison
- Automatic selection of comparison key for objects without equal unique indexes
- Pre and post script execution during data synchronization
Data comparison options
- Specifying regular expression for:Include tables or views by mask, Exclude tables or views by mask, Ignore columns by mask
- Include compare option to ignore spaces in the middle of varchar
- Always exclude newly added objects
- Ignore datatype for virtual columns
- Data Tolerance interval
Data synchronization options
- Check for concurrency updates
- Synchronize current values of sequences
Other Improvements
- Digital signature for the installation file
- Trial product activation
- Greatly improved visual style of the tool
- FIPS compliance
- Support for PowerShell
- Command line execution file wizard
- Redesigned Generate Script As
- Support for High DPI and 4k resolution is improved
User-reported bugs fixed
- Lost connection issues are fixed (T262566, T195020, T205502, T228904, T233605, T241200)
- Problem with incorrect script to update complex key is fixed (T261854)
- Compatibility with Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms is improved (T226564, T231229, T257670, T260673, T202683)
- Problem with Security Manager is fixed (T256960)
- Problems with Save as my defaults are fixed (T257360, T260045, T262519, T263615)
- Problems with NRE are fixed (T163054, T175176, T205363, T196813, T199194, T208875, T218758, T229140, T201029, T225559, T203414, T212302, T213582, T227486, T213625, T236448, T236923, T238693, T248205, T228159, T230121, T249362, T253487, T254623, T262154, T253153, T246452, T247267, T247603, T248251, T246253)
- Problem with data export to Excel is fixed (T247402)
- Retrieve data issue is fixed (T249178)
- Default values comparison issue is fixed (T237731)
- Incorrect behavior during script execution issue is fixed (T230057)
- Paginal mode issue is fixed (T212450)
- Toolbar options issues are fixed (T203593, T199057, T198336)
- Problems with package execution are fixed (T202596, T242554, T254263, T254704)
- TIMESTAMP and CHAR view issues are fixed (T196674, T194418)
- Trigger editor issue is fixed (T184056)
- Command line issue is fixed (T172991)
- Table data search issue is fixed (T168850)
- Other user-reported bugs are fixed (T145649, T83470, T161112, T140586, T198392, T199685, T192984, T193836, T195773, T251820, T200202, T200857, T211898, T243644, T31026, T226980, T224189, T223945, T214816, T213692, T222189, T214816, T215979, T232587, T237252, T210590, T239389, T250788, T210052, T210976, T30940, T262538, T253996, T248605, T247741, T261132, T214816)
3.10.12 24-Apr-17
- User-reported connection issues are fixed (T214018, T215630)
3.10.10 05-Apr-17
- dbForge Studio for Oracle supports connection to Oracle Database 12c Release 2
- Issue with NUMBER type in Data Editor and Viewer is fixed
3.9.22 21-Oct-16
New features and improvements
- The Database Search tool has been completely redesigned for optimal search of both objects and data
- Visual Object Editors have been totally redesigned
- Virtual Columns are now supported in Visual Object Editors and Schema Compare
- Greatly improved suggestion performance
- Improved XML View and new JSON View for Data Editor and Viewer Window
- Generate Script As now supports selection of multiple objects
- Styled icons are used by default
User-reported bugs fixed
- Issue with selecting several object for Generate Script As is fixed (T165365)
- Message: Result set does not contain column with the name 'GENERATION_TYPE' shown under some conditions is fixed (T169045, T170817, T174424)
- Project compilation issue is fixed (T128883)
- Database connection: failed to retrieve required server information error message is fixed (T64482)
- Code suggestion issue with RTRIM function is fixed (T185628)
- Comparision report export issues are fixed (T185957, T184740)
- Data Compare issue with TIMESTAMP is fixed (T182123)
- Schema Compare issues are fixed (T182355, T179729, T172399, T174651, T176337, T186094, T187598, T187732, T187743, T192139, T167273)
- Object Editors issues are fixed (T164186, T162278)
- Issue with VclStylesInno.dll during installation is fixed (T165345, T179822)
- Project Compilation issue is fixed (T128883)
- Autoformat issues for Generate Script As are fixed (T179130)
- Session Manager issues are fixed (T180089, T166727)
- SQL Document issues are fixed (T179133, T168644, T176372, T183539, T165467, T134456)
- Other user-reported bug fixes (T173036, T166930, T160960, T160015, T153728, T148651, T142015, T178691)
3.8.50 11-Feb-16
- Minor improvements
- User-reported bug fixes (T159641)
3.8.40 04-Feb-16
New features and improvements
- Redesigned UI for schema compare and data compare functionality
- Support for TFS 2015 in schema compare
- Find and recompile invalid objects
- Server connection via IPv6
- Shortcut table
- Code Refactoring: changing all occurrences of variable names and object names to new ones, automatically finds and corrects all references to them
- Redesigned Installation Wizard
User-reported bugs are fixed
- Windows Authentication connection is added
- InvalidCastException related to script editing is fixed (T157328)
- An editor problem with using dblink in a query is fixed (T156854)
- Object suggestion is fixed when a parenthesis is not closed in the function parameter list (T156402)
- IndexOutOfRangeException related to sorting negative values is fixed (T150652, T147852, T138076)
- An error related to the shortcut menu invocation in the Database Explorer in the Express Edition is fixed (T149585)
- FormatException related to selecting many tables in the Data Export is fixed (T148012, T154090)
- ArgumentException when trying to close the application is fixed (T146115)
- IndexOutOfRangeException related to the Direct connection without the client is fixed (T145799)
- InvalidOperationException related to exporting a large amount of strings in XML is fixed (T143979)
- NullReferenceException related to clearing the Temp directory with a third-party tool is fixed (T142845)
- InvalidOperationException related to script editing is fixed (T141994)
- The 'ORA-01805' message related to editing tables with triggers is fixed (T135730, T140586)
- An error related to 'TRUNC(SYSDATE, 'MM')' function is fixed (T137279)
- A comment is saved now while adding a column via diagram (T134905)
- NullReferenceException related to navigating to the latest data page in a huge table (11 M records) is fixed (T134857, T139908, T143868, T152029)
- A problem related to saving the custom table mapping is fixed (T132161)
- An exception related to saving a string that exceeds the field size is fixed (T127748, T128814, T129413, T129430, T129536, T129840, T136003, T130044, T130265, T130669, T130761, T129840, T131388, T131480, T131780, T139474, T140088, T140504, T143275, T145931, T146842, T150684, T151508, T155575, T156143, T156146, T157185, T157485)
- InvalidCastException related to exporting data to sql defined by a template is fixed (T125915)
- The time display is corrected while executing a long-running query (T125376, T133313)
- An exception related to clearing a column with the not null constraint is fixed (T124723, T125079, T128581, T125085, T138206, T149470)
- AlreadyRunningException while restarting a long-running query is fixed (T124934)
- NullReferenceException while editing and clicking on Filter after staring data comparison is fixed (T124067)
- It is possible to connect to Oracle 7.3.4 Server using direct mode (T123879)
- An exception while editing a primary key of one record is fixed (T123754, T124088)
- The 'Value was either too large or too small for an Int64' message while profiling a long-running query is eliminated (T120788)
- NullReferenceException while opening a corrupted configuration file is fixed (T115750)
- Conflict Records showing non-existent records is fixed (T150215)
- Formatter Exceptions are fixed
- Database Projects allow using all the types supported by the SQL editor
- A problem related to query execution while changing the connection is fixed
3.7.472 03-Feb-15
- Stability improvements and bug fixes
- User-reported bug fixes (T123464, T123679)
3.7.468 27-Jan-15
SQL Editing and Execution
- Suggestion and formatting of MERGE statements
- Command-line interface for SQL formatting
- Query execution pane
- Option to change a snippets folder location
- Phrase completion
- Option to set files encoding within the /execute and /schemaimport command-line operations
Data Comparison and Sync
- Ignore difference in end of line option
- Show white spaces option
Data Export and Import
- Export to the Excel 2007 (XLSX) format
- Retaining records filtering when the Export Selected Rows Only option is selected
- Export of BLOB fields as TEXT to Excel, TXT, HTML, PDF, RTF, and CSV formats
- Export to Excel, RTF, PDF with/without a header
- Force quotes option when exporting data to a CSV file
- Option to select encoding when exporting to DBF
- Import of dynamic values from Excel and Excel 2007
- Detecting column types when importing data from the CSV format
Data Report
- Support of report parameters in the command-line interface
Database Explorer
- Sending objects to a database diagram
- Generate Script As shortcut menu item for check constraints
- Renaming columns, indexes, #efault and check constraints
- Updated unique key and primary key editors
Data Editor
- Easy way to hide data results
- Data Viewer and LOB Editor are combined in a single control
- Redirect Data to Output is transformed into additional data editor
Other Features and Improvements
- Support of multiple monitors
- Create Schema Snapshot and Data Report wizard windows are modeless
- Enhanced Find and Replace window
- On-line documentation
3.6.389 17-Jul-14
Database Connectivity
- Connection via Windows authentication is added
Database Explorer
- Ability to compile objects from object category node is added
- Ability to enable/disable triggers is added
- Ability to enable/disable indexes is added
- Icons for user types and triggers are updated
Schema Compare and Synchronization
- Ignore Schema Name During Comparison option is added
- Ignore Compression Differences option is added
- Ignore LOGGING/NOLOGGING Clause option is added
- Ignore Column Order in Indexes option is added
- Exclude Comments option is added
- Use SQL *Plus Commands option is added
Data Compare and Synchronization
- Include Print Comments option is added
- Use SQL *Plus Commands option is added
Data Editor and Viewer
- Ability to view results as a structured XML file is added
Object Editors
- Viewing script while editing columns, indexes etc. is possible now
Code Debugger
- Outputting current variable value in tooltip while debugging procedures and functions is added
Aliases refactoring is possible now
User Interface
- Switching tabs by the CTRL+ALT+PAGE UP and CTRL+ALT+PAGE DOWN keys combination
- Windows connection coloring is added
- Restoring document tabs from the last session is possible now
- Switching between wizard window and primary window is possible now
3.5.313 19-Feb-14
New code formatter features
New Option: Add parentheses when inserting functions
New Option: Enable autoformat words while typing
New Option: Alias Text Case - As in declaration
Code formatter functionality is available even if SQL Complete is disabled
Do not format tag is implemented. Now it is possible to format a whole SQL document
in the editor ignoring selected code fragments which you do not want to be formatted.
Refresh suggestions cache
Automatic refresh suggestions cache by specified time is added
New option: Refresh suggestions cache on detecting changes on a server
Minor improvements
Formatting CASE options are redesigned
User-reported bug fixes
Problem with multiple open connections is fixed (R30444)
Problem with custom filter in the Data Editor is fixed (R32040)
Problem with connection's cloning is fixed (R32175)
Some problems with code formatter options are fixed (R31104, R30485, T93608, T96444)
NullReferenceException while opening project is fixed (T93935, T94966, T95798)
Some problems with Find and Replace text are fixed (T91956, T91956)
Incorrect order of minutes in the Data Editor is fixed (R30795)
Problem in Schema Comparison with foreign keys is fixed (T72056)
Incorrect behavior in Data Comparison with conflict records is fixed (T73218)
Ability to save Sql Document with a different extension is added (R30486)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Object Editor is fixed (T92445)
NullReferenceException with connection is fixed (T96035)
Some problems with debugger are fixed (R30706, R32105, T96047)
Problem with indents in text editor is fixed (R32140)
Incorrect behavior with "Ignore trailing spaces" option is fixed (T95602)
InvalidOperationException in Data Editor in editable mode is fixed (T92244)
Some problems with code completion are fixed (T91681, T97500)
Incorrect script generating for DATE data types is fixed (T97017)
3.5.272 04-Dec-13
InvalidOperationException while editing query results is fixed (T89648)
An exception while setting a constraint in the table editor is fixed (T91013, T91651)
NullReferenceException while selecting the 'In Bytes' checkbox in the column properties
is fixed (T88823, T89532)
IndexOutOfRangeException while connecting to Oracle 8.0.x is fixed (T88617)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException while creating a new folder inside the Snippet Manager
is fixed (T88686)
KeyNotFoundException while generating a schema script with all enabled options is
fixed (T88885)
Incorrect behaviour while setting custom keyboard shortcut for a command is fixed
NullReferenceException while opening the Security Manager is fixed (T89031, T92044)
Incorrect values for BLOB fields while generating the INSERT statement from the
Data Editor are fixed (R29341)
3.5.185 09-Oct-13
Oracle 12c is supported
Improved database object editors
Editable column grid in the table editor now allows adding and editing columns without
opening the popup dialog
Full-text search in the column grid in the table editor is added
Schema changes can now be viewed before updating database
Editor layout was revised, and now it allows viewing designer and table SQL simultaneously
F7 shortcut can now be used to toggle all editor views
Heuristics is supported: data type of the new column is suggested basing on the
column name. For example, for CUSTOMER_ID column NUMBER data type will be suggested,
and for CHANGE_DATE column DATE data type will be suggested.
Optimized application performance for working with Oracle servers
Database Explorer works faster now
Database object editors work faster now
Metadata for code completion is described faster now
New code formatter
Multiple formatting profiles
Extended options for formatting different clauses
Preview window for viewing formatted code with support of code highlighting and
Option quick search filter
Independent and precise adjustment for SQL-statements
Extended code completion capabilities
Suggestion of JOIN statements is added
Extended Oracle grammar support is added
Context-specific suggestions are improved
Full support of suggestions and PL/SQL grammar with context consideration is added
Minor features
New window docking system is introduced. Switching between tool windows on Ctrl+Tab
is supported
Working with Oracle on Amazon RDS is possible now
New skins are added (Metropolis and VS2010)
Snapshot creation functionality is added to all product editions
Connection export to Import and Export settings wizard is added
Microsoft Windows 8.1 is supported
Now dbForge Studio for Oracle can work with 32-bit versions of Oracle client on 64-bit
versions of Windows
3.1.283 14-Aug-13
InvalidOperationException on working with SQL document in Express edition is fixed
Problem on exporting views from command line is fixed (T75081)
NullReferenceException on creating snapshot via command line is fixed (T74698)
NullReferenceException from pop-up menu of Database Explorer in Standard edition
is fixed (R24654)
Problem with displaying import settings in the Black skin is fixed (R24554)
3.1.275 1-Jul-13
NullReferenceException on comparing BFILE data type is fixed (R23539)
NullReferenceException on exporting a schema in Direct Mode is fixed (R23698)
NullReferenceException on working with an SQL document is fixed (T73600)
NullReferenceException on navigating to a script from the Find object result window
is fixed (R23641)
An error while comparing a schema in Direct Mode is fixed (R18057)
NullReferenceException on viewing unrepresentable data in the Data Editor is fixed
3.1.270 18-Jun-13
NullReferenceException on searching objects by their definition text in Find Object
is fixed (T69016, T72610)
The problem with TFS in Schema Compare is fixed (T70020)
NullReferenceException on getting schemas in Export Schema wizard is fixed (T71237)
3.1.260 10-Apr-13
NullReferenceException on changing a date field in Data Editor is fixed (R17000)
Incorrect behaviour with inserting the Now value into the Timestamp field in Data
Editor is fixed (R16260)
The problem with punctuation's visibility in code editor with black background being
set is fixed (T64968)
Incorrect behaviour with editing selected text in code editor is fixed (R16116)
Check boxes are now replaced with radio buttons in the Data Import wizard (T63344)
InvalidOperationException on importing data from MS Excel in the Express edition
is fixed (T66002)
NullReferenceException on killing sessions in Session Manager is fixed (T68347)
The ability to restart importing data with the same options in the Data Import wizard
is added (T66545)
The "Value cannot be null" message on importing data from MS Excel is eliminated
3.1.251 11-Jan-13
On opening Connection the ORA-00933 error is received (R14892)
Error on displaying connection editor form is fixed (T16315)
Error on recurring opening of the 'Custom Queries Mapping' dialog box is fixed (T63195)
The 'Method is not implemented' error occurring on editing objects is fixed (T62811)
The Error on clicking MyDefaults in Schema Synchronization Wizard is fixed (R15446)
Error on saving export project is fixed (R15400)
Message on recurring call of 'Go To Definition' is not displayed if no changes were
performed in the previous document (T14962)
Error 'Cannot navigate to definition' on navigating to object with 'Go To Definition'
is fixed (T14956)
SET ROLE statement is supported (T61603)
Error occurring on the 'Paste As New Record' command execution is fixed (R8991)
The 'Empty path name is not legal' error on clicking Synchronize in the Synchronization
wizard is fixed (R16854)
Notes for bookmarks in query results are added (T16548)
The 'Index was out of range' error on closing document is fixed (T62858)
Error on displaying results of several SELECT queries is fixed (T64570)
Error on generating script using Schema Export utility is fixed (T61285)
Message displayed on generating argument file is changed (T16317)
Error on opening window with subquery by foreign key is fixed (T63953)
Ability to set service name in connection manager is added (T62012)
Pstart and Pstop columns are added to the Explain plan (T61893)
3.1.243 19-Nov-12
Problem with hidden buttons in the Schema Comparison wizard is fixed (T14812)
Problem with launching the application through the command line via MSBuild is fixed
(T41884, T40920)
Problems with profiling a query that followed by a comment is fixed (R11507)
ExternalException in GDI+ on typing text in SQL document is fixed (T42514)
NullReferenceException on comparing selected profiling results in SQL Profiler is
fixed (R11702)
Problem that occurred on changing and then compiling a package is fixed (R11783)
KeyNotFoundException on viewing changes in the Role editor is fixed (T51451)
NullReferenceException on adding hyperlink on a database diagram is fixed (T51726)
MissingMethodException on importing schema via the Schema Import wizard is fixed
NullReferenceException on deploying a database project is fixed (T58688)
NullReferenceException on changing a layout in Query Builder is fixed (T58850)
Incorrect behaviour with removing the selected text in SQL document on closing the
Edit Parameters dialog is fixed (T59896)
InvalidCastException on filtering data in Data Editor is fixed (T59944)
Incorrect determining of the DBA role for connected user is fixed (R14654)
NullReferenceException on loading invalid snippets in Snippet Manager is fixed (T60840)
Incorrect generation of password value in Security Manager is fixed (T60869)
ArgumentNullException on refreshing snippets in the Code Snippets window is fixed
InvalidOperationException on refreshing data in the Pivot designer is fixed (T61256)
Non-working main menu after selecting several connections in Database Explorer is
fixed (R14820)
Incorrect behaviour with cycled dependencies between object and table types during
schema comparison is fixed (T59430)
Incorrect generation of view's text on generating script is fixed (T60938)
Incorrect behaviour with foreign key properties after deleting and recreating this
key is fixed (T61088)
NullReferenceException on parsing invalid expressions in WHERE clause in Query Builder
is fixed (T45858)
Problem with updating data in a view with INSTEAD OF trigger on it is fixed (T60936)
3.1.219 25-Jul-12
Error "The path is not of a legal form" is fixed (T41834)
Problem with combo boxes in the synchronization wizard is fixed (R11372)
Message "triggers were deleted" after database modification is fixed (R7109)
Error "PS:00123 program too large" during synchronization with disabled option "Synchronize
LOBs via files" is fixed (T41059)
Application crash after switching to the tab "text" for view in the object viewer
is fixed (R10529)
Problem with selection after increase line indent is fixed (R10545)
Bug displaying function parameters in the quick info is fixed (R10549)
Bug displaying package parameters in the quick info is fixed (R10547)
Error "PLS-00103" after execution current statement is fixed (R10547)
Error "Unable to profile this query" is fixed (R11088)
Error "ORA-01013" during execution DML with execution timeout is fixed (R11089)
Problem with new schema comparison window is fixed (T41812)
Problem with displaying public database links is fixed (R11224)
Error "The handle is invalid" during executing command line via MSBuild is fixed
(T41884, T40920)
3.1.206 20-June-12
Problems with navigation to functions in packages are fixed (R6159)
Error Report on the Compile References command is fixed (T40847)
Error Report on dragging a document is fixed (T40368)
Problem with single-clicking an object in Database Explorer leading to opening Object
Editor is fixed (R9995)
Text of the message that pops up when compiling packages is fixed (T39879)
3.1.198 14-May-12
Schema synchronization scripts for Logging and Compress table options is fixed (T37909)
Error report during SQL script execution is fixed (R9055)
Problem with Ignore trailing spaces option in Data Comparison wizard is fixed (R9361)
Problem with disabled Data Editor is fixed (R9075)
Problem with parameter parsing in SQL document is fixed (R7852)
3.1.196 23-Apr-12
New Features
Report generation options were added to Command line (T34566)
User-reported bug fixes
OutOfMemoryException on comparing big schemas is fixed (T38607)
Error report during SQL script execution is fixed (T38082)
Problem with constraints describe on Oracle 7 is fixed (T37308)
Script generation option "List individual hash partitions" is turned on by default
NullReferenceException on describing schema objects is fixed (T38219)
NullReferenceException on deleting trigger from "Used By" section is fixed (T38450)
Problem with unexpected application termination when searching objects is fixed
3.1.190 23-Mar-12
Issue when Error List isn't cleared on executing query with errors is fixed (R5686)
Few problems with showing differences in Schema Compare document are fixed (T31850)
NullReferenceException on entering some letters in SQL editor is fixed (R6116)
The problem with 'groupby' option in command line for /schemacompare switch is fixed
The problem with setting a filter for large fields in Data Editor is fixed (T35222,
ArgumentNullException on comparing schemas on a single connection is fixed (R6134)
The problem with launching installation on x64 operating systems is fixed (R6264)
Sending extra queries on switching document view in the view editor is fixed (R6186)
Incorrect navigation to package methods if they contain comments is fixed (R6159)
Problem with losing aliases on editing invalid views is fixed (R6183)
NullReferenceException on mapping objects in Data Comparison wizard is fixed (R7172)
Incorrect behaviour of the "Include storage clause" option in Generate Schema Script
wizard is fixed (T36006)
Problem with hiding the "Loading Data" label is fixed (R6275)
NullReferenceException on schema export is fixed (R7189, R7099)
InvalidCastException on exporting data from RAW columns to SQL is fixed (R7178)
IndexOutOfRangeException on selecting text in SQL Document is fixed (R6054)
Problem with showing columns in Code Completion in project's SQL document is fixed
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on showing Code Completion window is fixed (T36319,
T36399, T36532)
OutOfMemoryException on toggling bookmarks in SQL document is fixed (R6055)
Incorrect behaviour with displaying bookmarks on editing text in SQL document is
fixed (R6053)
Incorrect search of text occurrence in SQL Document is fixed (R6831)
Duplicating a trigger on renaming it in Database Explorer is fixed (R7139)
ArgumentException on changing a schema in Data Compare document in the Express edition
is fixed (T36990)
NullReferenceException on executing a statement in SQL Document is fixed (R7601)
Wrong message about a trigger on saving a table is fixed (R7109)
NullReferenceException on editing data in Date columns in Data Editor is fixed (T36314)
NullReferenceException on closing Schema Compare wizard is fixed (R7095)
OutOfMemoryException on mapping objects in Data Comparison wizard is fixed (R7717)
InvalidOperationException on comparing data through command line is fixed (R7720)
Problems with showing differences in Schema Compare document are fixed (T31850)
Incorrect navigation to package functions and procedures is fixed (T36445)
ArgumentException on comparing data is fixed (T36783, T37302)
Problem with showing errors in command line during data comparison is fixed (R7180)
Problem with creating report about comparison is fixed (T31803)
InvalidCastException on editing DATE fields in Data Editor is fixed (R7325)
InvalidOperationException on comparing data through command line is fixed (R7096)
ExternalException on generating script of data comparison results is fixed (T34820)
NullReferenceException on comparing data through command line is fixed (R7008)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on showing Code Completion window is fixed (T36316,
Errors on executing a script through the Execute Large script wizard are fixed (T36959)
NullReferenceException on describing triggers is fixed (T37500, T38016)
NullReferenceException on comparing XML schemas is fixed (R7175)
Schema synchronization scripts are generated correctly now (T37909)
ArgumentException on comparing data is fixed (T37864)
Wrong behaviour with unstable network in Data Editor is fixed (T35784)
Incorrect comparing of index properties is fixed (T37581)
Incorrect generation of records in log file during schema comparing is fixed (T36928)
Path for comparison report is saved now (T37373)
3.1.172 20-Dec-11
A few problems with Code Completion and Quick Info are fixed.
FormatException on installing the product is fixed (R5879)
Problem with inserting keywords from the Code Completion window is fixed (T35271)
ArgumentException on exporting data of table with invalid name is fixed (R5985)
3.1.170 12-Dec-11
Several problems in Express edition are fixed
Several problems with Code Completion are fixed
One SQL document is opened on invoking the Retrieve Data command for several selected
tables in Database Explorer now
NullReferenceException on opening the Document Outline window is fixed (R5525)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on filtering or refreshing data in Data Editor is fixed
(R5585, R5582)
InvalidCastException on filtering data in Data Editor is fixed (R5583)
RowNotInTableException on saving changes after working in cashed updates mode is
fixed (R5561)
NullReferenceException on closing application with opened Object Viewer is fixed
NullReferenceException on inserting SQL code into text editor is fixed (T35086)
IndexOutOfRangeException on inserting a snippet into code editor is fixed (R5677)
3.1.165 06-Dec-11
New Features
150 improvements in the code autocompletion system
We've made nearly 150 changes and improvements in the dbForge Studio for Oracle
component that helps users edit PL/SQL code. Among them:
Oracle SQL and PL/SQL syntax support is expanded
Work of quick info hints for schema objects is improved
Keywords case is changed automatically on typing (if the corresponding options are
Usability shortcomings and errors are fixed
SQL document works with additional PL/SQL file types:
Support for editing .pls, .plb, .pks, .pkb, .pck Oracle PL/SQL files is added
Support for editing files with PL/SQL code created in some competitors' products
is added
Data export to SQL statements
Possibility to export data to INSERT, UPDATE, #ELETE, and MERGE statements is added
Data can be exported from a table or data grid using a wizard
Quick export from data grid without opening wizard
Convenient work with result sets of several SELECT queries
If there is more than one SELECT statement in a document, after execution query
results will be displayed on separate tabs in the Data window.
Such approach allows working with each data set independently.
Editing data of object fields
The new product version provides possibility to edit data in object fields in tables
using a pop-up editor.
Support for editing temporary tables
There is a capability to create and edit temporary tables in Table Editor.
Document Outline window for code navigation is improved
Grouping nodes by IF, FOR, etc. flow-control statements blocks is added
Displaying labels and navigation among them is added
More convenient working with query execution plan
Quick query plan obtaining (without turning the Profiling mode on) is added
Displaying of the EXPLAIN PLAN results without creating an additional table in the
user's scheme is added
Performance improvements
Time required on application startup and connection opening is reduced
Building of the Database Explorer tree, refreshing it, and receiving table list
is quicker now
Getting metadata for code completion becomes faster
Work of Schema Export with large amount of objects and data is improved
Data Editor working speed is increased
Object Viewer and Property Browser windows working speed is increased
Navigation to schema object editors from code is improved
Win-x64 Native Support
Now the application does not require 32-bit Oracle client software installed when
working with 64-bit Windows operating system - the application works with 64-bit
Oracle client software.
User-reported bug fixes
InvalidOperationException on expanding hierarchy in Security Manager is fixed (T34603)
Few errors on describing server scope objects are fixed (T34754)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on showing the Code Completion window is fixed (T34585,
Schema compare command line option to compare snapshots is added (T32283, T32479)
OutOfMemoryException on restoring and backing up a schema is fixed (T30188, T31767)
Incorrect outlining of PL\SQL code is fixed (T33681)
NullReferenceException on editing WHERE condition in Query Builder is fixed (T34440)
NullReferenceException on showing results in SQL document is fixed (T34304)
Incorrect clipboard operation on working with master-detail document is fixed (T34385)
Incorrect generating of the TRIM function in Query Builder is fixed (T33572)
Few errors of showing quick information are fixed (R3713, R3772)
NotImplementedException on trying to save template in Schema Export wizard is fixed
(T34222, T33053)
NullReferenceException on retrieving data containing Oracle objects is fixed (T34110)
Problem with exporting negative numbers to CSV is fixed (T33210)
ORA-00600 on showing LOB data is fixed (T34016)
Problem with Find Object window when working on several displays is fixed (R4185)
Showing wrong execution plan is fixed (R4695)
NullReferenceException on editing a query in Query Builder is fixed (T33924)
Execution of package's function or procedure is fixed (T33760)
Wrong behaviour with committing Code Completion on TAB or whitespace is fixed (R4712)
Ability to specify the length of VARCHAR column in bytes is added (T32819, R3599)
InvalidOperationException on typing CREATE TYPE in SQL document is fixed (T33835)
Wrong parsing of current statement in script is fixed (T33432)
NullReferenceException on viewing Conflict records in data comparison documents
is fixed (T33764)
Incorrect time of query execution is fixed (R3949)
The wrong behaviour with computed columns on schema comparison is fixed (T33244)
NullReferenceException with parsing script on opening SQL file is fixed (T33052,
T33007, R4414, R4413)
InvalidCastException on exporting data to XML from Data editor is fixed (T32752)
Wrong behaviour with parsing parameters in SQL document is fixed (R3956)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on synchronizing schemas in Schema Comparer is fixed
(T33255, T33283)
OutOfMemoryException on comparing schemas is fixed (T31917, T31317, T31735, T32846)
ArgumentException on trying to edit object via context menu in schema comparison
document is fixed (T32728)
Named parameters are supported (R3724)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on refreshing array types in Database Explorer is fixed
Fake cycling in schema comparison is fixed (T32784)
Hanging on data comparison is fixed (T31698)
3.0.106 14-Oct-11
NullReferenceException on opening a connection in Database Explorer is fixed (T32791)
FormatException on trying to connect to Oracle server with wrong parameters is fixed
Quick way to view execution plan in SQL document is added (R3721)
NullReferenceException on executing or parsing stored procedure's text is fixed
(T32611, T32727)
The problem with missing statements in SQL history in SQL document is fixed (R3722)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on executing queries in SQL document is fixed (T32425,
NullReferenceException on importing schema with Schema Export Utility wizard is
fixed (T32211)
3.0.105 20-Sep-11
FormatException on getting information for partitioned table in Project Wizard is
fixed (T32159)
NullReferenceException in Import Utility Wizard is fixed (T32211)
The problem with trial period is fixed (T32131)
The problem with intellisense after entering text is fixed (T32083)
The problem with Edit Mask form is fixed (R3648)
Some errors with intellisense are fixed
3.0.103 08-Sep-11
InvalidCastException on expanding nodes in Database Explorer in the Express edition
is fixed (T32042)
NullReferenceException on getting column list for a table on a SYSDBA connection
is fixed (T32047)
The problem with showing trial form when 14 days left to expire a license is fixed
NullReferenceException on showing Quick Info hint for a PL/SQL variable is fixed
Incorrect synchronization of Supplemental Logs is fixed (R3442)
Incorrect describing of clustered columns is fixed (R3437)
NullReferenceException on editing data in Data Editor is fixed (R3389)
IndexOutOfRangeException on adding new records in Data Editor is fixed (R3381)
ORA-00933 error on Oracle server 8.1.7 is fixed (R3503)
NullReferenceException on removing a table from diagram in Query Builder is fixed
NullReferenceException on sending custom snippets to Devart is fixed (R3423)
NullReferenceException on editing a data for TIMESTAMP column is fixed (R3519)
Incorrect displaying packages in Document Outline on working with Database Designer
is fixed (R3476)
InvalidOperationException on double clicking on foreign key on Database Diagram
is fixed (R3458)
Opening different instances of product documentation is fixed (R3474)
TypeLoadException on executing queries on .NET Framework 2.0 is fixed (R3534, R3526)
NullReferenceException on editing CLOB data in the card view of Data Editor is fixed
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on showing Code Completion window is fixed (R3556)
Options for changing keywords and identifiers case for Code Completion are added
Profiler options are added in Options dialog
3.0.96 01-Sep-11
A few new tasks and some improvements are made in the Quick Info feature
Import of old connections from OraDeveloper Studio is added
The "Suggest feature" command is added to the Help menu
Some improvements in Code Completion feature for PL/SQL blocks are made
ORA-00942 on enabling or disabling a constraint in Database Explorer is fixed (R3274)
NullReferenceException on trying to create a new snapshot in the Schema Comparison
wizard is fixed (R3297)
NullReferenceException on creating a new document is fixed (T31565, T31683, T31821,
T31835, T31909)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on editing SQL text in the SQL document during execution
is fixed (T31791, R3290, R3284)
The problem with cut label texts in the Options dialog is fixed
Wrong behaviour of the "Execute current statement" command is fixed (R3308)
IndexOutOfRangeException on indenting selected text in Code Editor is fixed (T31650,
T31726, T31792)
ORA-02003 on getting results of SQL profiling is fixed (R3339)
Application's hanging on schema exporting is fixed (R3337)
Showing incorrect parameters for built-in functions is fixed (R2785)
Unavailable TFS client on choosing a version control alias in the Schema Comparison
wizard is fixed (R3309)
Some improvements are made in Document Outline window (R2871)
A few fixes for correct version control properties setting are made
Incorrect generating of CREATE VIEW text is fixed (R3332)
The problem with showing the context menu in Find Object Results window is fixed
NullReferenceException on deleting a table from the diagram in Query Builder is
fixed (T31527)
ArgumentException on drag'n'dropping a schema to a Database Diagram document is
fixed (T31666, T31676)
NullReferenceException on clicking a procedure and entering a space is fixed (T31677)
The error on killing a session during compilation of dependent objects is fixed
ArgumentException on creating a database project with importing schema objects of
Oracle 11 is fixed (R3342)
NullReferenceException on trying to edit invalid query from Data Source window is
fixed (R3373)
OutOfMemoryException on editing data of a CLOB field in Data Editor is fixed (T31794)
InvalidOperationException on editing data in Data Editor is fixed (R3394)
ORA-01801 on getting materialized view logs in Database Explorer is fixed (R3409)
InvalidOperationException on editing a column in Database Diagram is fixed (R3412)
3.0.87 23-Aug-11
NullReferenceException on deleting a table from the design view in Query Builder
is fixed (T31527)
The error on saving a package body is fixed (T31564)
NullReferenceException on trying to switch on the "Show navigation bar" option is
fixed (T31565)
Many improvements are made in the Code Completion feature and around it
Several minor fixes are made in object editors, Query Builder and SQL document functionalities
A couple of errors is fixed in Data and Schema Comparers
Packages are supported by Database Diagram document now
3.0.82 15-Aug-11
The new version of dbForge Studio for Oracle (formerly known as OraDeveloper Studio)
has a different name, looks differently, and includes a whole pack of new features
and extended old ones.
Product Editions
To make our product affordable for all categories of users, we divided dbForge Studio
for Oracle, v3.0 into Express, Standard, and Professional editions:
Express gives you the basic FREE Oracle database tool
Standard works fine for everyday Oracle development tasks
Professional includes extra tools to advance your Oracle development
to a new level
Major New Features
Schema Comparison Tool
Being first released as a separate tool, #bForge Schema Compare for Oracle was integrated
into dbForge Studio to provide even greater schema change management capabilities.
It is a comprehensive tool for database schema comparison and synchronization
that can be used both by application developers and database administrators (DBAs).
This tool can become a great assistant when you need to identify the impact of changes
made to your database schema, as it easily points out all differences and allows
generating customized Oracle schema synchronization script.
Data Comparison Tool
Being first released as a separate tool, #bForge Data Compare for Oracle was integrated
into dbForge Studio to provide smooth integration with the rest of functionality.
It is a powerful, fast, and easy-to-use tool for Oracle table data comparison
and synchronization. It helps you quickly compare data in tables, find the
differences at a glance, and generate a script to effortlessly synchronize data.
New Query Builder
Query Builder was completely re-designed to meet user needs. Now it allows you to
build any complex queries visually. You can create sub-queries, add tables, create
joins, or edit conditions with several clicks of the mouse. Following are the new
The state-of-art diagram with zooming and keyboard support
Preview and printing of the diagram
Visual addition of sub-queries to any part of the main query
Query outline (Document Outline window)
Visual editing of sub-queries
Expression builder for creating complex conditions
Copy/Paste for tables on the diagram
Undo/Redo support
Greatly Enhanced Data Editor
Over 50 new features and usability improvements were made to Data Editor to provide
maximum freedom when working with data. Here are some of them:
Quick filtering feature is added
Foreign Key lookup editor is added
Server-side sorting and filtering is implemented to avoid retrieving all data from
the table and enhance work in Paginal Mode
Few indications are added to inform user about Data Editor's state
Editing of tables in join statements is enabled now
Option for numbering records is added
Copying data to clipboard with header is added
Integration with charts, #ata reports, and pivot table component
Powerful Data Export and Import
With Data Export and Import tools, you can export data from tables or views of your
Oracle database, and after that you will be able to insert the exported data into
the table you need. Data Export and Data Import provide the following features:
Easy-to use Data Export Wizard for exporting data to HTML, MS Excel, RTF, XML, ODBC,
Text, MS Access, PDF, CSV, and DBF formats.
Highly customizable Data Import Wizard for exporting data from CVS, #BF, HTML, MS
Access, MS Excel, ODBC, PDF, RTF, Text, and XML formats.
Ability to export data from several tables at once
Possibility to export and import data from command line
Master-Detail browser
Explore and analyze master-detail data in a convenient browser with the following
Design view allows building relations between tables with setting where condition
and fetch limit, choosing fields for output, and sorting them by default
Data of the parent table/view is shown in the upper part of the Data view to allow
analyzing data of child tables/views without extra navigation.
The document allows saving and loading data and diagram for future use
Sorting and filtering data in the Data view
Ability to analyze self-referencing tables
Data Reports
Every user can benefit from a modern way of generating reports. Less time and manual
work is required to gett required data from a database, analyze, and print it as
a smart, clear, and stylish report tuned for each particular case.
Pivot Table
Users can convert large amounts of data into compact and informative summaries -
pivot tables. They can rearrange any obscure data by a simple drag of a mouse to
get the layout that is best for understanding data relations and dependencies.
Redesigned Schema Export Wizard
Schema Export wizard has been totally redesigned to provide more freedom for exporting
schemas. It features the following:
Capability to save export options for future use
Support of command line interface
Automatic archiving of schema backup scripts
Writing a report about export process into a log file
Automatic removing old backup files based on date or quantity
Object Viewer - a simple way to view object's details
Object Viewer provides an easy way for analyzing objects and their structure right
from Database Explorer. It offers:
Three views to display properties, #DL (text), and data of the selected object
Inner navigation through object hierarchy
History with previously viewed objects
Extended information about each object in the Properties view
Minor New Features
Quick generation of template SQL scripts for database objects
Thanks to this new functionality, you can save your time while working with database
objects. For example, you can quickly generate template CREATE, #ROP, #ROP and CREATE,
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE scripts for tables. This option is available in
the context menu and called Generate Script As.
Reworked Query Profiler
Query Profiler tool was reworked for more convenient usage and extended with session
Query plan is displayed in tree-list control in order to show execution step properties
Session statistics changes are captured to reflect query impact
Profiling history that can be saved for further analysis
Compare statistics results with differences highlight
Profiling results printing
Wizard for execution of large SQL scripts
The new version provides a special Execute Script Wizard to enable quick and convenient
execution of large SQL scripts without waiting for their opening in the editor.
It takes only to select a script and enjoy the executed result.
Code Snippets Manager
Code Templates features is now renamed to Code Snippets and extended with the manager
window for adding and editing SQL templates.
Import and Export Settings Wizard
Import and Export Settings Wizard allows you to export and import all your settings,
layout, toolbars, keyboard shortcuts. Wizard also allows you to reset settings to
their default values. You may export, import, and reset settings completely or partially.
Brand new start page
New functional start page providing the easiest way to learn the product's features
and to run the most frequently used ones added.
New state-of-the-art skins
Four new UI skins are added to improve the application appearance.
SQL intellisense functionality improved
SQL intellisense functionality is improved to make coding easier. Extended code
completion, quick object information, code snippets will simplify your work.
Improved Security Manager
Ability to edit permissions for several users is added
Editing users and working with Security Manager window is simplified
Database Projects Improved
Building project to a single script
Building project to a collection of scripts
Multiple build configurations
Easy object deleting from project
Search and Replace Extended
The following search and replace functionality is added:
Search in data
Search in LOB Viewer/Editor
Search and replace in project files
Search and replace in files on disc
Filter toolbar in the Error List window
Filter toolbar is added to Error List window to show the quantity of errors, warnings,
and messages. Also it filters the list of records, so that you can access the records
of the selected type in one click.
2.55.167 02-Mar-10
ObjectDisposedException on opening Database Explorer fixed (T9840)
The problem with retrieving data from the table with BLOB fields fixed (T9349, T9356)
Sorting data of DATE fields in Data Editor fixed (T10680)
The problem on editing data of fields with Object Type data type fixed (49797)
Compilation of PACKAGE BODY is working now (T9933)
Fix of ArgumentOutOfRangeException on editing text in SQL document if it contains
regions and incomplete statements (T9290)
The settings of Quick filter are not cancelled on Paginal Mode changing now (50088)
Actions with files do not cause to encoding loss
Scale for columns with data type as TIMESTAMP retrieved without errors now (50114)
2.55.159 26-Oct-09
Error during creating columns of NUMBER type was fixed (45932)
NullReferenceException on an attempt to retrieve data twice from the same table
was fixed(T7552)
Error on painting Error List during execution of scripts' succession was fixed (T7825)
Error connected with length accounting of BYTE and CHAR columns was fixed (41723)
Error that occurs when performing the "View Xml Schema" operation was fixed (45521)
Now it is impossible to select fonts that do not support some styles in the text
editor (T7443)
2.55.154 13-Aug-09
Problem with trial version fixed
2.55.152 10-Aug-09
Application ported on .NET Framework 2.0
2.55.149 02-Jun-09
ArgumentException on creating a new query builder document was fixed (41557)
2.55.148 20-May-09
The problem with accessing to a disposed object on closing application was fixed
(39129, 38580)
IndexOutOfRange exception on retrieving table metadata was fixed (38139)
Inserting NUMBER or VARCHAR values in Data Editor in Direct mode is working correctly
now (36418)
NullReferenceException on showing watermark on printing contents of Data Editor
was fixed (27349)
NotSupportedException on showing data of tables with RAW fields was fixed (27326)
Incorrect opening of the file in LOB Editor was fixed (27315)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException on navigating in Object View was fixed (36298)
Views duplication on refreshing in Database Explorer after renaming them (36290)
Incorrect work with DATA parametres was fixed (396339)
2.55.144 11-Feb-09
Problem with modification of numeric data in the Data Editor was fixed (36463)
2.55.141 13-Jan-09
NullReferenceException on show data in Data Editor was fixed (33100)
Bug with opening Tables list in the Database Explorer was fixed (35338)
Problem with case-sensitive file extension handling was fixed (35648)
Problem on executing SQL Plus command "describe" in Sql document on Oracle server
version below 9i was fixed (36101)
2.55.135 10-Nov-08
Bug with editing NCLOB fields was fixed (33730)
The problem with character length fixed (27659)
NullReferenceException on application closing fixed (30549)
ArgumentException when editing content of CLOB column fixed (30552)
DuplicateNameException when query executing fixed (30551)
Bug with DateTime data editing fixed (26396)
2.55.123 15-Jul-08
The problem with character length fixed (27659)
NullReferenceException on application closing fixed (30549)
ArgumentException when editing content of CLOB column fixed (30552)
DuplicateNameException when query executing fixed (30551)
Bug with DateTime data editing fixed (26396)
2.55.121 25-Mar-08
InvalidOperationException when table opening fixed (26659, 26397)
IndexOutOfRangeException during script execution fixed (26398)
Problem with excel export fixed (26394)
Bug fixed with loading data for the trigger fixed (26190)
2.55.120 9-Jan-08
Bug fixed with default shortcut schema loading (25263)
Bug fixed with generic error in GDI+ (24902)
NullReferenceException when file saving fixed (25394)
2.55.119 21-Dec-07
Bug fixed with specified tables export via Conventional Path (24486)
Exception when executing stored procedure with out parameters is eliminated (24513)
Bug fixed with the compilation of dependencies for views (24463)
Bug fixed with modal query builder suspension (24393)
2.55.117 26-Nov-07
Oracle 11g support added
Bug fixed with plan execution for queries containing WITH statement (24035)
Bug fixed with PLAN_TABLE determination in SYS schema (24037)
Bug fixed with generic error in GDI+ (24466)
2.50.113 23-Oct-07
Bug fixed with ArgumentOutOfRangeException in QueryBuilder (23954)
Exception when inserting text to the stored procedure text editor is eliminated
2.50.112 02-Oct-07
Bug fixed with using filter for Date column in the Data Editor (23782)
2.50.109 20-Sep-07
Bug fixed with opening file by "Open With" explorer command
Bug fixed with stack overflow when navigating to the object name
Bug fixed with viewing of the raw type columns in the Lob Editor
Bug fixed with Xml Schema unregistering
2.50.101 30-Aug-07
Advanced context-sensitive code completion
SQL*Plus command support
Fully customizable keyboard mapping schemes
DDL generation extended with high number of options
Clusters and database links supported
Database object dependency supported
Database object search extended with full-text mode
User comments for tables, views and materialized views supported
Code template preview added, template system usability improved
Schema Export wizard for exporting to SQL script
Project wizard with schema import feature added
Session manager improved
Navigation history added to Database Explorer
Start Page added
Many other improvements
2.00.50 13-Jul-07
Bugs fixed with Database Explorer not working on Oracle server versions 8.1.5 and
Bug fixed in Database Export wizard with improper encoding of configuration file
Bug fixed in SQL editor under Windows Vista. Editor was hanging.
2.00.49 04-May-07
Bug fixed with unique constraints and multiple null values in Data editor (20365)
Bug fixed with conflicting constraints in Data editor (19896)
Bug fixed in LOB Viewer. Certain JPEG images were detected incorrectly. (20544)
2.00.48 11-Apr-07
Bug fixed with opening tables in Database Explorer. Overflow exception. (19899)
Bug fixed with setting filter on datetime field in the data editor. Value was out
of range. (19895)
2.00.47 22-Mar-07
Index out of range in the text editor bug fixed (18835).
Bug fixed with saving document on application shutdown (18720).
Bug fixed with connection created using Oracle Instant Client.
MAPI support added for error reporting system.
2.00.45 27-Dec-06
Unknown connection string parameter User Id bug fixed.
Fixed bug with wrong table alter text. (17021)
Fixed bug with opening materialized views in the Database Explorer. (16918)
Fixed several bugs in the text editor.
Fixed bug with editing IOT tables and IOT materialized views.
2.00.44 18-Dec-06
PL/SQL debugging support
Database project support
Advanced coding aids in SQL editor
Security Manager tool added
Session Manager tool added
Event Monitor tool added
Database object search extended
Clustered, partitioned and index-organized table supported in table editor
XML schema and table supported
Materialized view and materialized view log supported
Document outline window
Sequential fetch feature
Data printing supported
Card data view added
View data as text feature
SQL and PL/SQL code templates added
Pin/unpin document feature
Many other improvements
1.51.30 29-May-06
Output overflow bug fixed
Bug with storing connection options fixed
Bug with opening icon file in LOB viewer fixed
1.51.27 21-Apr-06
Connection parameters added
1.50.21 01-Feb-06
Exception on retrieve data fixed
1.50.20 27-Jan-06
Bug with error navigation during execution of the selected fragment fixed
Execution timeout bug fixed
Help missing message during installation removed
1.50.19 24-Jan-06
Database export/import
DDL generation wizard
Database object search
Script support
Data Export feature
Dynamic data viewing of the tables and views in DbExplorer
Paginal data access mode
LOB viewer/editor
Stop execution feature
Execution of the selected SQL fragment feature
Duplicate object feature
Data grid colors customizing
Tabbed groups for documents
Drag-n-drop files from shell
Many other improvements
1.0.3 16-Sep-05
Error on connection to empty schema fixed.
1.0.2 25-Jul-05
Bug in Database Connection Properties dialog with direct mode is fixed.
Bug with describing table storage options is fixed.
1.0.1 06-Jun-05
SQL editor speed increased.
Dropped tables on Oracle 10g are not shown in DbExplorer anymore. (7018)
New Object dialog now includes full list of schemas. (7025)
Bug with adding new stored procedure to DbExplorer fixed. (7026)
1.0.0 31-May-05
First release of OraDeveloper Studio.
© 2025 Devart. All rights reserved.