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by Isaev
Mon 16 Nov 2020 14:35
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: Entity Developer -> Generate Code
Replies: 3
Views: 17968

Re: Entity Developer -> Generate Code

ok, thanks
and the "custom version of EntityDeveloper" do not need to buy separately? this is a full version (not trial)?
by Isaev
Wed 11 Nov 2020 13:24
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: Entity Developer -> Generate Code
Replies: 3
Views: 17968

Entity Developer -> Generate Code

Earlier Delphi code was generated as in your video
Now I get Visual C # interface or Visual Basic.
Where can I find templates for Delphi?
by Isaev
Thu 30 Apr 2020 09:18
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: How to use unicode with TEntityConnection?
Replies: 6
Views: 5439

Re: How to use unicode with TEntityConnection?

The problem is that we cannot to install at the same time EntityDAC and PgDAC because the both pgdac use, however, different versions of it and they stand always during the conflict!
This prevents you from setting TPgDACDataProvider as a visual component, you have to spell in the code

Code: Select all

EntityConnection1.ProviderName := 'PgDAC';
by Isaev
Wed 29 Apr 2020 11:38
Forum: EntityDAC
Topic: How to use unicode with TEntityConnection?
Replies: 6
Views: 5439

Re: How to use unicode with TEntityConnection?

Did you fix this problem?
I have PostgreSQLUniProvider and EntityConnection
and if I use UseUniCode=True in EntityConnection.ConnectionString it returns the same message
Connection parameter name is unknown: UseUnicode
and without unicode

Code: Select all

  Query: ILinqQueryable;
  Query := Linq.From(EntityContext1['abk']).Select;
  edsABK.SourceCollection := EntityContext1.GetEntities(Query);
by Open:
character with byte sequence 0xc3 0xbc in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "WIN1251"
Or how can I PgDAC as a EntityConnections DataProvider to use?
In the list of ProviderName I do not see it...

EntityDAC v2.3.4
PostgreSQL 9.6
by Isaev
Wed 04 Mar 2020 15:18
Forum: PostgreSQL Data Access Components
Topic: SQL with parameters
Replies: 1
Views: 3652

SQL with parameters

for example:

Code: Select all

PgQuery.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1=:field1';
PgQuery.ParamByName('field1').AsString := '10';
How can I get SQL with replaced parameters?
The component actually replaces the parameters in the SQL, before sending to the server
whether there are property from where it is possible to get: SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1=10?