Compare and Merge Your Source Code

Code Compare is a free compare tool designed to compare and merge differing files and folders. Code Compare integrates with all popular source control systems: TFS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, and Perforce. Code Compare is shipped both as a standalone file diff tool and a Visual Studio extension. Download Devart Code Compare and manage code changes with ease!

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Text Comparison and Merging

  • Colored blocks for inserted, deleted, and modified text
  • Detailed highlighting of changes within lines
  • Collapsing of unchanged text regions (CodeCompare Pro-feature)
  • Point-and-click merge with a mouse
  • Editing files on the fly with a reliable file compare tool
  • Merging shortcuts for advanced users

More on file comparison

Text Comparison

Semantic Source Code Comparison

  • Structure comparison mode - comparing sources via their signature and not only by their location.
  • Lexical comparison from major programming languages – C#, C++, Visual Basic, JavaScript, Java, XML
  • Syntax highlighting for programming languages
  • Matching methods in compared source code files
  • Similar lines of code are matched even after refactoring
  • Detecting moved blocks of code if source code is reordered in files
  • Displaying changes in code structure in Difference Explorer
  • Code outlining for collapsing and expanding regions of code

More on source code comparison

Semantic Code Comparison

Folder Сomparison

  • Advanced diff directories compare utility
  • Color-coding for added, deleted, and modified files
  • Filtering options for excluding or including certain file types
  • Instant opening of individual file comparison documents
  • Display options for better comparison result analysis
  • Batch file copying from pane to pane or to a selected folder

More on folder comparison

Folder Comparison

Visual Studio Integration

  • Compare code without leaving your favourite environment
  • Native Visual Studio extension for smooth integration
  • Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 supported
  • Choose to use standalone or integrated Code Compare on the fly
  • Link Code Compare to Android Studio as an external tool to compare and merge code

More on Visual Studio integration

Integration with Visual Studio 2012

Version Сontrol Integration

  • Colored blocks for inserted, deleted, and modified text
  • Integrates with version control systems as the merging tool for conflicting file revisions
  • Non-conflicting changes are merged automatically
  • Merging conflicts are highlighted
  • One-click conflict resolution with a mouse button
  • Three-way comparison to compare and merge three files side-by-side

More on VCS integrations

Version control integration

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Code Review Support & Related Products

Get more productivity tools that can simplify your code development process and help you elaborate top-quality software.

Review Assistant

A peer code review tool for Visual Studio, Review Assistant includes lightweight support for formal code review, allows defect and discussion tracking.

Code Review Bundle

Code Compare adds value to Review Assistant when tools are used together. That's why they are shipped integrally in the Code Review Bundle.