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by mmalinow
Fri 08 Apr 2022 12:32
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Distributing Delphi 11 Oracle Application
Replies: 1
Views: 10526

Distributing Delphi 11 Oracle Application


We're in the process of upgrading to Delphi 11 with the Devart dbExpress Oracle driver. We're finding that launching the Delphi 11 application on the Delphi development system works fine. When we try to launch the application as a distributed program on another system it fails to connect. Our current production version is Delphi 2010 with dbExpress for Oracle. What dbExpress files do we need to include when distributing and running with the Delphi 11 EXE in order to connect to our Oracle database? Re there any additional DLLs or license files that are needed for Delphi 11 Alexandria EXE distribution?

Thank you very much for your assistance,
Michael Malinowski
Senior Application Engineer
Production Resource Group, LLC
[email protected]
by mmalinow
Tue 23 Jan 2018 16:21
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: 12c Direct Connection Problem
Replies: 2
Views: 19284

Re: 12c Direct Connection Problem


I believe that the developer on our team who installed the trial discovered that dbexpoda40.dll was not updated to the latest version on the install. It appears that he is connecting now.

Thank you for your reply,
Mike Malinowski
by mmalinow
Mon 22 Jan 2018 19:10
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: 12c Direct Connection Problem
Replies: 2
Views: 19284

12c Direct Connection Problem


We are currently using dbExpress for Oracle with Delphi 2010 on Oracle 11g servers using direct connect. A decision to upgrade our servers to 12c has prompted us to investigate dbExpress for Oracle 6.10.14. We downloaded and installed the trial version of the latest dbExpress in our current development environment. We are able to connect to our 11g servers using the new driver.

When attempting to connect to the 12c test server we receive the following "ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied". A code snippet of the method we have been using to connect is included below. Has something changed in the way the connection must be established?

with DataModule1.SqlConnection1 do
Connected := False;
KeepConnection := False ;
LoadParamsOnConnect := False;

TheBDEAlias := cbServers.Text;
intAliasIndex := cbServers.Items.IndexOf(TheBDEAlias);
iPrevSelection := intAliasIndex;

Params.Values['Database'] := '';
Params.Values['Password'] := 'user_master_';
Params.Values['User_Name'] := 'user';
Params.Values['UseUnicode'] := 'False';
Params.Values['EnableBCD'] := 'False';

DataModule1.SqlConnection1.Connected := True;

We appreciate your input on this matter as we wish to upgrade our dbExpress driver and proceed with further testing. We are just unsure as to what the cause of the problem is.

Michael Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Fri 08 Jul 2016 20:58
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Package Problem
Replies: 1
Views: 8665

Delphi Package Problem

Hello Alex,

I'm trying to recompile a custom Delphi package in our system in Delphi 2010. The package happens to contain a component which have cross dependencies to Devart DBExpress for Oracle. The error received is that "package dcldbxoda140 not found". I'm at a loss because I cannot find a file named "dcldbxoda140.*" on the system. I assumed it was a Delphi DCP file or maybe a reference to a library inside of a Devart unit. Do you have any idea as to what Devart object it is that the Delphi package requires to compile? I would greatly appreciate your input.

Thanks very much,
Mike Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Wed 15 Jun 2016 12:16
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Berlin 10.1
Replies: 8
Views: 10983

Re: Delphi Berlin 10.1


I want to thank you for replying and for helping us to get going in the right direction. Your initial reply instructing us to use HostName instead of Database in the connection parameters was great. After getting the connection it was a matter of determining why we weren't loading parameters. I eventually determined that Delphi 2010 and dbExpress were more forgiving. Since our last upgrade from Delphi 3 to Delphi 2010 we had left many StoredProcs properties set incorrectly. I discovered that by specifying StoredProcName, PackageName and SchemaName explicitly in the Delphi objects and also when calling GetProcedureParams that we are now getting the parameters list and refreshing the procedures. It was a matter of just trying different things. In our current D2010 EXE we are able to pass packagename.storedprocname in the storedProcName property and it works fine. I'm sure that you would have assumed we had the properties set correctly and maybe never suggested that. Thanks again for your help.
by mmalinow
Tue 14 Jun 2016 14:15
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Berlin 10.1
Replies: 8
Views: 10983

Re: Delphi Berlin 10.1


After I execute the revised RefreshParams I try to populate a parameter with a value and receive a parameter not found error. Not sure that I'm getting the parameter list successfully in the GetProcedureParams or not passing the list correctly in the LoadParamListItems. I don't receive any errors while executing the RefreshParams. It looks like the GetProcedureParams is not populating the TProcParamList. Does the method for getting the parameters look correct?
by mmalinow
Tue 14 Jun 2016 12:37
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Berlin 10.1
Replies: 8
Views: 10983

Re: Delphi Berlin 10.1


Thank you very much for the information. I see that the stored procedure is now responding differently and attempting to execute because I'm getting information regarding the number of parameters. In our application (upon your recommendation a long time back) we have been using a Refresh Parameters approach to reconcile the parameter list before execution. In our current program this is the method we have been using.

Lst:= TList.Create;
// Refresh Param List
Sender.SQLConnection.GetProcedureParams(Sender.StoredProcName, Lst);
LoadParamListItems(sender.Params, Lst);

I would want to replicate this in the new code. This is the attempt I've made but it doesn't seem to be working. Can you point out what I may be doing wrong?

List := TProcParamList.Create;
// Refresh Param List
Sender.SQLConnection.GetProcedureParams( Sender.StoredProcName, List );
LoadParamListItems(sender.Params, List);

Thanks again for the help so far,
by mmalinow
Mon 13 Jun 2016 19:27
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Berlin 10.1
Replies: 8
Views: 10983

Re: Delphi Berlin 10.1


I've corresponded in the past on a few issues and have received help. We have been using dbExpress driver for Oracle for the past few years with dependable results. Unfortunately in this evaluation for a possible IDE and driver upgrade we've been stumped. I've successfully connected and exercised SQLQuery. But in the case of SQLStoredProc we're stuck. I have even tried clearing the parameters and creating them. But on ExecProc we continue to receive the "could not parse the getprocedureparameters metadata command". Any information you could supply would be a great help. Please see my previous post for information. Additionally we are running on Windows 7.

Thank you much,

Michael Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Fri 10 Jun 2016 17:07
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Delphi Berlin 10.1
Replies: 8
Views: 10983

Delphi Berlin 10.1


Attempting to evaluate Embarcadero Berlin 10.1 32-bit with dbExpress for Oracle. Installed trial Berlin 10.1 and latest dbExpress for Oracle. Migrated a working Delphi 7 project in which we use Devart dbExpress for Oracle 11g access. I find that I am unable to execute stored procedures in the new environment. Receiving the following: "Could not parse the GetProcedureParameters metadata command...". Do you have any information I could use to determine where the problem may be?

Thanks for your help,
Michael Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Thu 16 Apr 2015 19:06
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Connection Issues with Distributed Delphi EXE
Replies: 2
Views: 3499

Re: Connection Issues with Distributed Delphi EXE

To Alex,


In copying the new executable to the run path on the 2003 server, Windows 7 offers to keep the original file and put a copy of the new program with a parentheses enclosed number in the name of the new copy. As an example "OriginalName.exe" vs. "OriginalName (1).exe". Attempting to launch OriginalName (1).exe caused the program to start up and prompt for database credentials. After entering credentials we received the "net connection refused" error when connection was being established. Renaming the EXE by removing the parentheses solved the problem. Thank you.

Mike M.
by mmalinow
Thu 16 Apr 2015 12:57
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Connection Issues with Distributed Delphi EXE
Replies: 2
Views: 3499

Connection Issues with Distributed Delphi EXE


We have been successfully using the dbExpress Oracle driver dbexpoda40.dll with our distributed Delphi 2010 32-bit application for a few years now. Most users are running the distributed program EXE from Windows 2003 server.

Our Delphi development and compiling up to this point has been on Windows XP machines. Recently we have upgraded our Delphi development machines to Windows 7. We re-installed the same Delphi 2010 and the same dbExpress drivers/components on the Windows 7 systems. The program compiles and runs fine on the Windows 7 development machines.

The problem is this. When we compile the Delphi project on the Windows 7 systems and try to run the executable from the Windows 2003 folder we receive the following error: "net connection refused". The only change seems to be is that we are now compiling on a Windows 7 machine.

Is there anything you can suggest that we can check or might be missing?

Thank you so much for your help,
Michael Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Fri 12 Sep 2014 16:46
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: Database Upgrade to Oracle 11g
Replies: 1
Views: 3895

Database Upgrade to Oracle 11g


We are upgrading the Oracle database that our Delphi applications connect to through dbExpress for Oracle. WE are going from 7.3.4 to 11g (NLS_CHARACTERSET = UTF8). We are presently using version of dbexpoda40.dll and the driver parameter we have been using for ServerCharSet=WE8ISO8859P1.

1. Do you advise updating our dbexpoda40.dll to the latest version for the upgrade to 11g? Any performance issues if we don't?

2. What ServerCharSet parameter do you advise using for the 11g - UTF8 database? We have been using WE8ISO8859P1 for 7.3.4.

Can you recommend any knowledge base documentation regarding this ServerCharSet setting and specifically it's effect on using our application with other regional settings such as Japanese? Does this setting have to correspond to the server character set or to the Windows client code page? Additionally there are settings for "unicodeenvironment" and "useunicode" We are actually unsure on all of these.

Thank you very much for your assistance,
Michael Malinowski
Production Resource Group
by mmalinow
Thu 02 Aug 2012 13:23
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: ApplyUpdates Errors Calling ClentDataset Refresh
Replies: 1
Views: 2593

ApplyUpdates Errors Calling ClentDataset Refresh


You may want to disregard. It appears Refresh works fine. I just have a situation where the Change Count <> 0 when it is called. Causing an ApplyUpdates Before Refresh exception.

I am involved in maintaining a Delphi application originally written in Delphi 3 and using the BDE to acsess Oracle. Within the past 2 years we have migrated the code to Delphi 2010 and implemented the dbExpress driver for Oracle. We have seen some problems when calling ClientDatset.Refresh. In all cases our CDSs are and have been populated through TSQLStoredProcedure calls. We do DB updates by calling other package calls to Modify, Add etc. I am thinking that calls to CDS.Refresh are inappropriate based on how we are not directly connected to the DB through the CDS providers. What is your opinion?

Thank you,
Mike Malinowski
by mmalinow
Thu 02 Aug 2012 12:06
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: TSQLTimeStamp Validation Issue
Replies: 2
Views: 3672

Re: TSQLTimeStamp Validation Issue


Have not implemented yet.
Just wanted to thank you for your reply.

Mike Malinowski
by mmalinow
Wed 01 Aug 2012 15:39
Forum: dbExpress driver for Oracle
Topic: TSQLTimeStamp Validation Issue
Replies: 2
Views: 3672

TSQLTimeStamp Validation Issue


Hoping you can give some feedback. Using dbexpoda40.dll with Delphi 2010.
On exiting a DBEdit whose field type is a TSQLTimeStampField when an invalid date is entered, I receive the exception "Could not parse SQL TimeStamp String". I am attempting to intercept this exception to give the user a more specific message. Do you have any suggestions as to an approach?

Thank you,
Mike Malinowski