Search found 101 matches

by ccmcbride
Tue 14 Jul 2015 23:23
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: Table not updating a view
Replies: 1
Views: 1257

Table not updating a view

my Tables:

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[bAddress](
	[RecUID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[UID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
	[Address1] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[Address2] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[City] [varchar](30) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[St] [varchar](2) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[Zip] [varchar](10) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[AddressBlock] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[Country] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[GEOLat] [numeric](11, 5) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_bAddress_GEOLat]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[GEOLong] [numeric](11, 5) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_bAddress_GEOLong]  DEFAULT ((0)),
	[wResult] [varchar](max) NULL,
	[WhoEdit] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditDateTime] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
	[EditCount] [int] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[EditModule] [varchar](30) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditTimeStamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
	[LocationID] [varchar](10) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[sys_isDeleted] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[sys_DeleteDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[sys_DeletedByUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[bAddressLink](
	[RecUID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[UID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
	[MasterUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[Name] [varchar](80) NULL,
	[AddressUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[AddressTypeUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[isDefault] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[isActive] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[WhoEdit] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditDateTime] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
	[EditCount] [int] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[EditModule] [varchar](30) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditTimeStamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
	[LocationID] [varchar](10) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[sys_isDeleted] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[sys_DeleteDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[sys_DeletedByUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),

Code: Select all

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[bAddressType](
	[RecUID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[UID] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,
	[Name] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[IsActive] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((1)),
	[WhoEdit] [varchar](40) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditDateTime] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
	[EditCount] [int] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[EditModule] [varchar](30) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditTimeStamp] [timestamp] NOT NULL,
	[LocationID] [varchar](10) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[EditUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
	[sys_isDeleted] [bit] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
	[sys_DeleteDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[sys_DeletedByUID] [varchar](20) NULL DEFAULT (''),
my View:

Code: Select all

CREATE View [dbo].[AddressLink]
With View_MetaData 
 as select t.RecUID, t.UID
, t.MasterUID, t.Name
, t.AddressUID, coalesce(address.Address1, '') as Address1, coalesce(Address.Address2, '') as Address2, coalesce(Address.City, '') as City
, coalesce(Address.St, '') as St, coalesce(Address.Zip, '') as Zip, coalesce(Address.Country, '') as Country, coalesce(Address.AddressBlock, '') as AddressBlock
, t.AddressTypeUID, coalesce(AddressType.Name, '') as AddressType
, t.isDefault, t.isActive
, t.EditUID, coalesce(WhoEdit.Name, '') as WhoEdit
, t.EditCount, t.EditDateTime, t.EditModule, t.EditTimeStamp, t.LocationID
, t.sys_isDeleted, t.sys_DeleteDate, t.sys_DeletedByUID, coalesce(DeletedBy.Name, '') as DeletedBy
from dbo.bAddressLink t
left outer join dbo.AddressType AddressType on AddressType.UID = t.AddressTypeUID and coalesce(AddressType.sys_isdeleted, 'false') = 'false' and coalesce(AddressType.isActive, 'false') = 'true'
left outer join dbo.Address Address on Address.UID = t.AddressUID and coalesce(Address.sys_isdeleted, 'false') = 'false'
left outer join dbo.SMPUser WhoEdit on WhoEdit.UID = t.EditUID and coalesce(WhoEdit.sys_isdeleted, 'false') = 'false'
left outer join dbo.SMPUser DeletedBy on DeletedBy.UID = t.sys_DeletedByUID and coalesce(DeletedBy.sys_isdeleted, 'false') = 'false'
where coalesce(t.sys_isDeleted, 'false') = 'false'
I have trigger code for 'instead of insert/update/delete' on Address Link.
using Delphi 2010, sDac 6.11.23
in my Delphi code, I have a table component, and I am trying to set the address fields on AddressLink, but when it posts, the address fields are skipped.
Normally, great. In this case, not so much, because the view trigger logic will break if the address lines aren't set.
Am I missing something?
by ccmcbride
Thu 25 Jun 2015 22:17
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: Views + autorefresh
Replies: 3
Views: 2192

Re: Views + autorefresh

okay, that fixed that issue, but it caused another one.
with the view_metadata, my program can add and edit records, using the view, but can't delete records.
with it added,
RecUID = ?
View or function 'PropTask' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.

without, it works.

is there a way I can have both?
(this is from a datatable.delete)
by ccmcbride
Fri 12 Jun 2015 21:21
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: Views + autorefresh
Replies: 3
Views: 2192

Views + autorefresh

Using Delphi 2010, sDac 6.11.23, MSSQL 2008 R2.
If I have a table component attached to a view,
and I call quickrefresh on the table,
then I get an error: (listed below)
(and yes, both RecUID and edittimestamp are fields in the view)

bService is the base table, I am selecting from the view table (service))
In the error message, it's my 'real' code. I have test code to recreate the issue, where all I do is call quickrefresh on the table component.

so - 'real' table is bservice, and viewname is service

component.tablename = 'Service'
component.quickrefresh(true) = error.

---------------------------6/12/2015 12:34:05 PM---------------------------
Exception 'EMSError' in module sme5.exe at 00289F5E
The multi-part identifier "bService.RecUID" could not be bound.
The multi-part identifier "bService.RecUID" could not be bound.

Module: OLEDBAccess, Source: UNKNOWN, Line UNKNOWN
Procedure: __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError

Call stack:
:0068AF5E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError
Recursive call (3 times):
:0068AF5E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError
:0068A7F5 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::Check
:0068E470 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::Check
:00694011 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::GetNextResult
:0069248C [sme5.exe] DoExecute
:006925E7 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::Execute
:00676CFB [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCRRecordSet::ExecCommand
:0069994A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBRecordSet::ExecCommand
:0064C4C9 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::InternalExecute
:006D3C5A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::InternalExecute
:0064C85C [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::Execute
:00567C73 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ GetIsClass
:00662A61 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDBAccessUtils::Execute
:006560E4 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::UpdateExecute
:006577D2 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::PerformSQL
:00658E11 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::PerformRefreshQuick
:0064D8B7 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::InternalRefreshQuick
:006D3C1E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::InternalRefreshQuick
:006D4BA1 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::RefreshQuick
:006D35B9 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::AutoRefreshTimer
:00590662 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TWin32Timer::Timer
:00590407 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TimerWndProc
:753C62FA [USER32.dll]
:753C6D3A [USER32.dll]
:753C6CE9 [USER32.dll]
:753C77C4 [USER32.dll]
:753C788A [USER32.dll]
:0055A1DA [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::ProcessMessage
:0055A21F [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::HandleMessage
:0055A54A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::Run
:0055A58D [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::Run
:024B5DE9 [sme5.exe]
:75FA338A [kernel32.dll]
:77779F72 [ntdll.dll]
:77779F45 [ntdll.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,020B4A00) C:\DevCode2010\SME9.0\bin\sme5.exe
$76CF0000 (76CF0000,00001000,0003F800) C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
$753B0000 (753B0000,00010000,0006CC00) C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll
$75F90000 (75F90000,00010000,000D0000) C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
$77740000 (77740000,00010000,000D5C00) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll

Main Thread ID = 00000B10, Current Thread ID = 00000B10
EAX = 0022F93C CS = 0023 EIP = 76CFC42D Flags = 00200206
EBX = 00680BE4 SS = 002B ESP = 0022F93C EBP = 0022F98C
ECX = 00000007 DS = 002B ESI = 80040E14 FS = 0053
EDX = 00000000 ES = 002B EDI = 00000000 GS = 002B
Code at CS:EIP
C9 C2 10 00 CC CC CC CC CC 8B FF 55 8B EC 56 8B
0EEDFADE 00000001 00000000 76CFC42D 00000007
00000000 77779F45 00406005 11B70FAC 00465111
10CD746C 0932F711 00000000 10CD7410 77779F45

Additional info:
Exe Version : User :ADMIN

---------------------------6/12/2015 12:48:46 PM---------------------------
Exception 'EMSError' in module sme5.exe at 00289F5E
The multi-part identifier "bService.EditTimeStamp" could not be bound.

Module: OLEDBAccess, Source: UNKNOWN, Line UNKNOWN
Procedure: __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError

Call stack:
:0068AF5E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError
Recursive call (3 times):
:0068AF5E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::OLEDBError
:0068A7F5 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBConnection::Check
:0068E470 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::Check
:00694011 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::GetNextResult
:0069248C [sme5.exe] DoExecute
:006925E7 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBCommand::Execute
:00676CFB [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCRRecordSet::ExecCommand
:0069994A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TOLEDBRecordSet::ExecCommand
:0064C4C9 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::InternalExecute
:006D3C5A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::InternalExecute
:0064C85C [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::Execute
:00567C73 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ GetIsClass
:00662A61 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDBAccessUtils::Execute
:006560E4 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::UpdateExecute
:006577D2 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::PerformSQL
:00658E25 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TDADataSetUpdater::PerformRefreshQuick
:0064D8B7 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomDADataSet::InternalRefreshQuick
:006D3C1E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::InternalRefreshQuick
:006D4BA1 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TCustomMSDataSet::RefreshQuick
:020971AC [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TfrmOrders::DeleteMatItem (fOrders.pas, line 3991)
:020A41AC [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TfrmOrders::btnOrderDeleteClick (fOrders.pas, line 6832)
:00529E29 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TControl::Click
:00D00E1B [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TAdvCustomGlowButton::Click (advglowbutton.pas, line 3252)
:0052A2CE [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TControl::WMLButtonUp
:00D018CE [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TAdvCustomGlowButton::WMLButtonUp (advglowbutton.pas, line 3736)
:005298BB [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TControl::WndProc
:007F6258 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TdxMessagesController::IsMessageLocked
:007F638A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TdxMessagesController::BlockLockedMessage
:753D62D5 [USER32.dll]
:00779B4E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TdxSystemHook::ProcessHookProcs
:0052DDB4 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TWinControl::WndProc
:7775FA6D [ntdll.dll]
:75FA3016 [kernel32.dll]
:75FA302B [kernel32.dll]
:753D0DE3 [USER32.dll]
:753D2AC1 [USER32.dll]
:0052DA18 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TWinControl::IsControlMouseMsg
:0052450B [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ FindControl
:0052E185 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TWinControl::WndProc
:00779B4E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TdxSystemHook::ProcessHookProcs
:0052D823 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TWinControl::MainWndProc
:0045B04E [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ StdWndProc
:753C62FA [USER32.dll]
:753C6D3A [USER32.dll]
:753C6CE9 [USER32.dll]
:753C77C4 [USER32.dll]
:753D0751 [USER32.dll]
:0055B386 [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::StopHintTimer
:753C788A [USER32.dll]
:0055A1DA [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::ProcessMessage
:0055A21F [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::HandleMessage
:0055A54A [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::Run
:0055A58D [sme5.exe] __linkproc__ TApplication::Run
:024B5DE9 [sme5.exe]
:75FA338A [kernel32.dll]
:77779F72 [ntdll.dll]
:77779F45 [ntdll.dll]

$00400000 (00400000,00001000,020B4A00) C:\DevCode2010\SME9.0\bin\sme5.exe
$76CF0000 (76CF0000,00001000,0003F800) C:\Windows\syswow64\KERNELBASE.dll
$753B0000 (753B0000,00010000,0006CC00) C:\Windows\syswow64\USER32.dll
$75F90000 (75F90000,00010000,000D0000) C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
$77740000 (77740000,00010000,000D5C00) C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll

Main Thread ID = 00000B10, Current Thread ID = 00000B10
EAX = 0022F698 CS = 0023 EIP = 76CFC42D Flags = 00200212
EBX = 00680BE4 SS = 002B ESP = 0022F698 EBP = 0022F6E8
ECX = 00000007 DS = 002B ESI = 80040E14 FS = 0053
EDX = 00000000 ES = 002B EDI = 00000000 GS = 002B
Code at CS:EIP
C9 C2 10 00 CC CC CC CC CC 8B FF 55 8B EC 56 8B
0EEDFADE 00000001 00000000 76CFC42D 00000007
00000000 77779F45 00406005 11B6E39C 00465111
1190BDBC 0932F711 00000000 10CD7410 77779F45
by ccmcbride
Mon 05 Jan 2015 18:13
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: SQL Filter behaving differently than expected
Replies: 3
Views: 1735

Re: SQL Filter behaving differently than expected

Personally, I agree.
if it's appended as an 'and', then the 'or' behavior should not be introduced.
by ccmcbride
Thu 25 Sep 2014 19:01
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: How to limit number of rows returned
Replies: 2
Views: 1450

How to limit number of rows returned

Is it possible to somehow limit the number of rows returned?
I have cases where the user is trying to design reports, so only needs 25 records to do the report design, but needs all records when the report is actually run, so am wondering how to place a limit on the number of records returned from a dynamic query (so I don't know ahead of time which fields or tables are being returned), without requiring them to modify the query manually to select top x records.(error prone, because they may end up leaving it in there)
by ccmcbride
Thu 25 Sep 2014 18:58
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: SQL Statement returns no rows
Replies: 1
Views: 1341

SQL Statement returns no rows

using MSSQL 2012, sdac 6.11.22, Delphi XE6
Cannot recreate at will, as restoring, restarting, and following same exact steps returns no errors.
Also, shouldn't it be 'okay' to not return rows? doesn't that just mean the result is empty?

exception message : SQL statement doesn't return rows.

main thread ($56c0):
0088310e +0de SME5.exe Data.DB 3245 +10 DatabaseError
00c24d9d +191 SME5.exe OLEDBAccess TOLEDBRecordSet.CreateFieldDescs
00b310cb +073 SME5.exe MemData TData.InternalInitFieldDescs
00bbdc2f +023 SME5.exe CRAccess TCRRecordSet.InternalInitFieldDescs
0040f420 +010 SME5.exe System 35702 +10 @IntfClear
00b302a3 +007 SME5.exe MemData TData.InitFields
00b3a275 +005 SME5.exe MemData TMemData.InitFields
00bbd3b8 +030 SME5.exe CRAccess TCRRecordSet.CheckFieldDescs
00bbd5f6 +036 SME5.exe CRAccess TCRRecordSet.ExecFetch
00bbb75b +11f SME5.exe CRAccess TCRRecordSet.InternalOpen
00c20dec +0a0 SME5.exe OLEDBAccess TOLEDBRecordSet.InternalOpen
00b2ffa4 +034 SME5.exe MemData TData.Open
00b300b8 +00c SME5.exe MemData TData.Reopen
00b3a215 +005 SME5.exe MemData TMemData.Reopen
00bbb98a +06e SME5.exe CRAccess TCRRecordSet.Reopen
00c2152f +067 SME5.exe OLEDBAccess TOLEDBRecordSet.Reopen
00be2770 +044 SME5.exe DBAccess TCustomDADataSet.DataReopen
00c5b2ac +07c SME5.exe MSAccess TCustomMSDataSet.DataReopen
00be4cbc +18c SME5.exe DBAccess TCustomDADataSet.RefreshDetail
00b55c89 +06d SME5.exe MemDS TMemDataSet.MasterRecordChanged
00b4f83d +05d SME5.exe MemDS TDADetailDataLink.RecordChanged
00892f80 +004 SME5.exe Data.DB 10496 +0 TDataLink.DataSetChanged
00892f3a +0ba SME5.exe Data.DB 10472 +19 TDataLink.DataEvent
008932eb +043 SME5.exe Data.DB 10743 +3 TDataSource.NotifyLinkTypes
00893311 +011 SME5.exe Data.DB 10749 +2 TDataSource.NotifyDataLinks
0089334b +023 SME5.exe Data.DB 10758 +4 TDataSource.DataEvent
0089a57c +17c SME5.exe Data.DB 13669 +46 TDataSet.DataEvent
00b58af0 +020 SME5.exe MemDS TMemDataSet.DataEvent
00be7872 +00a SME5.exe DBAccess TCustomDADataSet.DataEvent
0089a623 +04f SME5.exe Data.DB 13697 +7 TDataSet.EnableControls
00be4d88 +258 SME5.exe DBAccess TCustomDADataSet.RefreshDetail
00b55c89 +06d SME5.exe MemDS TMemDataSet.MasterRecordChanged
00b4f83d +05d SME5.exe MemDS TDADetailDataLink.RecordChanged
00892f80 +004 SME5.exe Data.DB 10496 +0 TDataLink.DataSetChanged
00892f3a +0ba SME5.exe Data.DB 10472 +19 TDataLink.DataEvent
008932eb +043 SME5.exe Data.DB 10743 +3 TDataSource.NotifyLinkTypes
00893311 +011 SME5.exe Data.DB 10749 +2 TDataSource.NotifyDataLinks
0089334b +023 SME5.exe Data.DB 10758 +4 TDataSource.DataEvent
0089a57c +17c SME5.exe Data.DB 13669 +46 TDataSet.DataEvent
00b58af0 +020 SME5.exe MemDS TMemDataSet.DataEvent
00be7872 +00a SME5.exe DBAccess TCustomDADataSet.DataEvent
0089b139 +0b1 SME5.exe Data.DB 14215 +23 TDataSet.First
00eff3b0 +0e4 SME5.exe AdvGlowButton 6860 +14 TDBAdvGlowButton.DoAction
00eff27c +014 SME5.exe AdvGlowButton 6824 +2 TDBAdvGlowButton.Click
005c7939 +065 SME5.exe Vcl.Controls 7487 +7 TControl.WMLButtonUp
00ef8c2e +39a SME5.exe AdvGlowButton 3726 +125 TAdvCustomGlowButton.WMLButtonUp
005c6f39 +2bd SME5.exe Vcl.Controls 7232 +91 TControl.WndProc
005cba51 +5c9 SME5.exe Vcl.Controls 10047 +153 TWinControl.WndProc
005cb098 +02c SME5.exe Vcl.Controls 9759 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
0077efdb +007 SME5.exe cxControls TcxWindowProcLinkedObject.DefaultProc
00e119ed +019 SME5.exe dxLayoutContainer TdxLayoutItem.ControlWndProc
0077f25b +007 SME5.exe cxControls TcxWindowProcLinkedObjectList.WndProc
005cb098 +02c SME5.exe Vcl.Controls 9759 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
005485d4 +014 SME5.exe System.Classes 17066 +8 StdWndProc
75727885 +00a USER32.dll DispatchMessageW
006e3f53 +0f3 SME5.exe Vcl.Forms 10351 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
006e3f96 +00a SME5.exe Vcl.Forms 10381 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
006e42c9 +0c9 SME5.exe Vcl.Forms 10519 +26 TApplication.Run
024aa5f9 +069 SME5.exe SME5 193 +7 initialization
76b43388 +010 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk
by ccmcbride
Thu 12 Jun 2014 15:45
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: filter on null boolean field
Replies: 9
Views: 3163

Re: filter on null boolean field

okay, so if I open the dataset, thereby getting all the records, THEN apply the filter, would that work as I expect?
by ccmcbride
Wed 11 Jun 2014 19:44
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: filter on null boolean field
Replies: 9
Views: 3163

Re: filter on null boolean field

if it's used on the client side, then what does it matter what mssql returns? wouldn't it return all records, then be filtered on the value?
by ccmcbride
Tue 10 Jun 2014 15:21
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: filter on null boolean field
Replies: 9
Views: 3163

Re: filter on null boolean field

then what is the difference between a filter, and filtersql?
by ccmcbride
Thu 05 Jun 2014 19:06
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: filter on null boolean field
Replies: 9
Views: 3163

Re: filter on null boolean field

recreated, zipped and emailed.
by ccmcbride
Wed 04 Jun 2014 20:08
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: filter on null boolean field
Replies: 9
Views: 3163

filter on null boolean field

I have a table with boolean field, some of the values are null, not false.
I have a table component, with filter of fieldname = false.

no records are being returned (out of 10 records, 8 have null values, 2 have false values, and I should be getting them all).
Using delphi 2010, Sdac
is there a fix/workaround?
by ccmcbride
Wed 26 Feb 2014 17:45
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: updated from 4.80 to 6.9.18
Replies: 1
Views: 1280

updated from 4.80 to 6.9.18

that was the only change.
Using Delphi2010.
Now I can't seem to get rid of the connection dialog box, whether in the ide or not.
LoginPrompt is set to false.

tried setting 'persistsecurityInfo' false, setting the intial file name, etc. No joy.
dead in the water until I can get past this.
What setting am I missing?

more: I reverted to version 5.10 and no longer get the login prompt.
guess I will be staying with that one for awhile.
by ccmcbride
Thu 13 Dec 2012 21:27
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: how to tell if dbmonitor is running
Replies: 1
Views: 1253

how to tell if dbmonitor is running

delphi xe3
codesite installed and enabled
sDac 6.5.10
dbmonitor 3.0.3

I am working on a web service application that accesses data using sdac components.
during development, I have logic like this: := debugon.

if dbmonitor is not running, I get port/socket errors :
cannot connect to server on host 'localhost'
no connection could be made becasue the targe machine actively refused it
socket error code 10061.

this error does not occur if I do not turn on monitoring, or if I have dbmonitor running.
so, how can I tell if dbmonitor is running so I can check for it before attempting to turn on the monitorind?
by ccmcbride
Wed 21 Nov 2012 18:55
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: returning name value json pairs
Replies: 1
Views: 1499

returning name value json pairs

is there a way to get name value pairs in json format from the sdac table/query component?

currently, if I return tDataset from a function, the result look similar to this:

Code: Select all

my coworker says she needs it to be in name value pairs.
is there a way I can get what she needs without having to iterate the entire record set and creating it manually?
by ccmcbride
Thu 15 Nov 2012 16:37
Forum: SQL Server Data Access Components
Topic: paramters and like
Replies: 3
Views: 1235

Re: paramters and like

ty. I think I figured that out at about 2 am thie morning in my sleep,when it came together.